

Youtube profile pic for The Worst Things You Can Do in Japan | Trash Taste #49

The Worst Things You Can Do in Japan | Trash Taste #49

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[00:00 - 00:08] The speaker explains why they won't have a mail-in cam for their podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Things You Can Do in Japan | Trash Taste #49

[00:08 - 00:25]They also don't think people would want to hear some of the things they have to say.

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[02:21 - 02:31]The microphones are super condensed.

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[02:37 - 02:42]They discuss the difficulty of throwing away big trash in Japan and the different methods for doing so.

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[02:57 - 03:05]They talk about realizing how much stuff they have when moving and the unused appliance drawer in every kitchen.

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[04:38 - 04:46]The speaker's friend got them a shaved ice machine that they never used and is now just taking up space.

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[04:38 - 04:46]They mention the never-ending sea of paperwork in Japan.

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[04:47 - 05:02]The speaker is getting rid of a lot of big items during their move and thinks around 30% of their belongings will be gone.

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[04:47 - 05:02]They point out that it's probably more like 3%.

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[04:47 - 05:02]They discuss the many little things in their bedroom and office that they never think about.

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[05:40 - 05:47]The speaker's cosplay videos are filmed in a tatami room and they mention the awkward interactions with movers who have come to check fire alarms.

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[06:57 - 07:04]They mention getting a service to do all the packing for them.

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[07:04 - 07:13]The speaker is in the middle of moving and has been scrambling to clean and pack for the past week.

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[00:00 - 07:24]The speaker talks about the difficulty of throwing away big trash in Japan and their experience with moving. They also mention the unused appliance drawer in every kitchen and the many little things in their bedroom and office. They discuss awkward interactions with movers and getting a service to help with packing.

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[07:25 - 07:31] Person remembers a time when their doorbell needed to be fixed and they had to clean their house

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[07:31 - 07:38]They had a quarantine section for their house, specifically Sydney's room

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[08:42 - 08:56]Someone came to check their house and saw lewd figures and was uncomfortable

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[10:01 - 10:07]Due to being busy, they haven't been able to play games or upload videos

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[13:33 - 13:51]Japan's lockdowns during Golden Week and their "Go to travel" campaign

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[14:33 - 14:48]Government paying people to travel and give discounts, but then realizing it was a mistake

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[07:25 - 15:07]Person remembers an awkward situation with a house check, hasn't been able to play games or upload videos due to being busy, and talks about Japan's lockdown and government's "Go to travel" campaign.

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[15:07 - 15:12] Everyone abused the travel system that was in place due to COVID-19 restrictions.

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[15:20 - 15:27]The speaker and their friends all traveled to different places, despite being told not to.

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[15:20 - 15:27]The confusion and inconsistency in government regulations and messaging.

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[15:33 - 15:47]The speaker and their friends went to Hokkaido because others were talking about it.

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[17:02 - 17:11]The Japanese government has not fully committed to any restrictions.

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[17:30 - 17:41]The penalties for breaking restrictions are low and some businesses choose to pay the fine.

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[18:03 - 18:11]Other countries have stricter lockdowns and are able to roll out vaccines quicker.

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[18:11 - 18:17]Australia and New Zealand have stricter restrictions and have done well in controlling COVID-19.

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[18:39 - 18:59]The speaker is considering going back to their home country to get the vaccine and visit family and friends.

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[21:42 - 21:50]People have turned discussing COVID-19 into a political issue.

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[21:58 - 22:07]The speaker just wants to stay safe and not get others sick.

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[22:07 - 22:13]The speaker just wants to be able to hug their friends goodnight.

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[15:07 - 22:13]In summary, the speaker discusses the confusion and inconsistencies in government regulations and messaging during the COVID-19 pandemic, and expresses their desire for safety and the ability to see family and friends. They also mention the politicization of discussing COVID-19.

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[25:59 - 26:04] The speaker and their friends went camping in the mountains of Japan.

