

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 84: IncelMega

SuperMegaCast - EP 84: IncelMega

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[00:16 - 00:22]Ryan and Matt introduce episode 84 of their podcast, Super Mega Cast

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[00:22 - 00:32]They joke about knock-off versions of their podcast and how their name is easily brandable

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[01:25 - 01:33]They thank their sponsor, Me Andes, and discuss the benefits of their underwear

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[03:48 - 04:05]The topic of the Oscars comes up, and they discuss the winners and their personal picks

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[04:27 - 04:33]The podcast ends with a summary of their discussion about the Oscars and bright light sneezing

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[05:25 - 05:31]They take a brief break so Matt can sneeze, and they discuss the genetic trait of sneezing when looking at bright lights

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[05:57 - 06:09]Ryan argues that this trait is actually evolutionarily advantageous

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[00:01 - 06:15]Ryan and Matt introduce episode 84 of Super Mega Cast and discuss their sponsor, Me Andes. They then talk about the Oscars and their personal picks for the winners. They briefly discuss the genetic trait of sneezing when looking at bright lights and argue its evolutionary benefits. The podcast ends with a summary of their discussion.

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[06:15 - 06:21] You and I are good, evolutionarily on top

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[06:21 - 06:30]Gave high five, back to talking about Oscars

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[06:30 - 06:35]Saw 0% of Oscars, talked about movies

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[06:42 - 06:47]Saw The Post and Three Billboards, didn't see Shape of Water

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[06:48 - 06:53]Get Out won Best Original Screenplay and Director

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[07:19 - 07:31]Excited for Pacific Rim 2, not as offensive as Transformers

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[07:19 - 07:31]Possible product placement in Pacific Rim 2

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[08:02 - 08:08]Discussed product placement in Hawaii Five O

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[11:12 - 11:26]Mocked Jared Fogle and his paintings in prison

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[11:42 - 11:48]Judge calls Ryan and asks for apology to Jared

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[11:42 - 11:48]Ryan would apologize but then spit in Jared's face

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[06:15 - 12:51]Discussed movies and Oscars, including Pacific Rim 2 and product placement, and mocked Jared Fogle and his paintings in prison. Judge calls for apology to Jared, but Ryan would apologize and then spit in his face.

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[12:52 - 13:00] Person talking about going to see Jared Fogle in jail and laughing at him

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[14:20 - 14:26]Speculation about the impact on the Jared jewelry brand after the news broke

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[14:20 - 14:26]Discussion of the trend in baby names after Jared's scandal

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[14:53 - 15:01]Discussion of how Jared was caught because of a friend recording his conversations

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[15:07 - 15:12]Speculation about whether Jared likes Subway or not

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[16:17 - 16:32]Ideas for a new apartment complex with a donut and coffee delivery service

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[18:37 - 18:45]Personal reflection on adulthood and taking responsibility for granted

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[19:39 - 19:45]Realization of the weight and responsibility of being a parent

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[19:45 - 20:07]Discussion of work-life balance and the difficulty of planning with a child

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[12:52 - 20:07]Person reflects on their desire to see Jared Fogle in jail, discusses his love/hate relationship with Subway, and contemplates the impact of Jared's scandal on his jewelry brand and the trend in baby names. They also discuss the idea of a new apartment complex with a donut and coffee delivery service, and reflect on the weight and responsibility of adulthood and parenthood.

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[20:08 - 20:15] The speaker mentions crazy events and gives a shoutout to parents with kids under 18

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[20:26 - 20:33]Shoutout to good parents and a warning to bad ones

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[21:58 - 22:08]Shoutout to women on International Women's Day

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[24:19 - 24:27]The speaker and Ryan talk about recording in a hot room and take a break

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[25:21 - 25:28]Ryan mentions watching Nintendo Direct and the new Super Smash Bros game

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[27:18 - 27:32]Ryan wants a new Animal Crossing game for the Switch

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 84: IncelMega

[27:18 - 27:32]The speaker and Ryan discuss the appeal of Animal Crossing and the potential for details on the Switch version

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[27:32 - 27:40]The speaker mentions not playing his Switch much and not playing video games much in general

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[20:08 - 27:40]Overall, the speaker and Ryan discuss various topics including crazy events, parenting, women's day, recording, and upcoming video games, particularly the new Super Smash Bros and the desire for a new Animal Crossing game for the Switch.

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[27:40 - 27:46]Speaker discussing their lack of time for gaming and their recent activities

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[28:34 - 28:48]Recommends a Netflix documentary called "Flint Town" which they found interesting

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[28:55 - 29:32]Mentions the documentary's focus on racial tensions and both sides of the story

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[30:58 - 31:13]Talks about their own interpretation of the word "chastise"

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[34:00 - 34:38]Discussion of a YouTube documentary about incels and their entitlement towards sex and relationships

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[34:00 - 34:38]Speaker argues that incels could better themselves instead of blaming others for their lack of success in these areas

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[35:40 - 35:59]Women do not owe men sex and relationships, and there are many examples of people with physical or societal disadvantages who are still able to have fulfilling relationships

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[27:40 - 36:20]Speaker discusses their recent activities and recommends a Netflix documentary about the town of Flint and its racial tensions. They also briefly discuss their own interpretation of a word and then move onto a YouTube documentary about incels and their entitlement towards sex and relationships. The speaker argues that incels should focus on bettering themselves instead of blaming others for their lack of success, and that women do not owe men anything.

