

Youtube profile pic for this was never meant to be public.

this was never meant to be public.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[00:02 - 00:26]The speaker was cut out of the last episode of a podcast and is upset about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[00:07 - 01:06]The speaker talks about how they are always present and will never miss a week.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[01:06 - 01:23]They mention fashion and how they could have been a famous scientist or historical figure.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[01:24 - 01:57]The speaker reveals that the actual bet was only $15,000 and questions what the scammer did with the rest of the money.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[01:34 - 03:24]They mention fashion and how they could have been a famous scientist or historical figure.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[02:44 - 02:51]The speaker was cut out of the last episode of a podcast and is upset about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[02:51 - 02:59]The speaker reveals that the actual bet was only $15,000 and questions what the scammer did with the rest of the money.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[02:59 - 04:41]They mention the scammer's claim of making a $40,000 bet with the speaker's money and the speaker's disbelief.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[03:35 - 03:56]The speaker tells the story of how they met the scammer and how they got scammed.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[04:41 - 04:48]The speaker talks about being scammed out of $120,000 by someone they trusted.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[04:48 - 05:43]The speaker was cut out of the last episode of a podcast and is upset about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[05:13 - 05:33]The speaker talks about their relationship with Nick Yingling and how they have known each other for a long time.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[05:43 - 06:25]The speaker talks about their initial plan to hire a private investigator and catch the scammer.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[05:52 - 05:58]The speaker tells the story of how they met the scammer and how they got scammed.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[06:26 - 06:51]They mention a conversation with someone named Nick Yingling about the term "doctored."

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[06:51 - 08:09]The speaker talks about their relationship with Nick Yingling and how they have known each other for a long time.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[08:09 - 08:15]They reveal that they called the scammer on stream and confronted them about the money.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[08:15 - 09:12]The speaker tells the story of how they met the scammer and how they got scammed.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[08:34 - 09:12]The speaker was going to upload a video exposing someone for scamming.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[09:12 - 09:34]The speaker reveals that the actual bet was only $15,000 and questions what the scammer did with the rest of the money.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[09:12 - 10:36]The person initially denied the scam but eventually admitted to it.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[10:36 - 11:22]The speaker had two options: report the person to the FBI or publicly shame them.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[11:22 - 12:11]The speaker and the person discussed the consequences of their actions and how the person could potentially start a new life.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[12:11 - 12:18]The speaker ultimately decided to publicly shame the person and keep a PI on them in case they continued to scam.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[12:18 - 13:02]The speaker decided to call the person and inform them of the video.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[13:02 - 14:16]The speaker and the person discussed the consequences of their actions and how the person could potentially start a new life.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[14:03 - 14:58]The person initially denied the scam but eventually admitted to it.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[14:58 - 15:39]The speaker and the others in the conversation shared positive things about Aidan.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[15:39 - 16:07]The speaker ultimately decided to publicly shame the person and keep a PI on them in case they continued to scam.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[16:49 - 17:33]The speaker and the others in the conversation shared positive things about Aidan.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[17:21 - 18:11]There is a conversation about inviting oneself to hang out with friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[18:11 - 19:04]They discuss how they like when Donald says "hold on."

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[18:25 - 18:54]Another person adds that Donald always aims to understand how others feel during disagreements.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[19:07 - 19:19]A discussion is taking place about someone named Donald who is a mutual friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[19:20 - 19:28]There is a conversation about inviting oneself to hang out with friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[19:28 - 20:20]They talk about how a personal trainer named Christian, who is helping one of them, had a compliment from Donald that he remembers very well.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[19:54 - 20:07]The conversation shifts to discussing the opposite of being socially inept, which is referred to as being "apt."

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[20:20 - 20:29]They discuss how they used to enjoy making fun of Aiden, but now it's not as fun.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[20:29 - 21:52]Christian is described as a "beef castle" and "funny."