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[26:55 - 27:00]The speaker's expectations of camping were based on previous experiences camping in the US.

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[27:07 - 27:12]The speaker was told to bring typical camping supplies, as well as a power bank to charge their phone.

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[28:42 - 28:50]The speaker's camping experience in Japan was described as "mariocarp baby mode camping".

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[28:42 - 28:50]The speaker recommends camping in Japan for those who have never been camping before.

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[29:09 - 29:15]The speaker searched for it online and bought a similar-looking charger without checking its size or capacity.

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[29:22 - 29:29]The speaker's friend had a large portable charger called the "omni charger".

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[29:40 - 29:46]The speaker did not check the size or capacity of the charger before buying it.

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[29:52 - 30:05]The speaker comments on the UK's successful vaccine response and lack of mask-wearing at a recent concert.

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[29:52 - 30:05]The speaker discusses the UK's seemingly nonchalant attitude towards the pandemic, particularly with regards to pubs.

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[29:52 - 30:05]The speaker and their friends had to book a spot for camping in Japan.

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[29:52 - 30:05]The speaker's previous camping experience was in the middle of the woods in Colorado.

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[29:52 - 30:05]The speaker's camping equipment was delivered in a massive package, and the charger was much larger and heavier than expected.

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[30:12 - 30:19]The speaker's camping experience in Japan was different from their expectations based on previous camping experiences in the US.

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[30:32 - 30:39]The speaker received a massive package and realized the charger was much larger and heavier than expected.

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[30:32 - 30:39]The speaker's friend's charger had its own power adapter plug, which influenced the speaker's purchase.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Things You Can Do in Japan | Trash Taste #49

[22:13 - 30:39]The speaker and their friends went camping in the mountains of Japan, and the speaker's expectations were based on previous camping experiences in the US. The speaker was told to bring typical camping supplies and a power bank, but ended up buying a much larger and heavier charger without checking its size or capacity. The speaker describes their camping experience in Japan as "mariocarp baby mode camping" and recommends it for first-time campers. The speaker also discusses the UK's successful vaccine response and lack of mask-wearing at a recent concert, as well as their seemingly nonchalant attitude towards the pandemic, particularly with regards to pubs.

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[30:39 - 30:48]Person has a photo of a brick that can power appliances

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[31:45 - 31:51]Brings heavy brick on camping trip

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[32:21 - 32:35]Finds out there is a power outlet at the campsite

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[32:45 - 32:52]Thinks it will be useful for camping trip

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[34:11 - 34:17]Sees other campers with extravagant tents and amenities

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[37:37 - 37:43]Goes to get wood for a fire

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[38:11 - 38:16]Cuts branches and logs with a hatchet

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[38:37 - 38:49]Has the most fun doing this activity

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[30:39 - 38:49]Person brings a brick for camping, realizes it's unnecessary, and has fun cutting wood for a fire.

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[39:04 - 39:12]The speaker talks about a potential camping trip with their neighbors

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[43:54 - 43:59]They talk about the benefits of staying in a hotel versus camping, including the joy of sharing food with friends around a campfire

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[44:01 - 44:09]The speaker reminisces about camping experiences in other countries and the joy of bringing perishable food to share with friends

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[44:01 - 44:09]They recount a camping trip where one friend was extremely enthusiastic about starting a fire and spent most of the trip tending to it

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[45:09 - 45:21]The speaker and their friends struggle to set up their tent, eventually realizing they did not properly follow the instructions

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[45:09 - 45:21]The speaker jokes about how no one actually enjoys setting up a tent and how the instructions are often difficult to understand

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[45:21 - 45:33]They discuss the idea of pre-packaged camping trips with microtransactions

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[45:21 - 45:33]The speaker concludes that starting a fire is the official start to a camping trip and that no one really enjoys setting up a tent.

