

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 217: Political Fatigue

SuperMegaCast - EP 217: Political Fatigue

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[00:00 - 00:07]Podcast hosts discuss getting a "P" (profanity) on their podcast

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[00:08 - 00:17]They mention taking a break and jokingly call their listeners "losers"

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[00:18 - 00:36]They reference the movie "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" and actors Patrick Warburton and Rick Moranis

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[00:42 - 00:48]They talk about Warburton being decked in the face and how it was discussed in a previous episode

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[00:54 - 01:05]They joke about repeating the same topics every week and consider using a bot to generate their podcast

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[01:22 - 01:36]They mention the possibility of AI replicating their voices and causing trouble

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[02:48 - 02:54]The hosts discuss smoking wood and cigarettes, and the potential chemicals in marijuana

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[06:34 - 06:40]They briefly mention Markiplier and joke about a crossover with Jordan Peterson

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[07:02 - 07:09]They mention nostalgia and Jordan Peterson's vocal surgery

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[07:46 - 07:52]They return to discussing marijuana and its potential strength compared to past decades

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[08:24 - 08:35]They joke about their listeners' reactions and describe a stereotypical listener

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[00:00 - 08:48]The podcast hosts discuss various topics including getting a profanity on their show, taking a break, referencing a movie and actors, joking about repeating topics, discussing smoking habits and nostalgia, and mentioning Jordan Peterson and Markiplier. They also discuss the potential strength and chemicals in marijuana and joke about their listeners' reactions.

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[08:48 - 08:55] The speaker talks about a person who has a hairy shave gel bird mark and is wearing Meundies.

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[09:06 - 09:18]They speculate about an old man in a diaper in Russia or China who listens to them every day.

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[09:39 - 09:49]The speaker mentions Danny and jokes about him boiling with rage.

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[11:57 - 12:09]They discuss Halloween and the movie Beetlejuice, which the speaker watched for the first time.

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[12:44 - 12:53]They talk about Tim Burton's career and his movies.

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[14:03 - 14:12]The speaker recalls a sleepover where they watched Rango on a small, uncomfortable TV.

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[14:34 - 14:41]They mention Jerry Brookheimer and the logos for Kangaroo Jack and New Line Cinema.

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[16:53 - 17:00]The speaker wonders if New Line Cinema is still making movies.

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[16:53 - 17:00]The discussion moves to the THX logo at the beginning of movies.

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[16:53 - 17:00]The speaker mentions the THX logo was last seen in movies a while ago.

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[16:53 - 17:00]The speaker wonders about THX's current status.

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[08:48 - 17:00]The speaker discusses various topics, including a person with a hairy shave gel bird mark and Halloween. They also mention an old man in a diaper in Russia or China who listens to their show. They talk about Tim Burton's movies and recall a sleepover where they watched Rango on a small TV. They also mention logos for Kangaroo Jack, New Line Cinema, and THX at the beginning of movies. The speaker wonders about New Line Cinema and THX's current status.

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[17:00 - 17:08]The speaker discusses a movie studio, New Line Cinema, and its downfall

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[17:40 - 17:48]They reminisce about the movie opening sequences of the late 90s and early 2000s, specifically the use of 3D technology and the roller coaster intro for Regal Cinemas

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[19:19 - 19:31]The speaker talks about the evolution of special effects in movies, from costumes to practical effects to CGI

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[21:04 - 21:16]They mention the movies Alien, Predator, and Alien vs. Predator, and the impact they had on them as a child

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[21:36 - 21:45]The speaker reflects on the power of imagination and how it can make movies more scary as a child

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[23:23 - 23:29]They discuss the Warby Parker glasses brand and its home try-on program

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[24:02 - 24:08]The speaker shares an ad for Amazon Music and talks about their love for the app and its features

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[17:00 - 24:45]A final summary of the topics discussed, including movie studios, movie openings, special effects, childhood memories, and product advertisements.

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[24:46 - 24:55]The speaker talks about studying for something and mentions Amazon Music Unlimited

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[24:56 - 25:01]There is an offer for three months of free Amazon Music Unlimited

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[25:10 - 25:15]The offer ends on January 11th, 2021

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[25:41 - 26:01]The speaker and someone else act out a scene of a character dying

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[26:27 - 26:37]The speaker cannot do a Seth Rogen impression or deep burps

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[26:58 - 27:04]The speaker can make themselves burp on command

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[27:25 - 27:30]They discuss a sensitive person named Jackson who sneezes like a trumpet and has a wife like the character from Rugrats

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[28:34 - 28:39]They talk about watching Rugrats in Paris and pointing out flaws in the movie

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[30:07 - 30:17]They joke about making film criticism videos for bad movies

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[31:11 - 31:16]They mention seeing the movie "Taking of Pelham 1,2,3" in theaters

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[31:48 - 31:55]The podcast is recorded before election day and they joke about what might happen after

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[31:48 - 31:55]They make exaggerated and satirical comments about potential events after the election

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[24:46 - 33:11]The speakers discuss various topics including studying, an offer for Amazon Music Unlimited, acting out a death scene, their inability to do impressions or deep burps, a sensitive person named Jackson, watching Rugrats in Paris, joking about making film criticism videos, and the upcoming election. They also make exaggerated and satirical comments about potential events after the election.

