

Youtube profile pic for Anime Convention Horror Stories | Trash Taste #22

Anime Convention Horror Stories | Trash Taste #22

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[00:00 - 00:23]The speaker recalls a time when he opened his door at 2am to find two girls outside, while he was naked.

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[01:26 - 01:31]The podcast begins with the host, Joey, and his two British co-hosts, discussing a recent experience.

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[02:13 - 02:19]He initially thought it was a small commercial and only asked for $300, but later found out it was a global ad for the company.

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[02:48 - 03:10]The co-host had to do dubbing for the ad, which felt like the badly dubbed Hong Kong movies.

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[03:38 - 03:43]One of the co-hosts, who lives in Cockfield, is surprised to find out he was featured in a Samsung ad.

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[04:03 - 04:21]He discusses how some voice actors on Fiverr are either overqualified or underqualified for the work they charge for.

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[05:41 - 06:13]He talks about the process of calculating fees for voice acting in commercials, mentioning that some people can make up to 50k for a single ad.

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[06:14 - 06:20]The co-host talks about how he was scammed by Samsung, who hired him through multiple agencies to keep the budget low.

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[06:20 - 06:25]The co-host had previously done other commercials, including one for a car company.

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[07:42 - 07:51]He had to dub over someone else's lines, which was challenging because he had to match the lip flaps of the original actor.

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[07:42 - 07:51]The co-host almost had to change a line in the ad, but refused because it wouldn't match the lip flaps.

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[07:42 - 07:51]He mentions that dubbing is harder than anime dubbing, as you can't edit the lip flaps to match the dialogue.

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[07:51 - 08:07]The co-host reflects on how difficult it must be for countries that dub most of the shows they import.

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[00:00 - 08:07]The co-host shares a story of being featured in a Samsung ad, which he initially thought was a small commercial but later found out was a global ad. He discusses the challenges of dubbing and the process of calculating fees for voice acting in commercials. The co-host also talks about being scammed by Samsung and the differences between dubbing for anime and other media. He ends by reflecting on the difficulty of countries that dub most of the shows they import.

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[08:17 - 08:41]Talking about the difficulties of voice acting for anime with strict lip flaps

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[08:57 - 09:24]Mentioning Japan's tendency to ignore lip flaps in their voice acting

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[09:24 - 09:43]Discussing the experience of visiting a Jojo-themed bar in Japan

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[11:10 - 11:18]Describing the unique menu at the bar, with drinks named after characters and references from the show

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[12:28 - 12:40]Mentioning the possibility of going back to try more drinks and referencing how it's similar to watching Jojo itself

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[12:28 - 12:40]Admiring the attention to detail and love for Jojo displayed by the bartender

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[12:40 - 12:47]Discussing spoilers for parts six and seven of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

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[12:40 - 12:47]Noting the lack of spoilers for part seven's plot twist due to the bizarre and unexpected nature of the series

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[12:40 - 12:47]Expressing excitement for reading part seven in the future

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[14:39 - 14:45]Mentioning the unique experience of discussing Jojo spoilers with friends in a Jojo-themed bar

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[15:29 - 15:40]Sharing the experience of ordering and trying different drinks from the menu

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[16:32 - 16:39]Highlighting the fun and enjoyable atmosphere of the bar and its potential for "weebing out"

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[16:39 - 16:45]Commenting on the potential for getting drunk at the bar due to wanting to try all the drinks

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[08:08 - 16:45]Summarizing the overall experience as a perfect place to "weeb out" and enjoy Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

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[16:45 - 16:51]The speakers discuss a reasonably priced bar with delicious cocktails.

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[16:57 - 17:03]They talk about how the drinks were strong and the different types they tried.

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[17:25 - 17:40]They mention a store in Akihabara called Not Gonna Broadway and how it's like the underground version of Akihabara.

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[18:31 - 18:38]They mention a store in Not Gonna Broadway that sells anime cells.

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[18:58 - 19:13]They talk about the expensive and rare cells they saw, including one from the end of Evangelion.

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[20:21 - 20:31]They discuss the charm of old-fashioned cell animation and its aesthetics.

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[21:36 - 21:41]They touch upon the nostalgia and charm of 80s anime aesthetics.

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[22:36 - 22:44]They mention how some people eat cereal without milk.

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[23:54 - 24:22]They discuss the communal kitchen at university and how the milk always gets taken.

