

Youtube profile pic for We RUINED Our Friendship | Trash Taste #190

We RUINED Our Friendship | Trash Taste #190

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[01:08 - 01:16] Podcasters discuss playing a game called "Drunk Stoned Stupid" where they have to pick someone in their friend group to match a statement.

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[01:27 - 01:44]Podcasters decide to play the game with statements suggested by their Patreon members.

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[03:28 - 03:35]First statement is "who is most likely to not watch a popular series/show?" and they all agree it is Jerry.

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[04:36 - 04:42]Another statement asks "who is more likely to get away with murder or any crime?" and they all pick each other, jokingly.

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[05:56 - 06:11]One podcaster argues that he would be the best at getting away with murder due to his knowledge from true crime podcasts and videos.

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[06:46 - 06:55]They discuss how people who randomly kill for no reason are more likely to get away with murder.

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[00:00 - 07:15]Final bullet point summarizes the podcasters discussing who would be most likely to get away with murder.

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[07:15 - 07:24] Gaunt has preloaded information and they discuss the possibility of murder among themselves

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[07:51 - 08:03]They discuss the possibility of committing a manly urge to pull off a bank robbery

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[09:08 - 09:15]They mention the Fifth Amendment and their right to remain silent if arrested

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[09:36 - 09:47]They discuss who among them is most likely to return a dish at a restaurant

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[11:03 - 11:09]Gaunt is most likely to return a dish at a restaurant due to his particular tastes

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[12:13 - 12:19]They discuss who among them is most likely to die in a stupid way

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[12:13 - 12:19]Joey is most likely to die in a stupid way due to his adrenaline-seeking behavior

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[14:32 - 14:38]They share a personal near-death experience

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[07:15 - 14:53]The group discusses the possibility of murder and committing a bank robbery, their right to remain silent if arrested, and who is most likely to return a dish at a restaurant or die in a stupid way. They share a personal near-death experience involving being trapped under a flipped pontoon and escaping from chains.

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[07:15 - 14:53]The group discusses the possibility of murder and committing a bank robbery, their right to remain silent if arrested, and who is most likely to return a dish at a restaurant or die in a stupid way. They share a personal near-death experience involving being trapped under a flipped pontoon and escaping from chains.

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[15:20 - 15:27]The speaker discusses the concept of near death experiences and how people often don't realize they've had one until after the fact.

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[15:33 - 15:41]They also mention how people on the internet often try to one-up each other's near death experiences.

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[17:18 - 17:23]The speaker then shares a personal near death experience involving choking on small metal balls from a fidget toy.

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[18:10 - 18:15]They talk about how they often act like a mature adult, but sometimes revert back to being like a five year old.

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[18:22 - 18:27]The topic then switches to discussing who among the three speakers is most likely to forget about plans or show up late.

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[18:56 - 19:02]They joke about "Gaunt Time" and how the person who is most likely to forget or be late is actually the one who always shows up.

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[22:19 - 22:25]The speaker then mentions how they would snitch in certain circumstances, but trusts the other speakers not to snitch.

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[14:53 - 22:37]near death experiences, forgetfulness and punctuality, and snitching.

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[22:38 - 22:48]Snitch is a strong word, but none of them think the others will snitch.

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[22:48 - 22:54]Trash Taste lost because of this.

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[22:54 - 22:59]They would be good at getting their stories lined up if they did a crime together.

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[23:49 - 24:09]They all agree that Joey would be most likely to snitch unintentionally.

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[23:49 - 24:09]Joey is chill and friendly and might accidentally reveal information under interrogation.

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[26:06 - 26:15]They all put themselves down as most likely to ask for advice but not take it.

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[29:35 - 29:41]Garnt thinks they all ask for advice genuinely when they don't know what to do.

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[29:49 - 29:58]Joey thinks people usually lean towards doing what they want, but asking for advice is a vulnerable thing.

