

Youtube profile pic for Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

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[00:00 - 00:05] This is the final week to get trash taste drip

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[00:05 - 00:12]Click the link in the description to buy

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[00:12 - 00:19]Only one week left to purchase

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[00:12 - 00:19]After one week, items will no longer be available

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[00:19 - 00:26]Items include T-shirts and sweaters

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[02:35 - 02:41]It is the ninth generation and is 3D

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[03:55 - 04:00]The music and story are highly praised

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[04:07 - 04:12]The gameplay loop is similar to Arceus

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[04:34 - 04:47]The hosts discuss the new Pokemon game and its success

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[04:34 - 04:47]Some argue that Pokemon designs have gotten lazier

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[04:55 - 05:07]The starter Pokemon in this generation are equally popular

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[06:03 - 06:10]You can traverse the game without using your starter

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[06:16 - 06:24]The narrator wonders if it is worth getting back into the game

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[06:24 - 06:30]It has been several decades since the narrator has played Pokemon

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[06:43 - 06:49]It is easy to play and the formula has not changed much

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[00:00 - 06:49]The hosts promote the final week to purchase trash taste drip and discuss the success of the new 3D Pokemon game, which has a similar gameplay loop to Arceus. They also discuss the music, story, and Pokemon designs. The narrator, who stopped playing Pokemon during the Ruby generation, wonders if it is worth getting back into the game.

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[06:49 - 06:56] Pokemon has had longevity amongst older people due to its challenges and spin on the franchise.

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[06:56 - 07:09]It is similar to Isekai in the world of anime, with iterations of the same idea.

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[07:38 - 07:50]Some compare it to Game of Thrones in terms of fan base and commitment.

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[07:50 - 07:58]There are multiple series and seasons, with some games being disliked.

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[11:15 - 11:21]The new game "Scarlett" has an open world and three branching storylines.

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[11:21 - 11:26]The ongoing goal is to become the champion and beat the elite four.

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[11:59 - 12:05]The open world and branching storylines make Scarlett a fresh and new experience.

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[12:05 - 12:16]The visuals of the game have received criticism.

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[13:01 - 13:09]Breath of the Wild is often used as a comparison, but it is different as Pokemon is not about interacting with the surroundings.

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[13:01 - 13:09]Pokemon is not just about making the best team, but now has an open world and branching storylines to explore.

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[06:49 - 13:09]Pokemon has a spin on the franchise and has had longevity amongst older people due to its challenges.

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[13:31 - 13:37]"Pokemon" graphics are basic and reminiscent of PS2 era.

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[14:26 - 14:33]Pokemon games lack a must-play killer app and instead rely on brand recognition and easy gameplay.

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[14:57 - 15:05]"God of War" is a highly acclaimed game that revolutionized open world genre.

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[17:05 - 17:15]"God of War" is a top tier game and speaker's new top 10 game of all time.

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[17:28 - 17:44]"God of War" makes speaker feel empty and uninterested in other games.

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[18:08 - 18:15]PS5 has been out for 2-2.5 years, but speaker has only gamed on it once.

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[18:27 - 18:34]"God of War" requires playing previous games for full experience, but old game is still fantastic.

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[18:27 - 18:34]"God of War" has cinematic experience and varied gameplay.

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[19:11 - 19:16]New "God of War" builds on ideas from old game and adds new gameplay elements.

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[13:09 - 19:57]"Pokemon" graphics are basic, "God of War" is highly acclaimed and revolutionary, and "God of War" gameplay is varied and top tier. PS5 has been out for 2-2.5 years, but speaker has only played it once. "God of War" requires playing previous game, but old game is still fantastic. "God of War" builds on old game's ideas and adds new elements, providing a cinematic and varied experience. Speaker's new top 10 game of all time.

