

Youtube profile pic for Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:00 - 01:43]The speaker watched someone stream Minecraft for nine hours.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[01:44 - 03:02]They discuss sports and baseball teams, including the Yankees and Mets.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:08 - 03:32]The speaker and their friends rank various mascots, including Mr. Met and the Philly Fanatic.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:32 - 04:38]The speaker wants to rank the Philly Fanatic as "evil" or "cock in beak."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[04:40 - 07:35]The speaker and their friends rank various mascots, including Mr. Met and the Philly Fanatic.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[06:41 - 10:22]They discuss the sexiness and potential scandalous behavior of the Philly Fanatic.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[07:35 - 13:17]The speaker wants to rank the Philly Fanatic as "evil" or "cock in beak."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[08:17 - 09:50]They compare the Philly Fanatic to a grown-up Grimley and speculate about his sexual prowess.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[08:59 - 10:04]The conversation shifts to another mascot, Little Red, who is described as a fun-loving boy with a mischievous streak.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[09:51 - 11:05]They compare the Philly Fanatic to a grown-up Grimley and speculate about his sexual prowess.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:05 - 12:17]The speaker suggests that the Philly Fanatic may have a hidden cock within his beak and they discuss sending someone in a cryogenic chamber to Alpha Centauri.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:14 - 12:22]The speaker suggests that the Philly Fanatic and Little Red are a package deal and gives them a B rating.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:06 - 14:30]The conversation shifts to another mascot, Little Red, who is described as a fun-loving boy with a mischievous streak.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:23 - 12:58]The speaker suggests that the Philly Fanatic may have a hidden cock within his beak and they discuss sending someone in a cryogenic chamber to Alpha Centauri.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:40 - 13:28]The speaker was enthralled by the stream due to their sleep deprivation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[14:07 - 15:56]The conversation shifts to another mascot, Little Red, who is described as a fun-loving boy with a mischievous streak.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[15:57 - 18:05]They discuss another mascot, Herbie Husker, who is described as a "ripped dude" and is associated with the football program.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[17:22 - 18:39]The speaker suggests that the Philly Fanatic and Little Red are a package deal and gives them a B rating.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:12 - 19:29]They see an orange mascot and try to guess his name, eventually deciding on "Lord of Time".

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:12 - 20:04]The next mascot discussed is "Scary Hockey Guy," who is described as being shell-shocked and potentially violent.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:48 - 21:54]They then discuss a gorilla mascot for the Phoenix Suns basketball team, with the speaker expressing concern about the realistic eyes and potential for a pedophile to be under the mask.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[20:25 - 20:56]The conversation briefly shifts to the speaker's childhood experience with the cartoon Happy Tree Friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:14 - 23:59]They see an orange mascot and try to guess his name, eventually deciding on "Lord of Time".

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[23:39 - 27:11]They then see a blue and yellow alien-like mascot and give him the name "Balthor", but ultimately decide to call him "Sammy the Slug".

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:54 - 27:59]The speaker and a man named Tucker are discussing and rating different mascots.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:59 - 30:42]They then discuss a gorilla mascot for the Phoenix Suns basketball team, with the speaker expressing concern about the realistic eyes and potential for a pedophile to be under the mask.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[29:32 - 30:09]The speaker discusses a costume which they believe is associated with heavy wet breathing and would classify as a lower tier character.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[29:43 - 31:45]The speaker then moves on to discuss Mr. Matt, a character who is not well-liked but gets a pass due to his attractive wife, Mrs. Met.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:01 - 31:31]The speaker makes a joke about the gorilla speaking in ancient tongues or saying something inappropriate.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:22 - 32:07]The speaker questions the trustworthiness of Mr. Met, as the game of baseball involves hitting a ball, and now he is suddenly on the side of humans.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:48 - 33:17]The speaker then moves on to discuss Mr. Matt, a character who is not well-liked but gets a pass due to his attractive wife, Mrs. Met.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:56 - 31:37]The speaker acknowledges that this character may have some old-fashioned views.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[32:07 - 33:37]They discuss the potential ulterior motives of Mr. Met and his wife.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[32:26 - 32:55]The speaker acknowledges that this character may have some old-fashioned views.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[33:37 - 35:27]The speaker then turns their attention to a new mascot, Benny the Bull, who they believe could hang with humans and is capable of impressive feats.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[34:53 - 36:51]They debate whether or not to place Benny in the same tier as Mrs. Met, as they could potentially be a dangerous combination.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[36:51 - 39:30]The next mascot discussed is a human dressed in 1800s clothing, who rides a motorcycle and has a cool gimmick as Mr. 100 Below.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[38:25 - 40:26]The mascot is described as a "bear hog" and is given the name "man bear pig"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[38:31 - 38:44]The possibility of using the mascot's costume for sexual activities is discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[38:45 - 39:30]A Tucker mascot is described as scary

