

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

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[00:22 - 00:28]Kanye released a song that Drake wanted, leading to speculation about the true story behind it

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[00:35 - 00:54]The hosts of the podcast, SuperMegaCast, discuss the upcoming 300th episode

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[01:48 - 01:59]They mention that their setup is currently in a state of disarray due to needing to iron curtains

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[04:32 - 04:44]The host, Matt, reveals that he burned himself with boiling water while trying to clean a protein shake stain

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[04:32 - 04:44]The co-host, Ryan, comments on Matt's resilient skin

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[04:51 - 04:57]The hosts joke about Matt's "white boy summer" incident

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[07:02 - 07:10]Despite the severity of the burns, he did not go to the hospital and is grateful that it was not worse

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[07:25 - 07:31]The conversation shifts to appreciating the complexity of the human body and the movements of tendons

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[07:31 - 07:40]He describes the extent of his burns and the pain he experienced

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[00:00 - 08:14]The podcast ends with a concise summary of the events and conversation.

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[08:20 - 08:28]Man describes being in shock after burning himself

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[08:50 - 08:57]He immediately runs the burned area under cold water

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[08:50 - 08:57]He mentions getting burned with a hot splash, possibly from cooking

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[08:57 - 09:02]He goes to CVS for medication and wraps his arm

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[11:06 - 11:15]He remembers a Family Guy bit about a mouse

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[13:10 - 13:17]He talks about jerking off into a sock as a teenager

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[14:52 - 14:57]He and his friend debate the effectiveness of pharmaceutical drugs

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[14:58 - 15:10]They discuss Tom Cruise's stance on anti-depressants

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[15:39 - 15:52]They joke about joining Scientology

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[15:52 - 16:04]They mention the possibility of a sequel to the documentary "Going Clear"

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[16:04 - 16:11]They speculate on what new information may come out about Scientology in the future

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[16:57 - 17:04]They joke about a friend who is good at "pumping and dumping"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[16:57 - 17:04]They joke about a friend who is good at "pumping and dumping"

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[17:04 - 17:19]The man jokes about losing his penis and the podcast goes to an ad break

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[08:14 - 17:19]The man talks about burning himself, discusses Family Guy, talks about jerking off into a sock, debates pharmaceutical drugs, mentions Scientology and Tom Cruise, and jokes about a friend's sexual escapades.

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[17:19 - 17:53] The speaker has their own podcast and uses Raycon wireless earbuds to listen to it.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[17:53 - 18:01]The speaker enjoys wearing the earbuds in public and on planes.

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[18:08 - 18:32]Raycon's everyday earbuds have optimized gel tips, three sound profiles, and noise isolation.

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[18:08 - 18:32]Raycon offers the same quality audio as premium brands at half the price.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[18:08 - 18:32]The speaker has seen people use Raycons in extreme situations and they still work.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[21:31 - 21:44]Better Call Saul's final six episodes will air on July 11th.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[21:44 - 22:06]The speaker has a countdown app for things they are excited for.

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[21:44 - 22:06]They also have a countdown for when their album is released.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[22:36 - 22:44]They discuss how they could go for Arby's, but it's not actually good.

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[23:31 - 23:37]The speaker's back is still in pain and they forgot to take their pain medication.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[23:47 - 23:55]They mention their sister's job and recent achievements.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[23:55 - 24:08]The speaker has a sarcastic tone about their sister's accomplishments.

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[24:27 - 24:45]They discuss how they sometimes have a different tone on the outside than how they feel on the inside.

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[24:53 - 25:00]The speaker is happy and glad that Ryan is back.

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[25:14 - 25:20]They mention having to put their coworker in their place.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[25:21 - 25:33]The speaker has a burn on their arm but doesn't need pain medication.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[25:43 - 26:06]They ask if they should just accept that they can't go to movie theaters or play video games comfortably.

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[25:43 - 26:06]The speaker asks the audience for advice on their physical ailments.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[17:19 - 26:06]The speaker talks about their podcast and use of Raycon wireless earbuds, discusses upcoming episodes of Better Call Saul, mentions countdown apps for things they are excited for, and asks for advice on dealing with physical ailments.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[26:19 - 26:26] The speaker discusses wanting to see a movie in theaters but has trouble sitting for long periods of time due to sciatica

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[27:05 - 27:13]They mention using a special device or cream to help with the pain and make them more comfortable

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[27:23 - 27:30]The speaker talks about their recent MRI and not receiving the results yet

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[28:01 - 28:13]They mention the lack of response from their doctor and needing surgery for their septum

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[29:04 - 29:17]The speaker brings up the failed promise of Bill Clinton to reduce medical paperwork

