

Youtube profile pic for The Trash Taste Awards | Trash Taste #50

The Trash Taste Awards | Trash Taste #50

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[00:04 - 00:10]Introduction to the Trash Taste Podcast's special episode and the hosts all dressed up in suits

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[00:18 - 00:25]Discussion about their suits and a comparison to Jojo suits

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[01:04 - 01:12]Introduction to the Trash Taste awards and the interns who helped organize them

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[02:44 - 02:51]Mention of their one-year anniversary and reflection on how different they were in the first episode

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[05:15 - 05:21]Opening of the wine and discussion about the number of votes received for the awards

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[06:14 - 06:24]Reflection on the success of the past year and hope to continue the awards as a yearly tradition

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[06:48 - 06:53]Summary of the amount of time they have spent talking in the past year and the potential reason for forgetting moments

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[07:08 - 07:14]Reminder that this is not a filler episode and discussion about how they forget many of the moments from the past year due to the amount of content produced

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[00:04 - 07:14]Concise summary of the podcast episode

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[07:14 - 07:20] The hosts discuss their lack of memory about previous episodes

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[07:25 - 07:31]They introduce categories for an award show

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[08:36 - 08:44]They mention that the winners were chosen by audience nominations

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[09:00 - 09:05]They list the 25 categories, including "best intro" and "best episode overall"

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[09:00 - 09:05]They start discussing the nominees for "best intro"

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[09:57 - 10:02]They play the intros and react to them, expressing surprise and confusion

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[13:14 - 13:19]Best intro winner is announced based on audience nominations

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[13:27 - 13:33]They mention their lack of passion for this category

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[13:27 - 13:33]The hosts are mostly indifferent to the outcome and don't have strong opinions on the category

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[13:34 - 13:40]They make jokes about the nominees and express their opinions on which should win

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[13:49 - 13:55]The winner is "big pee-pee nation"

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[13:55 - 14:00]The nominees are "salty salmon slices", "delicious dickheads", "big pee-pee nation", "crazy comedy", "kinda shit on his phone", and "Ladybeard"

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[07:14 - 14:00]The hosts introduce categories for an award show and discuss the nominees for "best intro". They play the intros and react to them, expressing their opinions on the nominees. The winner, "big pee-pee nation", is announced based on audience nominations. The hosts are mostly indifferent to the outcome and don't have strong opinions on the category.

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[15:23 - 15:28]Ladybeard is mentioned as a potential winner of an award

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[16:22 - 16:28]Joey and others discuss the winner of the award

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[16:22 - 16:28]The winner is announced as "Big pee-pee nation"

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[17:19 - 17:28]Discussion about immature topics on the show

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[18:15 - 18:20]Stats and percentages are discussed

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[19:00 - 19:05]Discussion on controversial opinions and hot takes from past episodes

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[19:00 - 19:05]Opinions are debated and defended

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[19:06 - 19:11]Audience is jokingly referred to as "mentally young"

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[19:06 - 19:11]Speculation on why "Big pee-pee nation" won the award

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[20:17 - 20:22]Nominated hot takes include: "crustless pizza is better", "steak is mediocre", "bacon is overrated"

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[20:17 - 20:22]Joey is revealed to be the one who dislikes bacon

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[14:00 - 20:42]Discussion of past hot takes and controversial opinions on the show, including the winner of an award for "Best Intro" being "Big pee-pee nation".

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[20:42 - 20:48] The speaker recalls being on the other side of an argument

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[20:48 - 20:54]They agree that bacon is not great, but then say it is great

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[20:48 - 20:54]They argue over whether steak or bacon is better

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[21:07 - 21:12]The speaker believes that any other part of the pig is better than bacon

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[21:13 - 21:18]They discuss the trend of people saying they like bacon in 2012

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[22:19 - 22:24]One speaker enjoys music because of the "beeps and boops"

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[22:24 - 22:33]They mention the "monkey brain meme"

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[23:24 - 23:32]The speaker says they have never heard anyone else describe music as "beeps and boops"

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[24:13 - 24:19]They discuss the episode in which this hot take was shared

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[24:44 - 24:49]The hosts plug their sponsor, Atzko, and discuss their favorite anime series

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[25:50 - 25:56]The winner of the Trash Taste Hot Take of the Year is announced: "Music is just beeps and boops"

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[26:15 - 26:22]This hot take received 37.5% of the votes

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[26:23 - 26:29]The second place hot take was "Steak is mid"

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[26:23 - 26:29]The third place hot take was "Pineapple on pizza is good"

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[26:54 - 27:06]The speaker shares their dream of crossless and cross gangs sitting at the same table in peace

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[27:06 - 27:12]The speaker declares their pride in the crossless gang rising up

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[20:42 - 27:19]The speaker discusses various hot takes, including the winning hot take of the year, "Music is just beeps and boops," and shares their dream of crossless and cross gangs coexisting peacefully.

