

Youtube profile pic for Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[00:27 - 00:34] The individuals are participating in a speedrun PC build stream with the help of Gigabyte Aorus.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[01:05 - 01:12]The first person to go is chosen randomly.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[01:48 - 01:56]Intel CPUs have a unique mounting for the cooler.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[02:13 - 02:19]The individual must ground themselves before proceeding.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[03:19 - 03:24]The first step is to install the motherboard and then the CPU.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[03:53 - 03:59]The top thermal layer may not be necessary.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[04:00 - 04:11]The M2 drive does not fit in the designated notch.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[05:31 - 05:38]The case is taken out and the plastic is peeled off.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[05:38 - 05:44]The M2 drive is installed and the RAM is completed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[05:38 - 05:44]The Gigabyte Aorus 3080 and 3090 are provided for the build.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[06:22 - 06:28]The build is completed at a slower pace than desired.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[00:00 - 06:28]The individuals participate in a speedrun PC build stream with the help of Gigabyte Aorus. The first person chosen randomly begins by installing the motherboard and CPU, followed by difficulties with the M2 drive and grounding themselves. The top thermal layer may not be necessary and the individual completes the RAM before taking out the case and peeling off the plastic. The build is completed at a slower pace than desired.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[07:05 - 07:10] The speaker is struggling with installing a water cooler on their PC.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[08:06 - 08:13]They express concern about the potential for disaster with the water cooler.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[10:39 - 10:49]The speaker mentions that 62% of viewers watching have not built a PC before.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[10:59 - 11:08]They mention holding the CPU cooler like a baby and make a joke about holding a child more violently.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[11:08 - 11:15]The speaker realizes the fan does not go on top and the power socket is being blocked.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[12:18 - 12:24]They express confusion and seek help from chat.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[12:24 - 12:31]The speaker struggles with finding the right screw and mentions using "G" for "God."

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[12:44 - 12:51]They continue to struggle with installation and express uncertainty about whether they are doing it correctly.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[12:44 - 12:51]They mention that the thermal paste application is a crucial step and express concern about getting it right.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[12:44 - 12:51]The speaker finds a solution and successfully installs the fan.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[06:28 - 12:51]The speaker struggles with installing a water cooler on their PC, expressing concern about potential disaster. They continue to struggle with installation and express uncertainty about doing it correctly, mentioning that most viewers have not built a PC before. The speaker is stressed about correctly applying thermal paste and finding the right screw, jokingly using "G" for "God." They eventually realize the fan does not go on top and blocks the power socket. After seeking help from chat, the speaker finds a solution and successfully installs the fan. They reflect on the stressful and uncertain process of building a PC.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[12:51 - 12:59]Person is about to unbox the 3090

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[12:59 - 13:05]They have never seen one before and are excited

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[13:30 - 13:35]They have trouble with the power supply and wiring

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[13:36 - 13:43]They start unboxing and organizing the components

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[15:25 - 15:31]They have a mental breakdown and question their choices

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[17:03 - 17:10]They successfully boot up the PC after 2 hours and 38 minutes

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[17:17 - 17:23]They are happy with the build, despite poor cable management

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[18:30 - 18:37]Joey starts his own build and struggles with the RAM

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[18:37 - 18:42]He asks for help from chat and successfully installs the RAM

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[12:51 - 19:28]Overall, the person successfully builds and boots up the PC in 2 hours and 38 minutes with some struggles along the way.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[22:25 - 22:31]Someone is building a PC and has secured the motherboard

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[22:32 - 22:37]They are now on the water cooler and are unsure of how to proceed

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[22:38 - 22:48]They are learning about thermal paste and how to properly apply it

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[23:37 - 23:44]The CPU gets very hot and needs to be cooled down

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[24:55 - 25:00]They are struggling to find the right screws to secure the fan

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[24:55 - 25:00]A friend comes to help and they successfully secure the fan

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[25:47 - 25:52]They discuss the importance of naming the PC

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[25:59 - 26:04]The friend does not believe in naming PCs

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[26:04 - 26:07]The final PC is named "C-dog"

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste PC Building Speedrun | Trash Taste Special

[19:29 - 26:07]A PC is being built with some struggles along the way, but ultimately successful.