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[16:45 - 24:40]In summary, the speakers discussed a bar with delicious cocktails, a store in Akihabara that sells anime cells, and the charm of old-fashioned cell animation.

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[24:40 - 24:57]Person reminisces about a friend in their dorm eating Cookies and cream Ben and Jerry's while high

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[25:07 - 25:13]Person is upset that their friend ate their ice cream and offered to buy a cheaper replacement

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[25:30 - 25:37]Person is angry about the quality of the replacement ice cream and dislikes yellow vanilla ice cream

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[25:37 - 25:44]Person discusses their fear of heights and yellow vanilla ice cream

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[25:57 - 26:04]Person talks about ice cream vans in England and the inconsistency of soft serve ice cream

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[26:46 - 28:03]Person mentions using Postmates to order food during the pandemic and getting a discount on their first five orders

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[30:31 - 30:36]Person discusses the superiority of McFlurry and the struggles of working at McDonald's

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[32:32 - 32:38]Person's brother also worked at McDonald's and warned them about getting sick of the food quickly

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[24:40 - 32:38]Person discusses their experience with a friend eating their ice cream, their dislike for yellow vanilla ice cream, and the struggles of working at McDonald's while reminiscing about their brother's experience there. They also mention using Postmates and their love for McFlurry.

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[32:39 - 32:46]The speaker worked at McDonald's for six months and enjoyed making his own food

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[32:46 - 32:51]The managers allowed employees to make their own burgers and the speaker would add extra bacon to his chicken sandwiches

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[33:07 - 33:21]The speaker could get discounted meals, but everything else about McDonald's was awful

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[33:07 - 33:21]People who worked at McDonald's were often not happy, and the speaker would wonder if they had committed a murder that day

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[33:21 - 33:27]The speaker did not get along with his coworkers, who were often not people he would be friends with

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[33:39 - 33:56]The speaker was once put on "detention" for not smiling while making burgers

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[34:36 - 34:44]One employee left in the middle of a shift to go to a party with 16-year-olds

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[35:22 - 35:29]He was often asked to train new employees, but they would often quit after a few hours or not pay attention

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[37:25 - 37:31]Another employee accidentally burned the speaker's hand with hot oil and he was not allowed to put it under cold water

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[38:00 - 38:11]The speaker eventually quit because the managers were horrible and treated male employees poorly

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[38:39 - 38:48]Despite the negative experiences, the speaker enjoyed the discounted meals and was able to save money

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[39:47 - 39:55]The speaker was contacted by his lifeguard job for a reference from McDonald's and was questioned about looking for other employment

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[32:39 - 39:55]Overall, working at McDonald's was a terrible experience due to the awful environment and poor management.

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[40:07 - 40:18]Person talks about working at McDonald's and getting a better job offer

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[40:18 - 40:24]Person quits and is surprised to see how little self-awareness the managers have

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[40:24 - 40:34]Managers at McDonald's become defensive and confrontational about wanting to leave

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[41:45 - 41:56]Mother is upset about quitting a month and a half before starting a new job

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[42:25 - 42:33]Person visits McDonald's three years later and talks about their successful career

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[44:44 - 44:54]Person dislikes small talk and having to smile while working at the register

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[45:13 - 45:20]Managers take joy in ID'ing customers and having power over them

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[46:06 - 46:15]Person's father gets ID'ed and makes a joke about having gray hairs

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[46:36 - 46:45]Person dislikes asking for ID at their own job

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[39:55 - 46:57]Person reflects on their time working at McDonald's, dealing with confrontational managers and disliking small talk, and shares their successful career after quitting. They also discuss the annoyance of having to ID customers and their father's experience being ID'ed.

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[46:57 - 47:08]Speaker talks about asking for someone's ID at a bar/restaurant

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[47:27 - 47:32]They reminisce about the first time they were able to purchase alcohol legally

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[47:44 - 48:21]Sponsor plug for a game called "Guardian Tales"

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[50:11 - 50:16]Discussion about conventions being cancelled due to COVID-19

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[51:09 - 51:16]Discussion shifts to conventions and how the speaker misses them

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[51:16 - 51:27]Speaker talks about how they are used to flying internationally for conventions

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[51:27 - 51:42]They mention watching videos of people in first class and missing flying

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[53:21 - 53:43]Speaker mentions wanting to go to Winter Comiket in Japan

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[54:24 - 54:40]They discuss the experience of going to conventions and how it has changed for them

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[54:24 - 54:40]Speaker talks about preferring to hang out and eat with friends at conventions rather than attending panels

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[54:55 - 55:12]The artist alley is mentioned as a favorite part of conventions

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[46:57 - 55:12]Speaker talks about missing conventions and the changing experience of attending them, and mentions their favorite part being the artist alley.

