

Youtube profile pic for Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

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[05:28 - 05:33]The speaker is stuck in Hokkaido due to a snowstorm and delayed flights.

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[06:42 - 06:51]All flights were cancelled on Monday due to the snowstorm.

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[06:42 - 06:51]They had to stay in an airport hotel for two days.

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[06:42 - 06:51]The speaker tried to make it back in time for the Trash Taste podcast recording, but flights were repeatedly cancelled.

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[06:51 - 06:59]Hokkaido is known for frequent flight cancellations.

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[06:51 - 06:59]The speaker's life is planned around Trash Taste recordings.

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[06:51 - 06:59]The snowstorm was worse than expected and Sydney was not well-prepared.

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[06:51 - 06:59]The speaker describes the snow as feeling like a Pokemon attack.

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[06:51 - 06:59]The blizzard prevented them from walking to the airport.

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[06:59 - 07:05]They were in Hokkaido with Sydney for four or five days.

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[06:59 - 07:05]Joey and Connor were understanding about the situation.

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[06:59 - 07:05]The speaker apologized for letting the others down.

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[07:05 - 07:12]Chitose Airport is well-equipped with restaurants and resources.

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[00:00 - 07:17]The speaker got stuck in Hokkaido due to a snowstorm and had to stay in an airport hotel for two days. They tried to make it back for the Trash Taste podcast recording, but flights were repeatedly cancelled. They describe the snow as feeling like a Pokemon attack and apologize for letting the others down.

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[07:29 - 07:35] Narrator describes airports with shopping malls like Singapore and Hokkaido airports

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[07:47 - 07:53]Chitose airport also has a cinema

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[08:19 - 08:25]Narrator did not watch a movie due to wanting to work

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[09:31 - 09:40]There were no backup plans during a natural disaster in Vegas

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[11:39 - 11:48]Dust storm hit while at a ramen shop called Naruto

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[12:59 - 13:07]Natural phenomena in UK and US

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[13:12 - 13:19]Fire tornadoes in Australia

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[13:12 - 13:19]A guide would have to explain the extreme weather conditions in Australia

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[13:52 - 14:09]Australia is like an island in One Piece

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[07:18 - 14:42]The narrator discusses airports with shopping malls, experiencing a dust storm and natural disasters in different countries, and compares Australia to an island in One Piece.

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[14:43 - 14:51]A pillar of fire crashes through, sounding like an anime attack.

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[14:51 - 14:56]The speaker wonders if there is a Pokemon battle happening with fire spin.

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[15:21 - 15:30]The storm in the UK causes chaos and destruction.

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[16:58 - 17:05]The speaker's British friends cancel their plans due to the storm.

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[17:12 - 17:18]The speaker is surprised by the lack of dangerous weather in the UK.

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[18:41 - 18:53]The speaker is also surprised by the precautions necessary in other countries, such as being careful of bears and starting forest fires.

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[19:35 - 19:40]Fire is not a common occurrence in nature in the UK.

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[20:47 - 21:00]In Australia, controlled bushfires are necessary for certain trees to grow, due to their seeds needing fire to open.

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[21:10 - 21:15]Nature in Australia is high level, with the potential for random fires due to the hot climate.

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[14:43 - 21:28]The speaker discusses the chaos caused by a storm in the UK and contrasts the lack of dangerous weather there with the precautions necessary in other countries, such as controlled bushfires in Australia.

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[21:28 - 21:36] The speaker discusses the desert level in the game Breath of the Wild.

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[21:44 - 22:03]They mention a video by Vox where they learned about controlled bushfires in the US.

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[22:09 - 22:20]They talk about the buildup of dead trees and controlled bushfires in Australia.

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[24:02 - 24:08]They specifically mention an encounter with a bulldog ant, one of the most venomous ants in the world.

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[27:19 - 27:42]The speaker reveals that they have had many close calls with dangerous animals in Australia.

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[27:19 - 27:42]The speaker's friend saved their life by swatting the ant away.

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[27:19 - 27:42]The speaker reflects on the common warnings given to children in Australia about dangerous animals.

