

Youtube profile pic for Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[00:03 - 00:59]Speaker discusses their comfort with physical touch, specifically hugs, high fives, handshakes, and arm around someone

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[00:42 - 02:30]The group discusses catchphrases, with one person using "come on" and another using "hey baby"

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[02:18 - 03:02]Someone mentions eating a koala and the speaker jokes about throwing it on a beast

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[02:30 - 03:30]The speaker's mother used to call them and their sibling "funny looking" and mentions a phrase they used to say

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[03:31 - 07:44]The group discusses catchphrases, with one person using "come on" and another using "hey baby"

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[05:21 - 05:40]The speaker's mother used to call them and their sibling "funny looking" and mentions a phrase they used to say

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[06:54 - 08:25]They mention playing the game Fortnite and voicing a character in Grand Theft Auto

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[08:26 - 10:09]The group discusses catchphrases, with one person using "come on" and another using "hey baby"

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[08:33 - 10:55]The speaker's friend went on a tour and had a tiring schedule, with stacked bunk beds causing discomfort

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[09:26 - 11:04]The speaker had a challenge sleeping on a bus due to claustrophobia.

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[10:04 - 11:55]They have a tendency to say "no" when they don't want to do something, and that can lead to them getting upset.

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[11:37 - 13:25]They feel pressure when meeting new people or being in a group setting.

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[13:03 - 14:20]The speaker had a challenge sleeping on a bus due to claustrophobia.

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[13:52 - 15:05]They have a tendency to say "no" when they don't want to do something, and that can lead to them getting upset.

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[15:05 - 15:31]The speaker had a challenge sleeping on a bus due to claustrophobia.

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[15:36 - 18:29]They can be the life of the party, but it can also be exhausting.

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[17:35 - 19:15]They enjoy organizing and being the center of attention at parties.

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[17:43 - 18:54]Friends talk about feeling pressured to hang out with friends they don't want to

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[17:49 - 19:58]One person has a friend who is good at saying "no" without excuses

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[20:04 - 20:43]Friends talk about feeling pressured to hang out with friends they don't want to

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[20:43 - 21:47]One person has a friend who is good at saying "no" without excuses

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[21:47 - 22:48]They discuss a friend who was supposed to meet up with them but got lost on a mountain

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[21:59 - 23:02]The trip was planned when the speaker and Shane, another person on the trip, went to Japan the previous year and decided to go again

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[22:16 - 22:42]One person has a friend who is good at saying "no" without excuses

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[22:33 - 22:48]The speaker asked Kevin to join them on the trip, and they all had a lot of fun

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[22:49 - 26:30]They discuss a friend who was supposed to meet up with them but got lost on a mountain

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[23:03 - 24:36]They visited various cities in Japan, including Osaka and Tokyo

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[23:36 - 23:42]The speaker enjoyed trying new foods and interacting with locals, especially at small restaurants run by elderly couples

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[24:07 - 25:00]The speaker and Kevin went on separate adventures during the trip, with the speaker going to Kyoto and getting lost on a mountain

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[25:00 - 25:11]The speaker asked Kevin to join them on the trip, and they all had a lot of fun

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[25:12 - 25:48]The trip was planned when the speaker and Shane, another person on the trip, went to Japan the previous year and decided to go again

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[25:48 - 25:54]The speaker enjoyed trying new foods and interacting with locals, especially at small restaurants run by elderly couples

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[25:54 - 26:30]The speaker and Kevin went on separate adventures during the trip, with the speaker going to Kyoto and getting lost on a mountain

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[26:19 - 28:17]They talk about being independent and not wanting clingy friends

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[26:19 - 29:29]The speaker had never been out of the country before and was impressed by Kevin's ability to speak Japanese

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[26:45 - 28:30]They discuss a friend who was supposed to meet up with them but got lost on a mountain

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[28:44 - 28:50]The speaker and Kevin went on separate adventures during the trip, with the speaker going to Kyoto and getting lost on a mountain

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[28:55 - 29:17]The speaker had never been out of the country before and was impressed by Kevin's ability to speak Japanese

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[29:17 - 30:35]The group walked an average of 7-8 miles a day and lost weight during the trip