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[1.01:27 - 1.01:35] The speaker discusses how conventions can be expensive and how they usually attend as guests rather than regular attendees.

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[1.02:00 - 1.02:14]They discuss how some viewers have noticed them wearing the same shirt in multiple episodes of their show.

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[1.02:00 - 1.02:14]The speaker talks about how they rarely make physical appearances in their videos and how this is different from their usual convention experience.

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[1.02:00 - 1.02:14]They mention how they often try to get their friends into events with them by making up excuses to volunteers.

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[1.02:14 - 1.02:21]They talk about the unique aspect of artist alleys at conventions and how they always find something new and interesting there.

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[1.02:14 - 1.02:21]The speaker mentions how they have a limited wardrobe and usually buy new clothes at conventions, but haven't been able to do so this year.

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[1.02:14 - 1.02:21]The difference between Anime Expo and other conventions is discussed, with Anime Expo being described as its own bubble and a mix of a convention and business expo.

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[1.02:14 - 1.02:21]The speaker advises against going to Anime Expo alone and discusses the difficulties of trying to fit a large group into a hotel room.

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[1.02:14 - 1.02:21]They talk about the struggle of deciding who gets a key to the hotel room and the lack of cell service at conventions.

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[55:12 - 1.02:31]Overall, the speaker discusses their experiences and observations at conventions, including the unique aspects of artist alleys and the struggle of attending large conventions.

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[1.02:31 - 1.02:44] The speaker has a contract for American service but experiences poor service in a convention.

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[1.07:49 - 1.07:58]The creepy person tries to pay someone to suck their dick and the speaker confronts them.

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[1.08:19 - 1.08:32]The speaker has never stayed with random people from Discord again due to this experience.

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[1.08:32 - 1.08:37]The speaker attends an anime convention and stays in a room with people they have met on Discord.

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[1.08:32 - 1.08:37]The speaker has a contract for American service but experiences poor service in a convention.

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[1.08:51 - 1.08:56]The speaker has sworn off staying with random people from Discord due to this experience.

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[1.08:57 - 1.09:04]Discord hotel rooms never go well because people can't know how weird someone is until they meet them.

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[1.08:57 - 1.09:04]Discord hotel rooms are not a good idea because people's true personalities can't be known until they meet in person.

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[1.08:57 - 1.09:04]Staying in a room with people from Discord is a risky and potentially uncomfortable experience for the speaker.

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[1.09:25 - 1.09:32]One person in the room is creepy and the speaker avoids introducing them to their friends.

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[1.09:25 - 1.09:32]The speaker doesn't understand why people would stay in a room with people they have never met before.

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[1.09:25 - 1.09:32]The speaker avoids introducing their friends to the creepy person in their room and confronts them about their behavior.

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[1.02:31 - 1.09:32]The speaker has had a negative experience staying in a room with strangers from Discord and avoids doing so again.

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[1.13:37 - 1.13:43] Speaker discusses his experience at an anime convention and the dangers of rooming with random people from Discord.

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[1.14:57 - 1.15:04]He explains that he was broke at the time and needed to save money, which is why he roomed with strangers.

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[1.15:18 - 1.15:30]They discuss the importance of calling out and confronting inappropriate behavior, even if it is from a friend.

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[1.15:38 - 1.15:46]One of the other speakers interjects and shares his own experience with meeting sketchy people on Discord.

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[1.15:38 - 1.15:46]The speaker advises to be cautious when meeting people from the internet and to not completely trust their online persona.

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[1.15:46 - 1.16:00]The speaker reflects on the potential dangers of rooming with strangers, especially at a young age, and how it is a coin flip.

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[1.15:46 - 1.16:00]He admits that despite the risks, he would still do it again because he enjoys the unconventional way of making friends.

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[1.15:46 - 1.16:00]They talk about the differences between online friendships and real-life friendships and how meeting in person can reveal a different side of a person.

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[1.16:01 - 1.16:07]He mentions that he has only gone to conventions after having a full-time job and being able to afford his own hotel room.

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[1.16:35 - 1.16:54]The speaker warns about the lack of common sense and social norms at anime conventions.

