

Youtube profile pic for We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

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[00:00 - 01:13]The speaker is discussing their mustache and comparing it to someone else's.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[00:37 - 01:31]The topic of mustaches leads to a discussion about strange conspiracies.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[01:55 - 03:32]The speaker shares a story from an episode of iCarly that involves a frozen head and blackmail.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[03:33 - 05:14]They are upset that the other person is copying their style.

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[05:15 - 07:32]The second conspiracy enhances the first one.

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[05:38 - 06:39]Tucker, a third person, brings up a conspiracy involving the movie Frozen and Google search results.

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[06:50 - 07:48]The discussion shifts to the Frozen head conspiracy involving Walt Disney.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[07:48 - 13:32]The speaker shares a story from an episode of iCarly that involves a frozen head and blackmail.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[13:26 - 13:56]The speaker discusses the possibility of Walt Disney's frozen head being stored in a cryo chamber in his basement.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[13:32 - 13:42]The video game character Mr. House resembles Walt Disney and can be killed in the game.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[13:56 - 15:21]The speaker talks about Disney's eccentricities and how he wanted to create a futuristic city called EPCOT.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[15:21 - 15:47]The speaker jokes about knowing someone who is likely to be involved in this trend.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[15:47 - 16:31]The speaker talks about Disney's eccentricities and how he wanted to create a futuristic city called EPCOT.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[16:09 - 16:36]The speaker jokes about knowing someone who is likely to be involved in this trend.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[16:36 - 17:06]The speaker discusses the possibility of Walt Disney's frozen head being stored in a cryo chamber in his basement.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[17:06 - 17:34]The speaker jokes about knowing someone who is likely to be involved in this trend.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[17:34 - 18:46]The speaker discusses the possibility of Walt Disney's frozen head being stored in a cryo chamber in his basement.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[18:22 - 18:41]The speaker brings up a company that offers cryonic preservation for terminally ill patients.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[18:46 - 20:18]They talk about a TV show called "Upload" where people's consciousness can be uploaded into a virtual afterlife.

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[19:45 - 21:04]They speculate on what would happen if Disney were to be revived on a robotic body, suggesting he would make anti-semitic remarks.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[19:52 - 21:30]They talk about a TV show called "Upload" where people's consciousness can be uploaded into a virtual afterlife.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[21:30 - 22:37]The speaker jokes about knowing someone who is likely to be involved in this trend.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[21:46 - 22:59]The speaker discusses the potential boredom and lack of purpose in a perfect afterlife.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[22:59 - 24:12]They mention a solution in the TV show where people can choose to "disappear" from the afterlife when they have experienced everything.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[24:13 - 24:58]The speaker talks about the importance of suffering and tragedy in appreciating happiness.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[24:58 - 27:01]The speaker jokes about knowing someone who is likely to be involved in this trend.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[27:03 - 28:36]Some believe Disney has cryogenically frozen Walt Disney's head.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[28:36 - 29:27]TBR major Bob Iger became CEO of Disney.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[29:27 - 31:26]Tucker thinks Bob Iger knows about the frozen head.

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[31:26 - 31:44]Tucker's high school chorus sold mattresses for fundraising.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[31:44 - 32:09]The hosts discuss how often people actually replace their mattresses.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[32:09 - 33:09]Mattress Firm stores are suspiciously abundant in certain areas.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[32:17 - 33:15]The frozen head conspiracy is strong, but not necessarily believed.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[33:16 - 33:58]Tucker's high school chorus sold mattresses for fundraising.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[33:27 - 34:31]Mattress sales stats show a high demand for mattresses.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[34:31 - 35:47]The hosts discuss how often people actually replace their mattresses.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[35:47 - 37:12]The frozen head conspiracy is strong, but not necessarily believed.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[35:55 - 36:43]Tucker wanted a waterbed with fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[36:49 - 37:03]Some believe Disney has cryogenically frozen Walt Disney's head.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[36:49 - 37:03]Discussion of the Denver airport conspiracy theory

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[37:04 - 39:11]Mention of the Illuminati and other powerful groups potentially using the airport as a hub or bunker

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[37:13 - 37:53]Mention of satanic imagery and strange artwork in the airport

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[37:53 - 40:34]Mention of the Illuminati and other powerful groups potentially using the airport as a hub or bunker

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[40:34 - 43:00]Discussion of Nebraska and its unpleasant smell due to cow farms

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[43:02 - 44:48]The Sasquatch being a popular conspiracy topic in the Pacific Northwest

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[43:12 - 43:22]Discussion of Nebraska and its unpleasant smell due to cow farms

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[43:22 - 45:28]An anecdote about a friend encountering a strange creature while driving in the desert

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[43:29 - 44:56]Debate over the gender of the Sasquatch

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[44:56 - 45:23]Mention of skinwalkers and a creepy TikTok trend

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[45:28 - 47:48]An anecdote about a friend encountering a strange creature while driving in the desert

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[47:54 - 50:49]A man shares a story about his friend who saw a coyote eating something, which turned into a man when a car drove by.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[51:01 - 53:26]The host asks about Bigfoot, and the man mentions a documentary about the creature.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[53:35 - 55:19]The man believes aliens may have created Bigfoot to gather data on Earth.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[53:59 - 54:13]A man shares a story about his friend who saw a coyote eating something, which turned into a man when a car drove by.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[54:53 - 55:52]The host and co-host express skepticism about this theory.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[55:52 - 56:39]A man shares a story about his friend who saw a coyote eating something, which turned into a man when a car drove by.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[56:39 - 57:04]The host asks about Bigfoot, and the man mentions a documentary about the creature.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[57:50 - 59:56]The host and co-host express skepticism about this theory.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[58:17 - 58:56]The host asks about Bigfoot, and the man mentions a documentary about the creature.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Found The Strangest Conspiracy Theories - Chuckle Sandwich EP 68

[59:07 - 59:53]A man shares a story about his friend who saw a coyote eating something, which turned into a man when a car drove by.