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[27:19 - 27:24]The speaker expresses sadness and compares it to Britannia's feelings when Lulu's came through

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[27:26 - 27:32]They are confused about something and mention a bigger category

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[27:48 - 27:54]They discuss a category for best out of context clip and mention four nominations

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[28:36 - 28:50]They mention a clip from a Trash Taste Stream

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[29:21 - 29:33]They mention a convention story where someone was a big asshole

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[29:48 - 29:56]They mention a clip that always makes them mad and another that they remember doing

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[29:48 - 29:56]They discuss another clip that came out of nowhere and stood out

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[31:30 - 31:36]They discuss the top-rated clip and express surprise that it won

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[32:30 - 32:35]They mention another category for screen grab of the year and discuss four nominations

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[33:16 - 33:21]They discuss a clip from episode 20

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[33:48 - 33:54]They mention a degenerate versus normies image and Garnt's favorite image

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[34:29 - 34:36]They mention a moment when they were caught on camera looking at something

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[27:19 - 34:36]The speaker discusses a range of topics including sadness, confusion, and various categories for best clips and images. They also mention specific clips and images that stood out to them and express surprise and confusion at some of the top-rated content.

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[34:36 - 34:43]Moon and Garnt's favorite screen grabs are discussed

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[35:31 - 35:40]Various screen grabs that were memorable and funny are mentioned

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[35:58 - 36:04]The winner of the "Screen Grab of the Year" award is announced

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[37:25 - 37:32]The nominees for "Most Degenerate Moment" are listed

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[37:25 - 37:32]The winner of the "Most Degenerate Moment" award is announced

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[37:38 - 37:43]Clips from the nominated moments are played

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[40:50 - 40:56]A discussion about using Chromecast to watch questionable content ensues

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[41:23 - 41:28]A clip from the "Figurine Now" episode is played

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[41:23 - 41:28]The price of a figurine is revealed to be $170

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[34:36 - 41:35]A comprehensive summary of the podcast's most memorable moments is given.

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[45:41 - 45:47]The topic is the "most degenerate moment" and "most salty moment" on the podcast.

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[47:25 - 47:37]The hosts discuss how all of the moments are degenerate and they are glad they didn't have to pick a winner.

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[47:49 - 47:55]There are six nominations for most degenerate moment, with Sydney winning with 32.3% of the vote.

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[47:56 - 48:05]The hosts mention that the audience's preferences may be different from theirs.

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[48:10 - 48:22]The next category is "salty moments," with three of the nominations coming from the live stream.

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[48:10 - 48:22]The hosts watch clips from the live stream and discuss them, with Joey getting salty about one of the moments.

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[48:40 - 48:45]The next category is "most monkey moment," with the hosts joking that it's like picking the best Quentin Tarantino movie.

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[41:37 - 48:54]The final bullet point is a summary of the previous points, mentioning the categories and winners discussed.

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[48:54 - 49:03] The podcast hosts discuss nominations for an award.

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[49:45 - 49:54]They watch a clip of Joey breaking a bike and discuss his monkey moments.

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[49:45 - 49:54]They watch another clip of Joey forgetting to plug in his graphics card.

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[52:27 - 52:36]They discuss a classic Trash Taste moment where they talk about yelling in the mirror.

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[53:46 - 53:54]They announce the winner for the most monkey moment award.

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[54:27 - 54:34]They discuss Ladybeard's monkey moments during his appearance on the podcast.

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[54:53 - 54:58]The hosts then move on to discussing nominations for the best story award.

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[54:53 - 54:58]The nominees for best story are announced.

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[54:53 - 54:58]The winner for best story is announced.

