

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 52: The Alleyway Surprise

SuperMegaCast - EP 52: The Alleyway Surprise

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[00:09 - 00:16] Welcome to episode 52, discussing the number of cards in a deck and 52 pickup.

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[00:23 - 00:32]Matt's dad threw all 52 cards on the ground, ruining their game.

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[00:41 - 00:49]Matt's relationship with his dad has been strained ever since.

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[01:15 - 01:35]They plan to play Mario, Kirby, and possibly Donkey Kong Country and Link's Awakening.

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[01:53 - 02:06]The Pokemon Emerald series is on hiatus due to a deleted recording session.

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[02:24 - 02:34]Matt accidentally deleted the session and they cannot re-record because of progress made.

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[04:10 - 04:16]They are considering using an emulator to continue the series.

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[05:45 - 05:53]Matt and Ryan give tips on how to eat hot food.

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[06:45 - 06:55]Ryan likes his soup to be warm, but not burning hot.

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[07:09 - 07:20]Matt waits 10-15 minutes for his coffee to cool down.

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[07:20 - 07:29]The podcast ends with them discussing the temperature of their tea.

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[00:09 - 07:29]The podcast is a discussion about episode 52, card games, a deleted recording session, and tips on eating hot food.

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[08:19 - 08:33]Speaker discusses seeing someone masturbating in the alleyway near their apartment

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[10:21 - 10:32]The person masturbating is someone the speaker knows and has had conversations with before

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[11:44 - 11:49]A police car was nearby but did not intervene

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[11:49 - 11:56]The speaker also saw Ming, a person who often runs around and casts spells in the street

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[12:28 - 12:46]The speaker also mentions a previous encounter with a person in the alleyway who made a comment about "us" being there and offered to help with any problems

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[13:15 - 13:25]The incident happened at night and the person disappeared for two days afterwards, possibly out of embarrassment

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[13:25 - 13:31]The speaker does not engage in further conversation about this topic and the conversation ends there

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[14:03 - 14:11]The speaker feels a mix of compassion and discomfort for the person

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[14:25 - 14:31]The speaker had recently shaved their head, possibly leading the person to feel comfortable bringing up the topic

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[14:32 - 14:38]The same person then made a joke about having a "reverse Hitler" mustache and then asked the speaker if they knew why Hitler did what he did

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[14:38 - 14:44]The speaker feels anxious and uncomfortable during this conversation and tries to brush it off by saying "crazy people do crazy things"

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[07:29 - 14:49]The speaker discusses witnessing someone masturbating in public, along with other strange occurrences near their apartment, including a previous encounter with a person who made a comment about "us" being there and offered to help with any problems. The same person later made a joke about having a "reverse Hitler" mustache and asked the speaker if they knew why Hitler did what he did. The speaker feels anxious and uncomfortable during this conversation and tries to brush it off.

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[14:49 - 15:00] Man recounts a conversation about Hitler and Jews

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[15:41 - 15:48]Stranger in an alleyway talks about an eclectic group of people who have appeared

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[16:51 - 17:03]Updates on the group, including new members

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[18:46 - 19:02]He also has acid reflux

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[20:14 - 20:19]Man has strep throat and is prescribed medication

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[20:29 - 20:43]He has seen the movie Baby Driver three times and recommends it

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[21:34 - 21:40]He plans to see Dunkirk and War for the Planet of the Apes

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[21:40 - 21:51]The man is going out of town and will be seeing movies alone

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[21:59 - 22:08]Mixed reviews of War for the Planet of the Apes from known movie critics

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 52: The Alleyway Surprise

[14:49 - 22:22]Man has a conversation about Hitler and Jews, updates on an eclectic group of people in an alleyway, talks about his health issues and movie recommendations.

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[22:23 - 22:28] Page content discussing people who have a strict line of view with movies and how it can help manage expectations.

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[22:29 - 22:35]Mention of not watching any reviews to avoid spoilers for a movie.

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[22:35 - 22:53]Discussion of expectations and how they can negatively impact the viewing experience.

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[22:54 - 23:06]Mention of the movie "Baby Driver" and how it lived up to expectations.

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[24:01 - 24:15]Excitement for the upcoming movie "Dunkirk" and the desire to see it with a friend.

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[24:21 - 24:34]Discussion of war movies and what the speaker enjoys about them.

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[25:21 - 25:31]Mention of the trailer for "The Disaster Artist" and trust in the production company A24.

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[25:54 - 26:06]Brief mention of a movie seen recently, "A Ghost Story," and disappointment with it.

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[27:39 - 27:50]Discussion of a new movie with Michael Cera that does not seem to have a clear plot.

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[28:42 - 28:55]Personal anecdote about being kept awake by a mischievous cat.

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[22:23 - 29:55]Discussion of expectations and their impact on movie viewing experiences, excitement for upcoming movies, and a personal anecdote about a cat.

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[30:01 - 30:06]Person went to bed around 3 AM and woke up at 4:12 AM

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[30:06 - 30:15]While in REM sleep, person listened to music by the band R.E.M.

