

Youtube profile pic for DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1


A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[00:00 - 00:57]They discuss singing the song with friends growing up, including one who ended up bullying them.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[00:07 - 02:43]They talk about the host's hometown and their experiences with friends from high school and college.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[01:21 - 03:32]The podcast episode begins with a conversation about a party invitation and a song that is special to the hosts.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[03:32 - 05:17]They discuss singing the song with friends growing up, including one who ended up bullying them.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[04:45 - 09:18]They talk about the host's hometown and their experiences with friends from high school and college.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[07:58 - 12:55]The hosts discuss their future weddings and who they would invite.

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[12:55 - 14:28]They mention venue cutoffs and the hassle of wedding planning.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[14:28 - 16:05]The conversation shifts to proposals and the hosts' opinions on them.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[16:05 - 16:31]The speaker dislikes performative romance, but loves true and genuine romance.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[16:05 - 17:40]They recall seeing a proposal at a hotel pool and discuss the pros and cons of such a public location.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[16:31 - 16:45]They give an example of a public proposal without prior discussion, finding it humorous and awkward.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[16:45 - 18:20]They mention seeing the couple the next day and wishing them well.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[18:20 - 19:16]Mentions how this pressure can sometimes feel forced and alienating.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[18:30 - 18:57]They mention growing up in a small town where this pressure was prevalent, but realizing it was not as important once they moved away.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[19:16 - 21:44]Suggests normalizing women proposing to men to ease pressure and make things easier.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[19:43 - 19:55]Talks about the societal expectation for men to pick up on nonverbal cues and make the first move.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[20:27 - 23:04]The speaker shares their personal experience with asking for consent before kissing someone.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[20:54 - 21:37]They mention seeing the couple the next day and wishing them well.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[21:44 - 23:31]The speaker shares their personal experience with asking for consent before kissing someone.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[23:31 - 23:37]The speaker discusses the pressure to support and uplift other women in the gaming community.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[23:37 - 23:52]They mention growing up in a small town where this pressure was prevalent, but realizing it was not as important once they moved away.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[23:52 - 24:03]Mentions how this can lead to toxic masculinity and insecurity in young boys.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[24:03 - 25:13]Reflects on how boys are often influenced by other boys instead of listening to women's experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[25:13 - 25:35]Shares how they may support someone's work but not necessarily like them as a person.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[25:35 - 26:50]Reflects on how high school was a toxic environment for both girls and boys.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[26:50 - 28:08]The speaker shares their personal experience with asking for consent before kissing someone.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[28:36 - 28:58]Discusses the idea of "pick me girls" and how it was pushed in high school.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[28:58 - 32:48]The speaker discusses the pressure to support and uplift other women in the gaming community.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[31:41 - 31:49]Mentions how this pressure can sometimes feel forced and alienating.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[32:48 - 34:24]Shares how they may support someone's work but not necessarily like them as a person.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[33:15 - 33:32]Talks about feeling obligated to do things in the streaming scene, but not on social media.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[34:24 - 36:35]They have noticed that the platform is pushing right-wing ideals on them.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[35:00 - 35:20]Examples of this include political party marketing and videos about immigration and women's behavior.

