

Youtube profile pic for Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[00:00 - 01:24]They describe a hoodie with a pouch and items that can fit inside like a banana peel and a card.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[00:59 - 02:19]The person talks about working at a 7-11 and having a secret cash drawer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[01:24 - 05:59]The conversation shifts to a dream where they won 60 million dollars from Nick Jonas in a poker game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[04:50 - 06:26]A person talks about a line of merchandise that is being released on a Friday.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[04:56 - 06:26]They discuss how Taiwan is making computer chips and fake revolvers

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[05:23 - 05:59]The conversation turns to pandas and how China took them from the US four days ago

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[05:23 - 06:41]The conversation shifts to a dream where they won 60 million dollars from Nick Jonas in a poker game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[05:59 - 09:11]The conversation ends with a comparison to how the speaker is bullied in online gaming by Nick Yingling.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[06:15 - 08:42]They also mention a Call of Duty tournament with a $150,000 prize and their team lineup.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[07:04 - 10:59]One of the team members, Mango, can't play on certain days due to prior commitments.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[09:11 - 10:59]The speaker's "panda" is his girlfriend, and they joke about how she could be taken away by someone else

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[10:15 - 11:48]The person talks about attending a birthday party for someone named Sarah and getting recognized as a YouTuber.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[10:15 - 11:48]The speaker's "soft power" is his ability to create viral content and ideas

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[11:56 - 12:57]They also mention a pouch-less shirt with a design on the back and denim overalls.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[11:56 - 12:57]The conversation ends with a comparison to how the speaker is bullied in online gaming by Nick Yingling.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[12:26 - 12:49]The speaker walks into a room and is shown a product made in Taiwan

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[12:26 - 15:23]The person talks about attending a birthday party for someone named Sarah and getting recognized as a YouTuber.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[12:57 - 14:59]The speaker's "panda" is his girlfriend, and they joke about how she could be taken away by someone else

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[13:58 - 16:12]They mention a coworker who saved up tips to buy a ring for their wife.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[14:59 - 15:56]The person talks about attending a birthday party for someone named Sarah and getting recognized as a YouTuber.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[15:23 - 16:57]The conversation ends with a comparison to how the speaker is bullied in online gaming by Nick Yingling.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[15:56 - 16:45]The speaker's "panda" is his girlfriend, and they joke about how she could be taken away by someone else

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[15:56 - 16:45]Someone asks Ludwig to say hi or wish them happy birthday.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[16:12 - 16:45]They mention four women in the picture and guessing which one is Sarah, but the picture cannot be shown.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[16:51 - 20:47]One of his teammates has a gamer tag that confuses people.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[19:46 - 21:00]They discuss how people are going for individual clips to win the money.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[21:00 - 22:38]Ludwig talks about playing chess and trying to beat Tyler1's score.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[22:05 - 24:23]They discuss a tournament in New York where Ludwig loses and his teammate, Josh, gets 9th place.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[23:24 - 26:20]Ludwig talks about playing chess and trying to beat Tyler1's score.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[25:07 - 25:51]They discuss a tournament in New York where Ludwig loses and his teammate, Josh, gets 9th place.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[25:52 - 27:34]Magi has a different sleep schedule and asks Josh about his favorite soda at 4 AM.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[26:37 - 30:25]Person named Ludwig is a victim of their own prank.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[27:34 - 28:25]Magi has a different sleep schedule and asks Josh about his favorite soda at 4 AM.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[28:18 - 30:16]The hosts discuss the affordability of Mint Mobile's wireless plan, even for those in jail.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[28:25 - 32:47]They talk about playing a game with multiple iterations against a friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[28:45 - 29:57]They discuss how people are going for individual clips to win the money.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[32:47 - 35:12]They also discuss a potential Mario Kart Wii competition with a beer drinking handicap.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[32:57 - 34:39]They talk about playing a game with multiple iterations against a friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[35:12 - 36:02]They also discuss a potential Mario Kart Wii competition with a beer drinking handicap.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[36:02 - 39:01]The conversation turns to a beer made with yeast from a model's vagina.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[38:50 - 40:28]The hosts joke about the return of their old tricks and discuss the host's mustache.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[40:07 - 41:57]The speaker mentions a man who is attractive and talks about abstaining from masturbation and writing a novel

