

Youtube profile pic for HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[07:09 - 10:23]Page content includes a Twitter post and references to being gay.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[12:48 - 13:39]The speaker is currently live on a broadcast in Los Angeles.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[16:20 - 16:35]They are celebrating Friday and the end of February.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[17:47 - 18:11]The speaker's daughter's birthday is coming up.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[18:54 - 19:20]The speaker has been playing a lot of video games recently.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[20:51 - 21:04]They were unhappy at 285 pounds but have since lost weight.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[21:42 - 21:51]The speaker plans to be "slutty" this summer.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[22:55 - 23:09]The speaker has eaten ice cream sandwiches in the past.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[23:20 - 23:25]They have been working on their diet and have lost weight.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[23:34 - 23:42]The speaker does not fit in the back of a car.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[23:42 - 23:52]Someone else on the broadcast is jokingly accused of having sex in the back of a car.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[01:25 - 23:52]The speaker discusses their personal news, including a Twitter post, being live on a broadcast, celebrating Friday and the end of February, their daughter's upcoming birthday, playing video games, their weight loss journey, and joking about being "slutty" this summer. They also mention eating ice cream sandwiches and someone else on the broadcast is jokingly accused of having sex in the back of a car.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[25:55 - 26:29]Person talks about sexual experiences in a car while driving and mentions protein cookies and ice cream sandwiches

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[26:29 - 26:36]Talks about stocking up on food and shows off fridge contents

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[29:23 - 29:34]Shows off old streaming setup and talks about old roommate

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[30:54 - 31:03]Mentions haters and talks about cooking chicken with lemon juice

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[32:54 - 33:04]Mentions fan art and tries some chicken recipe while streaming

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[32:54 - 33:04]Chicken and sauce get acquainted and discuss politics

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[33:59 - 34:11]Talks about still making fun of "mls" and "ultras"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[34:11 - 34:17]Person makes fun of tankies and mentions being a "left book guy"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[23:53 - 34:17]Concludes by saying they know their stuff and mentions being unchanged in their political views.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[34:17 - 34:49]The speaker discusses their familiarity with certain terminology from online leftist forums and talks about their time spent in those circles.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[35:24 - 35:32]They mention interacting with people who they describe as having genuine mental illnesses.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[36:10 - 36:26]They bring up Jason Unruhe, a figure known for using terms like "struggle sessions" and "scientific principles of Marx's Leninism."

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[37:27 - 37:39]The speaker talks about a consistent stance they hold and how it hasn't changed.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[41:44 - 41:58]The speaker mentions seeing videos of Americans leaving the country and criticizes people who make negative comments about their charity work.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[45:06 - 45:11]They mention shifting focus to more fun content for the day.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[45:06 - 45:11]They discuss limiting political coverage for the day and mention feeling stuck in a cycle of covering certain topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[46:09 - 46:19]The speaker compares themselves to an older Fortnite streamer who is "perma stuck" catering to children.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[34:17 - 46:35]Overall, the speaker reflects on their experience in online leftist circles and their struggle to balance serious political coverage with more lighthearted content.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[54:57 - 55:41]Joe Biden and Donald Trump have opposing views on immigration policies

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[55:41 - 56:37]Both men acknowledge that border authorities are overwhelmed by the flow of migrants into the US

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[57:46 - 58:01]Biden accuses Trump of blocking a bipartisan deal on immigration

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[57:46 - 58:01]Biden's approach appears to be more conciliatory compared to Trump's confrontational stance

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[57:46 - 58:01]Biden's strategy of capitulating to right-wing framing is a common tactic of the Democratic Party

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[57:46 - 58:01]Biden's approach is surprising given that immigration is a right-wing issue

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[58:01 - 58:08]Trump criticizes Biden for rolling back his executive orders and for failing to pass a right-wing bill

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[58:01 - 58:08]Biden calls on Trump to join him in finding a solution to the issue

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[58:01 - 58:08]The Democratic Party's strategy of capitulation to right-wing framing is a basic political tactic

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[58:01 - 58:08]Biden accuses Trump of sinking a tough new bipartisan deal on immigration

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[46:35 - 58:08]Joe Biden and Donald Trump have opposing views on immigration policies, with both acknowledging the overwhelmed state of border authorities. Trump criticizes Biden for rolling back his executive orders and failing to pass a right-wing bill, while Biden accuses Trump of blocking a bipartisan deal and calls for cooperation. Biden's strategy of capitulating to right-wing framing is surprising given the issue of immigration, but it is a common tactic of the Democratic Party. He also accuses Trump of sinking a bipartisan deal on immigration.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[58:08 - 58:51]Immigration is a major campaign issue

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.04:43 - 1.04:54]Government control and socialized housing can help stabilize the housing market

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.05:05 - 1.05:25]Biden considering executive action on border security

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.05:05 - 1.05:25]There is a housing crisis that is not caused by undocumented migrants

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.05:05 - 1.05:25]The housing crisis is a separate issue from immigration

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.05:25 - 1.05:47]There is a lack of legal pathways for immigration

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.05:54 - 1.05:59]Homelessness is a growing issue and needs to be addressed

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.06:29 - 1.06:40]Trump promises mass deportations

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.06:29 - 1.06:40]There is a two-tiered immigration structure creating a permanent underclass

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.06:29 - 1.06:40]Biden previously compared Trump's immigration comments to Adolf Hitler

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.07:36 - 1.07:53]There is irony in the fear of Chinese migrants coming to America, as they likely dislike their government

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.08:43 - 1.08:48]People often do not consider the politics or circumstances of migrants, only seeing them as "bad" because they are not white

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.09:27 - 1.09:33]Maduro is an example of a leader mismanaging their country

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.09:27 - 1.09:33]The housing crisis, immigration, and homelessness are all complex issues that require a multi-faceted approach

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[58:08 - 1.09:45]Immigration, border security, and housing are major issues in current politics, with Trump promising mass deportations and Biden considering executive action. There is a lack of legal pathways for immigration and a housing crisis, which is a separate issue from immigration. This has led to a two-tiered immigration structure and a growing issue of homelessness. There is irony in the fear of Chinese migrants coming to America, as they likely dislike their government, and people often do not consider the politics or circumstances of migrants. Maduro is an example of a leader mismanaging their country. These issues require a multi-faceted approach to address and stabilize.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.09:45 - 1.10:20]Person being discussed is more popular than Madura, former leader of Venezuela