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[21:02 - 21:18]They discuss how they used to enjoy making fun of Aiden, but now it's not as fun.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[21:18 - 21:25]A specific incident is mentioned where one person defends Aiden and the other person tells them not to.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[21:52 - 22:20]They talk about how a personal trainer named Christian, who is helping one of them, had a compliment from Donald that he remembers very well.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[22:20 - 23:05]They discuss how Christian had been trying to get a PlayStation 5 and finally got one, but then realized he didn't actually want it.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[23:05 - 24:08]They discuss the culture of buying and consuming in California and how it differs from their own experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[23:11 - 24:45]One person shares their own experience of buying something expensive and feeling happy for a month afterwards.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[24:20 - 24:51]They discuss how Christian had been trying to get a PlayStation 5 and finally got one, but then realized he didn't actually want it.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[24:51 - 25:15]One person admires how someone else is skilled at inviting themselves to hang out.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[25:22 - 25:34]They discuss how Christian had been trying to get a PlayStation 5 and finally got one, but then realized he didn't actually want it.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[25:34 - 26:36]They discuss how they used to enjoy making fun of Aiden, but now it's not as fun.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[25:41 - 26:02]They mention how they used to make fun of Aiden, but now find it less enjoyable.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[26:36 - 28:07]They discuss how they used to enjoy making fun of Aiden, but now it's not as fun.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[27:23 - 27:43]A specific incident is mentioned where one person defends Aiden and the other person tells them not to.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[27:36 - 28:28]The speaker felt sad and talked to Mike about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[27:43 - 30:41]The speaker and their friend, Mike, disagreed about playing video games together.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[29:27 - 32:21]The speaker admits to not being good at Counter-Strike and using a controller to play.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[32:10 - 33:50]The speaker and their friend, Loadways, discuss their differing perspectives during an argument.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[32:21 - 34:24]They also discuss their different approaches to listening to music and the speaker's perceived lack of musical interest.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[34:24 - 35:46]The speaker shares a video of themselves playing guitar and singing.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[35:47 - 35:52]The speaker felt sad and talked to Mike about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[35:53 - 36:41]The speaker shares a video of themselves playing guitar and singing.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[36:41 - 37:47]The speaker and their friend, Loadways, discuss their differing perspectives during an argument.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[37:47 - 38:21]The speaker and Mike discuss their different approaches to playing video games.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[37:47 - 38:36]The company offers pre-built PCs at a higher price, but also provides customer service

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[37:58 - 38:09]There is a business venture with a company called Star Force

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[37:58 - 38:36]They also talk about their experience playing Counter-Strike and Valorant.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[38:36 - 39:24]They express a desire to move on from the topic.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[38:36 - 39:24]There is potential for success, but also potential for failure

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[38:45 - 39:15]The speaker reflects on their internal reconciliation and the bravery of their friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[39:25 - 40:58]There is a business venture with a company called Star Force

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[40:10 - 43:09]There were negative reception and criticism towards the venture

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[41:07 - 43:15]Building a PC allows you to see the cost and markup of individual parts

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[41:42 - 41:50]There is a business venture with a company called Star Force

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[43:15 - 43:46]Jay Schlatt had spare pants for the person to wear

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[43:46 - 46:13]Building a PC allows you to see the cost and markup of individual parts

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[45:52 - 47:26]The group went to a fancy restaurant without realizing it was upscale

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[47:34 - 49:24]Jay Schlatt had spare pants for the person to wear

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[48:31 - 49:44]The speaker and his friends dress up in mismatched clothing for a fancy dinner, causing them to feel out of place and uncomfortable.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[50:09 - 52:50]During the dinner, the speaker reveals a shirt that says "commit tax fraud" and causes a commotion.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[50:21 - 51:08]The speaker and his friends continue to joke and have a good time.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[51:34 - 52:34]After dinner, the group tries to use the AI to create a fancy signature, but it crashes.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[52:50 - 53:13]The speaker and his friends dress up in mismatched clothing for a fancy dinner, causing them to feel out of place and uncomfortable.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[52:56 - 55:13]They use an AI called "dolly" to help the speaker describe things better.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[55:13 - 56:37]The group then plays a game called "gartic phone" and has a good time.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[56:38 - 58:10]The speaker accidentally takes his friend's charger, causing him to be late and miss out on practice for a tournament.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[58:10 - 59:42]The speaker and his friends discuss the incident and come up with a plan to monetize bad behavior at tournaments.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[59:42 - 1.01:35]The conversation then shifts to discussing former First Lady Laura Bush's past car accident.

A youtube thumbnail wor this was never meant to be public.

[1.01:39 - 1.02:44]The speaker and his friends continue to joke and have a good time.