

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 80: Snowy Sports & Virtual Babes

SuperMegaCast - EP 80: Snowy Sports & Virtual Babes

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[00:01 - 00:07]Introduction to Super Megacast episode 80 with hosts Matt and Ryan

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[00:13 - 00:21]Ryan's self-deprecating jokes about his weight

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[00:46 - 00:53]Discussion about Ryan's physical appearance and underwear choices

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[01:07 - 01:16]Advertisement for MeUndies and its comfortable and stylish underwear

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[02:54 - 03:00]Mention of potential racist comments made by Ryan about Japan

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[04:42 - 04:51]Ryan's recent trip to Japan to visit his girlfriend who is studying abroad

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[05:11 - 05:18]Matt's interruption with a phone call

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[05:36 - 05:45]Matt's trip to Japan and his experiences at Fuji Q Highland amusement park

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[06:14 - 06:20]Riding world record breaking roller coasters at the park

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[06:28 - 06:34]Mention of McDonald's and a joke about Sonic the Hedgehog

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[06:41 - 06:52]Summary of Matt's experience on a roller coaster that goes from zero to 130 kilometers per hour in two seconds

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[00:01 - 06:52]Matt and Ryan discuss their recent experiences, including Ryan's trip to Japan and Matt's trip to an amusement park where he rode world record breaking roller coasters.

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[07:43 - 07:49]Two people, Ryan and Matt, are discussing a roller coaster experience they had.

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[08:50 - 09:15]They mention going on a ride that goes from 0 to 130 kilometers per hour.

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[11:02 - 11:08]They mention seeing warning signs about cancer in California.

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[11:49 - 11:55]They continue talking about roller coasters and Ryan mentions a ride that drops at a steep angle.

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[11:49 - 11:55]They discuss their preferences for different types of roller coasters.

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[12:25 - 12:30]Ryan makes a joke about God accidentally spilling cancer on California while creating the Earth.

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[13:00 - 13:07]They briefly discuss human migration and recommend a YouTube video about the history of the world.

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[13:22 - 13:29]They mention their love for the creator of the video, Bill Wurtz.

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[13:35 - 13:40]Ryan makes a reference to a song and jokes about putting references in the conversation.

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[13:42 - 13:52]Matt suggests that Bill Wurtz come on their podcast.

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[13:42 - 13:52]Ryan makes a joke about stand-up comedians and their first set.

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[06:52 - 13:52]A comprehensive summary of the text is that two people talk about their roller coaster experiences, make references and jokes, discuss cancer warning signs in California, and recommend a YouTube video about human history. They also mention their love for the creator of the video and make a joke about stand-up comedians.

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[13:52 - 14:00] Narrator talks about having a weird Uber drive with an Asian dad driver

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[14:57 - 15:03]Driver speaks with a fake accent and listens to rap music that the narrator can't understand

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[17:30 - 17:36]Narrator and co-host discuss potential new looks, including wearing do-rags and MeUndies underwear

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[18:25 - 18:30]Narrator's Tamagotchi toy gets sick and he struggles to take care of it while recording

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[19:31 - 19:42]Narrator is terrified by the experience, particularly by the giant erect penis in his face

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[20:52 - 20:58]Co-host reveals he set up a VR system and tried VR porn at a friend's house

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[13:52 - 21:17]Narrator shares a strange Uber experience with an Asian dad driver, discusses potential new looks, and reveals his VR porn experience.

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[21:19 - 21:25] The speaker is discussing their fear of physical and intimate contact with female humans.

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[21:32 - 21:39]They talk about the increasing popularity and accessibility of VR technology, and how it will change the way people watch porn in the future.

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[22:50 - 22:59]The speaker shares their love for VR and a specific game they enjoy, but also addresses the issue of animal abuse.

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[26:07 - 26:14]They mention Ellen DeGeneres and her show, and how difficult it must be to host a daily talk show.

