

Youtube profile pic for Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[00:00 - 01:49]They interact with a French man who speaks in an exaggerated French accent.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[00:05 - 00:17]The man invites them to a concert and to do a house show.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[01:17 - 01:58]They sit on cardboard in a park near the Eiffel Tower because it is too early to buy chairs in France.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[01:58 - 03:01]They interact with a French man who speaks in an exaggerated French accent.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[03:01 - 04:48]They encounter a French man and his dog, and the speaker makes a joke about French people turning into dogs at 40.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[03:38 - 05:25]The speaker and his friend are in France, possibly for a music event.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[04:19 - 05:32]They encounter a French man and his dog, and the speaker makes a joke about French people turning into dogs at 40.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[05:32 - 06:46]They observe the French people's love for cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[06:46 - 09:23]The speaker has a negative experience at a small shop where he believes he was overcharged, but he lets it go.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[06:59 - 07:47]They interact with a French man who speaks in an exaggerated French accent.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[08:43 - 09:40]The speaker and his friend are in France, possibly for a music event.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[09:01 - 09:34]They encounter a French man and his dog, and the speaker makes a joke about French people turning into dogs at 40.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[09:40 - 11:51]They interact with a French man who speaks in an exaggerated French accent.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[10:31 - 11:51]The speaker's sister is mentioned and the idea that speaking French allows the speaker to open up more.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[10:43 - 11:07]The speaker has positive interactions with people when he attempts to speak French.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[11:51 - 13:02]The speaker has a negative experience at a small shop where he believes he was overcharged, but he lets it go.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[11:51 - 13:02]They mention a code word, "cheese," used by drug dealers to signal the need to scatter.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[13:02 - 14:39]The speaker and their companions discuss working in customer service and the expectation to always be nice to customers, regardless of their behavior.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[14:05 - 16:30]The speaker's sister is mentioned and the idea that speaking French allows the speaker to open up more.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[14:11 - 14:18]The speaker and their companions discuss working in customer service and the expectation to always be nice to customers, regardless of their behavior.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[14:39 - 17:47]They discuss their overall enjoyment of Paris and the fact that it is different from other cities they have visited.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[16:30 - 18:24]The speaker's sister is mentioned and the idea that speaking French allows the speaker to open up more.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[19:10 - 19:41]They discuss the Metro being gross and mention that weed is illegal in Paris.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[19:41 - 20:58]The speaker mentions that Nick is often constipated and that French food has improved their digestive system.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[20:58 - 22:03]They discuss their overall enjoyment of Paris and the fact that it is different from other cities they have visited.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[22:03 - 24:19]They talk about a special area in Copenhagen where drugs are openly sold and used.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[23:19 - 25:08]They mention a code word, "cheese," used by drug dealers to signal the need to scatter.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[24:27 - 26:17]They mention having dinner at a place with an Omikaze-style tasting menu and note that it was hot in the room.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[24:34 - 25:02]The speaker shares that they are from LA and are used to hearing gunshots in their neighborhood.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[25:02 - 26:31]The speaker mentions getting dinner at a restaurant and the food being amazing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[25:32 - 26:31]They mention having dinner at a place with an Omikaze-style tasting menu and note that it was hot in the room.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[25:50 - 28:23]The speaker mentions being threatened by someone and asking them to hang out.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[26:09 - 26:17]The speaker mentions their age, 33, and possibly being 15 or 20 years old in the past.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[26:51 - 28:42]They talk about going to Barry's workout class and getting dinner at a gay restaurant.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[27:47 - 28:00]The other person says they won't do that and then watches Tetris videos and doesn't change their clothes.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[28:00 - 28:51]The speaker mentions watching and playing Pikmin.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[28:23 - 30:37]The speaker mentions the Cash App and using it to save money for a hair transplant.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[29:04 - 29:26]The speaker is talking about his password being "yours and Bob Marley" and going to dinner with someone, possibly a friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[29:26 - 29:39]They discuss the benefits of having real hair and trust in people.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[30:37 - 31:06]The speaker talks about going to a French McDonald's late at night.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[31:07 - 33:31]They discuss the benefits of having real hair and trust in people.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[31:26 - 33:19]The speaker is talking about his password being "yours and Bob Marley" and going to dinner with someone, possibly a friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[31:37 - 33:25]The speaker talks about going to a French McDonald's late at night.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[31:45 - 31:53]They talk about leaving earlier and the loser getting thrown off.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[31:53 - 32:43]They talk about the time zone difference in Paris and having meetings late at night.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[33:32 - 34:16]The speaker is talking about his password being "yours and Bob Marley" and going to dinner with someone, possibly a friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[34:25 - 34:58]They talk about leaving earlier and the loser getting thrown off.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[34:59 - 35:24]The speaker is talking about his password being "yours and Bob Marley" and going to dinner with someone, possibly a friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[35:24 - 36:26]The speaker mentions being threatened by someone and asking them to hang out.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[36:26 - 36:56]The speaker is talking about his password being "yours and Bob Marley" and going to dinner with someone, possibly a friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[36:32 - 36:43]The speaker mentions wanting to transform their life and getting nine dogs.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[36:56 - 37:37]They discuss the food in Paris being generally worse because of tourist traps.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[37:24 - 37:48]The speaker talks about going to a French McDonald's late at night.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[37:48 - 38:22]The speaker mentions getting dinner at a restaurant and the food being amazing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[38:23 - 39:02]They mention a woman who loves vegetables and stealing the other person's clothes.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[39:02 - 39:16]The speaker talks about going to a French McDonald's late at night.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[39:16 - 40:49]The speaker mentions sleeping 96% of the country and getting kicked out of a park.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[40:32 - 41:17]The speaker mentions their cousin being almost 40 and acting like a big brother.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[41:18 - 42:21]The speaker's cousin fed them a white M&M, which is a classic family story