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.10:20 - 1.10:40]This person is Shavas, controversial figure in the West

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.10:20 - 1.10:40]Shavas was popular among poorer populations in Venezuela for social programs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.10:20 - 1.10:40]Madura ran on being a Shavista and was able to captivate people

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.10:59 - 1.11:27]Venezuela's economic structure was praised by Fox News before sanctions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.12:09 - 1.12:36]But now Venezuela is seen as socialist and failing

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.12:09 - 1.12:36]Argentina is also failing, but not talked about as a failure of capitalism

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.12:36 - 1.12:57]Capitalist countries are allowed to fail, like the US

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.13:58 - 1.14:22]Success of a country is measured by how well it provides for its poorest citizens

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.14:23 - 1.14:30]Important markers for success include life expectancy, healthcare, literacy, and happiness

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.15:27 - 1.15:39]Social democracy is a good pathway towards success, but relies on exploitation of the global south

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.16:29 - 1.16:47]Capitalism always tries to squeeze profits and will roll back social safety nets

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.16:47 - 1.17:00]This happened in Nazi Germany and is happening again in Europe

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.17:26 - 1.17:40]Then blames failures on the public sector and calls for privatization

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.17:50 - 1.17:56]Neo-liberalism takes tax revenue and uses it to fund private industries, leading to inefficiency

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.20:45 - 1.20:58]This leads to anger and scapegoating of minorities, fueling fascism

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.21:04 - 1.21:12]Democrats in the US try to appeal to this anger by promising to "kill Mexicans"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.09:45 - 1.21:12]Venezuela and Argentina are failing under their current economic systems, but capitalist countries are allowed to fail. Success of a country should be measured by how well it provides for its poorest citizens, but social democracy relies on exploitation and is a lifeline for capitalism. When social safety nets are rolled back, anger and scapegoating can lead to the rise of fascism.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.21:29 - 1.21:46] The speaker discusses the issue of racism and fascism in politics, particularly within the Republican party and the rise of anti-immigrant sentiment.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.22:13 - 1.22:30]They mention their preference for a more progressive transit project funded by tax dollars rather than a privately run project.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.23:10 - 1.23:37]The speaker quotes Yanis Varoufakis, a Greek economist, and criticizes center-left parties for failing to challenge capitalist policies.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.29:42 - 1.30:01]They argue that the lack of a strong socialist presence in politics leads to a shift towards more right-wing policies.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.31:11 - 1.31:30]The speaker shifts the focus to Barack Obama and his failure to follow through on his progressive promises.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.32:17 - 1.32:48]They highlight the impact of Trump's presidency on the Republican party's stance on social safety nets.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.21:12 - 1.32:48]Ultimately, the speaker blames the left for not challenging capitalist policies and allowing for the rise of fascism.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.32:48 - 1.33:01]Person expresses frustration with budget and lack of care for it

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.33:01 - 1.33:09]Trump used left-wing economic populism to gain popularity

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.33:29 - 1.33:38]Obama tried to be bipartisan and caved to the right

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.33:57 - 1.35:16]Obama's healthcare plan (ACA) was a right-wing strategy

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.33:57 - 1.35:16]There were some positive aspects of ACA, but also flaws

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.35:47 - 1.36:19]Democrats are not slowing down the country's move towards fascism

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.36:20 - 1.36:54]Democratic party has a history of adopting right-wing positions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.37:57 - 1.38:25]Trump was elected due to a wave of racism

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.38:25 - 1.39:07]Most people in the US who vote are racist and fascist, whether they realize it or not

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.38:25 - 1.39:07]There is a distinction between regular racists and those who have a more intellectualized understanding of racism

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.40:27 - 1.40:59]Racism plays a role when there is a lack of structural analysis

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.41:29 - 1.41:38]Liberals also have a "dog" in them when it comes to supporting anti-immigration policies

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.41:57 - 1.42:06]Democratic party criticism is not new, has been going on for 10 years

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.43:02 - 1.43:15]It's not helpful to call someone racist, it shuts them off from conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.43:02 - 1.43:15]Most Americans are not extreme racists or fascists

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.44:02 - 1.44:09]In other countries, there are more meaningful and coherent alternative plans offered by political parties

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.32:48 - 1.44:09]Person expresses frustration with budget, Trump used left-wing populism, Obama caved to the right, Democratic party has history of adopting right-wing positions, Obama's healthcare plan was flawed, Democrats are not slowing down country's move towards fascism, racism plays a role when there is a lack of structural analysis, most Americans are not extreme racists or fascists, other countries offer more meaningful alternatives.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.45:24 - 1.47:03]The speaker discusses a news article about undocumented immigrants allegedly committing crimes.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.52:07 - 1.52:22]They criticize the right-wing framing of immigration as a crime issue.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.54:38 - 1.55:01]The speaker mentions studies that show undocumented immigrants are actually less likely to commit crimes than natural-born citizens.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.55:17 - 1.55:39]They compare this framing to past instances of racism towards other groups, such as black people.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.55:17 - 1.55:39]The speaker brings up the media's role in perpetuating false narratives about crime, using the example of the recent increase in reporting on retail theft.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.55:17 - 1.55:39]They point out that the increase in retail theft is not due to organized crime, but rather to factors like self-checkout machines.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.55:17 - 1.55:39]The speaker discusses the media's portrayal of cities as crime-ridden, when in reality, crime rates have been decreasing for decades.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.55:17 - 1.55:39]They criticize the lack of media literacy and intellectual curiosity in the country, which perpetuates these false narratives.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.55:39 - 1.55:45]They express frustration with the Democratic Party for not actively combating this misinformation.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.55:39 - 1.55:45]The speaker suggests that lying is often done by those in power to protect their own interests.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.44:09 - 1.56:23]The main point is that the media's portrayal of crime is often exaggerated and based on false narratives, leading to a misinformed public.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.56:23 - 1.56:51]Massaging of the truth to make people dumber and feed them false narratives

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.56:51 - 1.57:04]People think internet content is a shortcut to intelligence, so they don't dive deeper

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.56:51 - 1.57:04]People want to sound smart, so they repeat things they hear from others

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.00:01 - 2.00:08]There is a lack of information to vindicate the speaker

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.00:53 - 2.01:04]The speaker wants to talk about the border, but people don't care about it anymore

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.00:53 - 2.01:04]Millions of people have crossed the border, making it the worst in history

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.02:32 - 2.02:53]The speaker is accused of lying and being wrong, which works on people who trust them

