

Youtube profile pic for Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:00 - 04:01]He plans to go back to Japan in the winter with an "all-star" group of people

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:05 - 03:04]Schlatt is currently in Japan and is having a great time

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:45 - 01:23]They discuss Godzilla's origins and how it relates to the US dropping the atomic bombs in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:41 - 03:17]Tucker and Schlatt are talking about Schlatt's recent trip to Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:38 - 06:07]Schlatt talks about walking around Tokyo and how people don't notice him because he is tall and not well-known there

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:46 - 05:58]They continue discussing different aspects of Japanese culture, such as sumo wrestling and unique flavors of snacks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[04:40 - 06:42]Schlatt talks about walking around Tokyo and how people don't notice him because he is tall and not well-known there

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[06:42 - 09:41]Tucker and Schlatt are talking about Schlatt's recent trip to Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[09:41 - 11:37]They continue discussing different aspects of Japanese culture, such as sumo wrestling and unique flavors of snacks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:03 - 12:23]Schlatt denies being a "weeb" and Tucker jokingly tries to prove otherwise

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:37 - 14:56]They discuss Godzilla's origins and how it relates to the US dropping the atomic bombs in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:08 - 13:33]They continue discussing different aspects of Japanese culture, such as sumo wrestling and unique flavors of snacks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[14:56 - 17:42]They discuss different Japanese dishes and technology stores, specifically Bic Camera

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[16:24 - 18:27]They continue discussing different aspects of Japanese culture, such as sumo wrestling and unique flavors of snacks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[17:06 - 19:47]The speakers discuss adding "jiblic" content to their living room

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[17:24 - 18:34]They discuss potential items to add, including a "jiblicoo" clock and Japanese candies

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:47 - 24:16]The topic shifts to the speaker's YouTube channels and their branding, specifically the channel "Schlagg"

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[24:17 - 31:03]The conversation turns to the speaker's recent trip to Japan and their experiences with convenience stores and time zones

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[28:12 - 28:58]They mention a upcoming video about a particular place they visited in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[28:58 - 30:27]The topic shifts to a previous character the speaker had on their channel

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:28 - 31:49]The speakers briefly discuss a sponsorship with DoorDash and their use of the app

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[31:15 - 32:26]The conversation turns to the speaker's recent trip to Japan and their experiences with convenience stores and time zones

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[31:55 - 33:28]They also mention a sponsorship with Zockdock and the importance of finding the right doctor

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[33:28 - 34:36]The group discusses their new topic, "firsts and worsts"

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[34:04 - 35:00]One person suggests starting with first time traveling internationally, but another questions if they have traveled enough internationally to have a worst experience

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[34:36 - 35:16]They discuss the idea of taking young children on international trips and the value of them being able to remember it

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[35:35 - 36:04]Another person shares their first time traveling to Canada, but questions if it counts as international since it's connected to the US

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[36:04 - 37:15]One person shares their experience of going on a cruise to Bermuda as a child and being scared because it went through the Bermuda Triangle

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:16 - 38:35]They talk about the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle and its portrayal in media, such as children's books and conspiracy theories

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[38:15 - 38:22]One person shares their experience of going on a cruise to Bermuda as a child and being scared because it went through the Bermuda Triangle

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[38:35 - 39:20]The conversation shifts to discussing different flights and flight paths they would not feel comfortable flying on, such as over Ukraine during the Cold War

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[39:56 - 41:15]They joke about sending one person on a reporting trip to different parts of the world, including Singapore, which they discuss as a highly regulated and hot country

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[40:04 - 40:23]The speaker recalls a chaotic day at work where they had to wear a helmet and a windbreaker over a dresser and tie.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[40:24 - 40:37]They discuss a roommate named Connor who only eats frozen chicken fingers and would disappear during parties.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[40:37 - 41:15]They mention a monkey hotel with a club below it where the speaker woke up multiple times.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[41:16 - 41:51]One person shares that they have a saved location on Google Maps of an A-10 mid-air doing a gun run in Afghanistan, which they found while looking up A-10s on Google Maps