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[29:18 - 29:23]They joke about Clinton's infamous affair and other controversial actions

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[31:52 - 32:00]The speaker discusses the simplicity of other languages compared to English

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[32:38 - 32:47]They joke about Americans being perceived as dumb and mention a French parody of Pulp Fiction

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[33:14 - 33:44]They take a break for an advertisement for Curology skincare products and a message from their sponsor

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[34:15 - 34:41]The speaker mentions using Keeps to keep their hair and promotes the service

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[26:06 - 34:41]The speaker discusses their struggles with sciatica and their desire to see a movie in theaters. They mention using a device or cream for pain relief and discuss their recent MRI and doctor's lack of response. They also joke about Bill Clinton's failed promise to reduce medical paperwork and discuss the simplicity of other languages compared to English. They also take a break for an advertisement and promotion for Curology skincare products and Keeps for maintaining hair.

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[34:41 - 35:16]Keeps offers affordable hair loss treatment plans, starting at just $10 per month

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[35:24 - 35:50]They have a network of medical advisors and specialists to support customers in achieving their hair goals

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[36:39 - 36:46]Treatment plans include generic versions of FDA-approved medications

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[38:44 - 38:49]Keeps offers a free first month of treatment at

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[39:52 - 39:58]Results may take 4-6 months to see

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[40:33 - 40:39]Prevention is key

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[40:46 - 40:51]The narrator and his friend use Keeps to maintain their hair and look youthful

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[40:46 - 40:51]The narrator and his friend joke about smoking "chronic" (marijuana)

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[41:37 - 41:44]The narrator and his friend joke about spreading misinformation and inappropriate teacher responses

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[41:44 - 42:03]The narrator has been injured since April 20th and can't do much besides rest

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[42:17 - 42:27]Due to the narrator's injury, recording sessions must be shorter and more frequent, and they have a guest sleeping in their recording room

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[42:27 - 42:48]A suggestion is made to build a tiny guest house for friends to stay in

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[42:48 - 42:55]Keeps provides discrete packaging and proven results

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[42:48 - 42:55]He is working on a secret project and saving money to buy his mom a house

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[34:41 - 43:09]Keeps offers affordable hair loss treatment plans with medical support and discreet packaging. The narrator and his friend use Keeps to maintain their hair and joke about smoking "chronic". The narrator is recovering from an injury and working on a secret project to buy his mom a house. They also joke about spreading misinformation and inappropriate teacher responses, and have a guest sleeping in their recording room.

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[43:40 - 43:47]Person is experiencing discomfort while talking

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[48:46 - 48:52]They mention someone named McGee who needs to lay down and take walks

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[48:46 - 48:52]They discuss the person's sciatica and potential recovery time

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[48:46 - 48:52]They mention starting physical therapy

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[48:52 - 49:02]They joke about fighting the trainer who caused the injury

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[48:52 - 49:02]Person expresses concern about the injury lasting for years

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[49:14 - 49:20]They discuss the possibility of taking anti-inflammatory medication

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[49:14 - 49:20]They discuss the possibility of training a rabbit to use a designated bathroom area

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[49:14 - 49:20]They discuss the possibility of training a rabbit to use a designated bathroom area

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[49:34 - 49:41]They joke about getting shot by boogie for content

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[49:52 - 49:57]Person is grossed out by their own actions

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[49:52 - 49:57]They mention giving a rabbit muscle relaxers

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[49:58 - 50:06]They discuss potential scenarios for their deaths

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[50:40 - 50:50]They mention swallowing spit and boogers

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[50:40 - 50:50]They mention a person named boogie and a mugshot with a gun

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[43:10 - 51:06]Person discusses potentially writing a book about their experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[51:06 - 51:27]Discussion about a potential show with a "boogie" theme

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[51:35 - 51:45]Mention of a song and licensing it

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[51:45 - 51:56]Joking about being a lawyer and representing entertainment firms

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[53:07 - 53:20]Mention of needing to clean and vacuum

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[54:20 - 54:26]Mention of a child named Justin and him staying at different houses

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[54:46 - 54:56]Discussion about taking naps

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[55:39 - 55:48]Mention of a character named Neil deGrasse Tyson

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[55:48 - 55:53]Mention of the movie Zoolander 2 and Anchorman

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[57:05 - 57:14]Discussion about writing a book and not having enough time

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[58:34 - 58:55]Mention of the movie Minions and Jurassic World

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[58:55 - 59:07]Ban on Twitch for saying "cracker"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 299: The Boiling Water Incident

[51:06 - 59:09]A group of individuals discuss various topics such as potential show themes, song licensing, child custody, cleaning, napping, movies and writing a book. The conversation ends with a mention of a ban on Twitch for using a derogatory term.