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[26:57 - 27:07]The topic shifts to memes and talk shows, with the speaker expressing their dislike for how much they focus on Trump.

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[26:57 - 27:07]The speaker reflects on how talk shows used to cover a variety of topics, but now seem to only focus on Trump.

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[21:19 - 27:52]The speaker discusses their fear of physical intimacy with women, the future of VR technology and its implications, and their opinions on memes and talk shows. They also mention Ellen DeGeneres and the current focus on Trump in media.

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[28:24 - 28:49]Joe Rogan interrupts the podcast, prompting the hosts to discuss their fear of becoming desensitized to the current state of American politics.

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[28:49 - 28:57]They express concern about the merging of show business and politics and the potential consequences.

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[32:08 - 32:13]The hosts discuss the unmemorable movie "Leather Heads" and mistakenly attribute it to Mark Wahlberg.

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[32:52 - 32:58]Ryan shares that he recently watched "Kangaroo Jack" and "Spy Kids 2" in Japan.

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[33:34 - 33:42]The hosts discuss the stereotypical portrayal of Australia in "Kangaroo Jack" and its appeal.

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[33:34 - 33:42]Matt shares that his girlfriend, who is from Australia, was underwhelmed by "Kangaroo Jack."

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[34:13 - 34:19]The hosts summarize their discussion about politics, show business, and movies, and express their fascination with the current state of American politics.

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[34:26 - 34:37]The hosts discuss the movie "Invincible" starring Mark Wahlberg, based on the true story of a bartender who joins the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles.

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[34:38 - 34:47]They express their lack of interest in sports stories, but appreciate the inspirational element of the movie.

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[27:53 - 34:47]Overall, the hosts discuss their concerns about the merging of show business and politics, and express their fascination with the current state of American politics and the potential consequences.

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[34:47 - 35:01] Page content begins with the speaker discussing their lack of interest in sports and their desire to have someone to play catch with.

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[35:10 - 35:17]They explain that they do not enjoy organized sports because they are not good at them and always lose.

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[35:24 - 35:35]The speaker recalls playing sports with their stepdad and stepbrothers, but feeling embarrassed and not understanding the strategies.

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[36:43 - 36:50]They then shift to discussing the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics and the pressure and nerves that come with being an Olympic athlete.

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[39:24 - 39:29]The speaker mentions the documentary "Icarus" about state-sponsored doping in Russia.

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[39:59 - 40:05]They briefly joke about the current state of the US government.

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[40:31 - 40:40]The speaker mentions the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics and the pressure and nerves of being an Olympic athlete.

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[40:40 - 40:46]They briefly mention the documentary "Icarus" and make a joke about the current US government.

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[40:48 - 40:53]The speaker admits to enjoying the stress that comes with watching certain Olympic sports, such as snowboarding, gymnastics, and ice skating.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 80: Snowy Sports & Virtual Babes

[40:48 - 40:53]The speaker discusses their lack of interest in sports and their desire to have someone to play catch with, but not organized sports.

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[40:48 - 40:53]The speaker admits to enjoying the stress of watching specific Olympic sports.

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[40:54 - 41:01]The text ends with the speaker stating that they find it easy to mess up and fall in these sports.

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[40:54 - 41:01]They recall feeling embarrassed and not understanding the strategies while playing sports with their family.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 80: Snowy Sports & Virtual Babes

[34:47 - 41:01]The speaker discusses their lack of interest in sports and their desire for someone to play catch with. They recall feeling embarrassed and not understanding the strategies while playing sports with their family. They mention the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, state-sponsored doping in Russia, and joke about the current US government. The speaker admits to enjoying the stress of watching specific Olympic sports.

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[41:08 - 41:16] The speaker discusses their experience watching the Olympics and expresses a preference for the summer Olympics.

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[42:22 - 42:28]They mention enjoying events such as diving and gymnastics.

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[42:22 - 42:28]They also mention enjoying skiing and snowboarding events.