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[31:16 - 31:22]Person discusses their name and how it is pronounced differently by different people

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[32:10 - 32:21]They talk about their Twitter handle and how it may come across as a girl's username

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[33:23 - 33:30]They discuss their love for the night time and their desire to get on a better sleep schedule

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[34:04 - 34:17]Person talks about their eating habits and how they often skip breakfast

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[35:17 - 35:25]They mention their cat and how they try to keep it in their room at night

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[36:10 - 36:20]Person reveals their dislike for the Paul brothers and explains why they dislike them

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[36:47 - 37:11]The Paul brothers are proof that people who gave others a hard time in high school can continue to be successful and behave poorly

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[29:55 - 37:11]The person's dislike for the Paul brothers stems from their own negative experiences with people like them in high school.

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[41:08 - 41:18]Discussion about Jake and Logan Paul's behavior and lack of self-correction in their lives, focusing on their obsession with money and bragging

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[42:04 - 42:24]Criticism of their music video "Rise of the Pauls" and their inflated egos

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[42:04 - 42:24]Speculation about their future popularity and potential downfall

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[42:24 - 42:35]Comparison to other YouTubers and the unfairness of their success compared to more talented and passionate creators

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[43:09 - 43:31]Encouragement to support smaller channels and creators who pour their hearts and souls into their work

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[37:11 - 44:48]Agreement to stop mentioning Jake and Logan Paul and close the book on them Overall, the discussion revolves around the negative behavior and questionable fame of Jake and Logan Paul, with a call to support smaller creators and close the book on the Paul brothers.

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[44:48 - 44:57]The speaker discusses throwing a book into an incinerator and continuing with their regular activities.

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[45:47 - 45:54]They mention being excited for the release of video game Splatoon 2 and their disappointment at not being able to play it due to a trip.

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[46:22 - 46:35]The speaker talks about potentially attending Comic Con and warns against sticking fingers in their mouth.

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[47:39 - 47:46]They mention reading a book called Norwegian Wood and enjoying it.

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[47:58 - 48:05]The topic changes to discussing blowjobs and other books.

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[48:05 - 48:11]The speaker mentions wanting to get back into reading physical books and asks for book recommendations.

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[49:45 - 49:53]They mention the book The Road and potentially trading books with someone.

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[50:54 - 51:15]The conversation shifts to the speaker's ex-wife and her habit of sending explicit photos.

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[51:15 - 51:22]The topic changes to the speaker's disappointment at not being able to attend the Columbia fair for the second year in a row.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 52: The Alleyway Surprise

[51:59 - 52:06]They express their love for the fair and mention a specific memory at a demolition derby.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 52: The Alleyway Surprise

[44:48 - 52:06]The speaker discusses a variety of topics, including throwing a book into an incinerator, their excitement for a video game release, reading a book called Norwegian Wood, and their disappointment at not being able to attend the Columbia fair. They also mention their ex-wife and discuss their love for the fair.

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[52:06 - 52:14]Went to demolition derby next to fair

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[52:14 - 52:20]Never been to one before, was loud and strange

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[52:20 - 52:25]Lots of redneck people, even in Maryland

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[52:20 - 52:25]From South Carolina, didn't expect to see more rednecks in Maryland

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[52:26 - 52:31]Went to monster truck event as a child, didn't enjoy it

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 52: The Alleyway Surprise

[52:41 - 52:47]Demolition derby was more fun, fair was open and popular

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[52:47 - 52:54]Only 4 other people at fair, no lines for rides

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[52:47 - 52:54]Could ride rides for 20 minutes straight

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[52:55 - 53:01]Favorite ride at South Carolina state fair is the hang glider

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[53:08 - 53:15]Also did it in Japan

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[53:32 - 53:38]Other person's favorite is the skyline that carries you across the fair

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[55:15 - 55:25]Person won a goldfish at fair, gave it to a friend

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[55:15 - 55:25]Friend had it for a year or two, it eventually died by jumping out of tank

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[56:15 - 56:26]Goldfish survived a 13-hour drive from Maryland in a bag

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[56:33 - 56:38]Person likes the feeling of water balloons with fish in them

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[56:46 - 56:52]Doesn't want the responsibility of having an aquarium and taking care of fish

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[56:52 - 57:05]Cat might eat the fish or knock over the aquarium

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[57:21 - 57:30]Imagines a scenario where cat chokes on fish and they both die, but fish is still alive in throat

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[57:36 - 57:43]Joke about being a born-again virgin

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[57:43 - 57:55]Went to an abstinence concert in church as a kid

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[57:55 - 58:19]Suggests doing a public meetup where they throw purity rings

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[58:28 - 58:38]Ends podcast with a joke about girls being trouble

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 52: The Alleyway Surprise

[52:06 - 59:04]The person went to a demolition derby and fair, enjoyed it more than a monster truck event as a child. They also discuss their favorite rides at fairs and how they won a goldfish at a fair. They also talk about the responsibilities and potential risks of having an aquarium with a cat in the house. The podcast ends with a joke about abstinence and a joke about girls being trouble.