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[55:07 - 55:12]They reflect on the importance of storytelling in the podcast.

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[55:19 - 55:26]They watch a clip of Joey's story about his parents correcting him.

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[55:19 - 55:26]The hosts discuss their personal experiences with their parents correcting them.

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[48:54 - 55:40]A comprehensive summary of the podcast hosts discussing the nominations and winners for the most monkey moment and best story awards.

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[1.01:54 - 1.02:01] The hosts discuss different moments from the podcast

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[1.02:25 - 1.02:31]The hosts discuss a story about throwing a pumpkin filled with poop at a friend's window

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[1.02:31 - 1.02:37]They also discuss a story about Garnt's family being monks

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[1.02:31 - 1.02:37]The hosts reveal the winner for the best story of the year, which is Connor becoming a chess pro

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[1.02:37 - 1.02:43]They talk about a funny out of context moment involving watching shows with each other

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[1.02:37 - 1.02:43]They move on to discussing the next category, best clown

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[1.02:37 - 1.02:43]The nominations for best clown are revealed, including Garnt, Joey, and Connor

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[1.02:37 - 1.02:43]The winner for best clown is revealed to be Joey

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[1.02:43 - 1.02:48]Joey's parents found out about a job interview story from the podcast

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[1.02:43 - 1.02:48]Joey talks about a funny and awkward elevator ride experience

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[1.02:43 - 1.02:48]They discuss each other's clown moments, including Joey's cross opinion and Garnt's ridiculous photos

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[55:40 - 1.02:48]The hosts move on to the next category, best guest.

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[1.02:50 - 1.02:56] The guests for the podcast are Connor, Garnt, Sydney, and Chris

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[1.03:27 - 1.03:33]They show the camera the award and joke about getting their money's worth

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[1.03:41 - 1.03:46]The group discusses who they want to win the next category, with some wanting Chris to win and others rooting for Garnt

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[1.04:07 - 1.04:16]They announce the winner for the first category, Biggest Clown, and it is revealed to be Connor with a large margin of votes

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[1.06:27 - 1.06:34]They move on to the next category, Biggest Chat, and Ladybeard is announced as the winner with a close second place for Connor and third place for Chris

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[1.08:02 - 1.08:07]The next category is SNCC name and the nominees include Steve Andrews, Caron, Gone, and Connor

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[1.09:06 - 1.09:11]They discuss their nicknames and Garnt expresses his dislike for the nickname "Grant"

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[1.09:43 - 1.09:48]The winner is revealed to be Steve Andrews, also known as Connor, and they discuss their favorite nicknames

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[1.02:50 - 1.09:48]The podcast ends with the group discussing which nickname is their favorite overall

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[1.09:49 - 1.09:55] The speakers discuss their dislike for someone named Grant and their own personal experiences.

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[1.10:19 - 1.10:26]They mention a nickname that has stuck with them since episode one of the podcast.

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[1.10:53 - 1.11:01]They talk about a previous award they won for a different nickname.

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[1.11:45 - 1.12:02]The speakers announce an upcoming special stream where they will build a gaming PC.

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[1.12:53 - 1.13:00]They mention the frequent topic of their complaints about America and list some specific examples.

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[1.12:53 - 1.13:00]They briefly mention their love for America but continue to list complaints about the country.

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[1.14:50 - 1.14:55]They discuss dangerous motels and a previous experience staying at one.

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[1.15:51 - 1.15:57]The speakers discuss dipping fries in milkshakes and one speaker's experience trying it for the first time.

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[1.09:49 - 1.16:20]The overall theme is the speakers' complaints about America and their personal experiences with the country.

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[1.16:20 - 1.16:28]Brad is asked to put a screen show on the best screen

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[1.16:29 - 1.16:34]Discussion about American food being either a 1 or 10 on a scale

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[1.16:34 - 1.16:44]Comparison of American food to White Castle and Five Guys

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[1.16:46 - 1.16:52]Comparison to a show that did a "crazy hot scale for life"

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[1.16:59 - 1.17:06]Discussion about Americans being a different species of human

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[1.17:58 - 1.18:03]Two of the speakers are dating Americans

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[1.18:24 - 1.18:32]Discussion about wearing shoes on bed and how it is gross

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[1.19:10 - 1.19:15]Complaining about American culture and how it is portrayed in media

