

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[00:00 - 00:06]Intro to the episode, discussing a previous promise

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[00:16 - 00:25]Recap of previous episode where Matt received a cameo from Danny Sexbang for his MIMA

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[00:32 - 00:40]Excerpt of the cameo, with the full version available on Patreon

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[00:51 - 00:57]Discussion of using Danny Sexbang for profit without his knowledge

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[03:03 - 03:10]Matt checks to see if they were supposed to do something for this episode

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[03:11 - 03:17]They realize they were supposed to do the "PP" episode but can't remember when it was supposed to be

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[04:42 - 04:48]Discussion of Christmas and getting a Christmas tree

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[05:26 - 05:32]Matt goes to Home Depot to get a Christmas tree and is recognized by a fan

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[07:13 - 07:20]He picks out a tree and they help him load it onto his car, but he realizes they put the wrong tree on his car

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[00:00 - 07:20]The hosts discuss previous promises and a cameo from Danny Sexbang, before realizing they were supposed to do a special "PP" episode. They also discuss Christmas and getting a tree before Matt realizes the wrong tree was loaded onto his car.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[07:27 - 07:40]The speaker accidentally received Markiplier's Christmas tree

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[08:15 - 08:21]They decided to keep it and not make the employee untie it

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[08:59 - 09:04]Mark specifically chose that tree

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[08:59 - 09:04]The speaker feels bad for taking Mark's tree

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[10:07 - 10:14]The speaker and their friend decorated the tree with rainbow and white lights

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[10:14 - 10:20]The tree is shorter than expected but still nice

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[11:55 - 12:13]The speaker was wrong about the Magna Carta being the precursor to the Constitution

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[13:11 - 13:20]The concept of manifest destiny is discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[14:11 - 14:22]Native American reservations have casinos due to their own jurisdiction and laws

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[14:28 - 14:38]The speaker would like to visit a Native American reservation

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[07:20 - 14:38]Speaker accidentally received Markiplier's Christmas tree, and kept it, decorated it with rainbow and white lights, but feels bad for taking it. They were also wrong about the Magna Carta and discussed manifest destiny and Native American reservations.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[14:39 - 14:45]A conversation between two people discussing a man who walked past a slave plantation and questioned its morality

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[15:12 - 15:20]The man is revealed to be Abraham Lincoln and there is a rumor that he slept with men

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[16:38 - 16:44]The conversation shifts to a sponsorship for a company called Honey that helps find promo codes and is giving away money for holiday gifts

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[17:50 - 18:01]Another sponsorship for a company called Purple that sells comfortable sleep products

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[19:24 - 19:31]They discuss the logistics of taking a photograph in the 1800s and how long it would take, potentially for a sex tape

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[20:47 - 20:56]They discuss a photo they took with a long exposure time at the Renaissance fair and try to figure out who has it

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[21:26 - 21:35]They call their friend Justin to ask if he has the photo and he doesn't know where it is

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[22:01 - 22:07]The photo is finally found to be in a video from May 2019

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[14:39 - 22:12]The text is a conversation between two people discussing a man who questioned the morality of a slave plantation, potentially Abraham Lincoln, and discussing sponsorships for companies. They also talk about a photo they took at a Renaissance fair and try to find it.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[22:13 - 22:22] Justin helps "pinpoint the problem" and the speaker is looking for a glass thing or just the picture itself

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[22:44 - 22:50]They discuss the difference between a purse and a shoulder bag

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[23:43 - 23:56]The speaker talks about a sketch involving throwing up chocolate milk after recording the finale of Jet Set Radio

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[24:22 - 24:28]They joke about throwing up around each other and mention a time in Japan when Justin didn't throw up

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[26:52 - 26:59]The speaker mentions a story involving Chad Roberts and going to Nobu for a free dinner and getting drunk

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[28:06 - 28:12]The speaker smokes a joint and gets sick outside, possibly in front of UTA executives

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[29:27 - 29:33]The group discusses previous times they have done questionable things in public, such as peeing behind a dumpster