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[27:43 - 27:48]They mention being bitten by a non-venomous snake before.

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[27:48 - 27:54]The speaker concludes that what doesn't kill them makes them stronger.

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[21:28 - 28:11]In summary, the speaker discusses the dangers of wildlife in Australia and their own personal experiences with it, including a close call with a deadly bulldog ant.

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[31:12 - 31:20] The speaker talks about their fear of going outside in Australia due to dangerous animals and sea creatures.

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[31:20 - 31:25]They mention stonefish, a fish with razor sharp needles that can cause extreme pain and even death if stepped on.

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[32:04 - 32:11]They also discuss jellyfish and the rare but deadly box jellyfish.

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[32:04 - 32:11]The speaker has been stung by a blue bottle jellyfish, which is common in Australia.

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[32:11 - 32:21]The speaker's friend has stepped on a stonefish before and had to go to the hospital for treatment.

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[32:58 - 33:03]They mention the rumor of peeing on a jellyfish sting for relief, but the actual treatment is hot water.

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[34:02 - 34:09]The speaker recalls a childhood experience of picking up jellyfish and getting stung, causing them to scream and cry.

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[34:47 - 34:54]They express their fear and confusion about fish and sea creatures, especially deep sea fish.

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[35:09 - 35:14]The speaker wonders who is in charge of the evolution of these strange creatures.

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[28:11 - 35:14]Overall, the speaker discusses their fear of dangerous animals and sea creatures in Australia, including stonefish and jellyfish, and expresses confusion about the strange evolution of fish.

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[35:15 - 35:25]Scientists believe there is a species of immortal jellyfish

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[35:25 - 35:34]These jellyfish can't be killed by old age, but can still be killed by external forces

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[35:49 - 35:56]Aging is believed to be a purposeful process

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[36:27 - 36:33]There is a hypothetical question of whether humans would want to study this to achieve immortality

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[39:54 - 40:02]An interesting perspective is given by someone who only wanted to live until age 80 and then died exactly at that age with no regrets

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[40:22 - 40:30]Some people may not want to be immortal because of the limitations and potential boredom

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[40:50 - 41:01]Some people find it badass to live a long and able life and then suddenly die doing what they love

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[41:54 - 42:03]The speaker's grandmother is in her late 90s and still alive, which is seen as impressive

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[35:15 - 42:17]Scientists believe there is a species of immortal jellyfish and there is a hypothetical question of whether humans would want to study this to achieve immortality, but some people may not want to be immortal because of potential limitations and boredom. However, some find it impressive to live a long and able life and suddenly die doing what they love.

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[42:18 - 42:27]Grandma squeezed Sydney's hand, causing her pain

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[42:27 - 42:33]The story may have been told on Trash Taste podcast before

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[42:33 - 42:39]Grandma was a gigachat

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[42:46 - 42:56]There was a recent comment on Trash Taste praising the hosts' ability to find new topics

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[43:37 - 43:43]They discuss animals they could take on in a fight, with Garnt fearing deer the most

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[47:43 - 47:49]Garnt would rather take on a bear than a deer

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[48:16 - 48:21]This is purely based on gut feeling and not logical reasoning

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[48:46 - 48:53]Joey thinks deer are cute and harmless, but Garnt believes they are aggressive

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[42:18 - 49:05]Grandma squeezed Sydney's hand, causing her pain, and the hosts discuss animals they could take on in a fight, with Garnt fearing deer the most. He believes they are aggressive and would rather take on a bear.

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[50:15 - 50:21] The speaker and their conversation partner discuss the effectiveness of using different tactics against dangerous animals, such as punching a shark in the nose or shouting at a polar bear.

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[51:36 - 51:41]They also mention survival stories involving encounters with bears and deer.

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[53:42 - 53:49]The topic shifts to a discussion about powerful animals, such as the polar bear or honey badger.

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[54:13 - 54:18]They also mention unique sea creatures, like the mantis shrimp.

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[55:35 - 55:45]The speaker brings up how some people try to intervene in nature by saving animals from being hunted, but the conversation partner disagrees and explains the concept of a food chain.