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[30:56 - 31:20]They all agree that advice sticks better when the person has a realization themselves.

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[22:38 - 31:37]They all agree that they would be good at getting their stories lined up if they did a crime together, but they also all agree that Joey would be most likely to unintentionally reveal information under interrogation. They also all think that they are most likely to ask for advice but not take it, but they also believe that advice sticks better when the person has a realization themselves.

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[31:37 - 31:52]Person discussing toxic relationships and how it can be difficult to get through to someone in that situation

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[32:14 - 32:21]Discussion on who is most likely to get cancelled or go broke first

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[32:37 - 32:44]Mention of a clip about the long-running series Gundam and a humorous response on Twitter

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[36:06 - 36:14]Mention of taking taxis instead of trains and the debate within the group

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[37:39 - 37:46]Discussion on body odor and genetic differences in smell perception

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[39:41 - 39:49]Frustration with buying deodorant in the country

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[31:37 - 39:49]Overall, the person discusses various topics with their friends and shares their thoughts on different subjects.

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[40:12 - 40:18] The speaker discusses the distinct smell of different rooms and how it can be unsettling when there is no smell.

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[40:23 - 40:31]They mention how everyone has a certain smell and it is noticeable when visiting someone's room.

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[40:23 - 40:31]They compare the smell of their friend's place to a distinctive smell.

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[40:42 - 40:48]The speaker talks about the challenges of wearing layers in the winter and feeling uncomfortable in the heat during the summer.

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[40:54 - 40:59]They mention how they can sometimes smell friends when they sleep on the couch and have to use fabric spray.

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[42:15 - 42:38]The speaker talks about their interest in joining different communities and fandoms.

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[43:06 - 43:20]They mention how they find it fascinating to understand people, even if they have different beliefs.

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[43:06 - 43:20]The speaker mentions how they would be interested in talking to someone with extreme beliefs, like a flat-earther.

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[44:07 - 44:12]They discuss how Joey is the most likely to retire from YouTube first, followed by the speaker and then Connor.

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[45:08 - 45:19]The speaker explains how they have always treated YouTube as a stepping stone and have other passions they want to pursue.

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[45:46 - 45:54]They mention how they still enjoy creating content and connecting with an audience, even if it's not on YouTube.

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[46:11 - 46:28]The speaker acknowledges that YouTube and content creation will continue to be a part of culture and influencers are not going anywhere.

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[46:11 - 46:28]They discuss how Connor has technically already retired from YouTube and now focuses more on Twitch streaming.

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[47:06 - 47:12]The speaker mentions how they think Connor will be the last to retire because he is the youngest and still very addicted to content creation.

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[39:50 - 47:29]The speaker discusses their discomfort with rooms that have no distinct smell and their interest in joining various communities and fandoms. They also talk about their fascination with understanding people and their beliefs, even if they are extreme. They then discuss who among their friends is most likely to retire from YouTube first, with Joey being the top choice. They also talk about their own plans for the future and how YouTube and content creation will continue to be a part of culture. Finally, they mention how Connor is the youngest and most addicted to content creation, making him the last likely to retire.

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[47:29 - 47:36]The speakers discuss their personalities and how they handle tasks in their own unique ways

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[48:40 - 48:52]They share stories about shitting themselves and how many times each of them has done it

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[51:43 - 51:50]They talk about a trend where people try to guess each other's farts and how one of them accidentally farted themselves

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[53:15 - 53:27]They discuss their different tastes in hentai and how one of them is more vanilla while the other enjoys more extreme content

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[55:11 - 55:17]The conversation turns to burping and accidentally throwing up, with one of the speakers admitting to always catching it before it happens

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[47:29 - 55:58]The speakers discuss their individual personalities and share stories about shitting themselves, accidentally farting, and their tastes in hentai. They also mention accidentally throwing up and one speaker always catching it before it happens.