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[1.20:07 - 1.20:16]Rustage is called out for walking into a house in Japan with his shoes on

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[1.20:54 - 1.20:59]The next category is "Best Meme"

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[1.21:32 - 1.21:37]"Bottom Gear Mates" is spread to multiple subreddits and becomes a popular meme

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[1.22:29 - 1.22:36]Connor doesn't remember the context for a reaction he made

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[1.22:36 - 1.22:42]Nominees include "Bottom Gear Mates", "Don't Quote Us", "Ladybeard Man Hug", "Middle Finger Guy", and "Strange Things"

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[1.22:54 - 1.23:02]They are surprised that the clip about fingering themselves wasn't nominated for "Best Out of Context Clip"

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[1.23:02 - 1.23:08]The last nominee is a clip about someone fingering themselves

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[1.16:20 - 1.23:08]The speakers discuss American food and culture, complain about certain aspects, and then move on to the next category of "Best Meme" where they discuss various nominees and their popularity.

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[1.23:51 - 1.23:56]The group discusses memes and their favorite ones.

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[1.24:28 - 1.24:37]They talk about the "trash taste" meme and its relevance to their show.

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[1.25:09 - 1.25:17]They announce the winner of the "best meme" category, which is the quote collage.

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[1.27:39 - 1.27:46]The next category is "best tangent" and they play a clip from the Ladybeard episode as an example.

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[1.27:39 - 1.27:46]The winner of the "best tangent" category is the Ladybeard episode tangent.

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[1.27:39 - 1.27:46]The group continues to discuss other tangents and stories from previous episodes.

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[1.28:53 - 1.29:00]They discuss tangents about Ladybeard, talking about poop, and Chris hijacking a yacht.

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[1.23:09 - 1.30:09]A comprehensive summary of the conversation is that they talk about memes, announce the winner of the "best meme" category, and discuss tangents from previous episodes. They also mention specific examples such as Ladybeard, talking about poop, and Chris hijacking a yacht.

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[1.30:09 - 1.30:16] The speaker dropped a wine bottle opener in disgust because someone didn't tell them about something.

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[1.30:22 - 1.30:29]The group discusses various anime series and how some are not considered canon.

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[1.31:21 - 1.31:26]They go on a tangent about America and how they like to make fun of it.

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[1.32:16 - 1.32:23]They discuss a tangent about a Lady-beard shower curtain and how it became a big topic.

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[1.33:09 - 1.33:15]They talk about their Trash Taste specials and funny moments, such as breaking cars and winning a chess tournament.

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[1.36:00 - 1.36:06]They also mention a cycling meltdown and almost dying in a drift car.

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[1.36:56 - 1.37:02]They talk about cheating in cycling and the winner is announced.

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[1.30:09 - 1.37:22]This audio is a discussion about various tangents and funny moments from the Trash Taste podcast.

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[1.37:34 - 1.37:49] Discussing the filming of specials and the difficulty of filming the drifting and cycling scenes.

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[1.38:29 - 1.38:34]Mentioning the MVP of the cycling special and the amount of footage filmed for it.

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[1.39:37 - 1.39:46]Announcing the winner of the most iconic moment of the Trash Taste specials.

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[1.41:06 - 1.41:12]Moving on to the drip category and announcing the winner of the "drip" award.

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[1.41:55 - 1.42:01]Introducing the category for "laziest drip" and discussing the various nominees.

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[1.41:55 - 1.42:01]Revealing the winner of the "laziest drip" award.

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[1.42:01 - 1.42:10]Speculating on who should win the "laziest drip" award.

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[1.42:25 - 1.42:36]Mentioning that Chris was originally nominated for the award but was removed due to only being in two episodes.

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[1.37:22 - 1.44:21]Concluding with a humorous discussion about Joey's lack of fashion variety.