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[41:44 - 42:27]The cousin and his brother terrorized the speaker when they were younger

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[42:27 - 43:10]The speaker's low day rate for a job is joked about

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[43:10 - 43:25]The speaker and their team have been doing a lot of sponsorships, partly due to Kelby's involvement

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[43:25 - 43:41]The speaker jokes about taking money from shady mobile game developers through sponsorships

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[43:56 - 44:42]The speaker jokes about using a Factor Meal as a weapon, but ultimately recommends eating it instead

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[44:43 - 46:03]The speaker jokes about taking money from shady mobile game developers through sponsorships

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[44:53 - 45:27]The speaker jokes about using a Factor Meal as a weapon, but ultimately recommends eating it instead

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[46:03 - 46:54]The cousin is embarrassed by the story, which involves a melted chocolate M&M

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[46:54 - 47:08]The speaker's cousin fed them a white M&M, which is a classic family story

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[47:08 - 47:43]The cousin and his brother terrorized the speaker when they were younger

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[47:43 - 48:02]The speaker's cousin fed them a white M&M, which is a classic family story

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[48:02 - 48:35]The speaker jokes about using a Factor Meal as a weapon, but ultimately recommends eating it instead

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[48:35 - 52:23]The speaker and their team are currently in France, but they still recommend eating Factor Meals in America

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[50:33 - 52:18]The speaker jokes about using a Factor Meal as a weapon, but ultimately recommends eating it instead