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[1.09:32 - 1.17:03]The speakers discuss the risks and dangers of rooming with strangers from Discord at an anime convention, and the importance of being cautious and calling out inappropriate behavior in order to protect oneself and others. They also mention the differences between online and real-life friendships and the lack of common sense at conventions.

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[1.17:03 - 1.17:15]Man discusses bringing friends to a convention and navigating social dynamics

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[1.18:29 - 1.18:38]Man mentions sponsored video for Express VPN and its benefits for streaming services

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[1.21:40 - 1.21:45]Man tells story of inappropriate encounter with fan at UK convention where she grabbed his butt

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[1.21:40 - 1.21:45]Man's friend also had similar encounter at a convention where a fan was touchy and tried to kiss him

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[1.21:40 - 1.21:45]Man's friend also had similar encounter at a convention where a fan was touchy and tried to kiss him

A youtube thumbnail wor Anime Convention Horror Stories | Trash Taste #22

[1.21:40 - 1.21:45]Man's friend also had similar encounter at a convention where a fan was touchy and tried to kiss him

A youtube thumbnail wor Anime Convention Horror Stories | Trash Taste #22

[1.21:40 - 1.21:45]Man's friend also had similar encounter at a convention where a fan was touchy and tried to kiss him

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[1.21:40 - 1.21:45]Man's friend also had similar encounter at a convention where a fan was touchy and tried to kiss him

A youtube thumbnail wor Anime Convention Horror Stories | Trash Taste #22

[1.21:40 - 1.21:45]Man's friend also had similar encounter at a convention where a fan was touchy and tried to kiss him

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[1.21:45 - 1.21:57]Man's friend also had similar encounter at a convention where a fan was touchy and tried to kiss him

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[1.21:45 - 1.21:57]Man's friend also had similar encounter at a convention where a fan was touchy and tried to kiss him

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[1.21:45 - 1.21:57]Man's friend also had similar encounter at a convention where a fan was touchy and tried to kiss him

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[1.21:45 - 1.21:57]Man's friend also had similar encounter at a convention where a fan was touchy and tried to kiss him

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[1.17:03 - 1.25:05]Man discusses bringing friends to a convention, mentions sponsored video for Express VPN, and tells story of inappropriate encounters with fans at UK convention.

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[1.25:05 - 1.25:18] The speaker is at a hockey game and feels pressure from two women staring at him for different reasons.

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[1.25:51 - 1.25:56]He panics and gives an awkward answer when one of the women asks to come to the top of his ranking.

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[1.28:16 - 1.28:25]He then tells a story about another awkward encounter with a fan who wanted him to sign her arm for a tattoo.

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[1.29:21 - 1.29:31]The speaker reflects on how conventions have become more regulated and how he used to do crazy things for fans.

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[1.30:01 - 1.30:18]He talks about how conventions used to be a place where social norms didn't exist and people could get away with anything.

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[1.31:49 - 1.31:56]The speaker mentions the Cosplay Is Not Consent movement and how it became necessary.

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[1.32:09 - 1.32:21]He talks about how he's been going to London MCM Expo for years and how it's mostly just a place to buy stuff and hang out with friends.

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[1.32:38 - 1.32:45]The speaker mentions a closed-off area where people used to hang out at the convention.

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[1.25:05 - 1.32:45]The speaker reflects on awkward encounters with fans at conventions and how they used to be a place where anything goes, but have become more regulated. He also mentions the Cosplay Is Not Consent movement and the London MCM Expo.

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[1.32:45 - 1.32:53]Mention of random, fond memories involving alcohol bottles and a fight club at a convention

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[1.33:13 - 1.33:23]Description of the fight club as a mosh pit-like event with jedi cosplayers and a particularly funny moment involving two anime fans of different sizes

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[1.34:58 - 1.35:04]Mention of a hotel located near the convention and questioning why people would get drunk there

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[1.36:06 - 1.36:23]Surprise and surreal feeling of being recognized by fans outside of a convention setting

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[1.38:34 - 1.38:41]Anecdote about a fan running towards Joey with a loud screech at an event in Singapore

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[1.38:34 - 1.38:41]Discussion of how Southeast Asian fans are particularly passionate and enthusiastic

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[1.38:46 - 1.38:53]Discussion of the control and regulation of events at conventions, specifically mentioning how it has changed over time

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[1.39:18 - 1.39:28]Mention of being the first YouTuber invited to a convention and not charging for signatures

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[1.40:44 - 1.40:49]Disagreement with other guests who charge for signatures and the belief that it devalues the meaning of a signature

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[1.40:56 - 1.41:12]No intention to charge for merchandise or prints at conventions

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[1.32:45 - 1.41:12]Discussion of various fond memories and experiences at conventions, including a specific moment at a fight club event and being recognized by fans outside of a convention setting. Mention of the control and regulation of events at conventions and disagreement with charging for signatures.

