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How To Reject Someone - SmoshCast #19 Highlight

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[00:03 - 00:37]User Joanna Chipps and Cute Miller asked how to reject someone in a kind way

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[00:38 - 00:47]The longer you wait to reject someone, the more it will hurt them

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[00:48 - 00:56]It is not your fault if someone has feelings for you

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[00:58 - 01:30]You cannot control how someone reacts to rejection, no matter how nicely you say it

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[01:08 - 01:39]It is not worth pursuing someone who does not reciprocate your feelings.

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[01:39 - 01:57]They want to maintain the person's friendship but not pursue a romantic relationship

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[01:57 - 02:36]Using time-constrained rejections or stringing someone along is not helpful

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[02:36 - 02:54]There is always a risk of violence or outbursts when rejecting someone, especially if they are a friend

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[02:54 - 03:00]You cannot control how someone reacts to rejection, no matter how nicely you say it

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[03:00 - 03:49]Giving the person space and time apart may help them realize their priorities

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[03:17 - 03:22]If the person values your friendship, they will understand and not react poorly

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[03:49 - 03:58]If the person only values a romantic relationship and not the friendship, they may not be a good friend

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[03:58 - 04:11]Breaking up hurts, but it is necessary if you do not have romantic feelings for someone

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[04:11 - 04:38]Extreme empathy can make it difficult to reject someone, but it is necessary for both parties

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[04:38 - 05:02]If the person values your friendship, they will understand and not react poorly

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[05:02 - 05:10]Giving the person space and time apart may help them realize their priorities

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[05:10 - 05:42]They want to maintain the person's friendship but not pursue a romantic relationship

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[05:43 - 06:24]It is better to assume someone is not interested if they give hints or say they are going through a lot

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[06:56 - 07:02]There is always a risk of violence or outbursts when rejecting someone, especially if they are a friend

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[07:02 - 07:13]It is better to give more space and time than not enough when rejected

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[07:14 - 07:28]It is not worth pursuing someone who does not reciprocate your feelings.

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[07:29 - 09:14]Personal experiences with rejection and handling it maturely

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[07:39 - 08:19]Discussion on rejection and valuing one's time and feelings

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[08:51 - 09:27]Personal experiences with rejection and handling it maturely

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[09:28 - 10:20]Mutual respect and moving on after rejection

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[10:20 - 10:54]Importance of being selfish and looking out for oneself in rejection

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[10:26 - 10:41]Need for emotional maturity in handling rejection

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[10:54 - 11:14]Importance of being selfish and looking out for oneself in rejection

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[11:14 - 11:30]Importance of being honest and upfront with rejection

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[11:30 - 12:51]Mutual respect and moving on after rejection

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[12:51 - 13:34]Understanding that relationships are for mutual happiness, not possession

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[13:09 - 13:22]Understanding that attraction is not controllable

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[13:34 - 14:02]Availability of full audio and video episode on podcast platforms and