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s5 kick off

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[00:27 - 05:11]The audience is encouraged to start something from the beginning and if they are not interested, they can go to a different platform.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[05:57 - 25:05]The speaker says "You" in a rhythmic pattern.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[05:57 - 30:12]The speaker introduces himself and shares his personal story.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[29:39 - 34:24]The audience is encouraged to start something from the beginning and if they are not interested, they can go to a different platform.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[31:51 - 35:45]The speaker introduces himself and shares his personal story.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[32:48 - 36:54]The speaker asks the audience to share something they are a fan of and mentions Post Malone's beginnings.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[34:45 - 37:05]The speaker is a fan of Naruto, iPhone, soft hoodies, Thai curry, and the Dark Knight.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[34:45 - 40:12]He emphasizes the importance of creating your own opinions and thinking deeply about things.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[35:20 - 40:28]The speaker encourages others to pursue their passions and shares examples of people doing so, such as creating music, writing a novel, or making a crowdfunding app.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[37:39 - 40:12]They share an example of a musician who dropped singles on Spotify during Knights and Weekends and is now successful.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[37:39 - 47:26]He talks about how people tend to overcomplicate things and the team's job is to make the path clear for the audience.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[39:00 - 39:55]The speaker asks the audience to share something they are a fan of and mentions Post Malone's beginnings.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[40:28 - 43:07]The speaker encourages others to pursue their passions and shares examples of people doing so, such as creating music, writing a novel, or making a crowdfunding app.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[41:22 - 48:16]The speaker introduces himself and shares his personal story.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[43:13 - 44:12]Rejection from internships and investors did not stop the speaker from pursuing their dreams.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[44:13 - 48:45]Despite not being skilled in coding, the speaker combined their passion for League of Legends with coding and created a successful website.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[45:05 - 47:55]The speaker encourages others to pursue their passions and shares examples of people doing so, such as creating music, writing a novel, or making a crowdfunding app.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[46:57 - 50:47]Life can be unpredictable, especially for those embarking on new projects.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[47:04 - 51:37]The founders' path was also unpredictable, but it has led them to where they are today.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[47:10 - 48:39]It is not about fame or money, but about the love for the craft.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[47:26 - 48:39]Rejection from internships and investors did not stop the speaker from pursuing their dreams.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[47:26 - 49:31]The program is designed for individuals who are passionate about creating something they love.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[47:55 - 55:29]The speaker encourages others to pursue their passions and shares examples of people doing so, such as creating music, writing a novel, or making a crowdfunding app.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[49:32 - 52:08]The program has seen various outcomes, including individuals who have gone viral and gotten into prestigious programs.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[50:48 - 52:37]The program is designed for individuals who are passionate about creating something they love.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[51:55 - 54:40]The goal is to take an idea from nothing to something and get the first 100 or 1000 users.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[53:52 - 56:13]The focus is on consistent effort, whether it be 30 minutes or 30 hours a week.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[55:29 - 58:43]The acceptance rate was high, with 60,000 applicants for the season.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[55:29 - 59:19]Rejection from internships and investors did not stop the speaker from pursuing their dreams.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[56:28 - 58:56]The final two weeks focus on getting the idea out to more people.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[56:28 - 1.00:15]The speaker encourages others to pursue their passions and shares examples of people doing so, such as creating music, writing a novel, or making a crowdfunding app.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[58:56 - 1.03:11]The focus is on consistent effort, whether it be 30 minutes or 30 hours a week.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[59:06 - 1.01:24]They share an example of a musician who dropped singles on Spotify during Knights and Weekends and is now successful.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[59:06 - 1.01:24]Nights and weekends is a six-week program for pursuing an interesting idea.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[59:13 - 59:19]The program has seen various outcomes, including individuals who have gone viral and gotten into prestigious programs.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[59:20 - 1.00:15]The goal is to take an idea from nothing to something and get the first 100 or 1000 users.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[59:41 - 1.00:10]The website gained popularity on Reddit and attracted a half a million users in a month.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.00:26 - 1.01:45]Pradi worked on a project called "fake time" where you could FaceTime AI celebrities, such as Kim Kardashian.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.00:51 - 1.03:11]The weekly update was a required submission for six weeks.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.00:51 - 1.03:19]The founders' path was also unpredictable, but it has led them to where they are today.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.01:08 - 1.04:56]A guy named Jay tweeted about interviewing his college professor to show him the app.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.01:48 - 1.05:17]Different types of people were involved, from app developers to musicians.