

Youtube profile pic for HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision, UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[09:58 - 11:18]speaker talks about emo culture and its definition

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[11:18 - 12:01]mentions stubbing toe on chair and feeling alone

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[12:01 - 12:36]references lyrics from song "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" by Panic! At The Disco

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[13:58 - 14:13]talks about being live in sunny Los Angeles and personal news

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[18:14 - 18:24]mentions watching a movie with friends and enjoying it

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[20:59 - 21:25]reveals that the movie was "Dune" and praises its director Denis Villeneuve

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[22:15 - 22:46]compares pacing of first movie to second movie and praises the action and intensity of the second movie

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[22:15 - 22:46]clarifies that the first movie is also good but the second one is even better

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[22:15 - 22:46]mentions that the movie is a critique of the white savior narrative

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[00:16 - 22:46]Speaker discusses emo culture, mentions personal news, and praises the movie "Dune" directed by Denis Villeneuve for its action, intensity, and critique of the white savior narrative.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[25:24 - 25:33]Yes, the speaker doesn't care about assessments and criticism of Dune.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[33:17 - 33:23]The speaker believes there is a larger message in Dune that most people are not comprehending.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[33:17 - 33:23]They believe that people are critiquing Dune based on the standards of other movies and works of art.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[33:17 - 33:23]The author, Frank Herbert, described the pacing of Dune as building up until a sudden climax.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[33:17 - 33:23]The speaker affirms that there is nothing more powerful than Dune and that it utilizes Arab culture.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[33:35 - 34:41]Viewing Dune through a white supremacist framework will cause one to miss the larger message.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[33:35 - 34:41]They dismiss claims that Frank Herbert was a libertarian and homophobe, stating that it doesn't matter.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[36:20 - 36:26]The speaker expresses their enjoyment of the acting and specifically praises Javier Bardem and Austin Butler.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[36:20 - 36:26]The speaker has read part of the first book and mentions comparisons to real-life conflicts.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[36:26 - 36:36]The speaker believes that everything the viewer thinks is going on in Dune will change after the movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[36:26 - 36:36]The speaker believes that it is impossible to watch Dune and not see its leftist themes.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[36:26 - 36:36]They mention the concept of Orientalism and how it relates to Dune.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[36:26 - 36:36]They dismiss claims that Dune is mocking Muslim culture.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[36:26 - 36:36]The speaker mentions the inspiration for Dune and suggests a film about anti-colonial efforts against the French.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[36:55 - 37:03]They bring up David Lynch's adaptation of Dune and how he hates it.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[36:55 - 37:03]The speaker constantly turned to someone named Will during the movie to make comments.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[22:46 - 37:03]Overall, the speaker believes that Dune has a larger message that people are not comprehending and that it is a leftist work with anti-colonial themes.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[50:56 - 51:05] The speaker watched Dune Part 2 and thought it was amazing.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:17 - 51:22]They were losing their mind during the movie and had a physical reaction to certain parts.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:17 - 51:22]They discussed the absence of certain elements from the original work in the movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:17 - 51:22]They talked about the potential for the movie to cover the entire book series.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:17 - 51:22]The speaker's friend mentioned Timothy Charlemagne as a sandworm and called him "twink death."

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:17 - 51:22]They discussed the taste of the blue drink in the movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:17 - 51:22]The movie was not "woke" and the original author, Frank Herbert, was a libertarian.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:22 - 51:27]They enjoyed the world building in the movie and compared it to the original work.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:22 - 51:27]The speaker mentioned a potential open world MMO game based on Dune.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:22 - 51:27]They talked about the movie director being anti-capitalist and "pro-Kubek separation."

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:22 - 51:27]They briefly mentioned a book called "N-word of America" and the speaker's newfound support for Kubek separatism.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:22 - 51:27]The conversation shifted to French news and the speaker's criticism of French President Macron.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:22 - 51:27]They discussed abortion and Islam in France.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:22 - 51:27]The speaker mentioned enjoying Dune Part 2 despite knowing all the spoilers from reading the novel as a child.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:22 - 51:27]They mentioned a Turkish person's opinion on the movie and the director's ability to bring a "Kubek touch" to it.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:22 - 51:27]They mentioned a Turkish person's opinion on the movie and the director's ability to bring a "Kubek touch" to it.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:22 - 51:27]They mentioned a Turkish person's opinion on the movie and the director's ability to bring a "Kubek touch" to it.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[37:03 - 51:27]The speaker watched Dune Part 2 and enjoyed the world building and physical reactions during the movie. They discussed the movie's adaptation of the original work and the potential for it to cover the entire book series. They also briefly mentioned a potential open world MMO game based on Dune. The conversation then shifted to French news and the speaker's criticism of French President Macron. They also mentioned enjoying the movie despite knowing all the spoilers from reading the novel as a child, and the director's potential "Kubek touch" on the movie. The speaker also joked about the director bringing their hometown into their work.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:27 - 51:44]The speaker discusses the idea of alienation of religion and the control of the church over French Canadians.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[54:52 - 55:06]They mention the mistreatment of French Canadians and their lack of economical power.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[54:52 - 55:06]The speaker jokes about how a Kubecker would understand the plight of colonized peoples.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[57:36 - 58:16]The speaker discusses Dune and its use of Arab culture without any Arab actors.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[59:20 - 59:25]The speaker discusses the lack of diversity in the movie and compares it to the previous adaptation.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[59:25 - 59:33]They joke about the French being indigenous to Canada and make a reference to the movie Dune.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[59:33 - 59:56]They mention a boycott of the movie and a quote from President Trump about the evil doings of Israel and the United States.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.01:58 - 1.02:07]The speaker discusses the mistreatment of Kubeckers and compares it to chattel slavery and ethnic cleansing.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.02:07 - 1.02:17]They mention Javier Bardham's stance on Israel and a potential SNL skit.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.02:17 - 1.02:38]The speaker talks about Timothy Charlemagne and his facial structure.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.02:38 - 1.02:44]They mention AP News running a story about homos committing sexual violence.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.04:59 - 1.05:05]They mention a cute girl they recently started dating who is also boycotting the movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[51:27 - 1.05:23]The speaker discusses the mistreatment of French Canadians and their lack of power under the control of the church. They joke about a Kubecker understanding the plight of colonized peoples and mention a news story about sexual violence. They compare the mistreatment of Kubeckers to chattel slavery and ethnic cleansing. They discuss the lack of diversity in the movie Dune and mention a boycott. The speaker concludes by saying that the focus should be on the anti-colonial themes in the story rather than the casting of Timothy Charlemagne.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.05:23 - 1.06:24]Discusses frustration with leftists' lack of effective propaganda techniques

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.06:37 - 1.06:50]Believes leftists should utilize popular media and cultural garbage for propaganda purposes

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.06:50 - 1.07:20]Criticizes conservatives for their ability to successfully use media for their agendas

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.07:26 - 1.07:44]Expresses anger towards leftists' self-imposed poverty cult and inability to enjoy things