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[55:58 - 56:05]Discussion about burping and stomach acid

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[56:20 - 56:26]Regurgitating and bodily functions

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[56:34 - 56:41]Shaking while peeing and the explanation behind it

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[57:42 - 57:51]Who is most likely to dox the studio location

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[58:17 - 58:30]Who is most likely to do hardcore drugs in the 80s

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[59:56 - 1.00:32]Sponsorship by Shopify and the growth of a clothing brand

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[1.00:33 - 1.00:39]Who is most likely to pop a boner on stage

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[1.01:12 - 1.01:22]Explanation of no reason boners and experiences with them

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[1.04:07 - 1.04:18]Discussion about getting kidnapped

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[55:58 - 1.04:40]Conversation about various bodily functions, sponsorship by Shopify, and a discussion about who is most likely to get kidnapped.

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[1.04:40 - 1.04:47]Friends discuss going out for drinks or hanging out with a potential kidnapper.

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[1.05:22 - 1.05:30]They end up at a bizarre bar with Yakuza members.

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[1.06:09 - 1.06:19]The speaker admits to wanting to try sucking their own dick in high school.

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[1.07:27 - 1.07:34]They debate whether it is gay to suck your own dick.

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[1.07:56 - 1.08:04]They also discuss whether it is gay to have your shadow clone suck you off.

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[1.10:07 - 1.10:12]They debate who is most likely to cry during sex.

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[1.10:41 - 1.11:06]They also debate who is most likely to get deported.

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[1.11:31 - 1.11:47]The friends discuss who is most likely to prioritize reading manga or playing games over hanging out with the boys.

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[1.13:06 - 1.13:12]The speaker admits to sometimes needing alone time and not wanting to hang out for a week or two.

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[1.04:40 - 1.13:24]Friends discuss various topics and scenarios, such as going out with a potential kidnapper, discussing bizarre experiences at a bar with Yakuza members, and personal anecdotes such as wanting to suck their own dick in high school. They also debate whether certain actions are considered gay and discuss who is most likely to prioritize activities like reading manga or playing games over hanging out with friends. They also talk about their need for alone time and not wanting to hang out for a week or two.

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[1.13:24 - 1.13:36]Speaker expresses not feeling a hangout with someone and regrets it afterwards

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[1.13:36 - 1.13:41]Experience of being hyped up for a hangout and then not feeling like it on the day of

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[1.13:58 - 1.14:05]Speaker is aware of their social meter and texts ahead of time if not feeling up to hangout

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[1.15:00 - 1.15:23]Discussion of who is most likely to have a "shibia meltdown" or get drunk in a group setting

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[1.18:06 - 1.18:16]Conversation about the potential discontinuation of a popular alcoholic drink in Japan

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[1.18:28 - 1.18:34]Debate over who is most likely to cheat on a test and methods of cheating used

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[1.19:06 - 1.19:17]Difficulty of cheating in a test setting due to separation of desks and inability to see others' papers

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[1.19:25 - 1.19:38]Speaker's experience with social engineering and obtaining test answers

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[1.20:40 - 1.20:49]Speaker's personal experience with cheating by writing down quick notes during revision

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[1.13:24 - 1.20:58]Speaker discusses hangout regrets, group hangouts, social meter, getting drunk, potential discontinuation of popular drink, and personal experience with cheating on tests.

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[1.21:35 - 1.21:42] The speaker discusses cheating in school and how the availability of online tools makes it easier to cheat.

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[1.22:01 - 1.22:11]They also mention their own experience with cheating on coursework.

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[1.22:26 - 1.22:39]The speaker then talks about showering habits, with most agreeing they shower daily.

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[1.24:07 - 1.24:24]They discuss who is most likely to become like their parents, with the speaker saying they are already halfway there.

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[1.24:07 - 1.24:24]The other speakers discuss their own relationships with their parents and how they may be similar or different.

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[1.26:04 - 1.26:12]The speaker's parents are from different cultures, and they feel their behavior is influenced by both.