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.04:26 - 2.04:32]Some people watch for entertainment, not for truth

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.04:26 - 2.04:32]People only care about sounding smart, not about actual policies

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.04:32 - 2.05:11]Israeli authorities lie all the time and producers are frustrated

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.05:11 - 2.05:45]CNN leadership is confronted about double standards on Israel coverage

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.05:45 - 2.05:55]A commenter brings up unsubstantiated claims about Israel's actions in Gaza

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.05:56 - 2.06:12]People can subscribe to remove ads

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.05:56 - 2.06:12]The speaker is called a monkey and told to go back to Turkey

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.06:12 - 2.06:26]The speaker argues that this person is not truly pro-Palestinian

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.06:12 - 2.06:26]Streaming is hard, but the speaker will continue out of spite

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.06:12 - 2.06:26]This is not a pro-Palestinian community

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.06:26 - 2.06:34]There is a three-minute ad break at the top of the hour

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.06:37 - 2.06:57]The speaker is excited to have "hogs" (right-wing people) in the chat

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.06:37 - 2.06:57]The speaker is a diehard defender of the Democratic party and loves the FBI

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[1.56:23 - 2.06:57]The speaker discusses how false narratives and a lack of interest in the truth have led to a community that only cares about sounding smart, not about actual policies. They also address accusations of lying and being wrong, and express frustration with CNN's coverage of Israel. The speaker is excited to have "hogs" in the chat and expresses their commitment to continue streaming despite challenges and criticism.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.08:29 - 2.09:19]Person talks about being pro-Palestinian and criticizes Israel for lying about the al-ahli hospital explosion.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.09:20 - 2.09:35]They discuss how Israel has a talking point to discredit all information about the conflict.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.10:25 - 2.10:49]Person accuses Israel of lying about all of their military actions and causing destruction in Palestine.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.11:43 - 2.12:21]They criticize others for not recognizing Israel's lies and being duped by them.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.13:16 - 2.13:47]They claim that Israel only tells the truth when speaking to their own people.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.15:15 - 2.15:24]Person mentions their trust fund and European heritage.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.16:39 - 2.16:52]Person concludes by saying that the US is being "poisoned" by this influx of migrants.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.16:52 - 2.17:02]They discuss the influx of migrants and migrant crime in the US, blaming it on Biden.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.06:57 - 2.17:11]The speaker is critical of both Israel and the US government's handling of the conflict and immigration.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.17:12 - 2.17:19] New York City has become a sanctuary city.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.17:20 - 2.17:27]People from Iran, Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan, Russia, and China have been coming to the US.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.17:46 - 2.18:08]Trump believes there are terror cells in the country due to undocumented immigrants.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.18:08 - 2.18:28]Trump believes that another 9/11 could happen due to these undocumented immigrants.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.21:16 - 2.21:41]Trump believes that most immigrants hate undocumented immigrants.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.25:50 - 2.26:35]Trump believes that California and Arizona are handling immigration in their own hands.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.27:50 - 2.28:03]California does not have an issue with immigration like Texas does.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.27:50 - 2.28:03]California is a blue state and does not have the same issues with immigration as Texas.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.17:12 - 2.28:13]Trump believes that undocumented immigrants are causing potential terror threats and that states like California are handling immigration better than states like Texas.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.29:13 - 2.29:27] California is one of the wealthiest states in the country

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.30:23 - 2.30:59]People often criticize California, but it has a strong economy and diversity

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.30:23 - 2.30:59]California and Texas have some of the largest economies in the world

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.31:37 - 2.32:31]New York also has a strong economy but has faced challenges with undocumented migrants

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.34:52 - 2.35:07]Republicans have purposely created a crisis with undocumented migrants to push a reactionary narrative

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.35:48 - 2.36:16]Democrats have bought into this narrative and now lean into anti-immigrant propaganda

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.35:48 - 2.36:16]China is a top geopolitical foe

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.36:17 - 2.36:22]The government often allows Chinese nationals to buy land in the US, but China does not allow the same for Americans

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.36:39 - 2.36:50]Sanctuary cities are not the problem, it is the lack of adequate funding and processing for migrants

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.36:51 - 2.37:01]New York could handle migrants if properly funded, but a lack of communication and funding has caused issues

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.39:01 - 2.39:32]Migrants are not the cause of unaffordable housing, it is the greed of capital owners

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.28:13 - 2.40:31]The comprehensive summary is that California and Texas have strong economies, New York faces challenges with migrants, and the government is allowing Chinese nationals to buy land in the US.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.40:32 - 2.41:14]Commentator discusses how reactionary commentary spreads in the nation

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.41:15 - 2.41:24]The concept of sanctuary cities was originally advocated for by law enforcement agencies to protect migrant communities from federal law enforcement

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.41:15 - 2.41:24]Sanctuary cities were also advocated for as a means to deal with crime in migrant communities

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.41:32 - 2.41:50]Migrants can take advantage of hospitals and policing in these cities without fear of deportation

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.42:23 - 2.42:33]Migrants are not taking lower level housing and leaving expensive housing for locals

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.42:39 - 2.42:54]There is a lack of affordable housing being built

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.47:41 - 2.47:52]Progressive politics reveals the moral bankruptcy of the Democratic Party

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.48:47 - 2.49:18]Turkey is praised for staying sharp and buying a lot in the US

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.49:34 - 2.49:48]Trump's tariffs on steel helped the steel industry but are now being reversed

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.50:06 - 2.50:22]Turkey is also criticized for being anti-gay and anti-CIA

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.50:47 - 2.51:25]Trump discusses the danger of the US position in the world and its incompetence

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.50:47 - 2.51:25]The withdrawal from Afghanistan and leaving Americans behind is deemed a horrible mistake

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.52:42 - 2.52:58]Trump's dealings with North Korea are praised, but his actions regarding Iran were detrimental

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.53:00 - 2.53:46]Trump takes credit for Iran getting close to building a nuclear weapon due to the Iran nuclear deal being scrapped

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.40:32 - 2.53:46]The commentator discusses reactionary commentary and its spread in the nation, the concept of sanctuary cities and their original purpose, criticism of Trump's policies and foreign relations, and the danger and incompetence of the current US position in the world.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.54:04 - 2.54:10]Trump discusses China and their refusal to do business with Iran, leading to Iran's economic struggles