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[38:49 - 46:12]The speaker discusses the idea of a camping trip with friends, reminisces about past camping experiences, and jokes about the struggles of setting up a tent. They also mention the joy of sharing food around a campfire and the importance of starting a fire as the official start to a camping trip.

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[50:11 - 50:21] Went camping in Japan, struggled to find a legit campsite

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[51:05 - 51:17]Recounted camping experiences in England and Wales

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[51:05 - 51:17]Mentioned Duke of Edinburgh camping experience

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[51:43 - 51:53]In Japan, had to use designated fire holes for campfires

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[52:21 - 52:30]Went kayaking in ocean, encountered a storm, saw a snake

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[52:36 - 52:42]Discussed bringing TV and beer for camping trip

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[52:36 - 52:42]Planned to spend two nights camping, drink and eat bacon sandwiches

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[52:36 - 52:42]Sent a picture of the snake to someone

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[46:12 - 52:42]Went camping and kayaking in Japan, struggled to find a legit campsite and had to use designated fire holes. Also discussed camping experiences in England and Wales and mentioned bringing TV and beer for a two-night trip. Encountered a storm while kayaking and saw a snake.

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[52:50 - 53:00] Discussing a camping trip that convinced the speaker to get a driving license.

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[53:07 - 53:28]Mentioning the beautiful views and good food at service stations in Japan.

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[55:32 - 55:38]Talking about the process of getting a driving license in Japan and the rookie stickers that come with it.

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[55:57 - 56:04]Mentioning the constant paperwork in Japan and the difficulty of finding time to do it.

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[56:51 - 57:03]Advertising for a sponsor, Game of Subs, and their waifu cups.

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[58:18 - 58:23]Transitioning to discuss snowboarding as a leisure activity.

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[58:56 - 59:08]Comparing skiing and snowboarding in terms of difficulty.

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[59:08 - 59:14]Sharing the speaker's first experience with snowboarding and struggling with the lack of friction.

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[52:42 - 1.00:08]The speaker discusses their experience with snowboarding and their struggle with the lack of friction while walking in snowboarding gear. They also mention their first time trying to walk with a snowboard and their transition to the ski lift.

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[1.00:08 - 1.00:18] Person is carrying a snowboard and a snowball

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[1.00:18 - 1.00:25]They are walking with fellow novices to the ski lift

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[1.02:21 - 1.02:34]They have a difficult time getting on the ski lift due to their lack of experience

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[1.07:19 - 1.07:27]They eventually figure out how to get on the ski lift and enjoy the ride up

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[1.07:19 - 1.07:27]Upon reaching the top, they struggle to get off the ski lift and end up tumbling down the slope

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[1.07:19 - 1.07:27]The group attempts to go down the slope, with varying levels of success and frustration

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[1.07:27 - 1.07:35]They realize they were on a more advanced slope and should have been on the beginner slope

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[1.08:37 - 1.08:43]Person falls multiple times and realizes that snow does not cushion the fall as expected

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[1.00:08 - 1.08:43]Person struggles with snowboarding for the first time, from getting on the ski lift to navigating the slope, and ends up tumbling down multiple times and feeling the pain of falling on snow.

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[1.08:43 - 1.08:51]Person is snowboarding on a compact, plowed snow

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[1.09:01 - 1.09:10]They initially envision it as jumping onto a cloud, but soon realize the danger

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[1.09:28 - 1.09:42]When learning young, they were fearless and able to pick up snowboarding quickly

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[1.09:43 - 1.09:49]They initially go too fast and have trouble braking

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[1.10:49 - 1.10:55]It takes 30-40 minutes for friends to come down the slope and they have to wait

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[1.10:55 - 1.11:08]Friends psych themselves up for a beginner hill, but it's steeper than expected

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[1.12:28 - 1.12:44]Person learns to control speed and turn in the middle part of the hill

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[1.12:44 - 1.13:06]They watch tutorials on YouTube to improve

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[1.13:06 - 1.13:12]The person who taught them, Maki, is a good snowboarder but not a good explainer

