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Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

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[00:02 - 01:36]Shane and Amanda from Smoshmouth have Olivia Sway as a special guest on their show.

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[00:10 - 01:28]Olivia is doing press for her reoccurring role on the show Cops and just wrapped the last season.

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[00:34 - 01:08]Lunch on set consisted of boiled eggs, roast beef sandwiches, and rock star energy drinks.

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[01:15 - 01:21]Olivia is doing press for her reoccurring role on the show Cops and just wrapped the last season.

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[01:37 - 01:55]Olivia's makeup is on point and she is headed to do press at crackle and then to appear on Jimmy Fallon's show.

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[01:55 - 03:33]They discuss the Harambe incident and Olivia reveals she only found out about it recently and did a lot of research on it afterwards.

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[02:08 - 03:27]They discuss Olivia's lack of knowledge about the Harambe incident and her friends from home are shocked.

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[02:28 - 02:41]They discuss the Harambe incident and Olivia reveals she only found out about it recently and did a lot of research on it afterwards.

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[03:34 - 04:35]Olivia explains that she found out about Harambe during the 2016 election when people were writing his name on the ballot.

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[04:20 - 06:00]They talk about a dream of Amanda's to scuba dive in the Boston aquarium and Olivia confuses it with a story from the 90s where a gorilla protected a child in a zoo.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[06:00 - 08:14]They talk about a recent incident at the aquarium where a man jumped into a tank and was arrested.

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[06:06 - 06:53]They also discuss a recent incident where a man jumped naked into a tank at a Bass Pro Shop.

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[07:20 - 09:16]They talk about a dream of Amanda's to scuba dive in the Boston aquarium and Olivia confuses it with a story from the 90s where a gorilla protected a child in a zoo.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[08:26 - 10:22]Amanda gets her news from and Olivia jokes about her being on the show Cops.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[09:05 - 09:10]They talk about a recent incident at the aquarium where a man jumped into a tank and was arrested.

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[09:16 - 10:09]Olivia jokes about Amanda not being very online and Amanda admits she gets a lot of her news from Twitter.

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[09:29 - 10:00]They talk about a recent incident at the aquarium where a man jumped into a tank and was arrested.

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[09:47 - 11:19]The theme of the episode is Reddit.

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[10:09 - 11:06]They discuss Olivia's lack of knowledge about the Harambe incident and her friends from home are shocked.

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[10:09 - 12:30]The hosts discuss their experiences with Reddit, including the Harambe clip going viral and their favorite subreddits.

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[11:56 - 12:46]They mention how specific and diverse the subreddits can be, from true crime to bread making.

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[12:46 - 13:55]They explain how Reddit works, with different communities and the ability to post and comment.

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[13:24 - 16:47]They discuss the wholesome and helpful nature of some subreddits, but also mention the toxic and wild side of Reddit.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[15:54 - 17:04]They explain how Reddit works, with different communities and the ability to post and comment.

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[17:04 - 18:00]They talk about the controversy surrounding Reddit's attempts to make the platform profitable and the impact it has on users.

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[18:01 - 20:12]They discuss the wholesome and helpful nature of some subreddits, but also mention the toxic and wild side of Reddit.

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[18:20 - 21:31]They explain how Reddit works, with different communities and the ability to post and comment.

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[18:28 - 19:05]The theme of the episode is Reddit.

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[19:53 - 21:21]The hosts give examples of popular subreddits, such as Life Pro Tips.

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[20:30 - 21:38]The post is about professional house cleaning being cheaper than expected and relieving stress in relationships

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[21:39 - 25:11]The conversation veers to discussing bathroom habits on airplanes and the fear of public bathrooms

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[25:12 - 27:30]There are also Shitty Life Pro Tips, such as washing your hands multiple times in a row and placing weiners and cheese slices in your pockets during a natural disaster to attract search dogs

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[27:00 - 27:18]There are Life Pro Tips about never lending money and farting on airplanes

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[27:31 - 28:13]The conversation veers to discussing bathroom habits on airplanes and the fear of public bathrooms

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[27:51 - 29:35]There are also Shitty Life Pro Tips, such as washing your hands multiple times in a row and placing weiners and cheese slices in your pockets during a natural disaster to attract search dogs