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.07:26 - 1.07:44]Compares enjoyment of art to bourgeois decadence and counter-revolutionary behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.08:53 - 1.09:37]Urges leftists to be normal and have fun

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.11:24 - 1.11:54]Admits to not finishing a book on Palestine but advocates for Palestinian liberation

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.11:24 - 1.11:54]Criticizes those who put others down for their level of activism

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.12:18 - 1.12:59]Comments on whitewashing and cultural appropriation in Dune

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.15:17 - 1.15:39]Recommends seeing Dune 2, praises its high intensity and beautiful visuals

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.15:17 - 1.15:39]Recognizes Dune as a phenomenal intellectual property for propaganda purposes

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.16:49 - 1.17:06]Compares Dune 2 to a roller coaster, with the first movie being the build-up and the second being the drop

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.17:17 - 1.17:41]Mentions being valutained while watching the movie

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.17:41 - 1.18:06]Compares the pacing of Dune 2 to Blade Runner 2049

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.05:23 - 1.18:13]The speaker expresses frustration with leftists' lack of effective propaganda techniques and advocates for utilizing popular media for propaganda purposes. They also criticize conservatives for their success in using media for their agendas and criticize leftists for their self-imposed poverty cult and inability to enjoy things. The speaker recommends seeing Dune 2 and praises its high intensity and beautiful visuals. They also mention the similarities in pacing between Dune 2 and Blade Runner 2049. Finally, the speaker recognizes Dune as a great intellectual property for propaganda purposes.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.18:15 - 1.18:31]Dune movie discussion, comparing it to Evangelical Christianity

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.18:56 - 1.19:22]Spoilers and world building in the movie

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.21:59 - 1.22:43]Real world news: Israel-Palestine conflict and ceasefire negotiations

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.24:16 - 1.25:03]Recent bombing and fighting in Gaza, resulting in death and starvation

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.25:03 - 1.26:17]Conflict also affects West Bank with incursion and retaliation

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.28:45 - 1.30:48]Kamala Harris's stance on ceasefire negotiations and aid delivery

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.28:45 - 1.30:48]Main point of contention is terms of ceasefire, including prisoner swap

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.28:45 - 1.30:48]Lasting peace in increments with hostage release process

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.18:15 - 1.30:48]The text discusses the Dune movie and its comparisons to Evangelical Christianity, before delving into the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict and ceasefire negotiations. Kamala Harris's stance on the situation is also mentioned, along with recent bombing and fighting in Gaza and the effects on the people. The conflict has also spread to the West Bank, with incursions and retaliation. The main point of contention is the terms of the ceasefire, specifically the prisoner swap. A lasting peace is desired through incremental releases of hostages.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.35:14 - 1.37:06] Kamala Harris speaks about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, stating that a cease fire will come on Monday with conditions for the next six weeks.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.38:13 - 1.38:46]She emphasizes the immense scale of suffering in Gaza and calls for more life-saving aid to be delivered to innocent Palestinians in need.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.41:02 - 1.42:40]The US will continue airdrops of humanitarian assistance and work on a new route by sea to deliver aid.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.42:40 - 1.43:00]The Israeli government must do more to significantly increase the flow of aid.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.43:00 - 1.44:28]The American government's stance on the conflict may put them at odds with the interests of the Netanyahu cabinet.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.43:00 - 1.44:28]The Democratic party will likely push themselves in a position that is at odds with the Israeli government, creating a pressure valve.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.43:00 - 1.44:28]The villain in this situation may be Benjamin Netanyahu.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.43:00 - 1.44:28]The Democratic party will likely assume the liberal Zionist line and start pushing for separation from the Israeli government.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.30:48 - 1.44:28]Kamala Harris speaks about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, stating that a cease fire will come on Monday with conditions for the next six weeks. She emphasizes the need for more aid to be delivered to Gaza and the US will continue to provide assistance. The American government may be at odds with the Netanyahu cabinet and may start pushing for separation from the Israeli government.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.44:28 - 1.45:37]Ethnic cleansing campaign by Israel, enforced by Benjamin Netanyahu, has gone too far and needs to be stopped.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.46:20 - 1.47:42]Benny Gantz, a more popular leader, should replace Netanyahu and continue the apartheid regime with a liberal veneer.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.48:19 - 1.49:01]The US has control over Israel and its actions, and should use it to prevent further violence and promote peace.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.49:31 - 1.50:01]Israel's conflict with the American government needs to be resolved for regional stability.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.50:07 - 1.51:05]The US is currently side-stepping Netanyahu and working with Gantz to discuss a temporary ceasefire.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.50:07 - 1.51:05]The US and Biden are committed to Israel's security, but also support the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.51:59 - 1.52:33]The US and other western media often ignore Palestinian perspectives and needs, and push for ineffective solutions like putting the Palestinian Authority in charge of Gaza.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.54:47 - 1.56:29]Marwan Barghouti, a Palestinian political figure, is seen as a leader and symbol of resistance against the Israeli occupation, but is currently imprisoned.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.57:31 - 1.58:05]The current goal is to secure a ceasefire and aid for Gaza, and work towards a lasting solution that respects the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.58:05 - 1.58:12]Barghouti's trial was deemed a sham and his conviction unjust by an independent European institute.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.44:28 - 1.58:55]In summary, Israel's actions need to be stopped, a more moderate leader like Gantz should replace Netanyahu, the US should use its power to promote peace and regional stability, and a lasting solution should be sought that respects the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.59:03 - 1.59:14]Israel is most violent during Ramadan

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.59:15 - 1.59:31]Israel increases pressure in West Bank during Ramadan

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.59:44 - 1.59:54]American State Department considers this a red line

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.59:58 - 2.00:11]Israel will focus on West Bank during Ramadan

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.00:11 - 2.00:32]This will create anger among Palestinian population

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.00:32 - 2.00:46]Ceasefire in Gaza is not enough, Israel must stop ethnic cleansing in West Bank

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.03:20 - 2.03:27]Israel is not defending Judaism, their actions are antithetical to it

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.05:13 - 2.05:24]Religion is used as a tool for both abolition and suppression

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.05:25 - 2.05:36]Religion played a role in the civil war and civil rights movement

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.06:10 - 2.06:20]Religion can be subject to interpretation and is not the primary motivator

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.06:31 - 2.06:48]Religion is all Palestinians have and suppressing it is a fascist tool

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.06:31 - 2.06:48]Palestinians have nothing else but their faith

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.06:57 - 2.07:04]Israel is not a defender of Judaism, just as ISIS is not a true believer of Islam

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.09:03 - 2.09:11]Biden administration is redefining ceasefire to avoid changing policies

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.09:37 - 2.09:59]Religion is a power struggle within Orthodox community

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.09:59 - 2.10:08]Hassan did not grow up in a cult, but has personal experience with religion

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.11:02 - 2.11:17]Religion has played a role in both defending and abolishing slavery