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.03:19 - 1.06:23]The six-week program is intense but is the perfect amount of time to go from nothing to something.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.03:35 - 1.04:56]The program is designed for individuals who are passionate about creating something they love.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.03:59 - 1.05:02]The acceptance rate was high, with 60,000 applicants for the season.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.05:27 - 1.06:16]The final two weeks focus on getting the idea out to more people.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.05:42 - 1.11:35]The course focused on individual work, rather than group chats or sessions.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.05:49 - 1.07:46]The schedule for lectures and labs was every Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30 AM PT.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.05:56 - 1.08:28]The goal was to build a "toy version" of your idea in one week.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.06:17 - 1.09:25]Different types of people were involved, from app developers to musicians.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.08:41 - 1.12:38]The weekly update was a required submission for six weeks.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.09:02 - 1.10:22]The schedule was flexible, with options to work on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, or weekends.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.11:46 - 1.14:50]Users should only reach out to others if they find their work interesting.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.13:32 - 1.15:07]A guy named Jay tweeted about interviewing his college professor to show him the app.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.15:09 - 1.18:41]The product being shown, Sage, allows users to find like-minded people based on their interests and skills.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.15:15 - 1.18:28]Different types of people were involved, from app developers to musicians.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.16:52 - 1.17:13]A guy named Jay tweeted about interviewing his college professor to show him the app.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.17:50 - 1.20:49]Different types of people were involved, from app developers to musicians.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.18:13 - 1.22:40]The product being shown, Sage, allows users to find like-minded people based on their interests and skills.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.20:17 - 1.22:15]A guy named Jay tweeted about interviewing his college professor to show him the app.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.20:50 - 1.23:55]The product being shown, Sage, allows users to find like-minded people based on their interests and skills.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.22:54 - 1.23:29]They ask for the audience to avoid making the event similar to LinkedIn.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.23:29 - 1.23:55]They announce a new feature, "Cringe at," where the audience can report any inappropriate behavior.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.23:55 - 1.24:46]The speaker introduces the different social media accounts for the event, including Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and encourages the audience to follow them.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.24:46 - 1.25:25]They explain that tagging the event's accounts can potentially increase visibility for the audience's work.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.25:56 - 1.27:14]The speaker mentions that email will be the main method of communication and encourages the audience to check their emails regularly.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.26:25 - 1.27:07]They announce a new feature, "Cringe at," where the audience can report any inappropriate behavior.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.26:25 - 1.29:33]Examples of participants with impressive backgrounds include a hacker, a farmer, and a singer-songwriter.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.27:15 - 1.28:13]The main goal of the event is to prepare for Demo Day, where participants can showcase their work to a larger audience.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.28:14 - 1.29:33]The event offers grants of $5,000 for projects in 10 different categories, with no strings attached.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.29:35 - 1.30:18]The speaker introduces the different social media accounts for the event, including Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and encourages the audience to follow them.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.29:35 - 1.34:12]The founder expresses awe at the fact that all participants started from "zero" and highlights the specialness of this.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.29:43 - 1.31:18]The main goal of the event is to prepare for Demo Day, where participants can showcase their work to a larger audience.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.30:26 - 1.30:50]The speaker requests feedback from the audience on the first day of their event.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.30:50 - 1.32:03]The speaker mentions that email will be the main method of communication and encourages the audience to check their emails regularly.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.31:19 - 1.32:29]The event will also have a physical gathering in San Francisco, but only those who submit three out of six weekly updates will be allowed to attend.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.31:35 - 1.35:14]Nights and weekends, the main program of BuildSpace, are seen as a legitimate signal for potential employers.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.32:29 - 1.34:47]The event will also have four pop-up events in Dubai, Bangalore, and two other cities to be announced later.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.32:38 - 1.33:07]The event will also have a physical gathering in San Francisco, but only those who submit three out of six weekly updates will be allowed to attend.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.33:33 - 1.35:14]The speaker mentions the possibility of providing assistance with visas for international attendees.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.34:13 - 1.35:02]The event will also have four pop-up events in Dubai, Bangalore, and two other cities to be announced later.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.34:41 - 1.36:12]The founder expresses amazement at the large and diverse community of dreamers and creators gathered at BuildSpace.