

Youtube profile pic for Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:00 - 00:20]Two individuals are talking about one of them being in Japan and potentially adopting pugs.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:20 - 00:42]They discuss their current locations in Japan and a previous visit to a small alleyway known for bars.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:42 - 00:54]They talk about the language barrier and how alcohol can bring people together.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:55 - 01:17]The topic of playing a mind game called "Would You Rather?" is introduced.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[01:58 - 02:25]They discuss the strictness of the priest and how he denied them communion for not saying "amen."

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:25 - 03:14]The person's aunt passed away from cancer and the funeral was held at a Catholic church.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:39 - 04:37]There were issues with the funeral procession and the priest only allowed one eulogy to be spoken.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[04:38 - 05:47]They discuss the strictness of the priest and how he denied them communion for not saying "amen."

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[05:15 - 06:05]They talk about the language barrier and how alcohol can bring people together.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[06:05 - 06:48]The individual was asked to give the eulogy and froze during communion, resulting in the priest denying them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[06:48 - 07:39]They discuss the strictness of the priest and how he denied them communion for not saying "amen."

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[07:01 - 07:32]There were issues with the funeral procession and the priest only allowed one eulogy to be spoken.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[07:39 - 07:54]The individual was asked to give the eulogy and froze during communion, resulting in the priest denying them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[07:56 - 08:18]The individual expresses their frustration and jokes about buying the land of the church to build a mosque or Chuck E. Cheese.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[08:18 - 08:30]One individual leaves to find something related to the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[08:30 - 08:38]A discussion about fashion choices and the availability of communion bread on Amazon

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[08:39 - 08:48]A discussion about the show using "speak pipes" and a comment about low quality

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[08:48 - 10:35]A request for someone named Schlatt to act as a pseudo priest and say something

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[08:55 - 10:27]A mention of a show called "Truckel Sandwich" and a question about eating an entire teddy bear

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[09:11 - 09:22]A comment about the size of the communion wafer and questioning if it is a Protestant one

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[09:30 - 09:35]Schlatt's refusal and a mention of children being able to do it

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[09:45 - 11:02]A discussion about whether the communion bread is blessed in the proper way and a comment about it being "the body of Jesus"

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[09:53 - 10:13]Someone named Ted expressing concern and mentioning they have plenty of communion

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[10:35 - 10:47]An argument about the taste of communion crackers and a comparison to saltines or Ritz crackers

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:02 - 13:26]A comment that the person has not confessed and a suggestion to talk to the bishop

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:08 - 13:17]A mention of the priest being a "protector of the gifts of the altar" and having the ability to deny communion to someone who is a "grave sinner"

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:13 - 11:50]Schlatt's refusal and a mention of children being able to do it

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:20 - 11:38]A mention of being denied communion at a funeral and questioning if it has ever happened before

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:39 - 12:34]A question about whether the person has been baptized Catholic and a response that they have been confirmed

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:35 - 13:01]A mention of a potential argument that the person said something wrong during communion

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[13:26 - 14:14]A mention of eating communion bread and a comment that it may be a sin

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[13:50 - 14:57]A comment about the employee, who is described as looking like someone named Jeff, not caring and being like an "old altar boy"

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[15:11 - 16:14]A mention of a potential argument that the person said something wrong during communion

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[15:16 - 15:29]A mention of being denied communion at a funeral and questioning if it has ever happened before

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[15:29 - 15:36]A comment about the employee, who is described as looking like someone named Jeff, not caring and being like an "old altar boy"

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[15:38 - 15:50]A mention of being denied communion at a funeral and questioning if it has ever happened before

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[16:17 - 16:41]An introduction to a show called "Chocolate Sandwich" and a mention of doing a "would you rather" episode

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[16:23 - 17:02]A comment about giving out awards for stories and a request for some kind of recognition for the communion story

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[16:41 - 16:46]A mention of the priest being a "protector of the gifts of the altar" and having the ability to deny communion to someone who is a "grave sinner"

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[17:02 - 17:29]A mention of "chat GPT" and a comparison to tricking someone into being a pseudo priest

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[17:31 - 18:08]A discussion about the show using "speak pipes" and a comment about low quality

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[17:36 - 18:29]They mention that some of the submissions are from Reddit, random websites, and their own ideas.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:11 - 18:35]An introduction to a show called "Chocolate Sandwich" and a mention of doing a "would you rather" episode

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:11 - 18:35]One of the hosts, Tucker, shares that he searched for topics related to pop culture.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:24 - 18:29]A discussion about fashion choices and the availability of communion bread on Amazon

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:36 - 19:08]An argument about the taste of communion crackers and a comparison to saltines or Ritz crackers

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:36 - 19:54]Tucker shares the first topic, which is a "would you rather" question about giving up pizza or french fries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:09 - 19:22]A mention of eating communion bread and a comment that it may be a sin

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:09 - 19:34]The conversation then shifts to discussing their favorite flavors of Gatorade.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:23 - 19:28]A comment that the person has not confessed and a suggestion to talk to the bishop

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:28 - 19:42]A discussion about whether the communion bread is blessed in the proper way and a comment about it being "the body of Jesus"