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.11:40 - 2.11:49]Religion is used to justify abortion restrictions, but not all Christians support these restrictions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[1.58:56 - 2.14:28]During the holy month of Ramadan, Israel becomes more violent and increases pressure in the West Bank. American State Department considers this a red line and Israel will focus on West Bank. This causes anger among Palestinian population and a ceasefire in Gaza is not enough, as Israel continues its ethnic cleansing campaign in the West Bank. Religion is all Palestinians have and suppressing it is a fascist tool. Israel is not defending Judaism and their actions are antithetical to it. Religion can be used as a tool for both abolition and suppression, and has played a role in various historical events. The Biden administration is redefining ceasefire to avoid changing policies. Religion is a power struggle within Orthodox community, and Hassan has personal experience with religion. Religion has played a role in both defending and abolishing slavery, and is currently used to justify abortion restrictions in the United States. Americans lack perspective on the suppression of religion in other parts of the world.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.18:39 - 2.18:58] Conversation between two individuals about religious suppression and the importance of religion in people's lives

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.21:16 - 2.21:29]Mention of events in Israel and Gaza, including the throwing of flashbang grenades into a mosque and a recent massacre involving Palestinian teachers

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.24:01 - 2.24:07]Discussion of the changing nature of chat commentary and the need for more "hogs" (intelligent and relevant commenters)

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.25:58 - 2.26:04]Criticism of the flawed analogy of asking people to open their homes to Palestinians as a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.29:00 - 2.29:13]Possible fake conversation about the October 7 massacre and the involvement of UNRA teachers

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.29:00 - 2.29:13]Mention of UN internal investigations into the involvement of UNRA teachers in the October 7 massacre

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.14:29 - 2.29:13]Conversation about religious suppression and events in Israel and Gaza, including a possible fake conversation about the October 7 massacre and the involvement of UNRA teachers. Criticism of chat commentary and the flawed analogy of opening homes to Palestinians.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.29:13 - 2.29:24] Two people out of 13,000 UNRA hires participated in October 7

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.35:11 - 2.35:29]Witnessed moments of sensitivity and care from captors

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.38:27 - 2.38:46]Guards receiving calls and losing control, family taken to a supermarket and witnesses damage from Israeli offensive

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.38:27 - 2.38:46]Guards put matches and bodies over family to protect them from Israeli forces

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.38:27 - 2.38:46]Eldest daughter shot in the face by Hamas, family abducted and captors smile and take photographs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.38:53 - 2.39:00]Former hostage describes time in Hamas captivity, including conversations with guards and discussions about politics and the Israel-Palestine conflict

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.39:30 - 2.39:37]Conditions of hostages must be seen in the framework of Israel's treatment of Palestinians

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.39:39 - 2.39:45]Israeli hostages excited for Israel to stop bombing Palestinians

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.40:00 - 2.40:06]Israeli government is responsible for killing hostages, not Hamas militants

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.29:13 - 2.40:20]Former hostage describes time in Hamas captivity and how their treatment must be seen in the context of Israel's treatment of Palestinians. Israeli hostages are excited for Israel to stop bombing Palestinians and the Israeli government is responsible for killing hostages.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.40:20 - 2.40:26]A conversation discussing the influence of coverage on the Israel-Palestine conflict and how some people have changed their views

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.40:36 - 2.41:02]The speaker's goal is to inform people and many were previously oblivious to the situation

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.42:22 - 2.42:37]The speaker will investigate the latest developments in the Israeli occupying force opening fire and try to verify claims

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.45:42 - 2.46:01]The report also states that systematic rape by Hamas is an erroneous claim with no evidence

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.47:31 - 2.47:43]The report was conducted by the UN but is not investigative in nature and only reinforces lack of investigation

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.49:29 - 2.49:34]The media is spinning the report as an investigation and perpetuating false information

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.49:37 - 2.49:49]The UN has issued a report claiming that hostages held in Gaza were subjected to sexual violence and there is evidence to support this

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.53:54 - 2.54:01]The speaker was given information about the Agra program to rape a woman, but it is not their role to investigate

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.54:16 - 2.54:28]The speaker received reports from survivors and service providers about door-to-door activity in villages, specifically in Marryoupol

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.54:41 - 2.54:47]The speaker was asked if there was proof for the fire, but they do not have any and it is not their role to investigate

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.40:20 - 2.54:53]A conversation discussing the influence of coverage on the Israel-Palestine conflict, with a focus on the UN's report on sexual violence in Gaza and the media's misrepresentation of the report as an investigation. The speaker also mentions receiving reports about the Agra program to rape women and door-to-door activity in certain villages.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.54:53 - 2.55:01]The speaker's office does not have investigative authority or ability.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.55:01 - 2.55:20]The speaker has received reports of women and girls being detained and gang-raped by Russian soldiers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.55:28 - 2.55:33]The speaker did not personally investigate the use of Viagra by soldiers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.55:45 - 2.55:52]The speaker's role is to provide strategic leadership on prevention and response.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.55:45 - 2.55:52]The investigation is being conducted by the human rights monitoring team and international commission of inquiry.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.55:53 - 2.55:59]The reports so far have not mentioned anything about Viagra.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.56:10 - 2.56:21]The speaker has no independent investigative authority and merely repeats what she is told.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.56:10 - 2.56:21]The speaker has engaged with the media since returning from Kyiv in May.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.56:10 - 2.56:21]The speaker is not responsible for investigating and does not have a mandate.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.57:16 - 2.57:26]The UN investigator did not attend a press conference and repeat widely debunked mass rape hoax lies.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.00:48 - 3.01:03]The investigation is ongoing and there is no mention of Viagra in the reports.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.01:30 - 3.01:37]The speaker's role is to provide strategic leadership on prevention and response.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.01:38 - 3.01:53]Russian soldiers have been equipped with back when other drugs and also share.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.01:38 - 3.01:53]The investigation is being conducted by the human rights monitoring team and international commission of inquiry.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.01:54 - 3.02:19]The reports include incidents of women and girls being detained and gang-raped.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.02:37 - 3.04:38]The reports do not mention anything about Viagra.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.02:37 - 3.04:38]The UN investigator did not attend a press conference and repeat widely debunked mass rape hoax lies.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker did not personally investigate the use of Viagra.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has no investigative authority and merely repeats what she is told.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has no mandate to investigate and sits in New York in an advocacy role.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The investigation is ongoing and there is no mention of Viagra in the reports.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The reports do not mention anything about Viagra.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The UN investigator did not attend a press conference and repeat widely debunked mass rape hoax lies.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has no investigative authority and merely repeats what she is told.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.04:38 - 3.06:37]The speaker has received reports from survivors and frontline service providers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[2.54:53 - 3.06:37]The speaker is not responsible

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.06:37 - 3.08:41] Mission team led by SRSG SVC, supported by 9 experts, conducted investigation into sexual violence crimes in Israel

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.17:42 - 3.17:50]Visited 4 locations affected by October 7 attacks and gathered information on other reported incidents of CRSV