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[36:20 - 36:33] Lack of understanding of opposite sex causes bad personalities

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[36:33 - 36:55]Women have the choice to date whoever they want

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[36:33 - 36:55]Need to focus on self and improve personality rather than blaming looks or women

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[37:33 - 37:58]Incel community has a common denominator of self-hatred

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 84: IncelMega

[37:33 - 37:58]Some incels mask their self-hatred with hatred towards women

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[37:33 - 37:58]Immature mindset of envy towards more successful men

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[38:22 - 38:39]Confidence is key, not desperation or bitterness

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[38:39 - 38:58]Douchebags, bitches, and hoes will always have sex with different types of personalities

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[38:58 - 39:08]Self-reflection is necessary for incels

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[39:34 - 40:01]Starting a pickup artist channel with smooch cam and rat tails

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[40:13 - 40:29]Some people are attracted to success in picking up women, others use it for personal gain

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[43:03 - 43:12]Los Angeles water has residue and calcium, but not necessarily harmful

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 84: IncelMega

[36:20 - 44:00]Lack of understanding and self-hatred leads incels to blame women for their problems, but self-reflection and focusing on self-improvement is necessary. Starting a pickup artist channel with questionable tactics and discussion of LA water.

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[44:00 - 44:15]The speaker discusses a video or image of Ted Cruz with something on his lip

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[44:31 - 44:40]The speaker brings up the statistic that many politicians are sociopaths

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[44:40 - 44:48]They talk about being a politician and the motivations behind it, including power and fame

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[44:40 - 44:48]They talk about being a politician and the motivations behind it, including power and fame

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[45:15 - 45:36]They mention the responsibility and influence of being the president, as the United States is a world power

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[45:41 - 45:59]The speaker talks about English being the most popular language due to imperialism, and the need for a universal language

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[47:50 - 48:03]They reminisce about childhood books, including ones by Dr. Seuss and P.D. Eastman

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[50:50 - 51:00]The speaker makes a joke about Aaron being a good sport

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[51:14 - 51:31]They discuss the creepy illustration by P.D. Eastman

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 84: IncelMega

[51:31 - 51:36]Childhood beliefs are shattered as the speaker learns that P.D. Eastman may have just been an illustrator, not an author like Dr. Seuss

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[44:00 - 51:36]Overall, the conversation covers topics such as politics, language, childhood books, and surprising facts about beloved authors.

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[51:41 - 51:48]Someone is frustrated with Google for removing the "view image" option on Google Images.

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[51:48 - 52:00]They have to right click and open images in a new tab, which is time-consuming.

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[52:16 - 52:32]The person is an author named PD Eastman, who wrote books in the Beginner Book series under the Dr. Seuss brand.

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[53:09 - 53:40]The person was in the 100 book club in elementary school.

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[54:28 - 54:48]They discuss how long it would take to read 100 children's books, and use math to figure out the answer.

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[56:36 - 56:47]The person is frustrated with the education system for not teaching useful skills.

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[56:53 - 57:00]They joke about how technology has progressed and made certain skills obsolete.

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[58:08 - 58:14]They then talk about a savant who can solve math problems by visualizing numbers as shapes.

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[58:41 - 58:50]The savant could potentially be a "superhuman" or mutant.

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[51:36 - 58:56]A concise summary of the text is someone's frustration with Google and discussion of an author and savant.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 84: IncelMega

[59:03 - 59:09] Guy talks about a community online called "brain cells" where men think they're too intelligent for women.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 84: IncelMega

[59:15 - 59:23]Men in this community only want to have sex with attractive women and see themselves as superior to women.

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[59:23 - 59:36]They call themselves brain cells and want prostitution to be legalized.

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[1.01:05 - 1.01:21]They discuss a monthly subscription service where a bus picks up married individuals for sexual encounters.

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[1.03:58 - 1.04:04]They mention the controversial website Ashley Madison and the idea of doing something special if their podcast gets in the top 100 comedy podcasts.

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[1.04:49 - 1.04:55]They discuss a potential food battle segment for their podcast.

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[1.05:14 - 1.05:23]They conclude with a goodbye and a reminder to follow them on social media.

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[1.05:23 - 1.05:30]They mention their daily YouTube uploads and the toll it takes on their mental and physical health.

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[58:57 - 1.05:59]A group of men discuss a controversial community online and their views on women and prostitution, also mentioning their potential plans for their podcast.