

Youtube profile pic for Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[00:07 - 02:00]Jadeon changed his profile picture to one of pokey mane without makeup and continued to harass her

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[00:18 - 00:41]Pokimane made a joke about ninja's threat, which was later used in a tweet by another person without giving credit

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[00:41 - 02:14]Ludwig reveals that he did not actually send the text message he claimed to have sent, but was just trying to placate fans asking about it

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[02:14 - 03:53]The meme was related to a previous situation where Khalid, another media personality, threatened to sue for defamation

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[03:25 - 05:38]The conversation ends with a discussion about a hole in the set and the possibility that ninja's behavior may stem from not liking pokimane.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[05:38 - 08:47]Ninja denied sending the messages and threatened to sue for defamation

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[08:15 - 10:10]The conversation ends with a discussion about a hole in the set and the possibility that ninja's behavior may stem from not liking pokimane.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[08:47 - 08:55]Jadeon changed his profile picture to one of pokey mane without makeup and continued to harass her

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[08:55 - 11:33]The conversation ends with a discussion about a hole in the set and the possibility that ninja's behavior may stem from not liking pokimane.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[11:13 - 12:32]Jadeon changed his profile picture to one of pokey mane without makeup and continued to harass her

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[11:47 - 14:05]The group discusses how using lawyers in these situations makes the person using them look bad and is unnecessary

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[12:01 - 12:22]Pokimane made a joke about ninja's threat, which was later used in a tweet by another person without giving credit

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[12:32 - 13:41]The meme was related to a previous situation where Khalid, another media personality, threatened to sue for defamation

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[14:06 - 14:38]Ludwig reveals that he did not actually send the text message he claimed to have sent, but was just trying to placate fans asking about it

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[14:38 - 17:18]They discuss their experience on a game show with other streamers and roast them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[14:47 - 16:23]The speaker doesn't care about their drama and compares it to camp counselors fighting over a clipboard

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[16:33 - 17:39]They mention their newfound skill with a character named Puff.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[17:18 - 18:32]They think the couple is cringe, lame, socially inept, and not funny

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[17:55 - 19:05]They discuss their experience on a game show with other streamers and roast them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[18:32 - 19:29]They mention playing against a random person at a tournament and winning, and compare it to a previous experience in another game

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[19:31 - 20:32]They mention trying to get into the Twitch world and challenging other streamers to a smash ultimate crew battle

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[19:37 - 21:21]They express confidence in their ability to win and make fun of their opponents

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[20:32 - 22:11]They mention trying to get into the Twitch world and challenging other streamers to a smash ultimate crew battle

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[22:11 - 23:15]They mention playing against a random person at a tournament and winning, and compare it to a previous experience in another game

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[22:53 - 24:02]They express confidence in their ability to win and make fun of their opponents

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[23:44 - 25:07]They mention playing against a random person at a tournament and winning, and compare it to a previous experience in another game

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[23:50 - 23:55]They specifically call out Mizkif and his house, and suggest playing as a team of five robs

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[24:24 - 25:07]One person is playing for the first time and gets frustrated

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[25:07 - 25:48]They mention their newfound skill with a character named Puff.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[25:07 - 26:24]The first person tries to make the other person mad by talking to a friend while playing

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[25:36 - 26:19]The first person enjoys making people mad and plays a character that is not liked

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[26:24 - 28:16]They discuss a situation where a big tournament is delayed due to COVID-19 and people are only getting half of their money back

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[28:42 - 30:45]One person gets upset and demands the full amount, threatening legal action

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[29:18 - 30:00]A group of people are playing a video game

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[29:49 - 30:07]The group discusses how the tournament organizers are not making a lot of money and have no control over the situation

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[30:25 - 31:43]The upset person blocks anyone who disagrees with them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[30:57 - 32:44]The first person tries to make the other person mad by talking to a friend while playing

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[32:44 - 33:52]The upset person blocks anyone who disagrees with them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[33:02 - 34:52]They discuss a situation where a big tournament is delayed due to COVID-19 and people are only getting half of their money back

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[33:09 - 34:04]One person gets upset and demands the full amount, threatening legal action

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[33:52 - 35:46]They discuss a situation where a big tournament is delayed due to COVID-19 and people are only getting half of their money back

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[35:46 - 36:35]The other person gets mad and brings out a stronger character

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[35:46 - 38:17]They talk about being more petty since getting COVID

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[36:29 - 37:25]The speaker talks about kissing all of the yard members and hallucinating wolves circling them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[36:36 - 37:18]One person is playing for the first time and gets frustrated

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[36:55 - 38:00]The speaker asks if anyone else has any side effects

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[37:25 - 38:49]The speaker's sister loves listening to the podcast and wants to hang out with them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[37:31 - 37:46]They talk about being more petty since getting COVID

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[38:49 - 40:12]They joke about being their mom's favorite

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[40:13 - 41:48]The speaker mentions getting physically assaulted for wearing an "easy button" costume in middle school

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[40:53 - 41:37]They joke about being their mom's favorite

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[42:34 - 45:21]They talk about playing Brain Age and the speaker winning against someone who was taking drugs