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.17:42 - 3.17:50]Limited access to survivors and witnesses, challenges in collecting evidence due to ongoing hostilities and prioritization of rescue operations

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.17:42 - 3.17:50]Mission team found evidence of sexual violence, including rape and gang rape, in multiple locations

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.18:50 - 3.18:59]Lack of trust in national and international institutions hindered access to survivors

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.19:07 - 3.19:20]Team received cooperation from Israeli government and conducted 33 meetings with national institutions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.19:07 - 3.19:20]Reviewed over 5,000 photos and 50 hours of footage, conducted interviews with 34 individuals

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.19:07 - 3.19:20]Some highly publicized claims of sexual violence could not be verified by the team

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.19:07 - 3.19:20]Overall, the team found reasonable grounds to believe that conflict related sexual violence occurred during the October 7 attacks in Israel.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.19:20 - 3.19:51]Limited forensic evidence and spread of evidence among various agencies

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.06:37 - 3.20:11]U.N. report does not prove any direct evidence of sexual violence, but acknowledges the likelihood of its occurrence.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.20:14 - 3.20:24]Reports of conflict-related sexual violence in Kibbutz Karaza could not be verified, but circumstantial evidence suggests it may have occurred.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.20:25 - 3.20:33]Similar to other locations, female victims were found partially or fully naked with their hands tied and shot.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.20:35 - 3.20:44]The Nahalah's military base had reports of sexual violence, but they could not be verified.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.20:44 - 3.20:53]Forensic analysis of injuries did not reveal a pattern of sexual violence against female or male soldiers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.20:53 - 3.21:11]Seven female soldiers were abducted from this base in Gaza.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.20:53 - 3.21:11]The actual evidence from professional forensic investigations contradicts the claims of sexual violence.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.21:49 - 3.22:17]The weight of forensic evidence is higher than eyewitness testimony, which is notoriously unreliable.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.22:34 - 3.22:44]The mission team found evidence of conflict-related sexual violence, including rape and genital mutilation, and believes it may still be ongoing.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.26:57 - 3.27:03]The report's main points were summarized by Evan Hill, a Washington Post visual investigator.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.27:58 - 3.28:04]The UN report was not an investigation and relied on information provided by Israeli authorities.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.27:58 - 3.28:04]The UN report admits that all information comes directly from the Israeli regime.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.28:05 - 3.28:28]The mission team was not able to establish the prevalence, scope, or attribution of the violations in a short period of time.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.29:07 - 3.29:28]The report was published as atrocity propaganda to justify Israel's actions against Palestinians.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.29:28 - 3.29:36]The original atrocities were not enough to support the narrative, so the same claims are recycled.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.30:51 - 3.31:12]This is a dehumanization tactic to justify ethnic cleansing.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.31:44 - 3.31:55]The suspected sexual violence on October 7 is likely valid, but the report is not an investigation and lacks clear evidence.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.32:41 - 3.33:21]International organizations and the US paper of record are laundering a narrative without proper investigative research.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.32:41 - 3.33:21]It is important to care about the truth and the lives of Palestinians and Israelis, as well as the credibility of international organizations.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.34:50 - 3.35:09]Key recommendations include encouraging access for human rights organizations and urging the release of all hostages.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.20:14 - 3.35:09]Overall, the text details reports of unverified sexual violence, contradictory evidence, and a lack of proper investigation, raising doubts about the validity of claims of conflict-related sexual violence in Kibbutz Karaza and other locations.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.35:09 - 3.35:18]Call on all relevant bodies to bring perpetrators to justice for CRSB crimes

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.35:18 - 3.35:35]Encourage Israel to sign framework of cooperation with SRSG for justice and accountability

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.35:18 - 3.35:35]Received invitation from Israel to investigate CRSB crimes

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.36:25 - 3.36:37]Mission's aim was to gather and verify information on CRSB crimes

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.36:50 - 3.37:00]Sent letter confirming mission details and team composition

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.36:50 - 3.37:00]Mission team included SRSG, technical team, and public information officer

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.37:25 - 3.37:33]Logistical and security support provided by UN country team in Jerusalem

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.39:01 - 3.39:14]Standard of proof used was "reasonable grounds to believe"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.40:42 - 3.40:51]Reasonable grounds to believe that CRSB violence may still be ongoing

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.43:47 - 3.43:55]Clear and convincing information found that some hostages were subjected to CRSB crimes

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.45:09 - 3.45:19]Information gathered from Israeli institutions due to lack of UN cooperation

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.45:19 - 3.45:29]Took steps in line with methodology

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.35:09 - 3.46:34]Mission team found clear and convincing information of CRSB crimes against hostages and reasonable grounds to believe that violence may still be ongoing.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.59:26 - 3.59:33] The Supreme Court has made a decision to keep Trump on the Colorado ballot and reject the 14th amendment push.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.00:16 - 4.00:25]The court reversed a ruling from the Colorado Supreme Court that would have removed Trump under the 14th amendment.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.00:16 - 4.00:25]Justices on both sides of the aisle appeared skeptical during oral arguments.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.00:25 - 4.00:40]The decision is a win for former President Trump and means he will appear on the primary ballot in Colorado and other states.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.00:56 - 4.01:02]The court believes it is up to Congress, not the states, to decide on matters of such consequence.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.01:57 - 4.02:06]This is an important decision and one of the few good things about America.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[3.46:35 - 4.02:06]The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of keeping Trump on the Colorado ballot and rejecting the 14th amendment push, stating that it is up to Congress to decide on matters of such consequence.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.02:15 - 4.02:23] Prisoners can run for president, but cannot vote.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.02:50 - 4.02:56]Felons should be allowed to vote.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.04:53 - 4.05:00]Decision is made on eve of Super Tuesday.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.07:06 - 4.07:12]It is determined that Congress, not states, can remove candidates from ballot.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.07:13 - 4.07:19]Supreme Court hears case about former President Trump being on ballot.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.08:33 - 4.08:41]Former President Trump will remain on the ballot.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.11:29 - 4.11:37]Three liberals disagree with the majority decision.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.02:08 - 4.11:37]Decision shows division within Supreme Court.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.11:37 - 4.11:46]Three liberal justices write on the Supreme Court decision regarding Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.11:46 - 4.11:52]Justice Barrett, a Trump appointee, split off from the liberal justices.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.11:52 - 4.12:03]The media's influence on public opinion is noted.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.11:52 - 4.12:03]Some individuals disagree with the standard set by the liberal justices.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.12:28 - 4.12:40]Congress, not the states, holds responsibility for enforcing Section 3 against federal office holders and candidates.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.12:40 - 4.12:50]Colorado's Supreme Court's decision was overturned.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.13:00 - 4.13:11]Congress has not taken action on this matter in the 150 years since the 14th Amendment was ratified.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.13:11 - 4.13:22]The decision does not discuss whether Trump engaged in insurrection.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.16:43 - 4.17:35]The Supreme Court typically makes procedural and legalistic decisions.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.16:43 - 4.17:35]The decision emphasizes the importance of avoiding a "patchwork" of different state laws.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.17:45 - 4.17:57]Trump may use the decision to argue that the Supreme Court is behind him.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.17:57 - 4.18:12]Justices may have pushed the immunity issue back because they are not likely to find Trump immune.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.18:18 - 4.18:25]The immunity issue, scheduled for oral argument in April, is more important.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.20:40 - 4.20:59]Finding Trump immune would go against a fundamental principle of American law.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.21:00 - 4.22:16]The liberals' concern is that the majority went further than necessary in favor of Trump, foreclosing judicial enforcement of the provision.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.22:21 - 4.22:29]Trump has the right to stay on the ballot.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.11:37 - 4.22:35]The three liberal justices write on the Supreme Court decision regarding Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which was overturned. Congress, not the states, holds responsibility for enforcing this section and has not taken action in the 150 years since it was ratified. The decision does not discuss whether Trump engaged in insurrection, but he may use it to argue that the Supreme Court is behind him. The immunity issue, which is more important, may not go in Trump's favor. The liberals are concerned that the majority went too far in favor of Trump, potentially foreclosing judicial enforcement of the provision. Trump has the right to stay on the ballot and has reacted to the decision.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.22:58 - 4.23:36]Trump discusses the recent Supreme Court decision and thanks them for their unanimous decision