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.35:53 - 1.40:21]The founder emphasizes the importance of feeling connected to one's house and announces the release of house-themed wallpapers.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.39:52 - 1.40:06]The founder shares personal experience with the power of art and culture, using the example of a tattoo.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.40:29 - 1.40:36]At the end of the stream, there will be something special for all four houses.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.40:29 - 1.45:59]The founder expresses awe at the fact that all participants started from "zero" and highlights the specialness of this.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.40:37 - 1.40:55]To graduate from BuildSpace, you must submit four of the six weekly updates and attend for at least four weeks in a row.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.40:46 - 1.43:49]Nights and weekends, the main program of BuildSpace, are seen as a legitimate signal for potential employers.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.40:56 - 1.41:46]Graduates will receive a card to access the BuildSpace HQ in San Francisco to work on something cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.41:54 - 1.42:37]BuildSpace is making a change to be more present for its graduates.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.42:38 - 1.42:45]BuildSpace is now officially on LinkedIn.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.42:46 - 1.43:05]BuildSpace is making a change to be more present for its graduates.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.42:46 - 1.46:23]The founder expresses amazement at the large and diverse community of dreamers and creators gathered at BuildSpace.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.43:06 - 1.43:12]Your life is just a cage if it's not pushing you higher.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.43:16 - 1.43:49]There will be a final selection for the campus, where 100 people will work on their ideas full-time for three months.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.43:50 - 1.43:56]Alumni have gone on to YC, full-time work on their products, and make a million in ARR.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.44:03 - 1.44:18]There will be a final selection for the campus, where 100 people will work on their ideas full-time for three months.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.44:19 - 1.44:37]At the end of the stream, there will be something special for all four houses.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.44:39 - 1.45:13]The BuildSpace OS is a Chrome extension that takes over your new tab page and reminds you of demo day.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.44:57 - 1.46:12]Next week is idea week, so start thinking about what you want to work on.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.45:19 - 1.45:25]We fight and cry our fears, but we're living for the ride.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.45:26 - 1.45:39]The BuildSpace OS is a Chrome extension that takes over your new tab page and reminds you of demo day.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.45:40 - 1.45:45]The BuildSpace universe includes the Buddy Pass, graduation, the campus, and the BuildSpace OS.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.45:46 - 1.45:52]The journey started for the founder at 13 years old and has been a ride for the past 15 years.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.45:46 - 1.49:44]The founder expresses awe at the fact that all participants started from "zero" and highlights the specialness of this.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.45:53 - 1.47:08]The first lecture will be on Tuesday, June 18th at 10:30 AM PT.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.46:06 - 1.48:45]The founder emphasizes the importance of feeling connected to one's house and announces the release of house-themed wallpapers.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.46:12 - 1.46:23]Next week is idea week, so start thinking about what you want to work on.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.46:25 - 1.46:43]The Buddy Pass will be the only way to join season five.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.46:45 - 1.47:02]There will be a winner for the Buddy Pass referral, who will receive 50 stickers.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.47:08 - 1.47:42]After the stream, an email will be sent with all the necessary information.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.47:15 - 1.47:35]Check your inbox after the stream for more information.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.47:42 - 1.47:54]Take a picture of the stream to remember the journey.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.47:57 - 1.48:15]Every person has a story.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.48:02 - 1.48:36]The campus is free and open to artists, technologists, and creators.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.48:16 - 1.48:45]Take a picture of the stream to remember the journey.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.48:49 - 1.49:15]The journey started for the founder at 13 years old and has been a ride for the past 15 years.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.49:31 - 1.49:44]We made friends and went on excursions.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.49:44 - 1.50:04]Anyone can follow the alternative life path of pursuing their passions and curiosities.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.50:05 - 1.50:27]An original song by a BuildSpace member will be played at the end of the stream.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.50:27 - 1.50:34]The song will be available on Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.50:34 - 1.50:39]Check your inbox after the stream for more information.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.50:40 - 1.50:47]Every person has a story.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.51:00 - 1.51:15]We fight and cry our fears, but we're living for the ride.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.51:16 - 1.51:21]Your life is just a cage if it's not pushing you higher.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.51:22 - 1.51:42]We made friends and went on excursions.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.51:56 - 1.52:34]We fight and cry our fears, but we're living for the ride.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[1.53:28 - 2.47:30]The speaker talks about not feeling something and living for the ride.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[2.47:30 - 2.47:43]The speaker mentions the time as 12:26 PM and their plan to go home.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[2.47:43 - 2.47:50]They thank the audience and encourage them to work on their ideas.

A youtube thumbnail wor s5 kick off

[2.47:55 - 2.47:58]The stream is ending in three.