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[39:00 - 39:19]The speaker acknowledges that this character may have some old-fashioned views.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[39:31 - 40:14]The speaker then turns their attention to a new mascot, Benny the Bull, who they believe could hang with humans and is capable of impressive feats.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[40:03 - 40:14]The mascot is described as a "bear hog" and is given the name "man bear pig"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[40:15 - 41:27]The last mascot discussed is a pig-like character who is constantly changing and has a cute side.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[40:15 - 41:39]Next mascot is compared to a Wolverine or werewolf

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[40:34 - 41:57]The possibility of using the mascot's costume for sexual activities is discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[41:45 - 42:42]The hosts debate whether the mascot is more of a furry or a fetish

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:06 - 43:47]The possibility of using the mascot's costume for sexual activities is discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:48 - 44:33]Next mascot is compared to a Wolverine or werewolf

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:54 - 45:23]The mascot is ranked as an F and given the name "Jazz Bear"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[44:01 - 45:39]The hosts debate whether the mascot looks more like a koala or a bear

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[44:50 - 47:12]The mascot is described as a "bear hog" and is given the name "man bear pig"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:40 - 47:40]A Tucker mascot is described as scary

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[46:30 - 48:00]The hosts debate whether the mascot looks more like a koala or a bear

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[46:36 - 46:41]The mascot is described as a "bear hog" and is given the name "man bear pig"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[47:41 - 47:46]The hosts debate whether the mascot looks more like a koala or a bear

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[48:01 - 49:20]Next mascot is compared to a Wolverine or werewolf

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[49:20 - 51:41]The hosts rank the wolf mascot as a D.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[49:31 - 51:36]The previous mascot, "War Paint," is mentioned as being a horse

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:35 - 50:40]Discussion of new mascot, Commanders, being better than previous one

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:40 - 51:36]Expressing disappointment in Cookie Crisp cereal and wishing it was better

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:57 - 52:01]Likability of the mascot due to his tattoos and enthusiasm for the role

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[51:36 - 51:41]Description of the terrifying appearance of Mr. Red Legs, one of the mascots

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[51:42 - 53:07]Excitement for the potential of a parrot mascot for Pittsburgh Pirates

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[52:01 - 52:47]Idea for a giant owl mascot like in Avatar: The Last Airbender

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[52:47 - 53:01]Expressing disappointment in Cookie Crisp cereal and wishing it was better

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:07 - 54:24]Excitement for the potential of a parrot mascot for Pittsburgh Pirates

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:18 - 53:28]Idea for a giant owl mascot like in Avatar: The Last Airbender

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:07 - 55:46]Likability of the mascot due to his tattoos and enthusiasm for the role

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:24 - 54:30]Excitement for the potential of a parrot mascot for Pittsburgh Pirates

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:31 - 54:38]Discussion of Minnesota Vikings mascot, a Viking riding a motorcycle

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:38 - 55:52]Commentary on how the motorcycle seems out of place for a Viking

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[55:27 - 55:38]Likability of the mascot due to his tattoos and enthusiasm for the role

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[55:52 - 56:10]Discussion of Minnesota Vikings mascot, a Viking riding a motorcycle

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:11 - 57:03]Likability of the mascot due to his tattoos and enthusiasm for the role

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:36 - 58:23]Introduction of Cincinnati Reds baseball team and their mascots, Mr. Red, Mrs. Red, and Gapper

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:44 - 58:14]Description of the terrifying appearance of Mr. Red Legs, one of the mascots

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[58:24 - 58:38]Introduction of Cincinnati Reds baseball team and their mascots, Mr. Red, Mrs. Red, and Gapper

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[58:46 - 59:14]Comparison to Mrs. Met, mascot for the New York Mets

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[59:14 - 59:43]Description of the terrifying appearance of Mr. Red Legs, one of the mascots

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[59:44 - 59:50]Commentary on how the motorcycle seems out of place for a Viking

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[59:53 - 1.00:00]Excitement for the potential of a parrot mascot for Pittsburgh Pirates

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.00:00 - 1.02:09]Likability of the mascot due to his tattoos and enthusiasm for the role

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.00:08 - 1.00:28]Introduction of St. Louis Cardinals mascot, resembling the Home Depot theme

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.00:29 - 1.00:58]Description of mascot as a construction worker carrying a steel beam