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.23:45 - 4.23:55]Trump talks about how a candidate cannot be taken out of a race based on an opponent's desires and how this decision will unify the country

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.23:55 - 4.24:09]He believes the decision will bring the country together and mentions that it will be talked about for years to come

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.24:30 - 4.25:10]He mentions that some states did not want him to run and discusses the importance of immunity for a president

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.25:12 - 4.25:32]Trump discusses his current legal battles and argues that they are coordinated by the White House and his opponents

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.26:37 - 4.26:43]He mentions that he does not want to be prosecuted for decisions he made as president and that immunity is necessary for a president to make tough decisions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.27:28 - 4.27:34]Trump talks about his accomplishments as president, such as defeating ISIS and providing tax cuts and regulation cuts

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.31:25 - 4.31:36]He specifically mentions a case in New York and criticizes the prosecutor and judges involved

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.31:53 - 4.32:05]Trump concludes by stating that a president should be celebrated for doing a good job, not indicted, and that he should have immunity in his second term

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.22:35 - 4.32:49]In summary, Trump discusses the recent Supreme Court decision, the importance of immunity for a president, his accomplishments as president, and his current legal battles. He argues that a president should be free from prosecution and celebrated for doing a good job.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.32:50 - 4.33:20]Trump is discussing the disclaimer on financial statements

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.42:39 - 4.42:44]Super Tuesday approaching, candidates preparing

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.42:39 - 4.42:44]American politics is evidence by people listening to Trump

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.42:39 - 4.42:44]Niki Haley wins first primary in DC, first woman to win Republican presidential nominating contest

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.42:39 - 4.42:44]Trump campaign focused on the economy

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.42:44 - 4.43:48]Trump leading Biden nationwide in CBS poll

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.43:48 - 4.43:57]Disclaimer states not to rely on financial statements, do your own work

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:00 - 4.44:14]Haley sticking it out through Super Tuesday

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:00 - 4.44:14]Battle between current and former president in 2024 campaign

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:00 - 4.44:14]Trump's lead over Biden fueled by perceptions of the economy

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:00 - 4.44:14]Biden campaign focusing on reproductive rights

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:00 - 4.44:14]Biden set to deliver State of the Union address

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:00 - 4.44:14]New poll shows Trump leading Biden among likely voters

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:00 - 4.44:14]Biden's presidency rated poor by 45% of registered voters

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:17 - 4.44:24]Sophisticated lawyers involved in banking case

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:17 - 4.44:24]Trump and Biden both face questions about mental and cognitive ability

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:17 - 4.44:24]Biden trying to reframe election as a choice between Trump and Biden

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:17 - 4.44:24]Biden's campaign strategy is focused on preserving democracy

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:17 - 4.44:24]Biden facing difficulty convincing voters he is up for the job

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:17 - 4.44:24]Trump and Biden both have made verbal stumbles

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:17 - 4.44:24]Voters making decisions based on kitchen table issues, not verbal stumbles

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.32:50 - 4.44:24]Trump and Biden both facing questions about their mental and cognitive ability as Super Tuesday approaches. Trump is leading Biden nationwide in a CBS poll, with the economy being a key factor. Biden's campaign strategy is focused on preserving democracy and he is facing difficulty convincing voters he is up for the job. Both candidates have made verbal stumbles, but voters are primarily focused on kitchen table issues.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:25 - 4.44:38] Bob mentions a rematch and voters are not excited

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.47:58 - 4.48:04]48% have a negative view of the candidacy, 42% find it depressing

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.50:45 - 4.50:50]Trump's pick for running mate will get a big spotlight

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.50:45 - 4.50:50]Bob says Trump forgot and needs a reintroduction

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.51:42 - 4.51:57]Bipartisan triumph as they expand Medicaid coverage, bringing healthcare to over half a million uninsured people

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.52:25 - 4.52:36]Republicans and Democrats worked together, despite initial resistance

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.53:59 - 4.54:20]Business community played a key role in pushing for expansion

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.53:59 - 4.54:20]Nancy applauds the bipartisanship and says it's a big win for North Carolina

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.54:32 - 4.54:43]Audio switches to discussing healthcare coverage in North Carolina

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.54:32 - 4.54:43]Other states are taking notice and considering expansion

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.54:43 - 4.54:52]Impact on campaign: conventions will be important to reintroduce President Biden and former President Trump

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.54:43 - 4.54:52]Will they be a sycophant or someone who can appeal to different groups?

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.54:52 - 4.56:11]Audio switches to discussing a leaked recording of German officers discussing potential strikes on Crimea

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.54:52 - 4.56:11]Conversation also includes details of missiles provided by France and Britain

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.54:52 - 4.56:11]Kremlin is exploiting the recording, calling it evidence of "NATO aggression"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.44:25 - 4.56:31]Bob mentions lack of excitement for the rematch, impact on campaign, and Trump's pick for running mate. Audio then switches to discussing bipartisan triumph in expanding healthcare coverage in North Carolina. Finally, discussion of a leaked recording of German officers discussing potential strikes on Crimea.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.56:32 - 4.57:13]Investigation into a leak by the BBC

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.58:55 - 4.59:40]Leak discusses German army plans for striking Russian territory

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.58:55 - 4.59:40]German defense minister calls it a disinformation attack by Moscow

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.58:55 - 4.59:40]Leak does not deny contents of recording

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.58:55 - 4.59:40]Leak is damaging to operations and embarrassing

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.59:57 - 5.00:11]Leak also discusses possibility of Germany providing missiles to Ukraine

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.00:12 - 5.01:07]Leak suggests Western involvement in Ukraine conflict