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[49:05 - 55:50]The overall theme of the conversation is about the power dynamics and survival tactics in the animal kingdom.

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[55:59 - 56:06] Sympathizing with nature and survival instincts

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[56:14 - 56:20]Advertisement for Call of Antia game

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[57:25 - 57:32]Discussion on the most dangerous animals in the world and humans being the top

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[58:03 - 58:09]Conversation on the strongest animal a human could possibly beat in a fight

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[1.00:10 - 1.00:16]Jeremy mentions seeing a video of someone being knocked out by a catfish

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[1.00:40 - 1.00:45]Cats and monkeys mentioned as possible contenders

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[1.02:34 - 1.02:40]Discussion on sassy birds, specifically parrots and their ability to replicate sounds through osmosis

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[1.03:27 - 1.03:33]Personal story about owning a cockatiel and its sassy behavior, including replicating the sound of a microwave and a phone ringing

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[55:51 - 1.03:33]Humans being the most dangerous animal in the world is a reflection of our destructive behavior towards nature and other species.

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[1.03:34 - 1.03:40]Person talks about a show and how smart the characters are

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[1.03:49 - 1.03:56]They talk about replicating their mom saying good morning

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[1.04:25 - 1.04:33]They discuss YouTube videos with poorly mixed audio and loud beeps

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[1.04:25 - 1.04:33]Person shares their dislike for people using loud beeps in videos

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[1.04:51 - 1.04:56]They bring up bass boosted monster zinc memes and how they find them funny

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[1.05:43 - 1.05:48]They mention wanting to train a device to say "yeah!"

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[1.05:54 - 1.05:59]Discussion turns to building a PC live on camera and finding it stressful

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[1.07:22 - 1.07:35]The person talks about building a PC and it not working, then realizing they needed specific RAM for their motherboard

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[1.08:28 - 1.08:33]They mention wasting two days trying to fix the issue

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[1.08:53 - 1.08:59]They discuss the difficulty of selecting PC parts and mention using PC part picker

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[1.09:04 - 1.09:20]The person shares a previous experience of buying incompatible parts for a PC

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[1.09:36 - 1.09:41]The person admits to forcing a cooler onto their PC despite it not being the right fit

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[1.09:47 - 1.09:53]They mention building four PCs in their life, with the current one being the first in Japan

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[1.10:38 - 1.10:44]They mention people telling them to call Chris, who is known for talking about his McDonald's breakfast

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[1.03:34 - 1.11:00]Person discusses a show and replicating their mom's voice, then talks about YouTube videos and bass boosted monster zinc memes. They share their experience building a PC live on camera and mention running into issues with specific RAM needed for their motherboard. They also mention previous experiences building PCs and a joke about calling someone named Chris.

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[1.11:00 - 1.17:33]• The speaker has been on a diet for a while to lose weight gained on a recent trip to England. • They have been taking in lower calories and have started eating breakfast as a part of their diet. • The speaker believes that cereal is better without milk, causing controversy with the other person present. • They also discuss the health benefits and drawbacks of cereal as a breakfast option. • The speaker expresses their dislike for wheat bicks. • The overall topic of conversation is about the speaker's diet and breakfast choices.

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[1.17:33 - 1.17:40] Cereal has always been seen as a snack, even for breakfast

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[1.17:41 - 1.17:47]People have told the speaker that they can't get full from cereal without milk

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[1.18:08 - 1.18:13]The speaker mostly eats cereal as a midnight snack, not for breakfast

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[1.18:19 - 1.18:24]The topic of snacking at midnight is brought up

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[1.18:19 - 1.18:24]The speaker's go-to midnight snack is crisps

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[1.18:19 - 1.18:24]They avoid snacking at midnight if possible

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[1.18:43 - 1.18:50]The speaker mentions their love for crisps and how they sometimes eat them as a meal

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[1.19:41 - 1.19:47]Toast was a brief phase in the speaker's childhood breakfast routine, but they eventually stopped eating breakfast altogether