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[40:28 - 41:57]They mention Movember and its purpose of raising awareness for men's health issues.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[41:57 - 42:46]The conversation turns to a beer made with yeast from a model's vagina.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[41:57 - 43:18]The speaker talks about having a wet dream and losing the "No Nut November" challenge on the first day

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[43:18 - 44:53]They mention dreaming about eating a burger and making out with someone in a Burger King, and having a weird dream about not being able to move their things with the help of someone named Aiden

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[44:53 - 47:15]The speaker mentions a man who is attractive and talks about abstaining from masturbation and writing a novel

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[47:16 - 54:00]The speaker talks about trying to provoke their teammate by making assumptions about their personal life

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[50:25 - 51:08]Two people have a conversation about playing video games, specifically Overwatch and Call of Duty.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[51:09 - 53:48]They move on to discuss their friend who is good at getting people together to do things.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[51:19 - 52:35]Two people have a conversation about playing video games, specifically Overwatch and Call of Duty.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[52:51 - 53:36]They move on to discuss their friend who is good at getting people together to do things.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[53:48 - 54:00]The other person brings up the question of whether the most fun thing in a video game is winning or having maximum enjoyment.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[54:00 - 54:05]They move on to discuss their friend who is good at getting people together to do things.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[54:00 - 54:10]The speaker mentions a man who is attractive and talks about abstaining from masturbation and writing a novel

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[54:05 - 55:16]One person mentions that they used to play Call of Duty as a teenager and only cared about getting kills, but now they play with a friend and focus on winning and completing objectives.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[55:16 - 56:52]The other person brings up the question of whether the most fun thing in a video game is winning or having maximum enjoyment.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[56:52 - 58:01]One person suggests playing basketball together as a new activity, but the other person is hesitant because they don't like basketball.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[57:24 - 58:38]They then discuss their friendship and how they don't hang out as much anymore.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[58:01 - 58:14]The conversation then transitions to a sponsored ad for Hello Fresh.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[58:20 - 59:54]They move on to discuss their friend who is good at getting people together to do things.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[59:01 - 59:41]Two people have a conversation about playing video games, specifically Overwatch and Call of Duty.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[59:54 - 1.02:10]The conversation then transitions to a sponsored ad for Hello Fresh.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.01:24 - 1.02:03]One person suggests playing basketball together as a new activity, but the other person is hesitant because they don't like basketball.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.01:24 - 1.02:20]The speaker talks about trimming their mustache and teaching someone how to do it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.01:35 - 1.02:28]They discuss wanting to ride on a mustache and compare it to driving a car.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.02:28 - 1.04:47]They talk about a girl who loves spiders and reading, and the speaker's experience playing game battles.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.02:54 - 1.06:01]The conversation shifts to a book club and the speaker's struggle to finish a book.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.06:16 - 1.08:05]They discuss the weight of a table and the speaker's inability to move it alone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.07:31 - 1.11:14]The speaker reveals that the person they were playing against in game battles is actually a well-known player.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.10:05 - 1.12:21]The speaker talks about trimming their mustache and teaching someone how to do it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.12:06 - 1.13:31]They discuss the weight of a table and the speaker's inability to move it alone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.13:11 - 1.14:59]The speaker talks about watching "The Last Samurai" and "Johnny English."

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.14:19 - 1.16:25]The speakers discuss a movie about people being made small, which they saw on TikTok

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.14:25 - 1.16:09]They discuss a movie with a crazy cast, including Matt Damon and the guy from Inglourious Basterds

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.15:51 - 1.17:22]They mention that Michael has been saying "big for me" a lot on his stream

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.17:23 - 1.19:16]They end the podcast with a mirrored shot and discuss neck pain from turning to talk to each other

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.19:40 - 1.20:37]They mention that Michael has been saying "big for me" a lot on his stream

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.20:20 - 1.21:21]They talk about a game called Watermelon speedrun and how it is the number one game in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.21:21 - 1.22:51]They discuss the upcoming Game Awards and how it is a sham

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.22:57 - 1.26:45]They argue about a person being a product of their environment and the possibility of even someone like Hitler being perceived as nice

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.26:09 - 1.28:18]They end the podcast with a mirrored shot and discuss neck pain from turning to talk to each other

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.26:22 - 1.26:40]The speakers talk about playing Call of Duty and doing a mock version of the show Storage Wars

A youtube thumbnail wor Our dumbest idea yet. | The Yard

[1.26:46 - 1.28:31]They end the podcast with a mirrored shot and discuss neck pain from turning to talk to each other