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[33:12 - 33:17]Discussion about forcing children to become transgender

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[33:23 - 33:29]Mention of voting for Joe Biden and warning against it

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[33:30 - 33:35]Speculation about a future where infants are held at gunpoint to change their philosophical beliefs

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[33:42 - 33:47]Discussion about mandating makeup for men and the potential consequences

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[34:05 - 34:14]Mention of political commentator Tim Poole and his views

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[34:36 - 34:43]Discussion about Dinesh D'Souza's books and trailers

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[35:18 - 35:24]Talk about a book on apologetics and the defense of faith

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[35:57 - 36:11]Discussion on homosexuality and genetics

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[36:48 - 36:54]Mention of labeling LGBTQ+ individuals as pedophiles

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[36:54 - 37:00]Comparison to the history of pizza and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community

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[38:07 - 38:17]Talk about age and fear of death

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[39:01 - 39:07]Speculation about dying within the same decade

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[39:07 - 39:16]Discussion on potential causes of death and genetics

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[39:42 - 39:54]Mention of getting health tests and comparing testosterone levels

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[40:10 - 40:19]Mention of the physical effects of testosterone

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[33:12 - 40:19]Discussion on various controversial topics such as forcing children to become transgender, politics, LGBTQ+ discrimination, and aging. Mention of potential consequences and comparisons to history. Discussion on personal health and testosterone levels.

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[40:19 - 40:25]The speaker talks about their inability to grow facial and chest hair.

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[40:39 - 40:47]They joke about hair on different parts of their body.

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[41:06 - 41:14]They discuss pubic hair and how they think it is fake in pornography.

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[41:34 - 41:48]They mention the month of October and how it was a relatively calm month compared to the rest of the year.

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[41:49 - 41:55]They briefly touch on the Supreme Court and the rising cases of COVID-19.

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[42:28 - 42:45]They discuss a report on 4chan about fake coronavirus cards being given out.

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[43:21 - 43:29]The speaker predicts that November will be a big month and mentions the upcoming election.

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[43:43 - 43:53]They talk about voting for the first time and their experiences with the election in 2016.

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[46:25 - 46:31]They briefly mention Miandis and Sunsoil, two companies they advertise for.

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[47:49 - 47:58]The speaker talks about their desire for straighter teeth and mentions Candid as a solution.

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[40:19 - 48:33]The speaker talks about their inability to grow hair, discusses pubic hair and the month of October, touches on the Supreme Court and COVID-19, and mentions various advertisements. They also mention the upcoming election and their first time voting.

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[48:34 - 48:40]Start straightening teeth with $75 discount on Candid Starter Kit

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[48:55 - 49:04]Mention of early onset Parkinson's symptoms

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[49:58 - 50:03]Discussion about seeing Skrillex in public

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[51:35 - 51:40]Mention of Blonde Boys Halloween costumes

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[53:14 - 53:19]Discussion about haircuts and possible idea for a YouTube video

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[53:38 - 53:51]Discussion about Richard Spencer and American History X

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[56:38 - 56:44]Mention of potential hypothetical murder scenario involving YouTubers

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[48:34 - 57:11]Discussion of various topics such as teeth straightening, potential health concerns, celebrity sightings, Halloween costumes, haircuts, and Richard Spencer, along with a hypothetical murder scenario involving YouTubers.

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[59:42 - 59:55] Group discusses a plan to kill someone in a brutal manner on a live stream

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[1.02:56 - 1.03:04]Group discusses living in medieval times and the potential for gruesome deaths from activities like crushing one's nuts with a sledgehammer

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[1.03:04 - 1.03:13]Victim's body is described as being "gourd out" and having another version of the victim emerge from their mouth

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[1.03:26 - 1.03:31]Plan involves shooting the victim and then crawling through their body, filming close-ups and laughing

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[1.03:54 - 1.03:59]Conversation turns to a dream where one of the members has a sticky substance stuck to their uvula and the other comforts them and they kiss

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[1.04:10 - 1.04:20]Group also discusses the possibility of swinging the election with their actions and the victim's friend is mentioned as a potential victim

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 217: Political Fatigue

[57:11 - 1.04:30]Group discusses a plan to kill someone in a brutal manner on a live stream, involving shooting, crawling through the victim's body, and swinging the election. They also discuss a dream and the potential for gruesome deaths in medieval times.