

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[00:00 - 00:08]Person discusses hypothetical scenario of going to prison

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[00:08 - 00:14]Person imagines being a "piece of candy" for "good old boys" in prison

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[00:08 - 00:14]Person also imagines being a "nice piece of candy" for "bad boys"

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[00:22 - 00:27]Person looks at flies on a window and outside on a beautiful day

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[01:24 - 01:30]Person and another discuss the state of their office and the flies in it

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[01:49 - 02:03]Person mentions a book called "Lord of the Flies" where kids are stranded on an island and become tribalistic, eventually killing each other

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[02:24 - 02:31]Person spoils the ending of the book for potential readers

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[03:04 - 03:11]Person talks about disliking summer reading assignments in school

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[04:10 - 04:16]Person and another discuss potentially playing "Clue Finders" on their channel

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[04:17 - 04:25]Person mentions enjoying playing a computer game called "Clue Finders"

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[05:22 - 05:34]Person mentions being confused about the Vietnam War and never being taught about its outcome in school

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[06:45 - 06:51]Person's father sends them Prager University videos about historical events such as the Civil War

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[00:00 - 06:51]Person discusses various topics including prison, flies in their office, a book called "Lord of the Flies," disliking summer reading assignments, and confusion about the outcome of the Vietnam War. They also mention enjoying a computer game called "Clue Finders" and receiving Prager University videos from their father.

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[06:51 - 13:59]The speaker and his friend discuss various topics, including a video by Dennis Prager, the concept of time traveling in the game Animal Crossing, and their dislike of insects. They conclude by saying that there is no right or wrong way to play the game.

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[14:05 - 14:11]Discussion about time travel in the game

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[14:20 - 14:25]Preference for going back in time instead of forward

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[15:55 - 16:07]Mention of potential farming and diving features in the game

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[15:55 - 16:07]Excitement for remodeling and creating a personalized town

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[17:01 - 17:08]Mention of coffee shop potentially being added in the game

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[17:30 - 17:42]Complaints about having to rearrange town for new features

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[18:57 - 19:04]Ad read for Mint Mobile

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[19:43 - 19:51]Ad read for Manscaped's new nose and ear hair trimmer

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[13:59 - 21:11]Final bullet point is a comprehensive summary of the previous points, stating that the discussion covered time travel, potential game features, personalizing the town, ad reads for Mint Mobile and Manscaped, and complaints about rearranging town for new features.

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[21:18 - 21:23]Manscaped ad read with code for discount

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[22:44 - 22:51]Discussion about breaking a bone and trying to quit smoking

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[25:17 - 25:25]Ryan talks about "pussification" of American males

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[25:26 - 25:31]Matt shares story of breaking foot in 9th grade and crying

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[25:54 - 26:00]Discussion about farting on command and burping

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[26:19 - 26:26]Matt's dad helps him off the school bus

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[26:34 - 26:40]Matt's dad takes him to store to get tampons for him

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[26:41 - 26:47]Matt goes to hospital and gets cast for broken foot

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[27:03 - 27:08]Discussion about adults not breaking bones as much as kids

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[27:44 - 27:50]Theories about Jeffrey Epstein's death and potential involvement of Anthony Bourdain's body

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[27:51 - 27:56]Discussion about watching Anthony Bourdain's show

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[28:02 - 28:08]Harrison crying when Anthony Bourdain died

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[28:02 - 28:08]Discussion about personification of American males

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[21:12 - 28:08]Comprehensive summary of the discussion about Manscaped ad, breaking bones, quitting smoking, and death theories surrounding Jeffrey Epstein and Anthony Bourdain

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[28:31 - 28:38]The speaker discusses how they cried when Steve Irwin died and how it was the most impactful celebrity death for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[28:39 - 28:44]They also mention crying over Mr. Rogers and Eddie Murphy's deaths.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[28:56 - 29:03]The discussion then shifts to the death of Jeffrey Epstein and how the speaker viewed him as a father figure.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[29:11 - 29:20]They question the sudden activity in Epstein's bank account after his death.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[30:45 - 30:56]The conversation then turns to the topic of owning islands and the possibility of unclaimed land.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[31:26 - 31:37]The speaker shares a story about Corey from the TV show "Corey in the House" accidentally giving Alaska back to Russia.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[32:15 - 32:22]They mention Corey Feldman's recent documentary and his claim of being hacked during its premiere.

