

Youtube profile pic for We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:00 - 03:00]The speaker and someone else are discussing the coziness of their respective setups

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:00 - 04:53]They decide to do a tier list of animals, starting with bearded dragons and pigeons at the top rank

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:31 - 06:24]The speaker and someone else are discussing the coziness of their respective setups

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[05:30 - 07:04]They move on to discussing a crocodile and its potential for holding food in its mouth

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[07:04 - 13:28]The speaker and someone else are discussing the coziness of their respective setups

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[13:28 - 16:05]They move on to discussing a crocodile and its potential for holding food in its mouth

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[15:15 - 17:37]They mention African elephant, zebras, giraffes, and gorilla as options

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[15:56 - 22:41]They question if there are any other options, including baboon and king kong

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[16:06 - 17:52]They have a debate about the correct pronunciation of "orangutan"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:08 - 25:42]One person mentions a giant moth, but they ultimately decide on bald eagle

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:41 - 23:40]They question if there are any other options, including baboon and king kong

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[23:11 - 23:18]They mention Canada's national animal, the beaver

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[24:31 - 26:45]They discuss the size and majesty of bald eagles

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:42 - 29:33]They mention Canada's national animal, the beaver

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:47 - 29:53]They question if there are any other options, including baboon and king kong

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[28:54 - 31:02]They discuss the size and strength of bison and moose

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[31:02 - 32:50]One person mentions that gorillas cannot swim

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[32:12 - 34:36]A discussion about the rarity and fear of horseshoe crabs and their ability to swim

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[33:53 - 37:40]A debate about whether or not puffins are a cool animal and their rarity in the US

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:40 - 40:05]A disagreement about whether or not manatees should be included on the list

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[40:05 - 41:23]A discussion about the beauty and defense mechanism of zebras.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[41:23 - 46:20]A tangent about a dragon book from the past and an unrelated movie about an apocalypse caused by dragons

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:18 - 46:44]A discussion about the beauty and defense mechanism of zebras.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[46:14 - 46:36]The speaker discusses hunting, specifically night vision hunting and zebra hunting.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[46:36 - 47:55]A conversation about the purpose of zebra stripes and why they are effective in camouflage.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[47:27 - 47:33]They mention the mystery and rarity of seeing an owl in the wild.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[47:55 - 48:10]The group discusses the hammerhead shark and its lack of hammering abilities.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[48:11 - 48:47]A discussion about a book by Reggie from Nintendo and his role in the success of Panda Express.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[48:55 - 49:06]The speaker expresses a desire for Panda Express.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[49:20 - 50:29]A conversation about the nutritional value of bamboo for pandas.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[49:40 - 50:04]The group discusses the hammerhead shark and its lack of hammering abilities.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:04 - 52:33]The speaker discusses hunting, specifically night vision hunting and zebra hunting.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:29 - 51:10]They mention a cool place to shoot guns but with questionable practices.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[51:17 - 51:23]The speaker discusses hunting, specifically night vision hunting and zebra hunting.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[51:56 - 52:15]The speaker recalls dissecting an owl pellet in elementary school and finding bones and fur inside.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[52:33 - 52:54]They mention the overpopulation of pandas and their controlled population by the Chinese government.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[52:54 - 53:07]The group discusses the hammerhead shark and its lack of hammering abilities.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:07 - 54:33]A conversation about hummingbirds and their role as pollinators.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:35 - 53:42]The speaker expresses a desire for Panda Express.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:44 - 53:51]The speaker recalls dissecting an owl pellet in elementary school and finding bones and fur inside.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:33 - 55:39]They mention the mystery and rarity of seeing an owl in the wild.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:55 - 56:51]The speaker recalls dissecting an owl pellet in elementary school and finding bones and fur inside.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[57:11 - 57:54]The speaker talks about a book series called "Guardians of Ga'Hoole" and a movie based on the series.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[57:54 - 58:56]A discussion about other animal-centered books, specifically one about warrior cats.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[58:56 - 1.02:16]The speaker mentions being into "webkins" when they were younger and reminiscing about a red-eyed tree frog

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.02:16 - 1.03:31]They debate where a giraffe would wear a tie and discuss killer whales and their interactions with humans

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.03:32 - 1.04:52]The speaker expresses a fear of wolves but claims they could defeat one with a well-timed kick

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.03:45 - 1.04:34]They debate where a giraffe would wear a tie and discuss killer whales and their interactions with humans

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.05:34 - 1.09:36]The speaker expresses a fear of wolves but claims they could defeat one with a well-timed kick

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.08:15 - 1.09:36]They mention the difficulty in reintroducing puffins after they were hunted and almost wiped out in the past.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.09:36 - 1.10:37]The conversation then moves on to discussing different animals, such as lobsters, bears, and gorillas.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.10:38 - 1.11:16]They briefly mention a debate about whether a bear could beat a gorilla in a fight.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.11:16 - 1.12:25]The speakers also discuss their dislike for snakes and their preference for polar express caribou.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.12:01 - 1.12:31]The conversation moves on to discussing a Nile crocodile and its resemblance to a horseshoe crab.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.12:31 - 1.13:05]The speakers also discuss their dislike for snakes and their preference for polar express caribou.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.13:05 - 1.13:11]They joke about how dumb the tortoises seem while eating lettuce.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.13:11 - 1.14:25]The conversation moves on to discussing a Nile crocodile and its resemblance to a horseshoe crab.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.13:50 - 1.14:50]They joke about how dumb the tortoises seem while eating lettuce.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.14:50 - 1.15:41]They mention visiting an ox ranch and observing Galapagos tortoises.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.15:41 - 1.17:27]The conversation moves on to discussing a Nile crocodile and its resemblance to a horseshoe crab.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.15:47 - 1.16:17]They joke about how dumb the tortoises seem while eating lettuce.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.16:53 - 1.17:48]They mention the difficulty in reintroducing puffins after they were hunted and almost wiped out in the past.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.17:27 - 1.18:36]They mention the critically endangered status of the northern white rhino and the misconception that hippos are harmless creatures.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.18:36 - 1.19:14]They end the conversation by jokingly discussing the use of birds as slaves by hippos.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Ranked The World's Favorite Animals | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.18:42 - 1.19:12]The conversation then moves on to discussing different animals, such as lobsters, bears, and gorillas.