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[1.13:48 - 1.14:05]They have to put their weight in their front foot and lean into the hill, which is unnatural

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[1.14:14 - 1.14:21]They use muscles they've never used before and feel sore the next day

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[1.14:22 - 1.14:27]They can only go snowboarding for one day due to exhaustion

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[1.14:55 - 1.15:03]On a narrow, winding slope, there are poles at the bottom that must be jumped over

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[1.14:55 - 1.15:03]They see the poles and wonder why they're there, but just jump over them

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[1.15:25 - 1.15:31]Person falls and learns to jump over them, but they catch their board and fall again

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[1.08:43 - 1.16:36]Person goes snowboarding on compact, plowed snow and learns quickly as a child. They have trouble braking and wait for friends. They watch tutorials to improve and realize their instructor is a good snowboarder but not a good explainer. They must lean into the hill and use new muscles, leading to soreness the next day. On a narrow slope, they must jump over poles and eventually learn to do so successfully.

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[1.16:36 - 1.16:41] No one explained why they were there

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[1.18:45 - 1.18:58]They did a sick free jump test

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[1.18:45 - 1.18:58]The speaker was confident and going faster than before

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[1.19:29 - 1.19:35]They saw someone else do a difficult move and wanted to try it

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[1.19:42 - 1.19:51]The speaker forgot to put something away

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[1.22:26 - 1.22:34]The speaker followed someone else down a slope and watched them go into the move

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[1.22:26 - 1.22:34]They went down a ridiculous slope and it was funny

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[1.22:42 - 1.22:49]They attempted the move and fell, but it was still fun

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[1.22:42 - 1.22:49]The speaker's neck hurt from tumbling

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[1.22:42 - 1.22:49]They didn't wear helmets and it was dangerous

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[1.22:42 - 1.22:49]They went down a black diamond slope with a friend and it was terrifying

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[1.22:49 - 1.22:55]The friend fell and the speaker was exhausted

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[1.22:55 - 1.23:09]They did a sick turn and felt amazing

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[1.23:32 - 1.23:42]The speaker and friend went their separate ways the second day

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[1.23:42 - 1.23:48]Some people quit because they were weak, but one person tried again the next day

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[1.23:48 - 1.23:55]The speaker continued despite muscle ache

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[1.23:48 - 1.23:55]The others went to a different course

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[1.16:36 - 1.23:55]The speaker and friends went snowboarding, tried difficult moves, and had a great time despite some getting tired and quitting. The speaker continued despite muscle ache and the others went to a different course.

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[1.23:55 - 1.24:05]Two sides of the mountain, different courses, left to own devices

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[1.24:06 - 1.24:23]Conquering beginner hill, Sydney gave up, others on different hill

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[1.24:24 - 1.24:32]Second day, almost empty slopes, perfect conditions

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[1.25:01 - 1.25:06]Aching body, tumble and landed with head downhill

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[1.25:14 - 1.25:24]Couldn't lift neck due to neck muscles not working, heavy gear

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[1.27:23 - 1.27:43]Tried shimming but took 40 minutes, someone offered help but still took 40 minutes

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[1.28:42 - 1.28:50]Finally got up after another 20 minutes, walked rest of the way down

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[1.30:06 - 1.30:15]No helmets offered at rental place, wish had worn one

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[1.30:28 - 1.30:34]Skiing and getting ramen/curry after, best feeling

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[1.30:43 - 1.30:48]Refurbished outdoor onsen with view of mountains, snow coming down

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[1.31:01 - 1.31:07]Haven't gone snowboarding or skiing in 5 years, want to join friends this year

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[1.31:01 - 1.31:07]Wish had worn helmet, no helmets offered at rental place

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[1.31:07 - 1.31:14]Best skiing in Japan, would love to experience without falling all day

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[1.31:14 - 1.31:23]Took 40 minutes to get up after fall, couldn't lift neck due to heavy gear

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[1.31:24 - 1.31:32]Onsen, meal, and beers after skiing, so good

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[1.23:55 - 1.31:39]Best skiing in Japan, would love to experience without falling all day

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[1.31:40 - 1.31:46] The speaker's parents took them skiing as a child on affordable package holidays.