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[1.20:03 - 1.20:12]The speaker's preference for coffee in the morning led to them skipping breakfast

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[1.20:35 - 1.20:44]The speaker's experience with thick and expensive Japanese bread

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[1.22:08 - 1.22:14]The speaker prefers pre-sliced bread and considers slicing their own bread a privilege

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[1.23:41 - 1.23:47]The speaker has tried a high-end Japanese bakery and enjoyed their bread, but would not pay the high price for it outside of Japan

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[1.23:47 - 1.23:55]The speaker only buys the expensive bread occasionally

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[1.17:33 - 1.24:01]Overall, the speaker prefers pre-sliced bread and often skips breakfast, opting for coffee instead. They also have a love for crisps and have tried expensive Japanese bread, but do not consider it worth the high price.

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[1.24:01 - 1.24:08] The speaker discusses how the bread in Japan is better than any supermarket bread in Australia or outside of Japan.

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[1.24:08 - 1.24:15]They mention having the same bread and it being really good.

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[1.24:20 - 1.24:33]They compare the Japanese bread to bread in Europe and say that the bread in France and Germany is better.

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[1.26:18 - 1.26:24]They discuss how bread in Europe is usually bought and used on the same day, but in Australia, they put it in the freezer to make it last longer.

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[1.28:41 - 1.28:50]The speaker also mentions that in Australia, they put ice in their beer and that in Thailand, they put ice in their beer as well.

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[1.30:17 - 1.30:25]The topic of putting eggs in the fridge is brought up and the speaker mentions that in Europe, it is recommended to not put eggs in the fridge.

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[1.24:01 - 1.30:58]The speaker concludes by saying that their mother always put eggs in the fridge after buying them because they would go bad quickly. Overall, the speaker compares bread and food customs in Japan, Australia, Europe, and Thailand, highlighting the differences in preferences and practices. They also mention their personal experiences and observations with these foods.

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[1.31:01 - 1.31:08]It is illegal to wash eggs in Europe.

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[1.31:27 - 1.31:33]The fridge is a good place to store eggs.

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[1.31:39 - 1.31:45]Potatoes and onions should not be stored in the fridge.

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[1.31:39 - 1.31:45]Different countries have different rules for storing food.

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[1.31:56 - 1.32:01]Hot and humid temperatures are ideal for bacteria growth.

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[1.32:27 - 1.32:35]Chocolate should not be stored in the fridge for too long.

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[1.33:44 - 1.33:50]Ice cream can be enjoyed either hard or soft.

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[1.34:37 - 1.34:42]Crunching on ice can be satisfying but may cause awkward social situations.

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[1.37:36 - 1.37:41]It is not worth risking your life for social awkwardness.

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[1.31:01 - 1.37:41]Different countries have different rules for storing food, but in general, it is not recommended to wash eggs in Europe and chocolate should not be stored in the fridge for too long. Ice cream can be enjoyed in both hard and soft forms, and crunching on ice may lead to awkward social situations.

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[1.41:46 - 1.41:53]Person describes a terrifying experience of swallowing a large ice cube.

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[1.43:09 - 1.43:16]They mention it getting stuck and slowly dissolving.

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[1.43:17 - 1.43:24]They discuss the lengths that a British person will go to avoid awkward social interactions.

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[1.43:55 - 1.44:02]They mention potentially spitting out the ice cube, but then decide to swallow it.

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[1.43:55 - 1.44:02]They discuss their 19-year-old self's desire to eat the ice cube.

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[1.44:08 - 1.44:14]They mention watching videos of waiters shaving ice and their love for clear ice.

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[1.44:15 - 1.44:22]Person states that they would rather risk choking than experiencing social awkwardness.

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[1.44:15 - 1.44:22]Person recalls a similar situation on a first date and their commitment to potentially dying to avoid awkwardness.

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[1.44:22 - 1.44:32]Person mentions being a connoisseur of ice and discusses different types of ice.

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[1.44:46 - 1.44:52]They briefly mention their favorite color of crayon.

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[1.44:53 - 1.44:58]Person mentions their preference for chewing on ice.