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.00:12 - 5.01:07]Leak reveals inappropriate help being given to Ukraine

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.02:15 - 5.02:37]Leak could be used as propaganda by Russia

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.04:55 - 5.05:29]Discussion of weapons to be supplied to Ukraine by Western countries

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.05:30 - 5.06:14]Leak shows split between Germany and other Western countries on support for Ukraine

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.05:30 - 5.06:14]Germany needs to step up support for Ukraine

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.06:23 - 5.06:28]Entering isolation cell in El Salvador prison

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.07:48 - 5.08:27]Prison houses 40,000 dangerous gang members and criminals

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.07:48 - 5.08:27]Maximum security prison with strict security measures

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.09:11 - 5.09:23]Discussion of methods and punishments used to control inmates

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.09:23 - 5.09:52]Prison uses technology to block cell phone signals

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.09:23 - 5.09:52]Germany's support for Ukraine must be seen as helping a friendly country, not attacking Russia

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.09:23 - 5.09:52]Leak is damaging to international order and must be rebuffed

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[4.56:32 - 5.09:52]Leak of German army plans for striking Russian territory is damaging and embarrassing, reveals inappropriate help being given to Ukraine, could be used as propaganda by Russia, shows split between Germany and other Western countries on support for Ukraine, and highlights the need for Germany to step up support for Ukraine. Entering isolation cell in El Salvador prison, which houses 40,000 dangerous gang members and criminals. Discussion of methods and punishments used to control inmates. Germany's support for Ukraine must be seen as helping a friendly country, not attacking Russia.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.21:16 - 5.22:42]The video is about a maximum security prison in El Salvador

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The prison is equipped with advanced technology for searching inmates

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host expresses concern about the lack of visitation rights for prisoners

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The prison is specifically designated for terrorists and has strict security measures

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host questions the harsh treatment of prisoners and the country's high crime rate

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]El Salvador has a major issue with crime, specifically related to two American-created gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The U.S. prison system has contributed to the gang problem in El Salvador

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host criticizes the president of El Salvador for his actions against the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host criticizes the president of El Salvador for his actions against the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host criticizes the president of El Salvador for his actions against the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host criticizes the president of El Salvador for his actions against the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host criticizes the president of El Salvador for his actions against the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host criticizes the president of El Salvador for his actions against the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host criticizes the president of El Salvador for his actions against the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host criticizes the president of El Salvador for his actions against the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host criticizes the president of El Salvador for his actions against the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host criticizes the president of El Salvador for his actions against the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host criticizes the president of El Salvador for his actions against the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:07 - 5.23:48]The host criticizes the president of El Salvador for his actions against the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.09:56 - 5.23:48]The video discusses a maximum security prison in El Salvador and its advanced technology, strict security measures, and lack of visitation rights for prisoners. The country has a major issue with crime, largely due to two American-created gangs. The president's controversial methods have led to a decrease in the crime rate, but at the expense of human rights. Innocent people have been caught up in the government's efforts to tackle the gangs, and there is a lack of legal rights for arrested individuals.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:49 - 5.24:08] Police shooting and beating of a woman's cousin

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.34:45 - 5.35:05]People seeking asylum in the US due to violence in their countries

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.34:45 - 5.35:05]MS 13 gang origins in Los Angeles in the 1980s

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.34:45 - 5.35:05]US government's designation of MS 13 as a transnational criminal organization

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.35:05 - 5.36:08]Gang's expansion to Central America and Europe

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.35:05 - 5.36:08]Gang's activities of extortion and violence

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.35:05 - 5.36:08]US government's deportation policy leading to increased number of gang members in Central America

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.35:05 - 5.36:08]Lack of support and resources for these deported gang members in their home countries

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.35:05 - 5.36:08]MS 13's relationship with the Mexican mafia

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.35:05 - 5.36:08]Gang's subservience to the Mexican mafia and payment of quotas

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.35:05 - 5.36:08]Addition of "13" to the gang's name

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.35:05 - 5.36:08]US government's negligence in informing Central American governments of deported gang members' identities

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.35:05 - 5.36:08]Gang's continued growth and violence in Central America

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.35:05 - 5.36:08]Gang's continued growth and violence in Central America

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.35:05 - 5.36:08]Gang's continued growth and violence in Central America

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.23:49 - 5.36:08]The text discusses the origins and expansion of the MS 13 gang, as well as the US government's involvement in the deportation of gang members to Central America and the subsequent consequences of this policy.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.36:09 - 5.36:35]Discussion about dumping women's bodies like Sydney Swiney's juicy titties

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.41:32 - 5.42:26]Mention of euphoria in El Salvador and its connection to crime and gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.42:26 - 5.42:47]Investigation showing that only 30% of detainees under state of emergency have any criminal connections

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.43:07 - 5.43:18]Reference to the government's use of violence and lack of paperwork in dealing with gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.43:19 - 5.43:27]Discussion about gangs and their involvement in local drug sales and human trafficking

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.43:19 - 5.43:27]Mention of violence and extortion within gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.43:19 - 5.43:27]Discussion about living in El Salvador and being indirectly connected to gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.44:19 - 5.44:35]Mention of the government's comparison of gangs to terrorists and the need for a crackdown

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.45:15 - 5.45:30]Reference to a raid on a poor neighborhood and the arrest of an alleged gang collaborator

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.45:30 - 5.45:54]Mention of the government's extraordinary powers and control through the use of guns

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.45:54 - 5.46:08]Discussion about the lack of evidence in many cases and the potential for innocent people to be detained

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.47:02 - 5.47:27]Conversation about conservative commentary being projection

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.47:27 - 5.47:48]Reference to destroying the legacy of those who have died in the gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.47:48 - 5.47:58]Overall discussion of the cost of the crackdown and its long-term sustainability

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.36:09 - 5.48:34]A conversation about dumping bodies like Sydney Swiney's, followed by discussion about gangs and their involvement in crime and violence in El Salvador. Mention of the government's use of violence and lack of paperwork in dealing with gangs, and the potential for innocent people to be detained. Overall, the cost and sustainability of the government's crackdown on gangs is questioned.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.48:34 - 5.48:50]Crime rate dropping due to government locking up anyone affiliated with gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.48:50 - 5.49:53]President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, boasts about reducing crime and making country prosperous

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.51:47 - 5.53:18]Many people fear gang violence and extortion in their daily lives

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.54:16 - 5.54:40]Questions arise about the legitimacy of the government's actions and arrests

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.54:51 - 5.55:53]US intervention in the 60s and 70s supported a wealthy ruling class that oppressed its own people

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.54:51 - 5.55:53]US training and arming of soldiers led to massacres and atrocities in El Salvador

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.01:53 - 6.02:03]Many Salvadorans flee to the US to escape violence and poverty

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.01:53 - 6.02:03]Upon arriving in the US, they face violence from gangs that do not accept them