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[1.41:12 - 1.41:19] The speaker discusses the challenges of sorting out physical items for conventions and their own success.

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[1.41:19 - 1.41:25]They mention not being desperate for 500 prints and needing to do something right.

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[1.41:38 - 1.41:45]They talk about the difficulty of getting paid at conventions and express their desire to attend more conventions in Southeast Asia.

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[1.41:45 - 1.41:58]They mention missing conventions and the joy of meeting fans in person.

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[1.43:08 - 1.43:16]They discuss the need for consent when hugging or touching someone at conventions, especially with the recent focus on consent in the community.

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[1.44:51 - 1.44:58]The speaker talks about adapting to success and the pressure to be a better person.

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[1.45:15 - 1.45:29]They mention the nervousness of fans and the difficulty of reading the air.

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[1.46:22 - 1.46:33]They discuss potential changes to conventions in the future due to the pandemic.

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[1.47:01 - 1.47:12]The speaker shares their experience attending a virtual convention and their desire to visit South Africa in the future.

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[1.48:09 - 1.48:15]They mention the struggle of pacing themselves with food and not ordering popcorn at the movies.

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[1.48:15 - 1.48:33]The speaker asks if the other person has had any creepy experiences with fans.

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[1.41:12 - 1.48:33]The speaker talks about the challenges and joys of attending conventions, including sorting out physical items, getting paid, and meeting fans. They also discuss the importance of consent and adapting to success. They mention changes in conventions due to the pandemic and share their experience attending a virtual convention. Additionally, they mention their struggle with pacing themselves with food and ask about any creepy experiences with fans.

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[1.48:38 - 1.49:02] Narrator recalls a moment where he had to be careful about who he hangs out with at conventions after a creepy stalker experience.

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[1.49:09 - 1.49:50]He was at a convention and met a random group of people, including a fan.

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[1.50:31 - 1.50:47]The fan later followed him and his friend to their hotel room, claiming he was staying at the same hotel.

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[1.52:02 - 1.52:16]When asked about his floor, he admitted to lying and wanting to see where the narrator was staying.

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[1.52:16 - 1.52:31]The fan had also apparently tried to kiss the narrator's friend.

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[1.53:02 - 1.53:14]The narrator and his friend were left feeling uncomfortable and unsure of what to do.

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[1.53:02 - 1.53:14]The narrator realized he had to be more careful about who he hangs out with at conventions.

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[1.53:20 - 1.53:29]He now has PTSD from the experience.

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[1.53:29 - 1.53:41]Similar creepy experiences have happened in Montreal, including a fan leaving a box of hot poutine outside his friend's door.

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[1.53:48 - 1.53:54]The narrator's creepy experiences have made him more cautious about who he hangs out with at conventions. Comprehensive Summary:

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[1.54:01 - 1.54:06]The narrator recalls a moment where he had to be careful about who he hangs out with at conventions after a creepy stalker experience.

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[1.54:51 - 1.54:56]The narrator was too scared to eat the poutine.

A youtube thumbnail wor Anime Convention Horror Stories | Trash Taste #22

[1.55:09 - 1.55:16]He was at a convention and met a random group of people, including a fan.

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[1.55:09 - 1.55:16]The fan had also apparently tried to kiss the narrator's friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor Anime Convention Horror Stories | Trash Taste #22

[1.55:16 - 1.55:22]The fan later followed him and his friend to their hotel room, claiming he was staying at the same hotel.

A youtube thumbnail wor Anime Convention Horror Stories | Trash Taste #22

[1.55:16 - 1.55:22]When asked about his floor, he admitted to lying and wanting to see where the narrator was staying.

A youtube thumbnail wor Anime Convention Horror Stories | Trash Taste #22

[1.55:16 - 1.55:22]The narrator and his friend were left feeling uncomfortable and unsure of what to do.

