

Youtube profile pic for Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[00:01 - 00:58]Welcome back to Smosh Mouth, with hosts Shane and Amanda and special guest Courtney Miller

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[00:07 - 00:41]Courtney hasn't been on since the first episode and there have been changes to the show

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[00:14 - 00:26]The hosts joke about Shane's name and the word "mouth"

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[00:27 - 00:35]They thank Jennifer Coolidge for inspiring the show's name

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[00:59 - 01:47]The hosts joke about their relationship with Anthony, who has returned to the show

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[01:47 - 02:34]The topic for this episode is the hosts' middle and high school experiences

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[02:18 - 03:25]Courtney has shared her old diaries on the show before and they discuss how the series came about

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[02:51 - 03:35]They mention losing some footage but were able to recover it and continue the series

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[03:36 - 04:06]Courtney has shared her old diaries on the show before and they discuss how the series came about

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[03:49 - 04:53]Amanda's crush at the time was Leonardo DiCaprio

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[04:54 - 04:59]They talk about wanting others to share their diaries on the show, and reveal that Amanda has brought some of her own

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[04:59 - 05:05]The hosts discuss Amanda's personality at 14 and the journals end.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[05:05 - 05:32]The second journal is from the same year and is a "dream time" journal

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[05:32 - 05:38]The hosts discuss Amanda's personality at 14 and the journals end.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[05:39 - 06:11]The second journal is from the same year and is a "dream time" journal

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[06:11 - 06:36]The first journal is from 2002 and has Ashton Kutcher and Vin Diesel on the cover

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[06:37 - 06:58]They joke about Amanda's internet pop-up with Vin Diesel

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[06:58 - 07:13]The second journal is from the same year and is a "dream time" journal

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[07:13 - 07:38]Amanda reads entries about her crushes and mentions her parents' recent divorce

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[07:20 - 07:31]Amanda's crush at the time was Leonardo DiCaprio

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[07:38 - 07:58]The second journal is from the same year and is a "dream time" journal

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[07:59 - 09:20]The topic for this episode is the hosts' middle and high school experiences

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[08:12 - 09:07]Amanda's crush at the time was Leonardo DiCaprio

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[09:20 - 10:10]Was heavily involved in theater and sat with different groups of people during lunch

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[09:32 - 10:44]Had three sisters who were also in the same school, often seen as their younger sibling

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[10:44 - 11:28]Page content is about the speaker's experiences as a 14-year-old

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[11:28 - 12:21]Had a lot of family events and was a busy kid with extracurricular activities

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[12:39 - 14:50]Page content is about the speaker's experiences as a 14-year-old

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[13:34 - 14:24]Had a tendency to swear and be a "bitch" when angered, but was trying to be nicer

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[14:51 - 15:39]Had a four-year relationship at 12 years old and had code names for people in their journal

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[14:56 - 18:24]Page content is about the speaker's experiences as a 14-year-old

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[16:02 - 17:38]Had a four-year relationship at 12 years old and had code names for people in their journal

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[16:43 - 17:23]Had three sisters who were also in the same school, often seen as their younger sibling

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[18:24 - 18:38]Had a tendency to get angry and regret things said or done in anger

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[18:38 - 20:38]Had a tendency to swear and be a "bitch" when angered, but was trying to be nicer

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[18:44 - 20:29]Once caused two guys to get into a fight because of their anger