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[5.48:34 - 6.02:03]The crime rate in El Salvador is dropping due to the government's aggressive actions against gangs, but there are questions about the legitimacy and effectiveness of these actions. US intervention in the 60s and 70s played a role in creating the current state of violence and poverty in El Salvador. Many Salvadorans flee to the US to escape this violence, only to face further violence from gangs in the US.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.02:03 - 6.02:20] In the 1990s, gang violence and crime in Los Angeles led to the deportation of thousands of gang members back to El Salvador.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.02:20 - 6.02:29]El Salvador, which had just ended a civil war, saw the gangs flourish and subject its people to more violence.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.03:55 - 6.04:09]In 2019, President Bukele declared a state of exception, giving police the power to detain anyone without a warrant.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.04:12 - 6.04:57]In the first two months of the state of exception, over 35,000 people were arrested.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.04:12 - 6.04:57]Bukele's actions have been praised for reducing crime and dismantling gangs, but they also come at the cost of due process and civil liberties.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.08:56 - 6.09:13]Many innocent people have been caught in the fray and face inhumane conditions in prison.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.13:53 - 6.14:41]Bukele's propaganda fails to acknowledge the poverty and suffering caused by his actions.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.13:53 - 6.14:41]Similar patterns of targeting leftists, journalists, and artists have been seen in other Latin American countries.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.14:48 - 6.15:13]Bukele's actions are a drastic and potentially damaging solution to the problem of crime in El Salvador.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.02:03 - 6.15:33]In summary, President Bukele's actions have led to a decrease in crime and dismantling of gangs, but at the cost of violating due process and civil liberties and causing poverty and suffering for innocent individuals.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.15:34 - 6.15:53]Mom is a survivor of the violence of the 80s in El Salvador.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.22:49 - 6.23:34]Aunt almost went to jail for alleged crimes.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.24:22 - 6.24:32]Chad defends his actions and says system works.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.24:22 - 6.24:32]Chad believes this is not a good solution to the problem.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.24:22 - 6.24:32]70,000 gang members in El Salvador, but only 43,000 have been detained.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.24:58 - 6.25:14]Police union claims pressure to meet daily arrest quotas.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.25:14 - 6.25:58]Police report arresting people for vague reasons.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.25:58 - 6.26:23]Bukele changes laws to make himself more powerful.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Family becomes victim of the state.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Government killing farmers fighting for their rights.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Short term benefits are seen but long term issues arise.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]El Salvador now has highest incarceration rate in the world.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]President Bukele controls all branches of government.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Bukele seeks reelection despite constitution forbidding it.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Carlos, a victim of gang extortion, gets accused of being a gang member.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Carlos and family arrested on their way to work.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Police report no evidence of gang ties for most detainees.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]DC crime bill gives police unchecked power.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Vote on DC crime bill happening tomorrow.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Police can designate any area a high risk area.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Police can arrest anyone for any kind of face covering.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Police can arrest anyone for any kind of face covering.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Police can arrest anyone for any kind of face covering.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Police can arrest anyone for any kind of face covering.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:24 - 6.26:56]Police can arrest anyone for any kind of face covering.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.15:34 - 6.26:56]Mom is a survivor of violence in El Salvador, family becomes victim of the state, police have unchecked power and can arrest and charge individuals for arbitrary reasons, causing potential harm to black individuals.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:56 - 6.27:12]Audio begins with speaker reminding audience that the discussed law is worse than the handful of provisions mentioned.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.30:56 - 6.31:02]Speaker expresses understanding of desire to stop crime, but states that the law will not achieve this.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.32:15 - 6.32:33]Video transitions to discussing the country's negotiation with gangs and accusations of cutting deals with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.32:15 - 6.32:33]The United States government also accuses El Salvador's government of protecting gang leaders from extradition.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.32:51 - 6.33:02]Speaker criticizes the US for deporting a gang leader and then wanting him back.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.34:14 - 6.34:23]Discussion shifts to El Salvador and the country's contribution to the negative situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.34:14 - 6.34:23]Speaker talks about treatment of prisoners and special treatment given to gang members.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.34:14 - 6.34:23]Audio transitions to discussing the insane prison system in El Salvador.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.36:19 - 6.36:50]Video footage shows the inside of a maximum security prison, including weapons and restraints used on prisoners.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.37:49 - 6.38:13]The speaker describes the lack of mattresses and constant lighting in the cells as forms of torture.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.38:34 - 6.39:16]Prisoners have no concept of time and all activities are controlled by guards.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.38:34 - 6.39:16]Medical staff come daily to distribute medication and conduct hearings.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.40:40 - 6.40:47]The speaker points out a room where prisoners are confronted and identified for any new crimes they may have been accused of.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.26:56 - 6.40:53]Audio discusses the negative impact of a law in an unidentified country and transitions to discussing the specific situation in El Salvador. The country has been accused of cutting deals with gangs and the United States government has also accused them of protecting gang leaders from extradition. The audio then transitions to discussing the inhumane conditions of the prison system in El Salvador.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.40:53 - 6.41:21]They give prisoners a number and use a glass that acts like a mirror to identify aggressors from a distance.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.42:07 - 6.42:25]The courtrooms and video call cameras allow for remote dialogue between prisoners and lawyers.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.44:18 - 6.45:09]The prison has high walls and electrified fencing for security.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.44:18 - 6.45:09]The narrator is taken to a watchtower to see the security rings and cells.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.47:50 - 6.47:57]Cell extractions are done daily in an orderly fashion.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.48:19 - 6.48:28]Prisoners are handcuffed and escorted to a designated area to prevent rebellion.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.48:54 - 6.49:25]Guards are afraid of retaliation from gang members and cover their faces.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.50:46 - 6.51:31]The narrator is shocked to learn that this group is responsible for over 200 homicides.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.51:31 - 6.51:46]The prisoners have tattoos indicating their former gang affiliations.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.51:47 - 6.52:04]The prisoners are from rival gangs, but are now united against a common enemy.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.51:47 - 6.52:04]The government's strategy of putting rival gang members together in cells may backfire.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.51:47 - 6.52:04]The majority of prisoners are not affiliated with gangs.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.52:04 - 6.52:39]The government is dehumanizing some of the most violent criminals.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.52:04 - 6.52:39]The narrator believes this process will not end well for the government.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.52:04 - 6.52:39]The prison system is not streamlined and there are issues with underreporting homicides.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.52:04 - 6.52:39]The narrator is critical of the popular support for these extreme measures.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.52:04 - 6.52:39]The narrator believes the government is behaving like a gang.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.52:04 - 6.52:39]The narrator is scared to be near the prisoners without protection.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.52:04 - 6.52:39]The prisoners dehumanized and their humanity is taken away.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.52:04 - 6.52:39]The government's strategy may end up causing negative consequences.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.40:53 - 6.52:39]The narrator visits a highly secure prison where prisoners are dehumanized, rival gang members are placed together, and there are concerns about underreported homicides. The narrator is critical of the government's actions and believes they are behaving like a gang.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:03 - 7.04:34]The speaker is visiting a prison in El Salvador