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[1.44:59 - 1.45:05]Person states they know people who hate crushed ice, but they personally love it.

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[1.37:42 - 1.45:11]Person describes a terrifying experience of swallowing a large ice cube on a first date and discusses the lengths they would go to avoid social awkwardness. They also talk about their love for ice and their preference for clear and crushed ice.

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[1.45:18 - 1.45:31]The speaker discusses their preference for soda with crushed ice and how it provides the perfect texture and flavor.

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[1.45:31 - 1.45:40]They explain that drinking soda without a straw allows for more crushed ice to be chewed on.

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[1.45:57 - 1.46:03]The speaker expresses dislike for the ice machines at Denny's in Japan due to the poor quality of the ice.

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[1.47:03 - 1.47:12]They mention their habit of putting a large amount of shaved ice in their drink and how they don't understand people who only put a small amount.

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[1.48:27 - 1.48:33]The speaker then transitions to discussing a cultural aspect in Southeast Asia where soda is sometimes served in a plastic bag.

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[1.48:48 - 1.48:59]They share their childhood memories of ordering soda in Thailand and having it poured into a plastic bag with a straw.

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[1.51:42 - 1.51:51]The speaker explains that the plastic bags are used for recycling and suggests that the amount of plastic used could make a cup instead.

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[1.51:52 - 1.52:05]They bring up the issue of plastic waste and lack of awareness in Southeast Asian countries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[1.45:12 - 1.52:11]The speaker discusses their preference for soda with crushed ice, mentions their habit of putting a lot of shaved ice in their drink, and talks about a cultural aspect in Southeast Asia where soda is served in a plastic bag. They question the use of plastic bags and the lack of awareness of plastic waste in Southeast Asian countries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[1.52:29 - 1.52:34] Person discussing the use of plastic bags and cups in society, questioning their effectiveness and potential for waste.

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[1.54:31 - 1.54:40]They mention watching YouTube shorts and TikToks as a guilty pleasure, comparing it to eating fast food.

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[1.55:37 - 1.55:43]They talk about the trend of life advice and hacks on social media, specifically mentioning a TikTok about drinking water during a job interview.

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[1.58:51 - 1.58:58]They discuss the flaws in this advice and question its practicality for those living on minimum wage.

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[1.59:04 - 1.59:15]They mention falling into a hole of watching these types of videos and express frustration with their popularity.

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[1.59:30 - 1.59:36]They compare these types of videos to the Darman universe.

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[1.52:11 - 1.59:46]Person discusses the use of plastic bags and cups, their guilty pleasure of watching YouTube shorts and TikToks, the trend of life advice on social media, and their frustration with the popularity of these types of videos. They also mention the Darman universe as a comparison.

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[1.59:47 - 2.00:03]Darman cinematic universe

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[2.03:04 - 2.03:09]YouTube algorithm recommending similar content

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[2.03:32 - 2.03:42]Life hack videos with "fact or cap" challenge

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[2.03:32 - 2.03:42]iPad farm case video

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[2.04:01 - 2.04:07]YouTube shorts trend

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[2.04:14 - 2.04:19]Trend of TikTok videos lacking context

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[2.04:14 - 2.04:19]Fringe content and controversy on social media platforms

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[2.04:19 - 2.04:33]Commentating on YouTubers in YouTube shorts

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[2.05:13 - 2.05:20]Uncertainty of YouTube shorts' future

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[2.05:35 - 2.05:40]Importance of longer form content for monetization

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[2.06:01 - 2.06:07]Patreon and Twitter plugs

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[2.06:07 - 2.06:14]Potential for job interview question about asking for water

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[2.06:14 - 2.06:24]Confusion about the content of this episode of Trash Taste

A youtube thumbnail wor Animals We Could Beat in a Fight | Trash Taste #91

[1.59:47 - 2.06:51]YouTube shorts and TikTok have brought about new genres and types of content, but longer form content remains valuable for monetization. The hosts of Trash Taste have a diverse range of content on their channel and do not conform to traditional job interview norms.