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[20:06 - 20:14] Discussing God of War and its perfect journey from the first to second game

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[20:14 - 20:20]Surprised that there are only two games instead of a trilogy

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[20:28 - 20:36]Best video game story ever experienced

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[20:36 - 20:41]Mention of Elden Ring and its potential for game of the year

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[21:16 - 21:22]Realization that gameplay is important in addition to story

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[34:05 - 34:11]Preference for latter half of Game of Thrones due to elements colliding

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[35:19 - 35:27]Explaining value of elements colliding in Game of Thrones

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[36:24 - 36:31]Explanation of why people clown on the latest season

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[36:58 - 37:06]Discussion of gradual intertwining and carefully considered interactions in early seasons

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[37:30 - 37:43]Disappointment with character development in later seasons

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[19:57 - 37:50]Discussion of God of War and Game of Thrones and the importance of gameplay and elements colliding in storytelling. Mention of Elden Ring and disappointment with character development in later seasons of Game of Thrones.

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[37:50 - 37:56] Travel became faster in later seasons

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[38:44 - 38:51]Characters became less realistic and more dumbed down

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[40:01 - 40:18]Writers admitted to dumbing down the show for a wider audience

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[40:39 - 40:52]Characters' fates became more predictable

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[42:28 - 42:33]Show shifted from a thought-out drama to a Hollywood formula

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[42:58 - 43:04]Writing quality declined in later seasons

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[42:58 - 43:04]Season 8 was poorly written and disappointing

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[43:27 - 43:37]Despite flaws, show was still enjoyable for some viewers

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[43:37 - 43:52]Game of Thrones is a well-built and realistic fantasy world

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[43:37 - 43:52]Political aspects and world-building were appealing

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[43:58 - 44:03]Plot armor became more prevalent

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[43:58 - 44:03]Show became more focused on big fights and less on nuanced storytelling

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[44:18 - 44:23]Show went from a Kingdom to a Fairy Tale in terms of quality and execution

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[44:23 - 44:28]Fan base became more generalized

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[44:30 - 44:43]Show ran out of books to adapt

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[44:30 - 44:43]Some viewers still hope for a satisfying ending in the books

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[37:50 - 45:01]Overall, Game of Thrones started strong but declined in quality and execution in later seasons, disappointing some fans.

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[45:01 - 45:08] Game of Thrones ending was a big betrayal to the fan base

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[45:49 - 46:09]House of Dragon spinoff was well received

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[45:49 - 46:09]Spinoff was able to get greenlit due to impact of Game of Thrones

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[45:49 - 46:09]Spinoff was based on one book and was well executed

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[46:23 - 46:31]Spinoff even impressed George RR Martin, the original author

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[48:03 - 48:19]There have been shows with flaws that have been enjoyed due to unique ideas

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[49:38 - 49:48]Indie game scene has grown due to developers focusing on one core idea

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[50:23 - 50:28]Undertale was a successful indie game with a unique story and multiple endings

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[51:15 - 51:23]Personal experience with the game is important for enjoyment

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[51:31 - 51:39]Streaming the game may not provide the same immersive experience as playing alone

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[45:01 - 51:39]Overall, Game of Thrones ending was a betrayal to the fan base and House of Dragon spinoff was well executed and received.

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[51:39 - 51:48]Discussion about a game that allows players to play on their own terms and has great music and story

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[51:53 - 51:59]Debate over whether the game's creator, Toby Fox, is a better musician or storyteller

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[52:23 - 52:31]Mention of the Trails series, a niche JRPG series with 11 games and an overarching story

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[53:08 - 53:22]Difficulty in finding a short video on how to get into the series

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[53:52 - 53:59]Interest in trying the series despite the high commitment

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[55:01 - 55:26]Description of the series' world building and interconnected story arcs

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[55:01 - 55:26]Comparison to Game of Thrones and One Piece

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[57:11 - 57:20]Mention of a friend playing the first game, Trails in the Sky

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[57:44 - 57:50]Debate over whether every character should matter in a story

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[57:57 - 58:06]Concept of being able to play as NPCs in other games in the series

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[58:14 - 58:22]Comparison to the Dune books

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[58:53 - 58:59]Discussion of trying the first game to see if it's good

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[59:07 - 59:15]Mention of a 500 hour game collection

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[51:39 - 59:15]Discussion about a game with great music and story, debate over the creator's talents, interest in a niche JRPG series with an overarching story and interconnected arcs, and debate over whether every character should matter.