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.54:39 - 2.54:50]Trump criticizes Joe Biden, calling him the "worst president in the history of our country"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.54:57 - 2.55:06]Trump questions Biden's capability to have a discussion like this

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.58:23 - 2.58:29]Trump discusses the border and immigration, blaming Democrats for allowing people into the country who "shouldn't be here"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.04:11 - 3.04:22]Biden's policies have reversed many of Trump's policies

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.04:11 - 3.04:22]Trump believes Biden's visit was not an accident, but in response to their planned meeting

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.04:38 - 3.04:45]Trump and the speaker made an agreement to meet two weeks ago

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.05:04 - 3.05:11]Biden visited the wrong area and did not see the true struggles at the border

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.05:11 - 3.05:53]Speaker believes Hamas is a resistance group to the Israeli apartheid regime, not a terrorist organization

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[2.53:52 - 3.06:01]Trump discusses China, criticizes Biden, and talks about immigration and Biden's visit to the border. He also discusses his planned meeting with the speaker and his views on Hamas.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.06:01 - 3.06:41] So he just tried to counter again I Hate israel and zion is hamas are iranian proxy

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.11:18 - 3.11:33]Homas would not exist if it wasn't for the israeli occupation becoming increasingly more and more brutal

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.12:15 - 3.13:25]The only way to stop any kind of resistance towards the apartheid state is to no longer have an apartheid state

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.14:31 - 3.14:39]How about y'all deal with your america popa state?

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.14:39 - 3.14:47]You cannot talk about these issues Especially at the top of the hour when there's a three-minute outbreak

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.15:11 - 3.15:21]What are your go-to answers when dealing with these guys?

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.15:11 - 3.15:21]The guys also a debate pervert

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.15:48 - 3.15:55]Homas is the defensive posturing of the palestinian people

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.15:48 - 3.15:55]Call my colleague debate pervert today after you try telling me during an israel palestinian debate that actually palestinian never used to be a country in the river to the sea chant is anti-semitic

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.15:48 - 3.15:55]There's not really any valid answers when it comes to israel palestinian

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.15:48 - 3.15:55]It will always devolve into might is right and israel is in the right because I say so

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.15:48 - 3.15:55]There is an objective right and an objective wrong

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.16:26 - 3.16:50]Do you deny that israel is an apartheid state number one

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.16:26 - 3.16:50]Do you deny that israel is currently conducting an ethnic cleansing campaign

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.16:26 - 3.16:50]You are allowed to argue in here

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:03 - 3.17:12]There is no homos in the west bank and yet israel has been incredibly cruel and unusual in the maintenance of its apartheid regime in the west bank under its illegal occupation

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:22 - 3.17:35]You can follow them down

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:22 - 3.17:35]There is no world in which they can answer certain questions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:22 - 3.17:35]Yes on this issue, we are absolutely right

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:22 - 3.17:35]Every single thing that I just mentioned to you predates homos

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]You also set support fatah

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]The entire world is celebrating palestinians being ruthlessly slaughtered

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]The one fucking militant resistance group that is actually defending palestinians

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]Homos is not killing in the name of god

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]Homos is a relatively new version of the palestinian resistance

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]All of those other secular formations were slaughtered ruthlessly

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]They both lost popular support as a consequence of trying to negotiate peacefully with israel

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]How do you reverse this nearly ten million Unvetted illegal immigrants?

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]How do you reverse this nearly ten million Unvetted illegal immigrants?

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]How do you reverse this nearly ten million Unvetted illegal immigrants?

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]How do you reverse this nearly ten million Unvetted illegal immigrants?

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]How do you reverse this nearly ten million Unvetted illegal immigrants?

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]How do you reverse this nearly ten million Unvetted illegal immigrants?

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]How do you reverse this nearly ten million Unvetted illegal immigrants?

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:35 - 3.17:49]How do you reverse this nearly ten million Unvetted illegal immigrants?

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.06:01 - 3.17:49]So he just tried to counter again I Hate israel and zion is hamas are iranian proxy - Homas would not exist if it wasn't for the israeli occupation becoming increasingly more and more brutal - You cannot talk about these issues Especially at the top of the hour when there's a three-minute outbreak - Homas is the defensive posturing of the palestinian people - The only way to stop any kind of resistance towards the apartheid state is to no longer have an apartheid state - How about y'all deal with your america popa state? - Call my colleague debate pervert today after you try telling me during an israel palestinian debate that actually palestinian never used to be a country in the river to the sea chant is anti-semitic - What are your go-to answers when dealing with these guys? - The guys also a debate pervert - You can follow them down - There's not really any valid answers when it comes to israel palestinian - It will always devolve into might is right and israel is in the right because I say so - There is an objective right and an objective wrong - There is no world in which they can answer certain questions - Do you deny that israel is an apartheid state number one - Do you deny that israel is currently conducting an ethnic cleansing campaign - You are allowed to argue in here - Yes on this issue, we are absolutely right - Every single thing that I just mentioned to you predates homos - You also set support fatah - There is no homos in the west bank and yet israel has been incredibly cruel and unusual in the maintenance of its apartheid regime in the west bank under its illegal occupation - The entire world is celebrating palestinians being ruthlessly slaughtered - The one fucking militant resistance group that is actually defending palestinians - Homos is not killing in the name of god - Homos is a relatively new version of the palestinian resistance - All of those other secular formations were slaughtered ruthlessly - They both lost popular support as a consequence of trying to negotiate peacefully with israel - How do you reverse this nearly ten million Unvetted illegal immigrants? - Every state is really a border state - We have to deport a lot of people and they have to start immediately - We have no choice and the way you do it is your local police - We're gonna give immunity to police and we're gonna let the police do the job that they have to do - The local police are going to turn them over and we're going to have to move them back to their country - The FBI will be the premier once again - May Allah guide them Top FBI officials

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:49 - 3.18:01]People are accusing military age men of invading

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.18:01 - 3.18:08]Others are trying to understand their perspective

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.18:08 - 3.18:16]Some speculate that they may want votes and citizenship

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.18:16 - 3.18:29]Israel is appealing a ruling that bans using human shields and raids

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.18:29 - 3.18:44]Israel has a history of using Palestinians as human shields

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.18:29 - 3.18:44]Some are using outdated talking points to defend Israel's actions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.19:04 - 3.19:13]Jihad means struggle, not killing in the name of God

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.20:37 - 3.20:46]Israel denies intentionally firing on civilians during a recent event

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.24:19 - 3.24:28]The soldier being interviewed claims non-lethal fire is used when they feel threatened

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.24:28 - 3.24:52]Doctors in Gaza claim that gunshot wounds accounted for 80% of injuries from aid convoy attacks

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.24:28 - 3.24:52]Mainstream media is starting to criticize Israel's actions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.27:09 - 3.27:25]Soldiers are posting disturbing content on social media

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.28:15 - 3.28:31]The New York Times crossword referenced the recent Gaza massacre

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.29:28 - 3.30:35]The soldier compares the word "jihad" to "national socialism"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.30:37 - 3.30:43]The soldier's argument is compared to killing the reactionary inside oneself.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.17:49 - 3.31:01]The soldier being interviewed defends Israel's actions, claiming they only use non-lethal fire when feeling threatened, and compares the word "jihad" to "national socialism".