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[41:16 - 44:13]The speaker recalls a chaotic day at work where they had to wear a helmet and a windbreaker over a dresser and tie.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[42:25 - 42:55]They share their first and worst travel experiences, with one person saying their worst was traveling to Australia in 2019.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[42:39 - 43:59]They mention a camping trip that was one of the worst nights of their life due to a difficult sleeping situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:19 - 45:06]The speaker recalls another time when they slept in a cold environment and had to wrap themselves in clothing to stay warm.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:06 - 46:16]The speaker slept in a U-Haul truck and had to crawl over multiple people to get close to a heater.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:19 - 46:09]They mention a monkey hotel with a club below it where the speaker woke up multiple times.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[46:17 - 48:28]The speaker talks about a stressful trip to Ireland where they were trying to record a podcast and finish editing a video on a small Mac.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[46:23 - 46:29]The speaker recalls a chaotic day at work where they had to wear a helmet and a windbreaker over a dresser and tie.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[46:29 - 46:59]They mention a camping trip that was one of the worst nights of their life due to a difficult sleeping situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[47:51 - 48:19]The speaker talks about a stressful trip to Ireland where they were trying to record a podcast and finish editing a video on a small Mac.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[48:28 - 49:22]They discuss a roommate named Connor who only eats frozen chicken fingers and would disappear during parties.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[49:23 - 50:45]The speaker's first roommate was named Griffin and they had a tradition of going to a specific area on campus.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:17 - 50:36]They briefly mention a potential illegal activity they did in that area.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:30 - 51:28]They talk about their belief that the smell of weed would be concealed by tobacco.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:45 - 51:35]The speaker's worst roommate is not named but they mention that they cannot talk about them while in Japan due to strict laws.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:54 - 51:06]The speaker admits they never got caught smoking on campus.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[51:07 - 51:20]They mention the prevalence of drinking in college due to the criminalization of other substances.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[51:30 - 52:14]The speaker recalls a roommate who did something that made them uncomfortable.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[52:14 - 54:05]They mention a specific incident where their roommate pushed their beds together without their consent.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[52:48 - 53:29]The speaker expresses discomfort with the idea of their roommate sleeping on their bed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:29 - 53:35]The speaker recalls a roommate who did something that made them uncomfortable.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:36 - 53:59]They mention a specific incident where their roommate pushed their beds together without their consent.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:05 - 55:13]The speaker recalls a roommate who did something that made them uncomfortable.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:14 - 54:41]The speaker discusses smoking spliffs on campus during their freshman year of college.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:21 - 54:29]The speaker admits they never got caught smoking on campus.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[55:13 - 55:33]The speaker discusses smoking spliffs on campus during their freshman year of college.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[55:33 - 56:05]They also mention a time when they got drunk for the first time at age 21.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:05 - 56:11]The speaker then shares their actual first time getting drunk at age 16 with a group of friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:11 - 56:49]The speaker describes drinking a can of beer and then trying hard liquor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:49 - 57:31]They mention getting a case of High Noon vodka and getting sick afterwards.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[57:14 - 59:00]They clarify that it was not a liqueur, but a flavored vodka.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[57:32 - 57:38]The speaker expresses discomfort with the idea of their roommate sleeping on their bed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[57:38 - 57:51]The speaker recalls a roommate who did something that made them uncomfortable.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[57:51 - 58:53]The speaker then shares their actual first time getting drunk at age 16 with a group of friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[58:03 - 58:39]They mention drinking a handle of raspberry Rubenov vodka.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[59:00 - 59:28]Person in the text is underage and nervous about going back home after drinking alcohol.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[59:28 - 1.00:36]They try to enter their parents' house through the front door to avoid being caught.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.00:37 - 1.01:05]The person ends up getting extremely sick and vomiting throughout the night.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.01:05 - 1.02:12]Person in the text is underage and nervous about going back home after drinking alcohol.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.01:49 - 1.02:19]The friend's parents were absent and allowed them to use their alcohol for a drinking game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.02:20 - 1.02:34]The person's friend also shares a story about getting extremely drunk at their high school girlfriend's house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.02:34 - 1.03:23]Person in the text is underage and nervous about going back home after drinking alcohol.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.03:24 - 1.04:23]The friend's parents were absent and allowed them to use their alcohol for a drinking game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.04:32 - 1.05:05]The person ends up getting extremely sick and vomiting throughout the night.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.05:06 - 1.06:12]The person does not relate to the concept of blacking out as they get the spins early on in their drinking.

A youtube thumbnail wor Schlatt Defends The "Weeb" Allegations | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.06:12 - 1.06:37]Person in the text is underage and nervous about going back home after drinking alcohol.