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[59:15 - 59:33]Person is discussing their willingness to put in hours for a game they are interested in

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[59:33 - 59:40]They mention a specific game's main story being 40 hours

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[59:41 - 59:46]They discuss caring about NPCs and completion percentage being 65%

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[1.00:41 - 1.00:46]They mention playing games they didn't like just for the score

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[1.00:41 - 1.00:46]They discovered a way to cheat the system and get scores quickly

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.00:46 - 1.00:53]They would buy easy games to get a high score

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.00:59 - 1.01:06]They mention being obsessed with game scores and achieving high scores

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.00:59 - 1.01:06]They mention being obsessed with game scores for a few years

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[1.01:17 - 1.01:22]They would also do it for others for money

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[1.02:47 - 1.02:56]They discuss certain games having impossible achievements, specifically JRPGs

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[1.03:18 - 1.03:26]They mention completing a game with 200 hours and never wanting to do it again

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.03:35 - 1.03:41]They mention having a lot of free time and playing games for hours on end

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.04:50 - 1.04:56]They mention playing a game before rehearsal and having to stop for work

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.05:10 - 1.05:18]They have a specific work schedule and take breaks to play games

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.05:44 - 1.05:49]They mention streaming and enjoying it as work

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.05:49 - 1.05:58]They discuss not wanting to stream God of War as they want to be fully immersed in the game

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[59:15 - 1.05:58]Overall, the person is discussing their obsession with game scores and their willingness to put in hours for games they enjoy. They also mention cheating the system and having a specific work schedule to balance playing games and actual work.

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[1.06:06 - 1.06:13]Main character discusses the importance of streaming games with a concrete story and how it affects viewership

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[1.06:13 - 1.06:22]Using Yakuza 7 as an example, the main character explains how a long and developed story can lose viewers for a streamer

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.06:58 - 1.07:03]They mention the success of streaming games like Pokemon and Genshin Impact due to their easy-to-follow storylines

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[1.07:39 - 1.07:44]The main character expresses interest in streaming real-life activities like fishing instead of games

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[1.08:35 - 1.08:41]The main character shares their frustrating experience sea fishing with a friend in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.09:37 - 1.09:46]In comparison, they preferred the laid-back atmosphere of lake fishing

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.11:02 - 1.11:08]The main character disliked the time commitment and uncomfortable conditions of sea fishing

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[1.11:16 - 1.11:25]They discuss the difficulty of fishing and how Japanese men seem to have a natural talent for it

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[1.11:41 - 1.11:50]Despite not catching many fish, they received free ones from the dock worker as a pity gesture

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[1.05:58 - 1.12:44]The main character discusses the challenges of streaming games with a concrete storyline and expresses interest in streaming real-life activities. They share their frustrating experience sea fishing in Japan and express a preference for the more relaxed atmosphere of lake fishing.

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[1.12:55 - 1.13:03] The speaker talks about their experience with sea fishing, stating that it is more intense and requires constant activity.

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[1.13:10 - 1.13:15]They mention that bigger fish can be caught in the sea, but also acknowledge the fun and taste of catching smaller fish.

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[1.13:21 - 1.13:29]The speaker expresses a desire to achieve a five-star rating in fishing, but acknowledges their limitations and the difficulty of catching bigger fish.

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[1.13:53 - 1.13:59]They mention wanting to try other sports such as kayaking and surfing, and share their recent experience of trying surfing with a friend.

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[1.13:59 - 1.14:09]The speaker notes the intense workout and realization of their lack of fitness while surfing.