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[22:13 - 29:44]The speaker and Justin discuss finding a glass thing while joking about past experiences with throwing up and doing questionable things in public, and then the speaker tells a story about getting drunk and sick at a free dinner at Nobu with Chad Roberts and possibly in front of UTA executives.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[29:44 - 29:57]Person discusses walking around while under the influence of alcohol and the difficulty of finding a place to urinate in public.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[30:25 - 30:35]Talks about a specific incident where he urinated on the back of a store during a protest and was seen by someone across the street.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[31:20 - 31:28]Recalls a childhood memory of being embarrassed by pulling his pants all the way down while using the urinal.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[33:13 - 33:24]Considers what would happen if he and his friend both did this in public.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[34:37 - 34:44]Ad reads for personal care brand Hawthorne, the streaming service ExpressVPN, and the online counseling service Better Help.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[29:44 - 37:09]The person talks about public urination, a specific incident where they were seen urinating on a store, a childhood memory of being embarrassed while using a urinal, and ad reads for various products and services.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[37:10 - 37:18]The speaker discusses their belief that everyone should do therapy.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[37:28 - 37:36]The connection is safe and private and can start within 24 hours.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[37:28 - 37:36]It is not self-help, but professional counseling.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[37:36 - 37:48]They mention doing therapy themselves and how it has become easier with Better Help.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[37:36 - 37:48]Better Help is an online therapy platform that will assess your needs and match you with a licensed therapist.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[37:36 - 37:48]Communication with your counselor is available anytime and sessions can be scheduled weekly.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[37:36 - 37:48]Better Help allows for changing counselors if needed and offers a broad range of expertise.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[37:48 - 38:02]It is available worldwide and can help with issues such as depression, stress, anxiety, and more.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[38:03 - 38:11]The speaker offers a 10% discount for listeners who use the sponsor's link.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[38:19 - 38:25]The speaker then shifts to a conversation about bathroom talk.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[38:27 - 38:39]They discuss a classmate from high school who took a shit in the urinal and got caught.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[41:49 - 41:57]The speaker also shares a personal story about a camping trip where a friend pooped off a bridge and pranked the group by pretending to poop on the hiking trail.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[43:40 - 43:45]The speaker mentions the SuperMega bingo board and their love for Christmas decorations.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[43:54 - 44:02]They plan to go shopping for decorations while alone in their house for a month.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[44:13 - 44:19]The speaker then remembers something and runs out of the room.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[44:35 - 44:43]They reveal that they left a Christmas present at home and express their excitement for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[44:35 - 44:43]The text concludes with a mention of taking a picture with the present and a note from the speaker about how they wouldn't have bought it for themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[37:10 - 44:55]The overall text discusses the speaker's belief in therapy, their personal experiences with it, and some humorous anecdotes about bathroom incidents and Christmas decorations.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[44:56 - 45:03]The speaker suggests taking a Facebook profile picture with a wig and baby Yoda.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[45:05 - 45:10]A picture is taken and will be added to the YouTube version of the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[45:16 - 45:21]The speaker and audience admire the baby Yoda toy and discuss its price and whether it makes noise.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[45:42 - 45:48]The speaker and audience joke about using the toy to mentally torment their friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[46:13 - 46:25]The speaker shares a story about mimicking a teacher's voice and potentially getting in trouble for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[47:15 - 47:21]The topic shifts to watching the new season of 90 day fiance and a possible resemblance between one of the cast members and the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[49:09 - 49:14]The speaker and audience joke about being interviewed by a magazine and being the "biggest playboys" in the San Fernando Valley.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[50:43 - 50:52]The speaker shares a story about watching a boxing match and discusses the potential earnings for professional boxers.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[52:31 - 52:39]The topic shifts to professional boxing and the potential for a YouTuber to beat a professional boxer.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[52:31 - 52:39]The speaker and audience discuss the possibility of letting a professional boxer knock them out for a video.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[44:56 - 52:53]Cute baby Yoda toy, watching 90 day fiance, joking about being interviewed by a magazine, discussing professional boxing and potential earnings, considering getting knocked out by a professional boxer for a video.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[52:53 - 52:59]Both speakers discuss the idea of teaming up against a professional boxer

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[53:17 - 53:26]The potential dangers of getting knocked out in a fight are discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[53:42 - 53:50]The speakers mention a YouTube video of Russian hand-to-hand fighting in a warehouse

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[54:46 - 54:51]They discuss the extreme cold in Russia and its effects on the body

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[55:14 - 55:19]Hypothermia and its dangers are briefly mentioned

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[56:34 - 56:40]One speaker expresses interest in becoming an interviewer

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[57:11 - 57:16]They discuss the documentary "Grizzly Man" and its director Werner Herzog

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[58:00 - 58:12]Another documentary by Herzog, featuring an interview with Gorbachev, is mentioned

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[58:24 - 58:31]Gorbachev's involvement in other commercial ads is mentioned

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[58:24 - 58:31]The irony of Gorbachev, a former communist leader, appearing in ads for luxury brands is reflected upon

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[58:41 - 59:00]The surprising fact that Gorbachev appeared in a Pizza Hut ad is discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[1.00:27 - 1.00:33]The idea of the speakers appearing in commercials is briefly mentioned

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[52:53 - 1.00:33]The speakers discuss the idea of teaming up against a professional boxer and the potential dangers of getting knocked out. They also mention a YouTube video of Russian hand-to-hand fighting and discuss the extreme cold in Russia. Hypothermia and its dangers are briefly mentioned. One speaker expresses interest in becoming an interviewer and they discuss the documentary "Grizzly Man" and its director Werner Herzog. They also mention a documentary featuring an interview with Gorbachev and his surprising appearance in a Pizza Hut ad. The irony of Gorbachev appearing in ads for luxury brands is reflected upon. The idea of the speakers appearing in commercials is briefly mentioned, with one expressing a desire to do so together.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[1.00:34 - 1.00:46] Imagine being in several commercials and a podcast together

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[1.00:47 - 1.00:50]Wanting to be on TV

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[1.00:47 - 1.00:50]Imagining being the new Sonic guys, eating onion rings and cracking banter in a car

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[1.00:47 - 1.00:50]Down for being Sonic guys

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 222: Potty Mouths (The Pee-Pee Episode)

[1.00:34 - 1.00:50]The speaker is imagining being in commercials and a podcast, and being the new Sonic guys on TV, eating onion rings and cracking banter in a car.