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.31:02 - 3.31:22]Political movement of nationalism vs socialism historically used by anti-socialist individuals

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.31:23 - 3.32:08]Old poem about killing socialists and not speaking out against it

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.31:23 - 3.32:08]Majority of practicing muslims do not mean jihad when practicing faith, only a marginal group

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.32:09 - 3.32:30]Hamas is a marginal group propped up as representative of Islam globally

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.32:09 - 3.32:30]Marginal group is not representative of Islam globally

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.33:23 - 3.33:38]Hamas is engaging in struggle against violent apartheid ethno state and conducting ethnic cleansing

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.33:23 - 3.33:38]Hamas is not conducting a holy war against Israel, but rather a form of struggle

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.33:38 - 3.34:19]Wahabist and Salafi interpretations of jihad are not representative of Islam globally

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.37:44 - 3.38:02]Hamas and other Palestinian resistance forces conducted acts of terror against civilian population

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.38:02 - 3.38:10]Palestinian resistance forces are a coalition, not just Hamas

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.38:02 - 3.38:10]Hamas is a terrorist organization, but so was the IRA and ANC

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.39:38 - 3.39:58]Politics is a consequence of why potholes are not being fixed

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.39:58 - 3.40:32]Politics has a significant impact on daily lives

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.39:58 - 3.40:32]Politics has an impact on daily lives, even for those not in the comfortable ingroup

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.40:51 - 3.40:58]Israel launched independent investigation into event, don't need other countries to investigate

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.42:55 - 3.43:01]Tracers used by Israel are non-lethal

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.43:01 - 3.43:10]Hamas should lay down weapons and return hostages to end conflict

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.43:40 - 3.44:05]Israel wants to dismantle Hamas, not occupy Gaza Strip

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.43:40 - 3.44:05]Israel not fighting Palestinian people, but rather Hamas

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.44:06 - 3.44:23]Tragedy of Hamas using their own people as human shields

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.44:23 - 3.45:01]Israel did not shoot at convoy, only used fire when threatened by masses running towards them

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.44:23 - 3.45:01]Heart goes out to civilians who got trampled and run over during stampede

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.44:23 - 3.45:01]Desperation of knowing Hamas is hijacking vital aid while demonizing Israel

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.31:02 - 3.45:01]Political movement of nationalism vs socialism historically used by anti-socialist individuals; majority of practicing muslims do not mean jihad when practicing faith; Hamas is a marginal group propped up as representative of Islam globally; Hamas engaging in struggle against violent apartheid ethno state and conducting ethnic cleansing; politics has significant impact on daily lives; Hamas and other Palestinian resistance forces conducted acts of terror against civilian population; Israel launched independent investigation into event and wants to dismantle Hamas, not occupy Gaza Strip; tragedy of Hamas using their own people as human shields; Israel did not shoot at convoy, only used fire when threatened by masses running towards them; desperation of knowing Hamas is hijacking vital aid while demonizing Israel.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.45:01 - 3.58:52]The conversation covers multiple topics related to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, including challenges with food distribution, a potential invasion, Israel's actions and response, and the deaths of innocent civilians and hostages. The host expresses support for the potential killing of Israeli settlers and discusses the possibility of more aid being provided to Gaza. The conversation also references an investigation into Israel's involvement in a recent massacre and a new Contra Points video.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.59:05 - 3.59:59] Ceasefire dependent on Hamas' beliefs and hostages while Israel continues to shoot

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.03:28 - 4.03:38]Election fodder for Donald Trump as house member slams Hunter Biden's deposition

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.03:28 - 4.03:38]Even right-wing outlets are criticizing the Hunter Biden deposition

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.03:28 - 4.03:38]Full 229-page transcript of Hunter Biden's testimony released by House oversight and judiciary committees

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.03:28 - 4.03:38]Topics include laptop addiction, Joe Biden, and Jared Kushner's foreign business dealings

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.03:28 - 4.03:38]Hunter Biden contrasted his scrutiny with Kushner's lack of investigation

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.03:38 - 4.03:49]Hunter Biden never crossed "bright lines" or asked his father for help with business dealings

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.04:43 - 4.05:01]Idea bootcamp shorter than getting a hair cutting license in the US

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.04:43 - 4.05:01]Joe Biden's team is taking steps to minimize disruptions at events

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.05:02 - 4.05:19]Zero disruptions at Biden's events, but he is appearing in front of fewer voters

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.05:20 - 4.05:50]Update on "Hell Divers 2" game with "living breathing world"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.08:20 - 4.08:35]Finland has significantly decreased homelessness through "Housing First" approach

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.09:49 - 4.10:01]"Housing First" offers stability and helps individuals get off drugs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.10:28 - 4.10:33]Homelessness in Finland was previously "very bad" and "very scary"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.10:40 - 4.11:07]Extent of American interest in veteran homeless people is only as a talking point

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[3.59:05 - 4.11:14]Ceasefire dependent on Hamas' beliefs and hostages while Israel continues to shoot. Idea bootcamp shorter than getting a hair cutting license in the US. Election fodder for Donald Trump as house member slams Hunter Biden's deposition. Even right-wing outlets are criticizing the Hunter Biden deposition. Full 229-page transcript of Hunter Biden's testimony released by House oversight and judiciary committees. Topics include laptop addiction, Joe Biden, and Jared Kushner's foreign business dealings. Hunter Biden contrasted his scrutiny with Kushner's lack of investigation. Hunter Biden never crossed "bright lines" or asked his father for help with business dealings. Joe Biden's team is taking steps to minimize disruptions at events. Zero disruptions at Biden's events, but he is appearing in front of fewer voters. Update on "Hell Divers 2" game with "living breathing world". Finland has significantly decreased homelessness through "Housing First" approach. "Housing First" offers stability and helps individuals get off drugs. Homelessness in Finland was previously "very bad" and "very scary". Extent of American interest in veteran homeless people is only as a talking point.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.11:39 - 4.11:46]Discussion about the lack of support for veterans in America