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[45:21 - 45:42]The speaker mentions getting physically assaulted for wearing an "easy button" costume in middle school

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[45:28 - 46:49]The speaker's friend asks them what it would take for them to break edge and they mention a specific set of circumstances that would have to happen for them to drink alcohol.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[46:54 - 48:25]They talk about playing Brain Age and the speaker winning against someone who was taking drugs

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[47:03 - 47:44]The speaker talks about a particular brand that has increased in value because it is no longer being produced.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[47:12 - 47:44]The speaker talks about kissing all of the yard members and hallucinating wolves circling them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[47:12 - 49:03]They mention wanting to buy a bottle of this brand, but can't sell it illegally.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[47:44 - 50:27]The conversation then shifts to discussing vaping and a popular influencer who promotes different vape products.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[49:57 - 50:12]The speaker talks about a particular brand that has increased in value because it is no longer being produced.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[50:27 - 52:31]The conversation then shifts to discussing vaping and a popular influencer who promotes different vape products.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[50:42 - 53:23]The speaker talks about a particular brand that has increased in value because it is no longer being produced.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[52:45 - 57:03]The speaker also mentions potentially trying shrooms at a friend's family gathering, but ends up not enjoying it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[57:03 - 58:44]The speaker and their friends take acid at a winery and go on a vespa tour, but the guide is wild and makes them feel unsafe.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[58:25 - 1.00:49]There is a debate about whether leaving a full tank of gas in the back of a hot car can cause it to combust.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.00:50 - 1.03:03]The speaker then talks about a previous conversation with a friend about weed and the age at which people should try it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.01:27 - 1.02:38]The conversation then shifts to working out, and Ludwig finally agrees to work out with his friend

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.02:04 - 1.02:55]The friend asks Ludwig about the number of women in the top 100 and what he would do if he were president

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.02:10 - 1.04:12]They then joke about doing drugs, specifically heroin, and whether or not people generally enjoy it

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.04:12 - 1.05:12]A man named Ludwig and his friend discuss working out and scheduling a call

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.04:19 - 1.04:25]The friend shares a story about Ludwig ignoring him during a meeting and then leaving to go on a walk, which prompts Ludwig to explain his habit of checking the UV index before going outside

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.05:14 - 1.06:54]The conversation then shifts to working out, and Ludwig finally agrees to work out with his friend

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.06:12 - 1.07:37]They also discuss how Ludwig walks shirtless in their neighborhood, and how this is similar to older Sikh men in the neighborhood who also go for walks

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.06:54 - 1.08:40]The conversation then shifts to working out, and Ludwig finally agrees to work out with his friend

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.07:02 - 1.08:34]The friend shares a story about Ludwig ignoring him during a meeting and then leaving to go on a walk, which prompts Ludwig to explain his habit of checking the UV index before going outside

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.08:41 - 1.10:05]They also discuss how Ludwig walks shirtless in their neighborhood, and how this is similar to older Sikh men in the neighborhood who also go for walks

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.09:39 - 1.11:38]The conversation then shifts to working out, and Ludwig finally agrees to work out with his friend

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.10:59 - 1.11:38]Ludwig reacts to his hairline bussin

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.11:07 - 1.12:43]Spotting in the gym leads to a funny video

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.13:02 - 1.15:15]Jerking off to the computer and peeing in front of children on camera.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.13:39 - 1.14:50]Ludwig used to drive from New Hampshire to New Jersey for a girlfriend

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.15:37 - 1.16:18]Jerking off to the computer and peeing in front of children on camera.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.16:18 - 1.17:43]Cursed pussy is a funny concept they thought of in the car

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.17:43 - 1.18:57]Anesthesia used to be a lawless land and the fastest surgeons were prized

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.18:27 - 1.19:23]Cursed pussy is a funny concept they thought of in the car

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.18:57 - 1.20:25]Disguised Toast became popular by watching anime and getting banned

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.19:24 - 1.20:15]Having regrets from reading LSF

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.20:25 - 1.21:34]React meta has gone too far, with multiple people watching each other's streams

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.20:31 - 1.20:40]Disguised Toast became popular by watching anime and getting banned

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.20:31 - 1.22:41]The podcast ends with a joke about Nick's "rewind" bit.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.20:52 - 1.21:42]A compilation of cringe moments is being put together

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.22:41 - 1.24:22]The group discusses a meeting they had with Amaranth and her manager to produce a product called the Flashlight

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.22:56 - 1.24:30]They cannot call it a flashlight due to copyright issues and must come up with a new name

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.24:31 - 1.25:31]They brainstorm and come up with names such as "pleasure pal" and "jerk off jacket"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.25:05 - 1.26:52]They joke about making a parody product called "sugma"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.26:52 - 1.28:31]They brainstorm and come up with names such as "pleasure pal" and "jerk off jacket"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.27:22 - 1.29:02]They discuss a potential tattoo design featuring Garfield's head disappearing into someone's butthole

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.29:14 - 1.31:26]They listen to an episode of the "Always Sunny" podcast and discuss which character from the show each person in the group is most similar to

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got backstabbed by this streamer... | The Yard

[1.30:46 - 1.33:06]The podcast ends with a joke about Nick's "rewind" bit.