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[34:24 - 34:30]The speaker jokingly asks for a Tesla truck and a 2% share in SpaceX from Elon Musk.

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[34:52 - 34:58]They discuss Elon Musk's appearance on PewDiePie's meme review and his EDM song.

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[28:08 - 35:37]The speaker comments on Elon Musk's awkwardness in human interaction. Overall, the speaker discusses various topics such as celebrity deaths, Jeffrey Epstein, owning islands, and Elon Musk, ultimately expressing their opinion on these subjects.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[35:45 - 35:54] Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, and Joe Rogan are all social personalities in the entertainment industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[35:55 - 36:07]Elon Musk is not a social personality and is known for being awkward in interviews.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[36:56 - 37:03]Elon Musk's net worth is $36.8 billion and he has triple citizenship in South Africa, Canada, and the United States.

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[37:22 - 37:27]Musk has been married twice, with his first wife tragically passing away.

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[38:05 - 38:13]He has a child with a unique name, named after an airplane.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[38:34 - 38:41]Matt and Ryan discuss the possibility of naming their future children unique names, such as Zazamba Bar and Zaboomafu.

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[42:00 - 42:07]Tom Cruise has a history of performing daring stunts in his movies, such as hanging onto the outside of a plane.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[42:09 - 42:14]Tom Cruise is planning to film a movie in outer space with the help of Elon Musk and NASA.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[35:37 - 42:43]Elon Musk is known for his eccentricities and ambitious projects, with a net worth of $36.8 billion.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[42:43 - 42:49] Tom Cruise is known for performing daring stunts in his movies.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[42:49 - 42:55]He will be filming a movie in space with the help of Elon Musk and NASA.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[43:06 - 43:11]There is speculation about whether the movie will be space-centric or not.

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[43:11 - 43:17]The movie is expected to be expensive due to filming in space.

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[43:51 - 44:06]Tom Cruise has received criticism for his stunts in the past.

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[46:22 - 46:31]Some people believe Tom Cruise is gay, but it is not confirmed.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[48:12 - 48:19]He has played both protagonist and antagonist roles in his career.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[48:20 - 48:27]His role in Tropic Thunder is considered one of his best performances.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[48:38 - 48:48]Tropic Thunder is seen as a unique comedy due to the passion and respect of the cast.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[49:05 - 49:15]The movie Shallow Hal portrays a story of a man learning to see past physical appearances.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[42:43 - 49:43]Tom Cruise is known for his daring stunts and will be filming a movie in space with Elon Musk and NASA. There is speculation about the movie's content and some believe Cruise is gay. Despite criticism, he has played both good and bad roles and is highly regarded for his role in Tropic Thunder. The movie Shallow Hal portrays a message about looking past physical appearances. Despite personal opinions, Tom Cruise remains a successful and versatile actor.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[49:43 - 49:52] Tom Cruise's sexuality is questioned due to his lack of interest in sex and a Family Guy episode implying he is gay.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[50:40 - 50:45]The article discussing this was later revealed to be a joke.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[51:27 - 51:36]The hosts joke about having Tom Cruise and Jay Leno as guests on their podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[54:41 - 54:53]The hosts acknowledge that this episode is being recorded during quarantine.

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[54:53 - 54:59]They also joke about Ryan's uncle having AIDS and being quarantined with Ryan.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[55:12 - 55:21]Matt is taking care of kittens and they will soon be up for adoption.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[55:41 - 55:47]They encourage listeners to stay safe and promise that the quarantine will end soon.

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[55:47 - 55:54]The hosts believe that the worst of the quarantine is over.

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[55:54 - 56:00]The hosts say goodbye.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 196: Elon Musk Loves SuperMega

[49:43 - 56:00]Tom Cruise's sexuality is questioned and joked about by the hosts of the podcast, who also discuss other random topics.