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[1.44:22 - 1.44:27]Joey walks in wearing an outfit that Garnt and Connor deem as the "least Joey outfit ever seen"

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[1.46:02 - 1.46:08]The results show that Connor had 29 unique outfits, but Chris Broad wins the "laziest drip" award with 50.8%

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[1.47:00 - 1.47:06]Garnt and Connor discuss their own personal fashion choices and the results of a Reddit user's calculations on the laziest drip

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[1.50:19 - 1.50:30]The winner is Jujutsu Kaisen with a 2 vote difference and second place goes to Mori Calliope's animation

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[1.51:11 - 1.51:17]Third, fourth, and fifth places go to the Great Burger Debate, How Connor Wakes Up, and Trash Taste on the Rocks respectively

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[1.51:24 - 1.51:34]The next category is the "Trash Taste Animated Award" with 5 nominees including the Great Burger Debate, Judas the Kite's Trash Taste Collab, Mori Calliope's inability to say the F word, Trash Taste on the Rocks, and Trash Taste Animated

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[1.51:24 - 1.51:34]If you want to submit animations, title them "Trash Taste Animated"

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[1.44:22 - 1.51:34]Overall, Joey's outfit, the laziest drip award, and the Trash Taste Animated Award are discussed and awarded.

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[1.51:35 - 1.51:45]Audio discusses finding and animating moments for a Twitter page

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[1.52:04 - 1.52:10]Best rant category is discussed and nominees are listed

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[1.55:56 - 1.56:02]Other notable rants and their clips are played and discussed

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[1.56:32 - 1.56:39]The winner for best rant is announced (Great Burger debate)

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[1.56:49 - 1.56:54]Great Burger debate clip is played and discussed

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[1.58:08 - 1.58:14]Catchphrase of the year category is discussed and nominees are listed

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[1.58:08 - 1.58:14]The winner for catchphrase of the year is announced

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[1.58:20 - 1.58:26]Discussion about the "X with attitude" catchphrase and its origin

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[1.58:34 - 1.58:42]The "diamond in the rough" catchphrase is discussed and laughed about among friends

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[1.51:35 - 1.58:48]Overall, the audio discusses animation, best rant and catchphrase categories, and announces the winners for each category.

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[1.58:48 - 1.58:55]Off camera, friends joke about iconic catchphrase

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[1.59:02 - 1.59:08]Catchphrase named and used often, hits different

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[1.59:02 - 1.59:08]Did not invent catchphrase, but say it a lot

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[1.59:27 - 1.59:33]Started saying "I fuck with this" ironically, now say it all the time

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[1.59:45 - 1.59:51]Bittersweet win, hoping for "why are you laughing, mate?" to win

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[1.59:57 - 2.00:07]Trendsetter, catchphrase of the year is "it hits different"

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[1.59:57 - 2.00:07]Card revealed, "it hits different" wins with 49.7%

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[2.01:04 - 2.01:11]Guests of the year category announced

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[2.03:04 - 2.03:09]Ten guests this year, most episodes had guests

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[2.03:31 - 2.03:43]Importance of chemistry and connection with guests

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[2.04:10 - 2.04:16]Favorite part is hanging out afterwards

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[2.05:06 - 2.05:12]Winner announced, viewers voted Chris as guest of the year with 37.2%

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[2.05:12 - 2.05:18]Chris also won "biggest clown", "laziest trip", and "best-kissed"

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[2.05:18 - 2.05:25]Chris may be in running for biggest clown next year

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[2.05:31 - 2.05:37]Chris likely to show up unexpectedly on next episode

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[1.58:48 - 2.05:49]Off camera, friends joke about iconic catchphrase "it hits different" which won catchphrase of the year with 49.7% of votes. Chris was voted guest of the year with 37.2% of votes and also won "biggest clown", "laziest trip", and "best-kissed". Ten guests this year, most episodes had guests and importance of chemistry and connection with guests. Favorite part is hanging out afterwards.

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[2.05:49 - 2.05:54] Chris texts the group about recording a podcast

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[2.05:54 - 2.06:00]They reminisce about their first episode and how they didn't expect anyone to watch

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[2.06:35 - 2.06:43]The group acknowledges the guests who have made the show better

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[2.06:56 - 2.07:01]They discuss their arguments and the nominees for the "Best Argument" category

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[2.06:56 - 2.07:01]The winner of the "Best Argument" category is announced and discussed

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[2.11:12 - 2.11:17]The group discusses each special and their personal opinions on them

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[2.11:25 - 2.11:30]The next category, "Trash Taste Special," is introduced

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[2.12:11 - 2.12:17]The three nominees for the "Trash Taste Special" category are listed: Chest Tournament, Real Tokyo Drifting, Cycling Across Japan

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[2.12:17 - 2.12:23]The group concludes that the cycling special is the best out of the three

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[2.12:30 - 2.12:38]The cycling special is considered the best showcase of their chemistry

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[2.12:30 - 2.12:38]The drifting special was a proof of concept for future specials

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[2.12:39 - 2.12:44]The walkie talkies were a highlight of the cycling special

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[2.12:45 - 2.12:53]The group reflects on how boring the specials would have been without the walkie talkies

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[2.05:49 - 2.12:53]The text ends with a summary of all previous points, emphasizing the importance of the guests and the success of the podcast.

