

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

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[00:01 - 00:08]Mikey introduces the 83rd episode of the Super Mega Podcast with Matt Watson

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[00:59 - 01:12]They discuss using Q-tips to clean their ears and the dangers of pressure washers

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[04:30 - 04:44]They joke about using a pressure washer to shave someone's head and promote a hair loss prevention company

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[04:58 - 05:05]Matt shares a story of drawing a penis in his driveway with a pressure washer

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[06:02 - 06:18]They talk about drawing penises on homework as a prank

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[00:01 - 06:47]Mikey and Matt discuss various topics including Q-tips, pressure washers, hair loss prevention, and drawing penises as pranks.

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[06:58 - 07:04] The speaker and their friends used to bully a kid in high school.

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[07:04 - 07:13]The speaker would often mess with the kid, who would retaliate by drawing inappropriate things on the speaker's school work.

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[08:10 - 08:20]In one instance, the speaker pretended to tell on the kid to the teacher but ended up just asking a question and causing the kid to get detention.

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[08:33 - 08:39]The speaker's mom thought the speaker's drawings of rocket ships were a Freudian thing.

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[08:53 - 09:02]The speaker's mom also believed that Sigmund Freud liked cocaine so much that he would give it as gifts to friends.

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[09:18 - 09:25]The speaker and their friend joke about how cocaine would make a good gift for a baby shower or birthday party.

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[11:20 - 11:26]The group discusses Kellyanne Conway's infamous "Bowling Green Massacre" and her ability to deflect criticism by vomiting.

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[12:08 - 12:17]The speaker shares a story about a prisoner's last words being about not getting spaghetti-o's for his last meal.

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[13:03 - 13:09]The group discusses the difference between spaghetti-o's and real spaghetti.

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[13:09 - 13:15]The speaker expresses a desire for gourmet, expensive spaghetti-o's.

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[13:15 - 13:23]The group ponders how spaghetti-o's are made and jokes about it being a manual labor job.

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[13:15 - 13:23]The speaker and their friend discuss the possibility of a machine being used to create the perfect spaghetti-o's.

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[06:47 - 13:30]The overall topic of the audio is about past bullying experiences and humorous anecdotes about spaghetti-o's.

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[13:30 - 13:36]Man is described as meticulously stabbing at pasta like an envelope opener.

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[15:36 - 15:44]He and his friends are watching videos about "pizza gate" and start to believe it.

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[17:29 - 17:40]They dig deeper and realize the evidence was misleading and debunk the theory.

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[17:55 - 18:07]They discuss the case of Steven Avery and how he had previously thrown a cat into a bonfire.

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[19:23 - 19:29]They also discuss the "Making a Murderer" case and how the documentary may have omitted important evidence.

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[19:58 - 20:06]They believe Avery may have killed someone based on evidence found online.

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[13:30 - 20:20]Man and friends watch videos about "pizza gate" and almost believe it, but later debunk the theory. They also discuss the "Making a Murderer" case and their opinions on it.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[20:21 - 20:26]The speaker discusses their memory of being interested in a case where they believed the accused was innocent and the police framed him

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[20:26 - 20:32]They mention reading evidence that made them believe the accused was guilty

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[20:41 - 20:49]The speaker talks about the overall message of a documentary series on the case, that both the accused and the police were involved in sketchy behavior

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[21:29 - 21:36]They mention a confession tape show they have been watching, with a specific case in Charleston, South Carolina catching their interest

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[22:37 - 22:44]The speaker mentions binge-watching a show called "Glow" but does not highly recommend it

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[25:57 - 26:06]They reminisce about their love for mowing lawns and their meticulous approach to it, and mention the pressure of having a perfect yard in their neighborhood

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[26:41 - 26:47]The speaker and their friend discuss the stereotypical image of a "southern mommy" and the use of the term "daddy" in a non-comedic way

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[27:16 - 27:25]The speaker mentions that the "daddy kink" has become boring to them

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[20:21 - 27:30]Overall, the speaker and their friend discuss various topics, ranging from true crime cases, TV shows, and societal stereotypes.

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[27:37 - 27:43] The conversation is about the trend of the "daddy kink" and its popularity among people.

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[28:27 - 28:37]The speakers discuss how the "daddy kink" is viewed as boring and overdone.

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[28:27 - 28:37]One speaker mentions that the "daddy kink" is still popular and widespread.

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[28:27 - 28:37]They also discuss how personally, they find the "daddy kink" to be unappealing.

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[28:27 - 28:37]The speakers joke about how they don't understand the appeal of the "daddy kink" and compare it to other trends.