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:34 - 7.04:51]They are shocked by the conditions and measures in the maximum security prison

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:34 - 7.04:51]They feel a sense of empowerment as a citizen compared to the criminals living in the prison

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:34 - 7.04:51]The prison houses criminals who have committed heinous acts, such as rape, aggravated homicides, and kidnappings

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:34 - 7.04:51]The speaker reads profiles of criminals with sentences of up to 270 years

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:34 - 7.04:51]The conditions in the prison include isolation cells, minimal food, and basic amenities

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:34 - 7.04:51]The prisoners are allowed to work in the prison, but are under strict supervision

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:34 - 7.04:51]The speaker interviews a prisoner who has been involved in a gang since a young age and has committed multiple crimes

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:51 - 7.04:58]The prison conditions are torturous and inhumane, but the speaker feels that they are necessary for criminals

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:58 - 7.05:07]The prisoner regrets their actions and advises others not to get involved in gangs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:58 - 7.05:07]The speaker leaves the prison feeling relieved but also disturbed by what they have seen

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:58 - 7.05:07]The speaker reflects on their belief that rehabilitation and reintegration are more effective than harsh prison conditions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:58 - 7.05:07]The speaker acknowledges that their ideology is different from the speaker's, but they defend their beliefs

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.04:58 - 7.05:07]The speaker's ideology is the opposite of the speaker's in almost every sense

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[6.52:44 - 7.05:07]The speaker visits a prison in El Salvador and is shocked by the conditions and measures in the maximum security prison. They feel a sense of empowerment compared to the criminals living in the prison. The prison houses criminals who have committed heinous acts and the conditions include isolation cells and minimal food. The speaker interviews a prisoner who regrets their actions and advises against getting involved in gangs. The speaker believes in rehabilitation and reintegration, while acknowledging that their ideology is different from the speaker's. Overall, the speaker reflects on the harsh prison conditions and their belief that they are necessary for criminals.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.05:07 - 7.05:47] Someone is looking at devastation and thanking people in the industry for opening doors to document and share it.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.05:47 - 7.05:58]They are proud of a president who has changed the country and made it safe.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.06:12 - 7.06:25]There is a Venezuelan prison that is like a mini version of Escape from New York, with raves held inside.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.06:52 - 7.07:38]The person is discussing the issue of crime and punishment in El Salvador and Peru, stating that long-term measures cannot be adopted.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.08:33 - 7.08:53]They believe that torture camps are not effective in lowering recidivism.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.13:11 - 7.13:17]The person argues that advocating for policies like torture camps could eventually lead to being a victim of those policies.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.15:46 - 7.16:11]They mention the CPdrc prison in the Philippines, where inmates are known for their coordinated dances.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.16:56 - 7.17:32]The person shifts gears to talk about China and the tension surrounding the country.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.17:55 - 7.18:02]They mention watching a documentary called "The Act of Killing" and how it shows that America is bad.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.18:15 - 7.18:20]The person mentions collective punishment and how it may not be effective in the long run.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.05:07 - 7.18:20]The person discusses issues of crime and punishment in various countries and argues against the use of torture camps as a solution. They also mention the CPdrc prison in the Philippines and shift gears to talk about China and collective punishment.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.18:21 - 7.18:42]Process of subscribing for $5 or for free with Amazon Prime account

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.20:55 - 7.21:14]Traveling as a group to China for a challenge

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.22:53 - 7.22:59]One free prime subscription per month for use on favorite broadcast

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.22:53 - 7.22:59]Meeting with a guest speaker from the New York Times to discuss journalism ethics

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.22:53 - 7.22:59]Launch of Seek Discomfort holiday drop

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.24:19 - 7.24:30]Original member leaving and new member completing a rite of passage challenge

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.25:06 - 7.25:16]Dropping off friends to survive in Shanghai with no money for 24 hours

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.25:06 - 7.25:16]Completing challenges throughout the day to earn small amounts of cash for food and water

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.25:06 - 7.25:16]Finding housing at a local stranger's house

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.30:13 - 7.30:26]Making friends with police officers and overcoming fear of them

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.18:21 - 7.31:36]The speaker discusses a challenge in China where they drop off friends to survive for 24 hours with no money. They also meet with a guest speaker and launch a holiday drop for Seek Discomfort. Challenges are completed throughout the day and involve interacting with locals and police officers. The goal is to push boundaries and show that people shouldn't fear each other.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.32:59 - 7.33:08]Man celebrates completing a challenge in China

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.33:44 - 7.33:51]Seeks out a place to stay for the night

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.33:53 - 7.33:58]Meets an elderly couple and asks to join them for lunch

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.34:32 - 7.34:41]Works at a restaurant in exchange for food

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.34:53 - 7.35:07]Joins in on a local dance tradition

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.35:08 - 7.35:27]Gets accepted into the community

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.37:31 - 7.37:44]Continues to work in order to get food

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.44:21 - 7.44:45]Goes to see a friend in Taiwan

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.44:21 - 7.44:45]Arrives in Taiwan and calls his friend

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.45:23 - 7.45:29]Spends the day exploring and experiencing the culture

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.31:36 - 7.45:51]A man completes a challenge in China, works for food, and then travels to Taiwan to visit a friend and experience the culture.

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.45:51 - 7.45:59]Speaker expresses desire to leave

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.46:10 - 7.46:44]Mentions family dinner

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.46:10 - 7.46:44]Apologizes for leaving

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.46:10 - 7.46:44]Family is Taiwanese, will not bow to them as it would be weird

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.46:10 - 7.46:44]Family is Taiwanese, will not bow to them as it would be weird

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.46:44 - 7.46:50]Learned from Twitch chat to bow

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.46:54 - 7.47:04]Will say "konichiwa" to them as well

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.47:11 - 7.47:17]Says goodbye and love to viewers

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.47:11 - 7.47:17]Will see them tomorrow for more streaming

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.47:20 - 7.48:24]Describes location as sunny Los Angeles, California

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.47:20 - 7.48:24]References a song, possibly called "Star Love"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.47:20 - 7.48:24]Mentions a "star of streaming"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.48:27 - 7.48:42]Talks about a car and various names

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.48:27 - 7.48:42]Mentions Tiny Bernie Sanders and the H3 podcast

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.48:42 - 7.49:20]References a "field box"

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.48:42 - 7.49:20]Talks about 90 Day Fiancé and champagne

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.49:21 - 7.49:53]Mentions "a Trump Valley life" and reactions

A youtube thumbnail wor HasanAbi March 4, 2024 – Dune 2, SCOTUS Trump Decision,  UN Report on Israel, El Salvador Prisons

[7.45:51 - 7.49:53]Speaker expresses desire to leave family dinner with Taiwanese relatives in Los Angeles, California. References a song and a "star of streaming", as well as other topics such as a car and various names, the H3 podcast, 90 Day Fiancé, and a "Trump Valley life" and reactions.