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[1.15:12 - 1.15:24]They discuss the difficulty of surfing due to the energy required to paddle out and wait for waves.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.16:43 - 1.16:50]The speaker contemplates the possibility of streaming outdoor sports, mentioning skiing or snowboarding as potential options.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.17:21 - 1.17:26]They express a desire to do more outdoor activities and discuss the barrier of entry for certain sports.

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[1.18:48 - 1.18:55]The speaker mentions an interest in the extreme sport of hunting in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.12:44 - 1.19:13]Overall, the speaker expresses a desire to engage in more physical activities and discusses the challenges and limitations they may face.

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[1.19:14 - 1.19:19] Japan has a hunting scene for certain animals and birds.

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[1.19:24 - 1.19:34]There are many niche sports and hobbies in Japan, but it can be difficult to join due to high entry barriers and gatekeeping.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.22:15 - 1.22:22]Japan has a lot of niche and odd bars, such as airsoft bars.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.22:34 - 1.22:40]Japan has many niche and odd bars, such as airsoft bars.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.23:06 - 1.23:11]Japan is known for appealing to niche tastes in everything, not just video games.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.23:06 - 1.23:11]Japan is known for appealing to niche tastes in everything, not just video games.

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[1.23:58 - 1.24:04]A fishing restaurant in Japan allows customers to fish their own fish and then eat it, but the fish are already dead and not always used for the meal.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.23:58 - 1.24:04]A fishing restaurant in Japan allows customers to fish their own fish and then eat it, but the fish are already dead and not always used for the meal.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.24:22 - 1.24:27]Joey's friend, Chris, does not like some of the more unusual types of sushi.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.24:22 - 1.24:27]Joey's friend, Chris, does not like some of the more unusual types of sushi.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.24:22 - 1.24:27]It also has many niche sports and hobbies, but they may be difficult to join due to high barriers and gatekeeping.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.24:27 - 1.24:34]Even cheap conveyor belt sushi in Japan is better than expensive sushi worldwide.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.24:27 - 1.24:34]Even cheap conveyor belt sushi in Japan is better than expensive sushi worldwide.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.24:27 - 1.24:34]Japan has a lot of niche and odd bars, such as airsoft bars, and is known for appealing to niche tastes in everything.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.24:34 - 1.24:42]A fishing restaurant in Japan allows customers to fish their own fish and then eat it, but the fish are already dead and not always used for the meal.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.25:00 - 1.25:13]Cheap conveyor belt sushi in Japan is better than expensive sushi worldwide.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.25:35 - 1.25:42]Japan has a hunting scene for certain animals and birds.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.19:14 - 1.25:56]Joey's friend, Chris, does not like some of the more unusual types of sushi.

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.25:56 - 1.26:04]The speaker is discussing their parents coming to visit Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.26:11 - 1.26:20]They are concerned about what type of sushi their parents will like

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.27:23 - 1.27:31]They also mention Sydney's parents coming to visit as well

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[1.27:59 - 1.28:08]The speaker is worried about their parents' reaction to certain types of food in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.28:08 - 1.28:13]The speaker is trying to figure out what type of sushi restaurant to take them to

A youtube thumbnail wor Defending Our WORST Takes We've Had | Trash Taste #130

[1.28:08 - 1.28:13]They mention wanting to try good sushi and other dishes with their parents

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[1.29:44 - 1.29:50]The options for different types of cuisines have expanded in recent years

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[1.29:51 - 1.29:58]The speaker's parents are white British and may not be open to trying new foods

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[1.29:51 - 1.29:58]They mention the differences between their parents and Sydney's parents

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[1.31:48 - 1.32:09]The speaker remembers when there were limited choices for Asian food in their hometown

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[1.32:25 - 1.32:33]They discuss the Thai government's efforts to promote their cuisine abroad

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[1.32:50 - 1.33:04]The speaker's family members who immigrated out of Thailand all started restaurant businesses

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[1.25:56 - 1.33:16]In summary, the speaker is worried about their parents' reaction to different types of food in Japan, but is excited to introduce them to new cuisines and experiences.