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[29:15 - 30:18]There is a community on Reddit called "Bread Stapled to Trees" where people staple bread to trees and take photos of it

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[30:18 - 31:23]Long Furbies is a community where people modify their Furbies to be longer and more creative

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[31:23 - 32:51]"Shower Thoughts" is a subreddit where people share interesting thoughts they have while showering

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[32:10 - 33:36]The hosts discuss their opinions on sweatpants and airport attire, including a dislike for fleece and a preference for linen

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[32:52 - 37:00]There is a subreddit called "Mirrors for Sale" where people post photos of themselves accidentally included in mirror photos for sale

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[37:00 - 39:49]Another subreddit called "Awful Taste, But Great Execution" showcases items that may be in poor taste but were executed well

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[39:50 - 42:39]The hosts discuss their opinions on sweatpants and airport attire, including a dislike for fleece and a preference for linen

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[42:13 - 48:31]Mentioning a post about someone swallowing toothpaste and finding it disgusting

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[48:31 - 51:55]Discussing the use of humor to cope with serious issues, such as the subreddit "Our Amish"

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[48:38 - 52:23]Mentioning a subreddit called "Roast Me" where people post selfies and get roasted by strangers

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[51:37 - 53:57]Discussing the subreddit "The 10th Dentist" where people post unpopular opinions

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[51:55 - 54:02]Talking about a subreddit called "True Rate Me" where people judge others' attractiveness based on one photo

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[53:21 - 54:55]Mentioning the weird subreddit "Four Letter G's" where people only post the letter G

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[54:02 - 56:22]Discussing the use of humor to cope with serious issues, such as the subreddit "Our Amish"

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[54:19 - 55:25]Mentioning the weird subreddit "Four Letter G's" where people only post the letter G

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[56:23 - 58:32]There is a subreddit called Hydro Homies, where people post pictures of their water bottles and express their love for water.

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[58:33 - 59:50]Some people believe that not masturbating, or participating in "NoFap," will lead to life-changing benefits such as increased energy, confidence, and success.

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[59:50 - 1.00:46]Many members of NoFap are young men struggling in the dating scene and believe that not masturbating will help them find a girlfriend.

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[1.00:07 - 1.00:23]Some people are skeptical of the benefits of not masturbating and worry about the potential harm of a large number of people following this practice.

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[1.00:47 - 1.02:24]One member of NoFap shared their personal success story, claiming that after 500 days of not masturbating, they found a job, completed a master's degree, and gave up anxiety medication.

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[1.02:24 - 1.03:13]The speaker expresses support for someone who has done something extreme.

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[1.02:24 - 1.03:29]The term "FAP" is a meme term for masturbating.

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[1.02:47 - 1.03:55]They joke about the person becoming a member of the NoFap community.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[1.03:23 - 1.04:14]They discuss how they don't want to offend anyone and people should be allowed to do whatever they want.

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[1.03:29 - 1.04:54]Some people are skeptical of the benefits of not masturbating and worry about the potential harm of a large number of people following this practice.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[1.04:14 - 1.05:00]They joke about the person becoming a member of the NoFap community.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[1.05:06 - 1.05:27]They mention a subreddit called Smosh with 50,000 subscribers.

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[1.05:28 - 1.05:45]The speaker reads through posts on the subreddit, including appreciation posts for a person named Amanda and posts about playing Five Nights at Freddy's.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[1.05:46 - 1.07:03]They read through a post assigning dog breeds to each member of their group.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[1.06:41 - 1.06:47]The speaker expresses support for someone who has done something extreme.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[1.07:03 - 1.07:49]They read through a post assigning dog breeds to each member of their group.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[1.07:37 - 1.07:43]They mention a subreddit called Smosh with 50,000 subscribers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[1.07:57 - 1.08:24]They discuss the positive atmosphere on their subreddit.

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[1.08:25 - 1.08:35]The speaker shares a fedora with someone and suggests they will find weird things on Reddit to show them later.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[1.08:36 - 1.09:04]They joke about the person becoming a member of the NoFap community.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading The Weirdest Subreddits | Smosh Mouth 42

[1.09:04 - 1.09:20]They joke about being busy with moderator meetings and being a member of the NoFap community.

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[1.09:20 - 1.09:33]The speaker mentions being late for their next engagement and the other person being famous.