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[1.31:47 - 1.31:54]The speaker did not enjoy skiing in groups and wanted to do their own thing.

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[1.32:03 - 1.32:08]It took the speaker three weeks to get good enough to ski on any slope.

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[1.32:09 - 1.32:20]The speaker taught themselves how to snowboard and found it easier after learning how to ski.

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[1.32:46 - 1.33:01]The speaker disliked the ski shoes and was determined to learn snowboarding for the freedom and ease of movement.

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[1.34:07 - 1.34:12]The speaker and their brother learned snowboarding at the same time, with the brother spraining his ankle on the first day.

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[1.34:12 - 1.34:24]The speaker was initially not very good at snowboarding but eventually became proficient through self-teaching.

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[1.36:25 - 1.36:50]Snowboarding requires a different set of skills and involves shutting off a part of the brain and learning new techniques.

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[1.36:25 - 1.36:50]Snowboarding also involves learning how to control the board through pressure and avoiding panicking.

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[1.37:14 - 1.37:26]A comparison is made between skiing and snowboarding, with snowboarding being seen as a more "cool" and "chill" activity.

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[1.37:38 - 1.38:10]The speaker finds snowboarding to be a privileged and predominantly white sport.

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[1.38:28 - 1.38:35]A joke is made about jet skiing being the "whitest" accident, with skiing and snowboarding being close behind.

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[1.38:37 - 1.38:47]The speaker finds jet skiing to be the "whitest" activity.

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[1.31:40 - 1.38:47]Overall, the speaker learned how to snowboard and found it to be a more enjoyable and freeing experience compared to skiing.

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[1.38:47 - 1.38:53] The speaker asks if the other person has ever been on a jet ski

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[1.38:53 - 1.39:05]The other person responds that they have not been on a jet ski and the speaker expresses interest in going on one

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[1.38:53 - 1.39:05]They discuss the availability of jet ski rentals in Thailand and the fun experience of riding one

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[1.39:21 - 1.39:26]The speaker also mentions the potential danger of getting injured while riding a jet ski

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[1.40:04 - 1.40:11]They recall a strange experience at a Japanese ski resort where they saw animatronic characters with controversial themes

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[1.43:44 - 1.43:53]The conversation concludes with the speaker acknowledging their privilege and the need for cultural sensitivity in tourism.

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[1.45:23 - 1.45:34]The speaker expresses their discomfort with the resort's use of American memorabilia and their expensive and low-quality coffee

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[1.38:47 - 1.46:37]The speaker had a strange experience at a Japanese ski resort with controversial animatronic characters and a mix of American memorabilia.

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[1.46:37 - 1.46:49] The speaker discusses being spoiled on coffee and not being able to drink instant coffee anymore.

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[1.46:57 - 1.47:05]They talk about their privilege and not having to drink instant coffee.

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[1.46:57 - 1.47:05]They mention going snowboarding as a sign of privilege.

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[1.47:56 - 1.48:04]The speaker talks about staying in a hotel and having to drink bad instant coffee.

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[1.47:56 - 1.48:04]They mention a coffee machine at a con that had bad coffee.

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[1.50:02 - 1.50:13]The speaker talks about their childhood and parents drinking instant coffee.

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[1.50:24 - 1.50:30]They mention buying their parents a Nespresso machine and them now preferring it.

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[1.51:37 - 1.51:44]The speaker talks about wanting to bring a coffee machine camping.

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[1.52:33 - 1.52:44]They discuss the taste of food cooked over a campfire.

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[1.53:00 - 1.53:08]The speaker states that camping is like "homeless simulator" with privileges.