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[2.12:53 - 2.13:00]Trash taste podcast discussing the quality of thumbnails and videos

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[2.13:54 - 2.14:02]The cycling special was voted as the best trash taste special of the year

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[2.15:52 - 2.15:58]The crewing or game-ing debate, Connor's motherner's breast debate, and the bidet debate were nominated for best trash taste moment

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[2.17:22 - 2.17:29]The winner for best trash taste moment was Connor's mother knows breast

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[2.18:45 - 2.18:53]Shout outs to fans for their edits and art

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[2.19:37 - 2.19:42]Surprise gift for the hosts from a fan

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[2.12:53 - 2.20:09]The viewers were unable to narrow down the best fan edits and art, showing appreciation for all submissions

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[2.20:21 - 2.20:29]The speaker discusses a fan art competition on Reddit and the top voted entries.

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[2.20:42 - 2.20:49]They reveal a framed picture of the highest rated fan edit and express their surprise and appreciation.

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[2.22:00 - 2.22:06]They discuss the success of the podcast and their initial expectations.

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[2.25:08 - 2.25:16]The speaker thanks their co-hosts and expresses their pride in their growth and contribution to the podcast.

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[2.25:33 - 2.25:39]The speaker expresses their gratitude towards the audience for their dedication and support.

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[2.25:33 - 2.25:39]A final note of appreciation and farewell is expressed.

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[2.25:46 - 2.26:01]They thank Maelin for bringing them to Japan and creating the opportunity for the podcast.

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[2.26:55 - 2.27:02]They reflect on how the podcast has boosted their confidence and validated their personalities.

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[2.20:09 - 2.27:20]Overall, the speaker thanks the Reddit community, co-hosts, Maelin, and audience for their contributions to the success of the podcast and their personal growth.

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[2.27:20 - 2.27:27] The boys discuss their friendship and gratitude for each other.

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[2.27:34 - 2.27:43]They introduce the final category, "Best Episode of Trash Taste".

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[2.27:34 - 2.27:43]They mention that guest episodes were not considered for this category.

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[2.27:44 - 2.27:50]They discuss the impact of each episode and why they were chosen.

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[2.27:50 - 2.27:57]The nominations were based on the funniest episodes to film.

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[2.27:57 - 2.28:05]They share their personal favorites and the fun they had filming each episode.

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[2.28:05 - 2.28:10]The nominees are "How Not to Buy Anime Figures", "College Horror Stories", "Worst Fandoms in Anime", "The Japanese Food You've Never Tried", "Roasting Our Horrible Anime Taste", and "The Hentai Episode".

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[2.29:23 - 2.29:29]They mention the success of the episodes and how it helped boost the channel.

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[2.33:13 - 2.33:20]They reveal that the viewers will decide the ultimate winner.

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[2.27:20 - 2.34:14]The winner will be announced as the final award for the first annual Trash Taste Awards.

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[2.34:14 - 2.34:20]Best episode for season one is The Hentai episode

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[2.34:26 - 2.34:31]The group congratulates each other on the award

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[2.35:35 - 2.35:41]They talk about how Trash Taste represents their friendship off-camera

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[2.36:44 - 2.36:49]They discuss the results and appreciate all the episodes

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[2.37:00 - 2.37:10]They thank their patrons and encourage support on Patreon

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[2.37:56 - 2.38:02]They express excitement for more specials, international guests, and casual content

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[2.38:21 - 2.38:29]They mention the cramped current studio and tease the new studio

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[2.39:26 - 2.39:32]They end with gratitude for the past year and excitement for the future

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[2.34:14 - 2.39:35]The group discusses the award for best episode of season one, thanks their patrons, and expresses excitement for future content and the new studio.