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[42:50 - 42:57]The speaker talks about the danger of the luge event and the difficulty in getting into that sport.

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[46:08 - 46:15]They then shift the conversation to discussing the movie Lady Bird and their realization of the aging process.

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[46:50 - 46:57]They connect with the mother figure in the movie and mention their own mother.

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[47:13 - 47:18]The speaker wonders if there are any young or older mothers listening to the podcast.

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[41:01 - 47:18]The speaker discusses their love for summer Olympics and certain events, talks about the danger of luge and difficulty in getting into it, and then shifts to discussing the movie Lady Bird and their realization of the aging process and a connection with the mother figure in the movie.

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[47:35 - 47:46] Two young lads thank fathers and step-dads listening to podcast

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[49:10 - 49:17]Recommend movie "Lady Bird"

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[52:08 - 52:19]Saw movie "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing" on plane back from Japan

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[52:08 - 52:19]Would like to see it again

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[53:21 - 53:29]Short and conclusive story

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[53:21 - 53:29]Main actors: Sam Rockwell, Woody Harrelson, and female lead whose name is forgotten

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[53:35 - 53:43]Weird casting choices in Robert Rodriguez movies - George Lopez, Mike Judge, Sylvester Stallone

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[53:35 - 53:43]Quentin Tarantino in deep shit for Roman Polanski comments and Uma Thurman car crash incident

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[53:44 - 53:49]Tony recently watched and enjoyed "Lost in Translation" starring Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson

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[53:49 - 53:56]Realistic ending

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[53:49 - 53:56]Parents should watch movie

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[53:49 - 53:56]Poor quality screen and headphones but still enjoyed it

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[53:49 - 53:56]Recommended movie

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[53:49 - 53:56]Tony recommend movie "Spy Kids 2"

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[53:49 - 53:56]Quentin Tarantino always been socially awkward and inept, uncomfortable in interviews

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[53:49 - 53:56]Likes Quentin Tarantino's movies, not him as a person

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[53:49 - 53:56]Tony recommend movies "Reservoir Dogs", "Pulp Fiction", "Kill Bill Volume 2"

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[53:49 - 53:56]Movie about a washed up actor and a young woman finding themselves in each other

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[53:49 - 53:56]Tony also wants to see "Groundhog Day"

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[53:49 - 53:56]"Lost in Translation" is mainly a collection of slice-of-life scenes

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[47:19 - 53:56]Two young lads thank fathers for listening, recommend movie "Lady Bird", saw and enjoyed "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing" on plane, recommend "Spy Kids 2" and other movies, Quentin Tarantino in controversy, Tony recommends "Reservoir Dogs", "Pulp Fiction", and "Kill Bill Volume 2", enjoyed "Lost in Translation" and wants to see "Groundhog Day".

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[54:01 - 54:08]The speakers discuss the narrative structure of a movie, mentioning an overarching character and character growth presented through slice-of-life scenes.

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[54:08 - 54:17]They mention the movie "Lady Bird" as an example and praise it.

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[54:23 - 54:28]One speaker recommends the movie "My Bloody Valentine" and its soundtrack.

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[55:23 - 55:30]They briefly mention a 3D slasher movie and discuss the history and decline of 3D movies.

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[55:36 - 55:43]The speakers mention the Rooster Teeth podcast and other podcasts they listen to.

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[58:29 - 58:34]They discuss their changing tone and recommend starting with recent episodes or guest episodes.

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[58:42 - 58:50]They mention their sponsor, MeUndies, and end the podcast with their usual sign-off and social media handles.

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[58:50 - 58:58]The podcast is available on YouTube and iTunes every week.

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[58:59 - 59:04]They ask for reviews and ratings on iTunes and mention their struggles with getting on Spotify.

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[53:56 - 59:44]The speakers discuss movie and podcast topics, ask for reviews and ratings, and end with their usual sign-off and social media handles.