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.11:57 - 4.12:04]Comparison of America's treatment of veterans to Finland's treatment

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.14:40 - 4.15:11]Comparison of homeless population in Los Angeles to Finland's homeless population

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.15:31 - 4.16:21]Discussion of homelessness in Finland and how it was addressed in 2008

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.16:59 - 4.17:12]Explanation of why homelessness is beneficial for the wealthy in America

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.20:14 - 4.20:33]Discussion of the popular American mentality of using homes as investments

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.22:43 - 4.23:06]Comparison of home ownership rates in America to previous years

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.22:43 - 4.23:06]Comparison of home ownership rates in America to Finland

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.23:29 - 4.23:35]Discussion of the decimation of pensions and inadequate social security in America

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.23:42 - 4.24:04]Personal anecdote about the speaker's own home and retirement plan

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.11:15 - 4.24:04]The speaker discusses the lack of support for veterans in America, compares it to Finland, and delves into the issue of homelessness in both countries. They also explain why homelessness is beneficial for the wealthy in America and discuss the popular mentality of using homes as investments. The speaker also mentions the decimation of pensions and inadequate social security in America, and shares a personal anecdote about their own home and retirement plan.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.24:04 - 4.24:23] The speaker discusses the importance of homeownership and housing values in the United States.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.24:25 - 4.25:01]They argue that this is a major hurdle in combating the homelessness crisis.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.24:25 - 4.25:01]They mention the passing of anti-homelessness initiatives in California.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.28:58 - 4.29:27]The speaker discusses their own experience living in Los Angeles and the benefits of the weather.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.31:20 - 4.32:02]The speaker criticizes politicians for not following through with these initiatives and suggests that they are influenced by their own property ownership.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.31:20 - 4.32:02]The speaker argues that the democratic process and homeownership mentality in the US hinders progress towards solving the homelessness crisis.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.33:49 - 4.34:40]They mention the success of Finland's housing first program and the differences in attitudes towards housing.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.33:49 - 4.34:40]The government's focus on individual wealth accumulation hinders efforts to address homelessness.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.36:07 - 4.37:14]The speaker concludes that the primary issue is capitalism and hyper-capitalist sentiment in the US.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.37:19 - 4.37:39]They mention the decrease in home ownership in California and how it affects housing values.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.24:04 - 4.37:39]The speaker discusses the impact of homeownership and housing values on the homelessness crisis in the United States and criticizes the government's focus on individual wealth accumulation as a major hurdle in solving the issue. They compare this to the success of Finland's housing first program and argue that the capitalist mentality in the US is hindering progress.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.37:39 - 4.37:44]Discussion about the concept of buying a house as a socialist principle

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.37:45 - 4.37:56]Differences in perspective between renters and homeowners

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.38:11 - 4.38:34]Homeownership seen as a source of wealth accumulation and substitute for pension

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.38:11 - 4.38:34]Lack of empathy and understanding among liberals towards wealthy individuals

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.40:08 - 4.40:45]Aidan Ross and homelessness in America

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.40:46 - 4.41:04]Monoculture in the context of housing and services in Finland

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.41:34 - 4.41:42]Addressing accusations of being a grifter and having contracts with companies like Disney and Amazon

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.44:45 - 4.45:21]Monoculture argument in America and its racial diversity

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.46:55 - 4.47:33]Interview with a man who was once homeless and now lives in a housing first unit

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.47:51 - 4.48:19]The role of outreach teams in improving homelessness in Finland

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.48:27 - 4.48:36]Comparison between the social benefit system in Finland and the US

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.48:27 - 4.48:36]Finland's education system and its reputation compared to the US

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.49:03 - 4.49:15]Use of social reporting to address issues and involve politicians in making changes

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.49:41 - 4.49:49]Discussion about the use of the swastika in Finland's air force and its normalization in the past

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.37:39 - 4.49:49]Discussion about the concept of homeownership and wealth accumulation, lack of empathy among liberals towards wealthy individuals, comparisons between Finland and the US in terms of housing and social benefits, and the use of social reporting to address issues and involve politicians in making changes.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.00:17 - 5.00:35] The audio starts with a discussion about the housing first model and its success in Finland.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.00:55 - 5.01:03]The speaker talks about how the model was initiated by a centrist politician and had the support of the 10 biggest cities in Finland.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.01:04 - 5.01:29]The speaker brings up the example of the UK and how privatization has affected public transit.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.01:04 - 5.01:29]They mention how the housing first model is not being adopted on a large scale by the US government.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.01:04 - 5.01:29]The speaker talks about how they work for a homelessness nonprofit that practices the housing first model in the US.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.01:04 - 5.01:29]They discuss the challenges and difficulties faced by nonprofits due to lack of government support.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.01:04 - 5.01:29]The speaker talks about their advocacy work and how they explain the benefits of housing first to decision makers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.01:29 - 5.01:42]They mention how the program was led by a centrist politician and it is in operation.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.01:29 - 5.01:42]They mention the importance of prevention and affordable social housing in reducing homelessness.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[4.49:49 - 5.02:08]The audio ends with the speaker discussing their own experience with homelessness and drug use. Overall, the audio discusses the success and implementation of the housing first model in Finland, challenges faced by nonprofits in the US, and the importance of prevention and affordable housing in reducing homelessness. The speaker also shares their personal experience with homelessness and drug use.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.02:09 - 5.02:36]Started using Intervening drugs because of best friend's suicide

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.11:37 - 5.11:43]Takes a long time to learn to trust and feel safe in the apartment

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.12:32 - 5.12:42]Many residents have a history of abuse, mental health problems, or homelessness

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.12:32 - 5.12:42]Better to have a messy apartment than be on the streets

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.12:42 - 5.13:15]Giving them an apartment doesn't fix anything immediately

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.13:31 - 5.13:39]Sauna is a human right in Finland

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.13:39 - 5.14:23]Housing first approach is not just about housing, but also support

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.13:39 - 5.14:23]Support includes jobs, activities, and community involvement

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.13:39 - 5.14:23]Housing first is not just about numbers, but improving individual lives