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[28:27 - 28:37]One speaker shares a personal experience with explaining the "daddy kink" to their girlfriend.

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[31:47 - 31:57]They then move on to discussing other popular figures, such as Bob Ross and Mr. Rogers.

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[32:43 - 32:51]The speakers joke about the word "kin" and other old-fashioned sayings.

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[33:52 - 33:59]They also discuss the various uses and interpretations of the word "epic."

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[27:31 - 33:59]Overall, the conversation revolves around discussing trends and their personal opinions on them.

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[33:59 - 34:05]Person discusses the different meanings of the word "Epic"

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[34:23 - 34:31]They mention the ironic use of "Epic" popularized by Newgrounds

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[35:10 - 35:15]Person talks about watching "Epic Movie" with two girls in 8th grade and feeling uncomfortable

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[36:57 - 37:03]They mention wearing glasses and the positive aspect of losing vision being able to wear cool glasses

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[39:04 - 39:09]Person talks about listening to NPR and their experience watching "Black Panther"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[39:04 - 39:09]They mention not being able to fully understand the significance of "Black Panther" due to not being Black

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[39:09 - 39:17]Person mentions that they recognize the significance of the movie but it was just an ok Marvel movie to them

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[40:11 - 40:17]They discuss the difficulty in reviewing Marvel movies and the lack of character development in "Black Panther"

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[40:49 - 40:58]Person states that they do not like superhero movies in general

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[33:59 - 40:58]Person discusses the different meanings of the word "Epic" and their experience with the ironic use of it. They also talk about watching "Epic Movie" and feeling uncomfortable, as well as their love for wearing glasses. They mention listening to NPR and their experience watching "Black Panther". Despite recognizing its significance, they did not find it to be a great Marvel movie due to lack of character development. They also mention not liking superhero movies in general.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[40:59 - 41:04]The speaker discusses going to see a movie and instead going to the gym.

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[41:04 - 41:12]They talk about trying to build muscle and how difficult it is.

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[41:31 - 41:39]The topic shifts to the speaker's skin tight latex suit that they wear to work.

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[42:11 - 42:16]They joke about wearing a different suit for each day of the week.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[45:35 - 45:42]The conversation turns to the history and consequences of tar and feathering.

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[46:41 - 46:48]They discuss the process of quitting smoking and the potential risks of lung procedures.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[47:11 - 47:17]The speaker expresses their fear of drowning in their own blood.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[47:23 - 47:29]They mention watching the emoji movie in theaters and their dislike for it.

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[47:31 - 47:38]The speaker would rather see a Madea sequel than support the emoji movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[40:59 - 47:47]Overall, the conversation covers topics such as movie choices, working out, skin tight suits, tar and feathering, quitting smoking, and fears.

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[47:47 - 47:52] Tyler Perry's Madea movies bring in a lot of money, but they are not targeted towards children.

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[48:23 - 48:28]The emoji movie earned more money in the box office than Madea's movies.

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[49:17 - 49:24]Will Ferrell's recent movies have been less successful, possibly due to bad writing or direction.

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[51:16 - 51:26]Will Ferrell's career is similar to that of Chevy Chase's, with both being comedic icons for their respective generations.

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[52:02 - 52:12]Will Ferrell's movies are often shot during the summer to be released during the holidays.

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[52:48 - 52:54]There is excitement for the new comedians, entertainers, trends, and products that emerge each year.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[53:29 - 53:37]Music has become an important passion for the speaker, with a shoutout to artist Temperex.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[47:47 - 54:35]Overall, there is a constant influx of new and interesting things in the world, which is one of the best parts of being alive.

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[54:35 - 54:43] Ryan and Matt talk about a cool musician who is playing at a festival soon

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[55:03 - 55:09]They discuss the possibility of making a public playlist and recommending music on the podcast

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[55:09 - 55:14]They recommend the artist Temperex and suggest two songs to check out

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[55:56 - 56:08]They mention a podcast episode featuring Daniel, who was talented in various creative fields

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[56:43 - 56:49]They plan to listen to their old podcast episodes together and reflect on their growth

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[57:41 - 57:47]Ryan found out that their late friend Daniel was a fan of a band they also like

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[1.00:07 - 1.00:12]They mention a surprise podcast episode may happen in the future

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[1.00:20 - 1.00:26]They remind listeners to watch the podcast on YouTube and mention their sponsorship deal with Keeps

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 82: Southern Mommy

[54:35 - 1.00:42]Ryan and Matt discuss a cool musician, their plans for the podcast, and reflect on their late friend Daniel's passion for music. They also mention a possible surprise podcast episode and encourage listeners to watch on YouTube and use their sponsored product.