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[1.33:45 - 1.33:54]The speaker is discussing different cuisines and their cultural significance

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[1.34:18 - 1.34:24]They mention that in 2002, there was a rise in funding for restaurants around the world

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[1.34:18 - 1.34:24]The speaker believes that restaurants use food to gain recognition and fame

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[1.34:38 - 1.34:44]They note that some Southeast Asian countries do not have their food widely recognized or promoted

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[1.35:46 - 1.35:55]They mention the popularity of Italian food due to its taste and not its government or politics

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[1.36:48 - 1.36:55]The speaker discusses their family's experience with starting restaurant businesses

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[1.37:17 - 1.37:22]They mention that they want more people to try South East Asian food

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[1.37:17 - 1.37:22]The speaker believes that Greek food is underrated and shares their positive experiences with it

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[1.37:32 - 1.37:38]They mention their dislike for feta cheese and their disbelief when others share similar opinions

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[1.38:34 - 1.38:40]The speaker recalls a frustrating experience trying to convince someone to like lamb

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[1.39:18 - 1.39:25]The speaker believes that food is intrinsically linked to culture

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[1.33:17 - 1.39:50]The speaker discusses the cultural significance of different cuisines and shares their belief that food is linked to culture. They also mention the rise in funding for restaurants in 2002 and the use of food for recognition and fame. They share their positive experiences with Greek food and their frustration with someone who dislikes lamb and feta cheese.

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[1.39:50 - 1.40:02] Comparing lamb to beef, beef is harder to mess up

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[1.42:31 - 1.42:37]Asked how she wanted her pork cooked at a katsu place

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[1.42:31 - 1.42:37]Chef recommended medium rare for tonkatsu

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[1.42:55 - 1.43:01]Confused about being asked how she wanted her pork cooked

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[1.43:07 - 1.43:14]Slightly pink but tasted good

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[1.43:36 - 1.43:41]If lamb is not cooked correctly or poor quality, can have a strong off-putting taste

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[1.43:36 - 1.43:41]Good lamb can be incredible

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[1.43:36 - 1.43:41]Trust chef's recommendation for tonkatsu

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[1.43:36 - 1.43:41]Emily tried various cuts of meat, mainly Australian and deer

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[1.45:58 - 1.46:04]Some people only think about chicken and beef when it comes to meat

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[1.45:58 - 1.46:04]Mental block when trying new foods

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[1.45:58 - 1.46:04]Allergies can be a genetic issue or a "bug" in the DNA

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[1.45:58 - 1.46:04]Some people are allergic to everything, not understanding why

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[1.45:58 - 1.46:04]Some allergies can randomly disappear or develop later in life

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[1.46:04 - 1.46:11]Suggested taking an allergy test for a Trash Taste episode

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[1.46:23 - 1.46:31]She liked the deer

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[1.46:36 - 1.46:44]Personal experience with hay fever

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[1.46:36 - 1.46:44]No longer has hay fever since turning 18

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[1.39:50 - 1.46:44]Overall, food preferences and allergies can be influenced by mental blocks and genetics.

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[1.48:49 - 1.48:55]The hosts talk about allergies and intolerances, specifically lactose intolerance and peanut allergies.

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[1.50:52 - 1.50:58]They mention a friend who is allergic to sesame and struggles with eating Asian food.

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[1.51:38 - 1.51:44]They discuss how some people can develop tolerance to certain allergens, such as lactose or cats, over time.

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[1.51:38 - 1.51:44]One of the hosts expresses relief that they do not have a food allergy.

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[1.52:05 - 1.52:10]The hosts plug their Patreon and merch, and end the episode.

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[1.46:45 - 1.52:26]Overall, the hosts discuss allergies and intolerances and how they can affect people's relationships with food.