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.13:39 - 5.14:23]Housing first building has almost 100 formerly homeless people

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.13:39 - 5.14:23]People are used to seeing all kinds of people in downtown areas, making it a better location for housing units

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.13:39 - 5.14:23]People lose hope and die sooner when they are homeless

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.13:39 - 5.14:23]Having a home gives hope and allows for integration into society

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.13:39 - 5.14:23]Homelessness is not good for anyone

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.13:39 - 5.14:23]People should not have to get rid of their addictions to have a home

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.13:39 - 5.14:23]Housing first program is the best way to help people

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.14:23 - 5.14:29]Difficult cases may have to be signed out and continue to the next place

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.02:09 - 5.14:29]Housing first is a program that provides apartments to formerly homeless individuals, along with support and services. It aims to improve the lives of individuals and integrate them back into society.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.18:29 - 5.18:44]The audio discusses the issue of homelessness in Finland and America, with a focus on the success of the "housing first" approach in Finland.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.19:28 - 5.20:06]The speaker also argues that capitalism is not the root cause of the issue, but rather a lack of empathy and cooperation among Americans.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.19:28 - 5.20:06]They discuss the success of the housing first approach in Finland and how it has improved the city's safety, cleanliness, and attractiveness to tourists and investors.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.20:13 - 5.20:26]The speaker argues that the homogenous society in Finland allows for more empathy and cooperation towards addressing social issues, whereas America is more individualistic and selfish.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.20:13 - 5.20:26]They mention the lack of affordable healthcare in America and how it contrasts with the universal healthcare in Europe.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.20:59 - 5.21:11]The audio then transitions into a compilation of suspects attempting to flirt with police officers to escape arrest.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.21:12 - 5.21:39]One particular suspect, Grace Spoonamore, is shown being confrontational and disrespectful towards the officers, showcasing inappropriate behavior while under the influence of alcohol.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.26:31 - 5.26:58]The suspect's actions add to her list of potential charges and demonstrate a lack of accountability and responsibility.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.14:29 - 5.27:18]Overall, the audio highlights the issues of empathy, cooperation, and accountability in addressing social issues in both Finland and America, and how it impacts the success of various approaches.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.28:54 - 5.29:10] A woman named Grace is being arrested and is uncooperative with the police.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.32:04 - 5.32:27]Grace is charged with drunk driving, assault of a police officer, and other offenses.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.33:07 - 5.33:18]Another woman, Naomi, is pulled over for driving suspiciously.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.36:16 - 5.36:25]The case is still ongoing for Naomi.

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[5.37:58 - 5.38:34]The encounter with the two women shows how white women can receive preferential treatment from the police.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.40:38 - 5.41:12]Naomi attempts to seduce the police officer to avoid being arrested.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.40:38 - 5.41:12]The officer is not swayed and Naomi is arrested for driving under the influence and multiple suspensions on her license.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.40:38 - 5.41:12]Naomi's attempt at flirting does not work and she is charged with possession of alcohol.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.27:18 - 5.41:12]Two women, Grace and Naomi, are arrested for drunk driving and other offenses, with Grace also being charged with assault of a police officer. Naomi attempts to flirt with the police officer to avoid being arrested, but is unsuccessful. Both cases are still ongoing. The encounter highlights preferential treatment received by white women from the police.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.41:12 - 5.41:25] Brooke was pulled over by a cop for swerving on the road and was surprisingly friendly with the officer.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.45:49 - 5.45:57]Brooke failed the tests and was arrested.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.46:04 - 5.46:19]The cop searched her car but only found a loose car seat.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.48:06 - 5.49:19]Brooke's blood alcohol test showed she had a BAC of 0.14%.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.48:06 - 5.49:19]Another girl, a 19-year-old stripper, was pulled over for swerving and throwing unknown items out the window.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.49:20 - 5.49:42]She claimed she was texting her baby daddy and had not been drinking.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.50:14 - 5.50:19]The officer noticed she was on the phone with her baby daddy and asked her to perform sobriety tests.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.50:14 - 5.50:19]The officer asked her to perform sobriety tests and she did not pass them.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.51:26 - 5.51:39]She was arrested and a search of her car revealed guns and a large amount of cash.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.51:39 - 5.52:02]She was charged with DUI and sentenced to probation.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.53:14 - 5.53:30]Another girl was pulled over for going 55 mph in a 30 mph zone.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.53:14 - 5.53:30]She was wearing a sparkly outfit and mentioned she came from a strip club.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.53:14 - 5.53:30]She was asked to perform sobriety tests but did not pass them.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.53:14 - 5.53:30]She was arrested and searched but nothing was found.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.53:14 - 5.53:30]She was charged with speeding and resisting arrest.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.53:14 - 5.53:30]All three incidents involved women who were pulled over for suspected drunk driving, with varying levels of interaction and behavior with the officers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.53:30 - 5.53:36]She claimed her window was stuck and mentioned a previous negative experience with cops.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.53:30 - 5.53:36]The last girl mentioned a previous negative experience with cops and was wearing a sparkly outfit, possibly indicating she had been working at a strip club.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.41:12 - 5.54:19]Despite the different interactions, all three women were ultimately arrested and charged with DUI or related offenses.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.01:39 - 6.01:48]Person is pulled over by police while driving

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.05:03 - 6.05:11]Person claims they are being racially profiled by TSA

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.05:03 - 6.05:11]Person fails sobriety tests and is arrested for DWI

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.05:03 - 6.05:11]Another person (Kelly) is arrested for DUI and neglect while driving a special needs patient

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.05:03 - 6.05:11]Kelly flirts with officers and is arrested for driving while intoxicated

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.05:40 - 6.05:46]Person admits to smoking weed but denies drinking

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.05:47 - 6.05:55]18-year-old Skylar brags about getting away with a DUI through flirting and quick wit

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.05:47 - 6.05:55]Skylar is pulled over for weaving and claims to have gotten away with a warning through flirting

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.05:47 - 6.05:55]Officer records interaction on body cam

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[6.05:47 - 6.05:55]Officer gives Skylar a card with department information but not his personal number or an invitation to dinner

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.05:55 - 6.06:01]Person complains about friend issues and tries to use it as an excuse

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[5.54:20 - 6.06:01]Person is pulled over and arrested for DWI and another person is arrested for DUI and neglect while driving a special needs patient. A third person claims to have gotten away with a DUI through flirting and quick wit, but footage from an officer's body cam tells a different story.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.14:12 - 6.14:31]Officer pulls over driver for erratic driving