A youtube thumbnail wor Anime Convention Horror Stories | Trash Taste #22

[1.55:16 - 1.55:22]The narrator realized he had to be more careful about who he hangs out with at conventions.

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[1.55:27 - 1.55:33]He now has PTSD from the experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor Anime Convention Horror Stories | Trash Taste #22

[1.55:27 - 1.55:33]The narrator was too scared to eat the poutine.

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[1.55:45 - 1.55:51]He also recalls a time when he ate a bento box in his hotel room and it turned out to be delicious, but he was reminded of a scene from a horror anime.

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[1.55:45 - 1.55:51]Similar creepy experiences have happened in Montreal, including a fan leaving a box of hot poutine outside his friend's door.

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[1.55:45 - 1.55:51]He also recalls a time when he ate a bento box in his hotel room and it turned out to be delicious, but he was reminded of a scene from a horror anime.

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[1.48:38 - 1.56:10]The narrator's creepy experiences have made him more cautious about who he hangs out with at conventions.

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[1.56:32 - 1.56:43]Joey and his friend talk about eating poutine and finding a hair in it

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[1.56:43 - 1.56:49]Joey's friend jokes about the hair being a part of the girl's DNA

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[1.56:57 - 1.57:04]They warn against fans giving them food as gifts at conventions

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[2.00:13 - 2.00:21]They share stories of strange encounters with fans in their hotel rooms

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[2.02:02 - 2.02:19]This was the nicest gift Joey's friend has received from a fan

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[2.02:19 - 2.02:29]Joey's friend remembers a fan giving him a box of origami cranes

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[2.03:37 - 2.03:44]Joey received a creepy statue from a fan that he loves and keeps in his house

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[2.03:37 - 2.03:44]The statue is not very flattering but it holds sentimental value to Joey

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[2.03:37 - 2.03:44]They continue to talk about random encounters with fans and how it can be strange and uncomfortable

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[1.56:10 - 2.03:52]Overall, they warn against fans giving them food as gifts and share stories of strange fan encounters at conventions and in their hotel rooms.

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[2.04:01 - 2.04:12]Person receives a statue of themselves as a gift from a fan

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[2.04:12 - 2.04:21]They appreciate the gesture, but feel weird about receiving gifts for just talking about videos and anime

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[2.04:40 - 2.04:49]They forget how much people enjoy their videos and find it humbling

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[2.05:48 - 2.06:01]They hope to react in a way that doesn't make the fan feel bad or themselves seem conceited

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[2.06:01 - 2.06:11]They want fans to leave interactions feeling satisfied

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[2.06:11 - 2.06:21]They sometimes worry about accidentally being rude or not spending enough time with fans at conventions

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[2.07:19 - 2.07:25]They appreciate every single person that comes up to them

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[2.07:25 - 2.07:38]They ask fans to understand that social norms exist at anime conventions and to treat them like strangers

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[2.08:54 - 2.09:03]They don't like being asked if they can be friends but would be happy to get to know fans

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[2.09:29 - 2.09:45]They wonder if people will recognize them as individuals or from their podcast

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[2.11:02 - 2.11:18]Fans should email conventions to request their attendance

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[2.11:18 - 2.11:28]They miss going to conventions and hope to be invited to future ones

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[2.03:52 - 2.11:28]Person receives gift from fan, appreciates but feels weird about receiving gifts for talking about videos and anime. They appreciate fans and hope to interact in a way that satisfies them. They miss conventions and hope to be invited to future ones.

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[2.11:28 - 2.11:34] There is a discussion about interest in a local convention

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[2.11:34 - 2.11:40]The speaker compares it to being invited to a wedding

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[2.11:34 - 2.11:40]The speaker mentions playing at a concert or gig

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[2.11:49 - 2.12:08]They express a desire to attend conventions anywhere in the world

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[2.11:49 - 2.12:08]The speaker mentions loving conventions for the opportunity to travel and hosts patrons

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[2.12:17 - 2.12:27]The speaker invites listeners to support the show on Patreon and follow on social media

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[2.12:27 - 2.12:36]The episode ends with a goodbye and reminder to tune in for the next episode

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[2.11:28 - 2.12:37]The speaker discusses interest in a local convention, compares it to being invited to a wedding, and expresses a desire to attend conventions worldwide. They also mention the opportunity to travel and thank patrons for their support. Listeners are invited to support the show and follow on social media. The episode ends with a goodbye and reminder to tune in for the next episode.