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[1.28:55 - 1.29:02]The speaker then mentions their brothers and how they are different from them.

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[1.20:58 - 1.29:16]Overall, the speakers discuss their relationships with their parents and how they may have influenced their behavior and personality. They also touch on topics such as cheating and personal hygiene.

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[1.29:16 - 1.29:23]The speaker talks about spending a lot of time online and away from their family as a child.

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[1.29:23 - 1.29:33]They mention feeling some regret about this, but also feeling closer to their family now.

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[1.29:23 - 1.29:33]As a child, they were not close to their family and saw their father as more of a gaming buddy.

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[1.29:44 - 1.29:49]They learned valuable lessons while playing online games like Rust and Modern Warfare.

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[1.29:57 - 1.30:03]They do not worry about kids today being anti-social because they also spent a lot of time online and barely spoke to their family.

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[1.30:25 - 1.30:32]The speaker has a healthier relationship with their family now.

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[1.30:43 - 1.30:52]They and their siblings are very different from each other, with the speaker being the most different.

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[1.32:10 - 1.32:20]They felt pressure to stand out and be different from their siblings.

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[1.32:35 - 1.32:46]The speaker's older brother was a model son, setting high standards for the rest of them.

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[1.33:36 - 1.33:45]The speaker's parents did not want them to play video games, but they did it anyway and resented their parents for not letting them play more.

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[1.34:38 - 1.34:49]They believe that millennials have a good understanding of the effects of technology and can teach their children about it.

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[1.34:49 - 1.35:02]The speaker is curious to see the long-term effects of growing up with technology.

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[1.34:49 - 1.35:02]Despite spending a lot of time online, the speaker turned out okay.

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[1.35:16 - 1.35:25]The speaker used video games mainly as a social avenue.

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[1.35:45 - 1.35:56]Video games and iPads are very different in terms of the amount of content and experiences available.

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[1.29:16 - 1.36:20]The speaker discusses their experience with online activities and family dynamics as a child, and reflects on the effects of technology on today's youth. They believe that millennials have a unique perspective on this topic and are curious to see how technology will shape future generations.

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[1.36:29 - 1.36:45]Participants discuss potential negative effects of technology on brain chemistry and social behavior

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[1.41:36 - 1.41:45]They debate the merits of becoming vegan and the challenges of doing so

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[1.43:04 - 1.43:12]Joey mentions his interest in anal play, prompting a question about who is most likely to let their partner peg them

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[1.43:04 - 1.43:12]Connor and Joey both say the other is most likely to engage in pegging

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[1.43:45 - 1.43:59]The group discusses the potential reasons for their choices, with Connor being seen as potentially hiding something related to his public image

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[1.36:20 - 1.43:59]The group discusses technology's impact on brain chemistry and the challenges of becoming vegan, before discussing their potential interest in pegging and debating who is most likely to engage in it.

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[1.43:59 - 1.44:05] Behind closed doors, the speaker has a curiosity about pegging

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[1.44:35 - 1.44:43]The speaker is unsure if they would enjoy being pegged but is open to trying it

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[1.44:35 - 1.44:43]They discuss the concept of pegging and their thoughts on it

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[1.45:04 - 1.45:19]The speaker feels like the idea of certain fetishes is more appealing than actually experiencing them

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[1.45:25 - 1.45:30]They mention knowing people who have tried pegging and enjoyed it

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[1.45:25 - 1.45:30]The speaker and others in the conversation discuss their thoughts and preferences on pegging

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[1.45:25 - 1.45:30]They joke about the possibility of accidentally getting pegged during a medical procedure

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[1.50:09 - 1.50:21]The conversation ends with a plug for their Patreon and other social media platforms

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[1.43:59 - 1.50:24]The speaker and others discuss their curiosities and thoughts on pegging, with some joking about accidentally experiencing it and others sharing their positive experiences with it.