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.01:22 - 1.01:29]Likability of the mascot due to his tattoos and enthusiasm for the role

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.01:30 - 1.01:39]Discussion of old and updated versions of the mascot

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.01:39 - 1.02:28]Likability of the mascot due to his tattoos and enthusiasm for the role

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.02:28 - 1.03:10]Expressing interest in booking the mascot for a game appearance in Los Angeles.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.02:28 - 1.03:56]The speaker talks about wanting to get Steely McBeam, a man with a hype name, on their podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.02:47 - 1.03:22]They mention an event called Chuckle Sandwich and want to contact the Steelers social media intern to request Steely McBeam as a guest.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.03:22 - 1.03:34]They joke about hiring the chorizo sausage as a guest for their podcast and racing him.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.03:56 - 1.06:10]The speaker is confused as to why they have a nun named Friar Don as their mascot and questions if they lead prayer before games.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.04:41 - 1.04:46]The discussion ends with the speaker jokingly naming the last mascot, a strange creature, the "guardian of shame."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.04:47 - 1.05:43]The speaker is confused as to why they have a nun named Friar Don as their mascot and questions if they lead prayer before games.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.05:26 - 1.05:58]The speaker is unsure about where to rank Steely McBeam on their mascot ranking list, but likes his name.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.05:44 - 1.07:17]The speaker compares the presidents to characters from the video game Little Nightmares.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.05:59 - 1.07:39]They joke about hiring the chorizo sausage as a guest for their podcast and racing him.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.06:10 - 1.06:24]The discussion ends with the speaker jokingly naming the last mascot, a strange creature, the "guardian of shame."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.07:17 - 1.08:05]They joke about hiring the chorizo sausage as a guest for their podcast and racing him.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.07:40 - 1.08:19]The next mascot discussed is the Milwaukee Brewers racing sausages, which the speaker finds ridiculous.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.08:19 - 1.08:39]The speaker gives the racing sausages an F grade.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.08:40 - 1.09:31]The speaker compares the presidents to characters from the video game Little Nightmares.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.09:31 - 1.10:57]The Washington Nationals presidents mascot, featuring large-headed versions of Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson, is discussed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.10:22 - 1.10:46]The discussion ends with the speaker jokingly naming the last mascot, a strange creature, the "guardian of shame."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.10:46 - 1.12:14]The speaker is unsure about where to rank Steely McBeam on their mascot ranking list, but likes his name.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.10:58 - 1.12:27]The final mascot discussed is the Toronto Raptor, which the speaker finds to be a cool and responsible mascot.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.12:04 - 1.12:19]They mention giving someone to someone named Mrs. Matt and feeling comfortable with him being a mess.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.12:14 - 1.12:39]The discussion ends with the speaker jokingly naming the last mascot, a strange creature, the "guardian of shame."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.12:20 - 1.13:42]Things take a turn for the worst and the speakers say "F, F, what the fuck is that?"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.12:40 - 1.13:59]One speaker admits to being curious about the logo and suggests that it looks like a peanut basketball.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.13:22 - 1.15:10]One speaker confesses to eating peanuts with the shell on.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.14:12 - 1.16:36]Things take a turn for the worst and the speakers say "F, F, what the fuck is that?"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.15:10 - 1.16:14]One speaker admits to being curious about the logo and suggests that it looks like a peanut basketball.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.15:43 - 1.17:54]They then move on to discussing various sports team mascots, including a character named "Dandy" from the New York Yankees.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.17:09 - 1.18:53]They question his wide hips and discuss how he is associated with the "hanky code."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.19:01 - 1.20:16]The speakers then move on to discussing the mascot for the Boston Red Sox, "Wally," who has been through a lot and has a large wall in left field.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.19:07 - 1.20:09]They question his wide hips and discuss how he is associated with the "hanky code."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.19:25 - 1.20:43]They mention giving someone to someone named Mrs. Matt and feeling comfortable with him being a mess.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.20:43 - 1.21:34]The speakers then move on to discussing the mascot for the Boston Red Sox, "Wally," who has been through a lot and has a large wall in left field.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.21:22 - 1.21:48]One speaker admits to being curious about the logo and suggests that it looks like a peanut basketball.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.21:50 - 1.22:24]The speakers then move on to discussing the mascot for the Boston Red Sox, "Wally," who has been through a lot and has a large wall in left field.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.22:27 - 1.22:49]They mention giving someone to someone named Mrs. Matt and feeling comfortable with him being a mess.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ranking Sports Mascots We've Never Seen Before | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.23:02 - 1.24:49]The speaker defends learning how to score a game from his father and mentions it being a fun father-son activity.