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[20:16 - 21:21]The speaker reads an entry from February 20, 2003 about being angry with classmates and a boy named Mark.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[20:39 - 22:19]The speaker's friend reads one of their entries from February 3, 2003.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[21:21 - 22:05]They mention being from Boston and using the word "wicked" often.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[22:05 - 23:38]The speaker is showing their journal to someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[22:20 - 23:07]The entry discussed forgetting a black clip and a party with friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[22:42 - 25:05]The speaker reads an entry from February 20, 2003 about being angry with classmates and a boy named Mark.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[22:48 - 23:45]The teacher mentions wanting to be a chaperone on a trip and their birthday.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[23:52 - 24:27]The speaker is showing their journal to someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[24:06 - 24:20]They discuss the purpose of journaling and their daily entries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[24:27 - 24:58]The journal was for an English class and the teacher would read and respond to the entries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[25:05 - 25:48]The teacher's response is read and it mentions the speaker's mom and science class.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[25:11 - 26:19]The speaker and their friend discuss the teacher's responses and the use of code names.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[26:19 - 28:01]The journal was for an English class and the teacher would read and respond to the entries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[26:39 - 29:19]The speaker is showing their journal to someone else.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[26:45 - 27:28]The speaker reads an entry from February 20, 2003 about being angry with classmates and a boy named Mark.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[27:07 - 27:14]They discuss their classmates and use code words to describe them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[28:14 - 29:12]The speaker reads an entry from February 20, 2003 about being angry with classmates and a boy named Mark.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[28:37 - 29:03]They discuss the purpose of journaling and their daily entries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[29:19 - 30:43]The speaker reads an entry from February 20, 2003 about being angry with classmates and a boy named Mark.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[30:44 - 31:02]The speaker and their friend discuss the teacher's responses and the use of code names.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[31:03 - 32:46]The speaker reads an entry from February 20, 2003 about being angry with classmates and a boy named Mark.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[31:14 - 32:40]The teacher mentions wanting to be a chaperone on a trip and their birthday.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[31:54 - 32:23]The teacher's response is read and it discusses the weather and upcoming events.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[32:23 - 33:05]The speaker and another person are discussing journals and teenage experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[33:05 - 34:08]The speaker's journals contained drawings and writings about their personal life, including feelings and experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[33:14 - 33:26]The speaker's friend had a different experience with boys and dating, including being called names and feeling like she couldn't win.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[33:26 - 33:54]The speaker's journals were a place where they could truly be themselves and express their emotions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[34:08 - 34:32]The speaker had multiple journals, including personal non-school journals.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[34:32 - 34:48]The speaker's journals were a place where they could truly be themselves and express their emotions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[34:48 - 35:52]The speaker's friend had a different experience with understanding the world and processing emotions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[35:52 - 36:17]The speaker's friend had a different experience with journaling and emotions, possibly due to cultural differences.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[36:17 - 36:25]The speaker and another person are discussing journals and teenage experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[36:25 - 38:10]The speaker's journals also contained entries about feeling self-conscious and wanting to be loved for who they are.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[36:52 - 36:59]The speaker and another person are discussing journals and teenage experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[37:07 - 40:58]The speaker's friend had a different experience with boys and dating, including being called names and feeling like she couldn't win.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[39:23 - 42:06]The speaker and another person are discussing journals and teenage experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[39:37 - 40:11]The speaker's journals were a way for them to see how their experiences shaped their worldview.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[40:34 - 41:51]The speaker's friend had a different experience with boys and dating, including being called names and feeling like she couldn't win.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[41:21 - 41:39]The speaker and another person are discussing journals and teenage experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[42:07 - 43:30]The speaker has been journaling since 2007 and currently has two journals: one completed and one ongoing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[42:40 - 43:06]The speaker is impressed by how open the other person is in their journal.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[43:30 - 44:17]The speaker's journals show their growth from being a teenager to their current age.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[43:39 - 43:46]The speaker's reason for writing was different from the other person in the conversation. They wrote with the thought of who might read it in the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[44:00 - 45:25]The speaker's chosen personality is evident in their writing even as a teenager.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[44:32 - 45:31]The speaker has been journaling since 2007 and currently has two journals: one completed and one ongoing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[44:45 - 45:41]The speaker's journals from their teenage years have titles such as "Love and Hate," "Eternity and Infinity," and "The Purpose of Life."

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[45:41 - 46:06]The speaker believes that we choose our own purpose in life, whether it is for greed and hate or love and joy.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[46:52 - 48:38]The speaker's teenage self was trying too hard to be deep and philosophical.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[48:13 - 49:49]The speaker believes that we choose our own purpose in life, whether it is for greed and hate or love and joy.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[49:50 - 51:04]The speaker's teenage self was preoccupied with thoughts of the Roman Empire, Greek mythology, and the Salem Witch Trials.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[51:06 - 51:53]The speaker has a list of their favorite things from when they were 19 years old.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[51:20 - 51:47]The speaker's teenage self was trying too hard to be deep and philosophical.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[51:53 - 54:00]The speaker is asked about their favorite actor and actress in 2009.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[52:33 - 53:08]They are given hints and eventually guess Daniel Day-Lewis and Cate Blanchett.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[52:55 - 54:13]The speaker is then asked about their favorite movie, band, music genre, TV show, drama, and dream car.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[54:01 - 54:47]The speaker then shares their celebrity crushes, including Adriana Lima and Elisha Cuthbert.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[54:13 - 54:33]The speaker is then asked about their favorite movie, band, music genre, TV show, drama, and dream car.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[54:47 - 55:24]The speaker is asked about their favorite actor and actress in 2009.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[55:25 - 57:44]The speaker then shares their celebrity crushes, including Adriana Lima and Elisha Cuthbert.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[57:24 - 58:21]The speaker and hosts discuss their teenage years and journal entries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[58:10 - 59:10]They also mention their love for music and creativity.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[59:11 - 1.00:32]The speaker and hosts discuss their teenage years and journal entries.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[1.00:05 - 1.02:51]The speaker shares their journal entry from when they were 14 years old, discussing their feelings of being lost and hurt.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[1.02:51 - 1.04:05]The hosts suggest bringing back the words "poser" and "wicked."

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Teenage Journals w\ Courtney Miller | Smosh Mouth 18

[1.03:10 - 1.04:19]The speaker shares their journal entry from when they were 14 years old, discussing their feelings of being lost and hurt.