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[1.46:37 - 1.54:28]The last bullet point is a comprehensive summary of the speaker's discussion on coffee and privilege.

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[1.54:28 - 1.54:50]Speaker discusses playing a game called "homeless simulator" and how it made them feel grateful for their own living situation.

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[1.54:57 - 1.55:09]They mention being grateful for having a roof over their head and access to a coffee machine.

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[1.55:35 - 1.55:42]Speaker reminisces about being a child and realizing they were not as wealthy as others when traveling on a plane.

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[1.58:06 - 1.58:11]They talk about wanting to have the same privileges as others and feeling like they could achieve it if they worked hard enough.

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[1.58:12 - 1.58:18]Discussion about the taboo nature of talking about wanting to be wealthy and successful.

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[1.59:03 - 1.59:18]Speaker encourages taking risks and trying new things in your 20s.

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[1.59:03 - 1.59:18]Speaker encourages taking advantage of the safety net in your 20s to try new things and potentially fail.

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[2.00:13 - 2.00:24]They mention being lucky to have a job after graduating from university.

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[1.54:28 - 2.00:57]Speaker discusses feeling grateful for their living situation in comparison to playing a game called "homeless simulator." They reflect on their childhood and wanting the same privileges as others. They also discuss the taboo nature of talking about wanting to be wealthy and encourage taking risks in your 20s while you have a safety net.

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[2.00:57 - 2.01:08] Discussion about choosing a career path and the potential for high paying jobs in engineering

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[2.01:23 - 2.01:31]Personal preference for taking a lower paying job in a field one enjoys with potential for growth

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[2.02:43 - 2.02:51]Acknowledgement of privilege and support from family in pursuing career goals

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[2.03:56 - 2.04:10]Reflection on the idea of money solving all problems and the importance of finding passion in one's work

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[2.05:23 - 2.05:33]Jealousy towards those who enjoy their chosen career path and respect for those who can do a 9-5 job

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[2.05:38 - 2.05:45]Importance of finding passion in one's work and being grateful for the opportunity to do so

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[2.07:21 - 2.07:28]Pressure to know what one wants to do for the rest of their life and the lie of needing higher education for a decent career

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[2.07:29 - 2.07:35]Realization that there are many different career paths and not just one set path to success

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[2.07:35 - 2.07:41]Personal experience as an Asian and being taught that not pursuing higher education is a failure

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[2.00:57 - 2.07:51]Discussion on career paths, personal preference for pursuing passion over high paying jobs, acknowledgment of privilege and support, reflection on the value of passion in work, realization of multiple career paths, pressure and lies about higher education, personal experience and gratitude.

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[2.08:31 - 2.08:40]Talking about different career paths and opportunities

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[2.10:03 - 2.10:14]Meeting people who found jobs through unconventional means

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[2.11:10 - 2.11:18]Saying yes to every opportunity and the importance of not missing out

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[2.11:18 - 2.11:26]Reflecting on the pressure to know what you want to do with your life at a young age

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[2.11:47 - 2.11:55]Discussing the work culture in the UK and the lack of self-improvement

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[2.11:55 - 2.12:03]Emphasizing the importance of trying and being in the right place at the right time

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[2.11:55 - 2.12:03]Mentioning that it's okay to not have everything figured out and to take the time to build a foundation for the person you want to be

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[2.12:22 - 2.12:29]Ending with a reminder to support the show and mentioning the hosts and their names

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[2.12:47 - 2.12:48]Mentioning a friend named Kenny who is a "fake priest" and has a nomadic lifestyle

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[2.12:47 - 2.12:48]Talking about another friend who is an animator and also has a nomadic lifestyle

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[2.07:51 - 2.12:48]Discussion about different career paths, the importance of trying and being in the right place at the right time, and not missing out on opportunities. Mentioning unconventional job-finding methods and the pressure to know what you want to do with your life. Reflecting on the importance of building a foundation for the person you want to be. Reminder to support the show and thanking the hosts.