

Youtube profile pic for Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

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[00:05 - 00:13] The hosts of Trash Taste welcome listeners to the final episode of the year.

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[00:31 - 00:36]They discuss their emotions at the end of the year, with some feeling excited and others feeling sad.

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[00:58 - 01:05]They talk about how the new year is like turning over a new leaf and the mental shift that comes with it.

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[03:35 - 03:53]The hosts mention that certain movies and shows that feel new even though they are actually old.

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[06:03 - 06:14]The hosts acknowledge that there are valid reasons for pessimism, such as social and economic issues.

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[06:20 - 06:27]They discuss pessimism and negativity being a trend, especially among young people.

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[06:20 - 06:27]However, they also note that there is a competition to see who can suffer more.

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[06:20 - 06:27]The hosts of Trash Taste discuss their emotions at the end of the year, including excitement and sadness.

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[06:51 - 07:02]They mention the balance between being optimistic and acknowledging the bad things happening.

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[06:51 - 07:02]The hosts wrap up the episode by discussing the importance of finding this balance. Summary:

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[06:51 - 07:02]They talk about the mental shift that comes with a new year and how certain things can feel new even though they are old.

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[06:51 - 07:02]The hosts also discuss the trend of pessimism and negativity, particularly among young people.

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[06:51 - 07:02]They acknowledge the valid reasons for pessimism, but also note the competition to see who can suffer more.

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[00:00 - 07:02]The hosts emphasize the importance of finding a balance between being optimistic and acknowledging the bad things happening in the world.

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[07:02 - 07:12] Page content discussing the events of the past year and the upcoming new year

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[07:12 - 07:19]The speaker talks about how furries always seem to have money and commission artists even during tough times

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[08:09 - 08:16]They discuss how December is an exciting month with Christmas and the period before the new year being a time of anarchy

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[10:00 - 10:06]The speaker and their friends reflect on how the past three years have been pandemic years and how it has affected their lives and plans

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[10:31 - 10:39]The speaker and their friends discuss their personal experiences during the past year and how it compares to 2021

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[11:23 - 11:36]They talk about the stress of traveling during the pandemic and how it has affected their plans and experiences

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[12:55 - 13:01]The speaker talks about their new house and how time seems to be passing by quickly as they approach their contract renewal

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[13:13 - 13:24]The concept of time feeling different as we get older is discussed

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[07:02 - 13:49]Overall, the speaker reflects on the past year and the upcoming new year with a mix of excitement and nostalgia for the past.

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[13:50 - 14:03] Talked about how the year went by quickly due to pandemic and getting older

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[14:03 - 14:09]Mentioned doing episodes with LA guests 6 months ago, but it only feels like 5 months ago

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[15:54 - 16:15]Reflecting on how much they have done this year with Trash Taste and other projects

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[16:52 - 17:02]Continued to talk about how busy the year has been and rarely having free time

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[17:23 - 17:29]Mentioned getting married and how it feels like a year ago

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[17:36 - 17:42]Talked about getting diamond rank in TFT and it being a highlight of the year

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[17:48 - 17:58]Filmed Trash Taste outside of Japan with US guests for the first time

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[19:37 - 19:43]Mentioned filling free time with work or playing games

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[19:50 - 19:57]Talked about playing Albion Ring and how much fun it was

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[20:36 - 20:44]Mentioned not remembering what they did in March and looking at their calendar to see they did the charity stream and went to conventions

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[13:50 - 20:56]Summarized that this year has been busy with filming, conventions, and other projects.

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[20:56 - 21:02]First post-pandemic convention experience, overwhelming and impacted enjoyment

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[21:28 - 21:34]Used to love conventions, now feels too big and overwhelming

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[21:28 - 21:34]Unable to enjoy walking around and attending panels

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[29:31 - 30:00]Misses being able to relax in the bath without worrying about cleaning beforehand

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[31:25 - 31:31]Window in the bathroom is an OP feature, gives access to natural light and fresh air

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[32:27 - 32:34]Enjoys the sensation of water in the shower, helps to wake up and prepare for the day

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[33:30 - 33:36]Onsens are preferred over hot tubs for relaxation and enjoyment

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[33:58 - 34:03]Hot tubs are seen as cool and luxurious, but often disappointing and a hassle to use

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[34:38 - 34:44]Changing into swimming shorts is a hassle and can impact enjoyment

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[20:56 - 34:51]Post-pandemic convention experience impacted enjoyment of conventions and preference for onsens over hot tubs for relaxation.