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:35 - 19:47]The conversation is taking place on a podcast and they are discussing various topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:54 - 20:52]Tucker shares another submission, this time about choosing between being able to see into the future or going back in time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[20:01 - 21:52]The other host, Schlatt, jokingly takes offense to Tucker's answer of choosing french fries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[20:53 - 23:35]They then discuss different styles of pizza, with Schlatt stating that only New York pizza is worth eating.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:04 - 21:23]They jokingly give out awards to each other for their opinions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:23 - 23:23]They then discuss different styles of pizza, with Schlatt stating that only New York pizza is worth eating.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[23:35 - 24:02]They jokingly give out awards to each other for their opinions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[24:02 - 24:40]They share another "would you rather" question about choosing between having the pair phone or Goddard again.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[24:40 - 25:27]Tucker shares the first topic, which is a "would you rather" question about giving up pizza or french fries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:36 - 27:24]One of the hosts, Schlatt, mentions a court ruling that declared tacos to be sandwiches.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:56 - 26:41]They jokingly give out awards to each other for their opinions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:13 - 27:45]They share another "would you rather" question about choosing between having the pair phone or Goddard again.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:32 - 28:29]Tucker shares another "would you rather" question, this time about choosing between having the pair phone from iCarly or Goddard from Jimmy Neutron.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:45 - 29:34]They share another "would you rather" question about choosing between having the pair phone or Goddard again.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[28:36 - 29:27]Tucker shares another submission, this time about choosing between being able to see into the future or going back in time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[29:01 - 30:43]The conversation briefly touches on the iPhone 4 again before ending.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[29:34 - 30:12]The conversation briefly shifts to the iPhone 4 and its design.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:43 - 31:18]Tucker shares another submission, this time about choosing between being able to see into the future or going back in time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:50 - 31:12]Tucker shares another "would you rather" question, this time about choosing between having the pair phone from iCarly or Goddard from Jimmy Neutron.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:50 - 32:16]The speaker points out the potential downsides of having fairies constantly trying to offset childhood trauma

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[31:01 - 33:09]The other person argues that Timmy Turner's fairy godparents would be more fun and useful to have

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[32:32 - 35:14]The other person points out the potential psychological effects of having magic powers and forgetting about them at age 18

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[34:29 - 36:33]The conversation ends with the speaker jokingly calling for a pact to all become "hot" and the other person teasing the speaker for wearing a friendship bracelet

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[36:17 - 37:38]The conversation shifts to a discussion about losing the ability to either put ice in drinks or season food

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[36:33 - 36:55]The conversation ends with the speaker jokingly calling for a pact to all become "hot" and the other person teasing the speaker for wearing a friendship bracelet

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:39 - 38:43]The conversation shifts to a discussion about losing the ability to either put ice in drinks or season food

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[39:09 - 40:48]The other person disagrees and argues for the importance of ice in drinks

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[40:48 - 41:25]The conversation ends with the speaker jokingly calling for a pact to all become "hot" and the other person teasing the speaker for wearing a friendship bracelet

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[41:26 - 42:51]The audio discusses whether it would be more intriguing to discover that the pyramids were built by aliens or if mankind existed before and then collapsed and restarted.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[41:41 - 43:54]The speaker then presents a scenario where they could either lose all streaming services and Google or commit the worst crime to eliminate all future crimes.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:00 - 44:06]The speaker believes that the question is purposely designed to make them choose the latter option.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:08 - 45:52]They mention the idea of harnessing this technology and potentially being able to move the earth in the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:14 - 49:19]The speaker then presents a scenario where they could either lose all streaming services and Google or commit the worst crime to eliminate all future crimes.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[48:23 - 49:32]The speaker believes that the question is purposely designed to make them choose the latter option.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[49:32 - 50:00]The speaker then presents a scenario where they could either lose all streaming services and Google or commit the worst crime to eliminate all future crimes.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:01 - 53:55]The group discusses what would constitute the worst crime and the speaker brings up the idea of genocide of an alien species.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[51:48 - 54:05]They debate whether killing innocence is considered a sin, with the speaker arguing that they do not view it as such.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[52:23 - 52:51]A discussion about childhood experiences with a big wheel toy and how some children had to compete for a chance to play with it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[52:51 - 53:55]A mention of the television show "The Twilight Zone" and a quote from the episode "To Serve Man."

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:55 - 55:27]A hypothetical question about whether the speaker would rather eliminate all crime in the world by detonating a large nuclear weapon or continue living with crime.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[55:33 - 57:19]A discussion about the efficiency of skipping as a form of locomotion and a brief mention of the exercise craze "Prancercise."

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[57:19 - 1.00:46]A hypothetical question about whether the speaker would rather be 10 inches tall but able to withstand 50 tons of weight or 10 feet tall as a regular person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.00:34 - 1.01:03]A mention of the television show "The Twilight Zone" and a quote from the episode "To Serve Man."

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.00:51 - 1.02:32]A hypothetical question about whether the speaker would rather be 10 inches tall but able to withstand 50 tons of weight or 10 feet tall as a regular person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.02:32 - 1.03:11]The guest argues that the Catholic church buys the wafers on Amazon and they are checked by a nun.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.03:13 - 1.03:47]The speaker is asked to choose between a Pokemon or a lightsaber.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.03:48 - 1.04:57]The guest argues that a Pokemon would be better because it could be registered as a traveling companion.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.03:55 - 1.04:23]The speaker is asked to choose between a Pokemon or a lightsaber.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.04:44 - 1.05:39]The guest argues that a Pokemon would be better because it could be registered as a traveling companion.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.05:40 - 1.06:28]They discuss different types of Pokemon and ultimately choose an Eevee or Snorlax.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.06:13 - 1.06:45]The guest argues that a Pokemon would be better because it could be registered as a traveling companion.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.06:45 - 1.07:06]They discuss different types of Pokemon and ultimately choose an Eevee or Snorlax.

A youtube thumbnail wor Impossible "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.07:07 - 1.07:31]The speaker and guest sign off, with the guest teasing a possible return on the next episode.