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We Played Connect 4 by Travelling to Actual US States

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[00:00 - 00:11] Playing a modified version of Connect 4 where states are connected instead of tiles

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[00:11 - 00:19]The game begins at a Chicago airport hotel and involves traveling to state capitals and completing challenges to claim the state

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[00:19 - 00:29]Teams of two, with one team consisting of Brian and the narrator

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[00:19 - 00:29]The goal is to connect four states either vertically or horizontally

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[01:07 - 01:14]Strategy discussion and decision to go to San Francisco to claim California and Nevada

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[03:26 - 03:32]Rush to airport again to make a flight by 4pm

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[05:00 - 05:09]Instead of claiming Denver, the team drives to Cheyenne, Wyoming to throw off the other team's strategy

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[05:24 - 05:32]Rush to airport and issues with boarding passes; eventually make it on a flight to Denver

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[05:24 - 05:32]Successfully claim Cheyenne, Wyoming and head back to airport to catch flight to Denver

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[00:00 - 06:34]Two teams play a modified version of Connect 4 by traveling to state capitals and completing challenges to claim the state. The winning team must connect four states either vertically or horizontally. After strategizing, the team successfully claims Cheyenne, Wyoming before heading back to the airport to catch a flight to Denver.

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[06:34 - 06:40] The group rates an activity 5 out of 7.

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[06:41 - 06:48]They pick a card without looking at it.

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[06:55 - 07:01]The card is to catch three different local bugs.

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[07:20 - 07:26]They struggle to find bugs and consider driving to a body of water.

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[09:46 - 09:53]They eventually find and catch three bugs.

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[10:04 - 10:13]They call their friend to inform them of their success.

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[10:04 - 10:13]They receive a video from their friend claiming Wyoming.

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[10:51 - 11:00]They are unsure where Wyoming is located.

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[11:47 - 11:55]They rate their next activity at a 5.3 out of 7.

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[12:02 - 12:07]They receive a card to get one team member intoxicated.

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[12:20 - 12:27]They find a bar and Ben takes four shots.

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[12:20 - 12:27]Ben reflects on his drinking abilities and the time.

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[06:34 - 13:49]A comprehensive summary is that the group rates activities, completes tasks, and continues on their journey.

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[14:08 - 14:14] The speaker is in Colorado and is officially drunk.

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[15:17 - 15:27]They call Sam and Brian and discuss their plans to go to Chick-fil-A and eat spicy food.

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[16:00 - 16:07]They arrive at the airport and the speaker is worried about going through TSA while drunk.

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[16:15 - 16:21]They order the spiciest dish at an Indian restaurant and struggle to eat it.

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[18:01 - 18:07]They drive to the Denver airport and discuss their flight and gas prices.

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[19:23 - 19:28]They make a joke about the president and discuss climate change and wildfires.

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[20:22 - 20:27]They arrive at the Nevada State Capitol and try to enter, but are not allowed.

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[21:01 - 21:06]They find a bowling alley and plan to go bowling.

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[13:50 - 21:21]The speaker is drunk in Colorado and calls Sam and Brian to discuss plans for Chick-fil-A and eating spicy food. They arrive at the airport, struggle to eat the spiciest dish at an Indian restaurant, and discuss flight and gas prices. They make a joke about the president, discuss climate change and wildfires, and arrive at the Nevada State Capitol before finding a bowling alley to go bowling.

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[24:20 - 24:26]Narrator and group are in Reno and looking for a bowling alley

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[25:53 - 25:59]They plan to stay in Reno for the night

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[27:00 - 27:11]There's a chance that Ben and Adam may have gone to Reno by flight

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[27:00 - 27:11]They may not be able to catch a flight and will have to stay in Reno, affecting their plans for the next day

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[27:20 - 27:27]They find one nearby, but it's not good for timing

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[27:27 - 27:33]The group discusses their next moves and potential routes

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[27:27 - 27:33]They consider going East but realize Utah is not a useful option

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Connect 4 by Travelling to Actual US States

[27:33 - 27:39]They have Nevada and California left to visit and are confident about their chances

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[27:51 - 28:05]They mention the streaming service Nebula and how the next episode is already available there

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[28:14 - 28:19]They are going to the closest bowling lane and it's up to Brian to get a strike quickly

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[28:14 - 28:19]They receive a video from their competitors, Sam, Ben, and Adam, claiming they have reached Nevada

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Connect 4 by Travelling to Actual US States

[28:14 - 28:19]They also discuss the possibility of their competitors going to Idaho

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Connect 4 by Travelling to Actual US States

[28:20 - 28:29]They encourage viewers to check out Nebula and the bundle with Curiosity Stream

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[28:38 - 28:45]They discuss flight options and prices for Phoenix and Santa Fe

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Connect 4 by Travelling to Actual US States

[21:22 - 28:53]The group is in Reno, looking for a bowling alley and discussing their next moves and potential routes. They also mention their competitors and flight options, and encourage viewers to check out Nebula.