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[34:51 - 34:58]Person is at a party and discusses the hassle of being in a hot tub

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[34:59 - 35:05]Describes the inconvenience of getting out of the hot tub to dry off and change

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[35:19 - 35:27]Expresses preference for saunas over hot tubs

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[35:34 - 35:40]Discusses health benefits of saunas

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[35:54 - 36:02]Mentions dislike for saunas due to heat and discomfort

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[37:05 - 37:10]Convinces friend to try a cold bath, enjoying it himself

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[39:35 - 39:42]Describes cryotherapy experience and its similarity to a reverse sauna

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[40:15 - 40:24]Recounts a pleasant experience at a ski resort where they alternated between a hot onsen and the freezing outdoors

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[40:24 - 40:38]Discusses the powerful feeling of standing in the cold while the hot air from the onsen turns into vapor

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[34:51 - 41:10]Overall, person prefers saunas over hot tubs and enjoys the experience of cold baths and cryotherapy

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[41:32 - 41:37]The speakers discuss the benefits of cold showers and baths for blood pressure.

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[41:38 - 41:47]They mention that people in Nordic countries tend to have better blood pressure due to their exposure to cold.

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[41:54 - 42:02]One speaker shares their experience of feeling relaxed and amazing after taking a cold shower.

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[42:09 - 42:19]They also mention the positive effects of saunas and ice baths on overall health.

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[44:08 - 44:14]They discuss the differences between saunas and steam rooms, with one speaker preferring steam rooms.

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[44:38 - 44:46]The other speaker shares their dislike for saunas, specifically the discomfort of sweating.

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[45:48 - 45:55]The speakers also mention their preference for handling cold over heat.

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[46:17 - 46:24]They discuss the survival instinct of being able to adapt to cold temperatures.

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[46:17 - 46:24]The speakers also mention the idea of being stuck in a jungle being less dangerous than being stuck in extreme cold.

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[47:01 - 47:07]The dislike for sweating is linked to the idea of having no easy fix when feeling hot.

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[41:10 - 47:13]The last bullet point is a summary of the discussion on the benefits and discomforts of cold and heat exposure.

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[47:19 - 47:28]The speaker enjoys sweating at the gym and sees it as a sign of progress.

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[47:29 - 47:34]They do not see the point of sweating in a sauna, as it is similar to being outside in hot weather.

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[48:15 - 48:21]In the UK, it is considered a luxury to have AC or a pool due to the infrequent hot weather.

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[49:04 - 49:15]The speaker believes all houses should have AC and heat pumps.

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[51:06 - 51:14]They were shocked to find out that their friend's house in the UK did not have AC, only fans.

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[51:26 - 51:33]In South Korea, there is a superstition that sleeping with a fan on can be dangerous.

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[53:27 - 53:42]In Japan, it is believed that going to bed with wet hair can lead to getting sick.

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[53:51 - 53:56]There is no evidence to support these superstitions.

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[47:14 - 53:56]The speaker discusses their opinions on sweating, the lack of AC in the UK, and various superstitions related to heat and health.

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[54:52 - 54:58] Discussion about urban myths and superstitions

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[55:10 - 55:19]Mention of Japanese urban myths and their origins

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[58:24 - 58:31]Personal beliefs and opinions on superstitions and astrology

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[59:17 - 59:23]Discussion on people's need for distraction and boredom

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[59:29 - 59:39]The belief in astrology and star signs

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[59:57 - 1.00:04]Everyone thinks they are smarter than others

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[53:56 - 1.00:48]Introduction to Zen Market as a proxy shipping service for Japanese products

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[1.00:48 - 1.00:57]Zen Market has a flat rate service of 300 yen, around $2 US.

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[1.00:57 - 1.01:06]Zen Market accepts multiple payment methods, including PayPal, WISE and bank transfers.

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[1.00:57 - 1.01:06]5% cash back for purchases on Rakuten on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

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[1.01:06 - 1.01:15]Zen Market has added Rakkuma from Rakuten's online flea market, featuring anime figures and goods.

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[1.02:09 - 1.02:16]Reflect on the past year and set goals for the future.

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[1.02:40 - 1.02:46]Set goals for the new year.

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[1.02:47 - 1.02:53]Summarize the audio in bullet points.

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[1.03:58 - 1.04:16]Be more physically active, possibly by finding a new physical activity like tennis or rock climbing.

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[1.05:04 - 1.05:12]Zen Market offers a flat rate service and accepts multiple payment methods.

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[1.05:55 - 1.06:02]They also offer 5% cash back for purchases on Rakuten on certain days.

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[1.05:55 - 1.06:02]Rakkuma has been added from Rakuten's online flea market.

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[1.06:52 - 1.07:08]Goals for the new year include being more physically active and reflecting on the past year.

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[1.07:30 - 1.07:35]Try to do more activities for fun rather than for content creation.

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[1.00:48 - 1.07:45]Try to do more activities for fun rather than for content creation.

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[1.08:01 - 1.08:09] The speaker wants to take more holidays and enjoy activities without feeling stressed or pressured to film content.