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[52:24 - 53:58]The speaker discusses a recent streaming event they participated in, mentioning how it was a sponsored event and that they were streaming as a host.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[53:58 - 54:28]The topic shifts to the speaker's friend Yan and how they recently went climbing together.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[54:29 - 55:54]They mention receiving a compliment from someone who compared them to a younger generation's Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[55:08 - 56:19]The speaker talks about their role as a host and how they entertained the chat during the event.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[55:33 - 58:28]The topic shifts to the speaker's friend Yan and how they recently went climbing together.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[56:05 - 56:11]The speaker discusses their own YouTube channel and how they connect with others through media.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[56:35 - 57:46]They mention a funny encounter with a French Uber driver and his radio joke.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[57:08 - 58:02]The topic shifts to the speaker's friend Yan and how they recently went climbing together.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[57:22 - 58:36]They mention Yan getting recognized and joke about his fame coming from his amateur CS:GO career.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[58:37 - 1.00:34]They mention a funny encounter with a French Uber driver and his radio joke.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[59:03 - 1.03:02]The speaker talks about their enjoyment of different types of media and how it shapes their identity.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.00:34 - 1.01:44]The topic shifts to the speaker's friend Yan and how they recently went climbing together.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.01:44 - 1.01:50]The speaker mentions their appreciation for Yan's different interests, including football.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.01:50 - 1.02:01]The topic shifts to the speaker's friend Yan and how they recently went climbing together.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.02:01 - 1.02:46]They share a story of Yan making a YouTube video for a college class which later goes private.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.02:20 - 1.03:29]The speaker discusses their own YouTube channel and how they connect with others through media.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.02:46 - 1.05:05]The speaker mentions their appreciation for Yan's different interests, including football.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.03:53 - 1.05:13]The speaker talks about his fear of spoiled food and his control over his bodily functions

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.04:10 - 1.05:23]The topic shifts to the speaker's friend Yan and how they recently went climbing together.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.05:13 - 1.06:19]The speaker and his companions are discussing tattoos

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.06:20 - 1.08:01]They are in a hotel room and have purchased bath bombs

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.06:37 - 1.08:13]The speaker pees in the sink to avoid waking his companion

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.08:19 - 1.10:17]The speaker and his companions are discussing tattoos

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.10:18 - 1.11:58]The speaker pees in the sink to avoid waking his companion

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.11:05 - 1.12:04]The companion later brushes his teeth with a toothbrush that had fallen in the toilet

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.12:04 - 1.13:09]The speaker talks about his fear of spoiled food and his control over his bodily functions

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.13:10 - 1.14:06]Group discusses how everyone in Paris is attractive and how the portion sizes and walking contribute to this

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.13:50 - 1.14:45]They observe an American tourist being mistaken for a French person and discuss the "Paris syndrome"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.15:20 - 1.18:17]Group discusses what they have learned on the trip, including taking it easy and enjoying life

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.15:44 - 1.16:32]They observe an American tourist being mistaken for a French person and discuss the "Paris syndrome"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.16:32 - 1.16:45]Group discusses how everyone in Paris is attractive and how the portion sizes and walking contribute to this

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.17:05 - 1.18:27]They joke about smoking cigarettes and Ludwig's sister's healthy habits

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.18:27 - 1.19:18]They observe an American tourist being mistaken for a French person and discuss the "Paris syndrome"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.18:51 - 1.20:19]Group discusses what they have learned on the trip, including taking it easy and enjoying life

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.19:58 - 1.21:14]They discuss how conversations with Uber drivers are more interesting in a foreign country

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.21:14 - 1.23:18]Group discusses how traveling with a large group can be stressful for some

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.23:18 - 1.23:46]They joke about how sound is slow and how love is even faster

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.23:47 - 1.24:35]They mention doing other activities besides eating, such as working out and visiting record shops

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.23:53 - 1.24:41]They joke about getting matching tattoos

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.23:53 - 1.25:13]Group reflects on their time in Paris and jokes about being happy if one of them were shot in the head, as it would leave just three people.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.24:41 - 1.25:13]The group discusses the possibility of visiting the catacombs in Paris

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.25:13 - 1.26:35]They discuss the quality of croissants from a nearby bakery

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.25:50 - 1.26:29]They talk about the rules regarding alcohol consumption in different countries

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.26:36 - 1.28:20]The group discusses the possibility of visiting the catacombs in Paris

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.27:51 - 1.29:25]They debate the use of skulls and bones in media

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.29:26 - 1.31:07]They discuss the quality of croissants from a nearby bakery

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.30:42 - 1.30:55]Plans are made for future trips to different countries

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.31:07 - 1.32:35]The group discusses the possibility of visiting the catacombs in Paris

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.31:13 - 1.32:08]They joke about getting matching tattoos

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig Made Us Come Here | The Yard

[1.32:35 - 1.33:09]Aiden shares a trick for a difficult move in a video game