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.15:29 - 6.15:35]Driver admits to having a few drinks

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.15:35 - 6.15:45]Officer suspects driver has been drinking

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.15:35 - 6.15:45]Driver denies drinking, but is taken out of car for sobriety test

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.15:35 - 6.15:45]Driver fails sobriety test and is arrested

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.15:35 - 6.15:45]Driver takes breathalyzer test and blows over the legal limit

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.15:56 - 6.16:13]Driver makes awkward but charming comments at the station

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.15:56 - 6.16:13]Officer decides to let driver go and take her to the station

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.15:56 - 6.16:13]Driver continues to make awkward comments at the station

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.15:56 - 6.16:13]Officer takes driver to the station and she takes a breathalyzer test

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.15:56 - 6.16:13]Officer decides to let driver go

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.15:56 - 6.16:13]Driver makes awkward but charming comments at the station

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.16:13 - 6.16:52]Driver fails the breathalyzer test

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.06:01 - 6.17:05]Officer pulls over and arrests driver for drunk driving, after she fails sobriety and breathalyzer tests and admits to drinking.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.17:07 - 6.17:55]Karina is cooperative during booking, but field breathalyzer and sobriety tests are inadmissible in court

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.17:55 - 6.18:00]Breathalyzer at precinct is consistent and can be used in court

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.17:55 - 6.18:00]Karina advises always asking for blood work instead of field breathalyzer test

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[6.17:55 - 6.18:00]Refusing breathalyzer at station can result in automatic guilt for drunk driving

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.18:25 - 6.18:35]Certain states, like California, can suspend license even if sober

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.21:51 - 6.22:05]Karina is arrested for second DUI in less than two months, as well as two other run-ins with the law

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.22:33 - 6.22:43]Lydia Baddillo caught trying to transport illegal immigrants over border, attempts to seduce officer but fails

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.24:52 - 6.25:57]Officer discovers fake IDs and women being forced into debt bondage and sex work

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[6.26:10 - 6.26:21]Bubbly and flirtatious driver gets into a car accident and is arrested for drunk driving

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.17:07 - 6.28:40]Karina, Lydia, and a bubbly driver all encounter legal issues with drunk driving and illegal activities, but their attempts to charm and flirt with officers do not save them from arrest.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.31:00 - 6.32:04]The audio begins with a conversation about a woman trying to seduce a police officer during a DUI stop.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.36:30 - 6.36:55]The conversation shifts to a more serious topic as the woman is connected to a murder case.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.37:15 - 6.37:44]The interrogation reveals that the woman stole $50,000 from a dementia patient while working at a bank.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.37:15 - 6.37:44]The woman's husband is also involved in the crime and the interrogation aims to determine her role in the murders.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.38:19 - 6.38:28]The woman's interrogation begins with the detective reading her rights and getting basic information.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.39:09 - 6.39:37]The woman is arrested for aggravated DWI and reckless driving.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.39:09 - 6.39:37]The woman speaks in a high-pitched and timid tone, possibly due to stress.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.39:09 - 6.39:37]She shows signs of flirting with the detectives in an attempt to lessen her sentence.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.39:09 - 6.39:37]Throughout the interrogation, the woman exhibits signs of discomfort and protection, such as crossing her arms and hunching over.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.39:09 - 6.39:37]The conversation shifts to discussing a TV show about pulling over drunk drivers in Australia.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.39:09 - 6.39:37]The conversation shifts to discussing a TV show about pulling over drunk drivers in Australia.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.39:09 - 6.39:37]The audio ends with the detective advising the woman to be completely honest with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.39:09 - 6.39:37]The woman's actions and words suggest she may be guilty of the crimes she is being accused of.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.39:09 - 6.39:37]The audio provides an example of a dramatic shift from a lighthearted conversation to a serious discussion of criminal activity.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.39:09 - 6.39:37]The woman's attempts to flirt with the detectives are unsuccessful in lessening her sentence.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.39:09 - 6.39:37]The woman's interrogation reveals her involvement in a double homicide and theft from a dementia patient.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.39:38 - 6.39:44]The woman's husband is also implicated in the crimes.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.41:03 - 6.41:45]Despite her attempts to appear open and honest, her body language reveals discomfort and protection.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.41:03 - 6.41:45]The woman is advised to be completely honest with the detectives.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.41:03 - 6.41:45]The audio highlights the importance of having a lawyer present during police interrogations.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.41:03 - 6.41:45]The audio provides a glimpse into the tactics used by detectives to uncover the truth.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.28:40 - 6.41:45]The audio features a conversation about a woman's attempt to seduce a police officer during a DUI stop, which shifts to a more serious discussion of her involvement in a double homicide and theft from a dementia patient. The woman's attempts to flirt with the detectives are unsuccessful and her body language suggests discomfort and protection. The interrogation highlights the importance of having a lawyer present and reveals the tactics used by detectives to uncover the truth.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.41:45 - 6.42:33] In May, Amelia's speech becomes shorter and unclear when questioned about Gerald's banking records.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.42:56 - 6.43:04]The detective asks if Josh had ever talked to Cindy and if he had been to their house.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.43:24 - 6.43:41]Amelia changes her strategy from flirtatious and playful to innocent and clueless.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.43:49 - 6.44:37]The detective notices her change in demeanor and ramps up the pressure.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.43:49 - 6.44:37]The detective notices her facade starting to break and presses her further.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.43:49 - 6.44:37]The detective warns Amelia that the decisions she makes in the interview will affect her life for a long time.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.44:43 - 6.44:52]He mentions that Amelia and Josh's names are all over the situation.

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[6.44:43 - 6.44:52]The detective urges Amelia to start thinking about who else may be involved.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.45:01 - 6.45:06]He suggests that things got out of hand and that Cindy may have been asking for money back.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.45:37 - 6.45:43]The detective offers options for them to do while waiting for something to be fixed.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.46:16 - 6.46:23]The detective finds Emma attractive and mentions a new fan cam for her.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.47:13 - 6.47:20]The detective mentions a newly downloaded game and declares it "fat boy friday".

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 1, 2024 – Biden-Trump Border Deal?, Suspects seducing police REACT, Finland Homeless

[6.41:45 - 6.47:27]The detective pressures Amelia about her involvement with Gerald's banking records and urges her to think about the potential consequences. He also mentions possible involvement from others and offers options for them to do while waiting for something to be fixed.