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[1.09:36 - 1.09:51]They enjoy going on small trips without the pressure of filming.

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[1.10:58 - 1.11:03]They have been to 6% of the world and want to visit more countries.

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[1.11:33 - 1.11:42]The speaker wants to take more holidays and travel to more places before it's too late.

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[1.11:42 - 1.11:49]Their hobbies have become their jobs, which has changed their approach to things.

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[1.11:42 - 1.11:49]They still enjoy their hobbies, but have had to change their mentality around them.

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[1.12:58 - 1.13:03]Traveling for work is different from traveling for holiday.

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[1.12:58 - 1.13:03]The speaker feels they would appreciate traveling more if they slowed down and were not as busy with work.

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[1.13:04 - 1.13:12]They also want to touch more grass and do less traveling.

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[1.13:29 - 1.13:35]They regret not fully appreciating their travels when they were younger.

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[1.13:29 - 1.13:35]They could have enjoyed their travels more if they were older and had different interests.

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[1.13:29 - 1.13:35]The speaker wants to take advantage of opportunities and enjoy experiences while they can.

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[1.13:29 - 1.13:35]The YouTuber brain always considers whether to film content or just enjoy the experience.

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[1.13:53 - 1.13:59]The speaker has been to many European countries but does not remember much because they were young.

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[1.07:45 - 1.14:12]The speaker wants to take more holidays, travel to new places, and enjoy experiences without feeling pressured to film content. They have learned to appreciate their travels more as they have gotten older and want to take advantage of opportunities while they can.

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[1.14:13 - 1.14:30]Speaker discusses their memories of traveling as a child and wanting to revisit those places as an adult

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[1.14:45 - 1.14:53]Differences between traveling as a child and traveling as an adult are discussed, including being able to choose activities and trying local foods

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[1.14:45 - 1.14:53]Speaker disliked traveling as a child because they were always with family and couldn't choose what to do

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[1.15:10 - 1.15:21]They now realize the importance of doing things they actually want to do while traveling

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[1.15:45 - 1.15:52]The speaker enjoys staying in hotels and taking naps while on vacation

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[1.15:52 - 1.15:59]They prefer to have a relaxed schedule and not fill it with too many activities

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[1.17:33 - 1.17:40]Speaker's travel experiences in Europe are mentioned, including camping and cooking instead of buying food

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[1.17:49 - 1.17:54]Speaker expresses regret for not appreciating the food and experiences more as a child

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[1.18:34 - 1.18:40]They discuss their love for gaming and feeling guilty for spending a whole day playing

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[1.19:33 - 1.19:39]Steam Deck is mentioned as a way to play games without feeling guilty, and the speaker's experience with the Trails series is brought up

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[1.20:45 - 1.20:53]They mention being on a waiting list for a Steam Deck in Japan and finally receiving an email to purchase one.

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[1.14:13 - 1.20:53]Overall, the speaker discusses their memories of traveling as a child, their current preferences for a relaxed travel schedule and enjoyment of gaming, and their recent experience with the Steam Deck.

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[1.21:01 - 1.21:06] The speaker saw the price of a gaming PC and was initially interested, but ultimately decided not to purchase it because they did not think they would use it enough.

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[1.21:45 - 1.21:56]They enjoy technology and gaming, but realized they do not play many Steam games and do not feel like they are wasting time when playing story-driven games.

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[1.22:13 - 1.22:19]The speaker compares their enjoyment of story-driven games to reading a book and believes anything that makes them happy is positive.

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[1.23:15 - 1.23:23]They mention not being as invested in competitive games and feeling like they waste time when they reach a certain point in learning the mechanics.

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[1.23:34 - 1.23:42]They appreciate the clear start and end times of competitive games and sometimes use them as a break during work.

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[1.25:33 - 1.25:41]The speaker talks about taking a break from work and enjoying a week of playing video games and watching anime.

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[1.27:13 - 1.27:22]They mention feeling guilty if they were to take a week off from work solely to play games, but also acknowledge their luck in being able to take breaks and control their workload.

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[1.27:35 - 1.27:41]The speaker concludes by saying that even though they may not take a week off, just knowing they have the ability to do so is fulfilling and helps motivate them.

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[1.20:53 - 1.27:41]The speaker ultimately values balance in their work and leisure time.

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[1.27:41 - 1.27:49] The speaker is currently working hard on their YouTube channel in order to retire faster.

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[1.27:49 - 1.28:02]They acknowledge their luck and hard work in reaching a point where they can take time off if they want.

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[1.29:00 - 1.29:08]They prefer to play video games when they have enough time to fully immerse themselves in the game.

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[1.29:58 - 1.30:03]The speaker enjoys the feeling of being completely absorbed in something, but also hates stopping in the middle of a task.