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[35:59 - 36:04]The rise of figures like Andrew Tate, who promote traditional gender roles and success through money, is seen as a result of a lack of media catering to a male audience.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[36:35 - 37:04]The speaker is discussing their experience with Twitter.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[37:04 - 38:24]They mention a recent documentary about Nickelodeon and how TikTok was a source for more information on it.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[37:50 - 38:06]The negative content on Twitter, particularly on the "For You" page, makes the speaker question their consumption of it.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[38:24 - 38:47]The speaker is discussing their experience with Twitter.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[38:47 - 40:13]They mention the recent documentary about Nickelodeon's practices and the allegations against executive producer Dan Schneider.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[40:13 - 41:11]They mention Amanda Bynes and the struggles of child stars in general.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[41:11 - 42:07]The discussion ends on a dark note, with the speaker reflecting on the scary nature of these topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[41:17 - 42:41]The speaker has seen clips about Drake Bell's experience on the show and how it may have impacted his troubled past.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[41:56 - 42:01]The speaker mentions receiving hush money and the difficulty of coming forward with allegations of abuse.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[42:41 - 43:06]The speaker is surprised that Disney hired him back but notes that they have become more strict about firing employees who get into trouble.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[43:06 - 44:18]The speaker mentions receiving hush money and the difficulty of coming forward with allegations of abuse.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[43:36 - 43:52]They mention Amanda Bynes and the struggles of child stars in general.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[44:18 - 45:19]They admire those who have come forward and brought awareness to these issues.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[45:19 - 45:31]The speaker is surprised that Disney hired him back but notes that they have become more strict about firing employees who get into trouble.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[45:31 - 46:12]The conversation shifts to Dan Schneider and Brian Peck, another Nickelodeon employee who was sentenced for child abuse.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[46:20 - 47:06]The speaker is surprised that Disney hired him back but notes that they have become more strict about firing employees who get into trouble.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[47:06 - 47:11]The discussion ends on a dark note, with the speaker reflecting on the scary nature of these topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[47:11 - 47:25]The group is going somewhere, but not everyone has brought their blade.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[47:25 - 48:30]There is a machete that is corroded and rusty from fruit juice, but is still a good weapon.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[48:30 - 48:37]The group is going somewhere, but not everyone has brought their blade.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[48:38 - 49:55]The conversation turns to hypothetical situations where they would have to fight or flight.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[49:03 - 49:08]When asked if they would help a loved one in a dangerous situation, they all agree that they would.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[49:55 - 50:02]The conversation turns to hypothetical situations where they would have to fight or flight.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[50:02 - 52:10]They share their opinions on what they would do if they were bitten by a zombie.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[51:34 - 51:40]The group is going somewhere, but not everyone has brought their blade.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[52:10 - 54:55]They share their opinions on what they would do if they were bitten by a zombie.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[54:55 - 55:17]They mention a show called The Last of Us and discuss the concept of parasites controlling their host's behavior.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[55:17 - 56:38]One person shares a personal experience of seeing a parasite control a praying mantis.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[56:40 - 57:07]The speaker discusses why people like "The Last of Us" due to its scientific realism.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[57:07 - 57:14]The speaker also mentions not wanting to watch the live-action remake of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" because they don't want to taint their love for the original.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[57:14 - 57:55]They believe that child actors are often not great due to how they are directed and it's not their fault.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[57:55 - 58:18]The speaker also mentions not wanting to watch the live-action remake of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" because they don't want to taint their love for the original.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[58:18 - 59:41]They suggest that instead of remaking the original, a live-action version of a different story within the same world would be better.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[58:23 - 58:41]The speaker also mentions not wanting to watch the live-action remake of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" because they don't want to taint their love for the original.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[59:41 - 59:50]They mention not wanting to be associated with their friends who also criticized the same movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[59:50 - 1.00:06]The speaker also mentions not wanting to watch the live-action remake of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" because they don't want to taint their love for the original.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[1.00:06 - 1.00:45]They mention not wanting to be associated with their friends who also criticized the same movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[1.00:45 - 1.01:12]The speaker expresses their love for the "Avatar" franchise and apologizes to Nickelodeon for talking negatively about the actors.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[1.01:12 - 1.02:37]The speaker shares a personal experience of being blacklisted from a movie premiere for criticizing a game and a VR company for talking about watching porn.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[1.01:41 - 1.02:29]The speaker also mentions not wanting to watch the live-action remake of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" because they don't want to taint their love for the original.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[1.01:48 - 1.03:02]The speaker shares a personal experience of being blacklisted from a movie premiere for criticizing a game and a VR company for talking about watching porn.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[1.03:02 - 1.03:49]The speaker shares a personal childhood experience of using the silent treatment.

A youtube thumbnail wor DO YOU ASK BEFORE KISSING? | OfflineTV Podcast #1

[1.04:27 - 1.05:46]They end by summarizing the most important takeaways: not kissing girls without consent, apologizing to Tim for ignoring him, apologizing to Nickelodeon, and expressing dislike towards Dan Schneider.