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[1.31:37 - 1.31:42]The speaker saves multiple files while playing video games, but usually never goes back to them.

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[1.32:50 - 1.33:00]They have completed Persona 5 three times, but only used multiple save files for the last playthrough.

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[1.33:12 - 1.33:20]The speaker does not have any specific goals in mind, aside from creating cool content.

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[1.33:20 - 1.33:27]They believe that setting lofty goals can be both helpful and detrimental.

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[1.27:41 - 1.33:52]The speaker discusses their work ethic, love for video games, and lack of specific goals while chatting with someone about their own aspirations.

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[1.34:07 - 1.34:12]Excited for 2023, wants to try new things, and evolve content

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[1.34:28 - 1.34:34]Enjoys gaming and wants to find a game that they can play guilt-free

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[1.34:41 - 1.34:46]Wants to spend more time with family due to COVID

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[1.35:08 - 1.35:16]Interested in acquiring new skills, such as getting a motorcycle license in the UK and a moped license in Japan

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[1.36:33 - 1.36:40]Wants to do more big things and thinks it would be cool to have various licenses for different modes of transportation

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[1.37:22 - 1.37:32]Views learning new skills as a way to min-max their life and feels lucky to have the time and money to do so

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[1.39:32 - 1.39:42]Believes that short courses or experiences can lead to lifetime skills

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[1.39:32 - 1.39:42]Wants to learn more quick-to-acquire skills during the pandemic

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[1.33:52 - 1.39:59]Excited for 2023, wants to evolve content, spend time with family, and acquire new skills, such as getting a motorcycle and moped license in different countries. Believes that learning new skills is a way to min-max their life and wants to take advantage of the time and money they have during the pandemic.

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[1.39:59 - 1.40:05] Person discusses pandemic skill they have learned

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[1.40:05 - 1.40:11]They view it as a cool bar trick

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[1.41:53 - 1.42:02]They have decided to learn how to ride a motorcycle

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[1.41:53 - 1.42:02]They view it as achievable and a good goal

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[1.43:48 - 1.43:56]They want to continue learning and improving themselves

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[1.43:48 - 1.43:56]They discuss the societal stigma around learning new skills as an adult

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[1.44:25 - 1.44:39]They want to see their family while learning

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[1.45:36 - 1.45:41]They believe in pursuing things for fun without needing a "good enough" reason

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[1.45:51 - 1.46:08]They discuss potential content and competition ideas

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[1.39:59 - 1.46:08]Person discusses their pandemic skill and desire to continue learning and improving themselves. They have decided to learn how to ride a motorcycle, viewing it as achievable and a good goal. They also discuss the societal stigma around learning new skills as an adult, believing it is important to continue learning and keeping the brain active as one gets older.

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[1.46:08 - 1.46:19] Person is thinking about what new things they can learn or improve on

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.46:25 - 1.46:32]They mention wanting to be able to drive every type of vehicle and have a "James Bond" moment where they steal every vehicle

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.49:04 - 1.49:14]They also mention wanting to travel and learn multiple musical instruments

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.50:28 - 1.50:33]The person expresses jealousy towards their 18-year-old nephew who is getting his pilot's license

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.51:43 - 1.51:48]They discuss the differences between getting a helicopter license and a plane license

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.52:25 - 1.52:36]Planes have a "use by" date and require regular maintenance, leading to potential loss of money if they are not used

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.46:08 - 1.52:44]Person discusses their desire to continuously learn and improve, including wanting to drive all types of vehicles and travel, as well as learn multiple musical instruments. They express jealousy towards their younger family member who is getting a pilot's license and discuss the differences between getting a helicopter and plane license. They also mention the importance of regular maintenance for planes.

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[1.52:44 - 1.52:51]Need to actively write and use planes to keep them in good condition

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.53:30 - 1.53:37]Boat licenses are achievable and may be transferable between countries

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.54:47 - 1.54:56]Planning a wedding and touring conventions have also added to the busy schedule

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.55:32 - 1.55:40]Next year may not be as busy, but still intense

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.56:09 - 1.56:18]Good planning is key to managing a busy schedule

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.56:52 - 1.56:59]The hosts have personal projects planned for next year alongside Trash Taste projects

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.57:28 - 1.57:34]This year has been the busiest year for the hosts, with a lot of traveling and filming for Trash Taste

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.57:42 - 1.57:47]Thank you to the subscribers and patrons for supporting the show

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste 2022 Review | Trash Taste #132

[1.52:44 - 1.58:06]The hosts discuss the importance of actively using and maintaining planes and the achievability and potential transferability of boat licenses. They reflect on the busy year of traveling and filming for Trash Taste, as well as planning a wedding and touring conventions. They anticipate a potentially less busy but still intense year ahead and express excitement for personal projects. They thank subscribers and patrons for their support and wish everyone a happy new year.