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[30:36 - 31:01]The speaker then transitions to talking about their personal life and wanting to share something about themselves on the podcast

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[30:47 - 31:49]Previous discussions about anxiety, OCD, body issues, sexuality, and gender identity

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[31:01 - 31:12]Page content is about a group of people who went to Japan, including the speaker, their wife, and a friend named Kevin

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[31:01 - 31:12]Speaker introduces themselves as Kevin, the "Shreditor"

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[31:13 - 32:26]Personal story about ADHD being misunderstood and oversimplified

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[32:26 - 33:26]Examples of ADHD moments, such as forgetting objects and talking incessantly

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[33:27 - 34:33]ADHD can also bring positive traits, such as impulsivity and exuberance

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[33:42 - 34:51]Speaker introduces themselves as Kevin, the "Shreditor"

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[33:52 - 35:05]Speaker appreciates the opportunity to discuss ADHD and its daily struggles

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[34:03 - 34:25]Speaker does not take medication for ADHD, but acknowledges its benefits for others

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[34:51 - 36:31]Examples of ADHD moments, such as forgetting objects and talking incessantly

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[35:07 - 37:43]Speaker has learned to manage ADHD through force of will and building habits

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[35:23 - 38:59]Examples of ADHD moments, such as forgetting objects and talking incessantly

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[38:23 - 40:21]Speaker appreciates the opportunity to discuss ADHD and its daily struggles

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[39:15 - 39:59]Exercise is helpful in managing ADHD and can be seen as a superpower

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[40:22 - 41:22]Personal story about ADHD being misunderstood and oversimplified

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[41:08 - 41:56]The speaker suggests that the friend needs medication, which prompts the friend's grandmother to reveal she has the same condition and takes medication.

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[41:22 - 41:56]Speaker does not take medication for ADHD, but acknowledges its benefits for others

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[41:57 - 42:56]Personal story about ADHD being misunderstood and oversimplified

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[41:57 - 43:02]The speaker talks about how casually using phrases like "I'm so OCD" can be hurtful and should be called out.

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[42:25 - 42:31]Examples of ADHD moments, such as forgetting objects and talking incessantly

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[43:09 - 46:35]The speaker addresses a misconception that they are "weird with touch" and clarifies that they actually enjoy hugs and physical contact.

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[44:55 - 47:18]The speaker talks about how casually using phrases like "I'm so OCD" can be hurtful and should be called out.

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[47:19 - 48:56]The speaker recommends checking out an ADHD subreddit for support and understanding.

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[48:22 - 50:22]The speaker and their partner had a breakthrough moment when they both realized how ADHD affected their relationship.

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[49:48 - 50:29]The speaker discusses a new project that allows them to do some good.

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[49:56 - 52:00]The speaker shares a personal story about their mother's comments about their eyes causing a complex.

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[50:01 - 50:14]The speaker expresses excitement for their trip to Australia and the opportunity to explore the country.

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[50:01 - 52:07]The speaker talks about how casually using phrases like "I'm so OCD" can be hurtful and should be called out.

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[50:08 - 52:33]The speaker shares a personal story about their mother's comments about their eyes causing a complex.

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[50:29 - 52:41]The speaker's mother is mentioned and they express love and admiration for her, despite some past mistakes.

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[52:07 - 52:28]The speaker talks about how they had to confront their ADHD in a new way when starting a relationship.

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[52:07 - 52:47]They reflect on the challenges of being a child and dealing with societal expectations.

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[52:48 - 54:02]The speaker's mother is mentioned and they express love and admiration for her, despite some past mistakes.

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[54:02 - 55:50]The speaker expresses excitement for their trip to Australia and the opportunity to explore the country.

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[54:09 - 54:28]The speaker discusses their upcoming trip to Australia and their excitement to try new foods.

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[54:28 - 55:34]The speaker considers the possibility of trying kangaroo meat but also wants to be mindful and respectful of the current situation in Australia.

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[55:51 - 56:34]The speaker discusses their upcoming trip to Australia and their excitement to try new foods.

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[56:35 - 57:16]The speaker considers the possibility of trying kangaroo meat but also wants to be mindful and respectful of the current situation in Australia.

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[56:58 - 57:03]They reflect on the challenges of being a child and dealing with societal expectations.

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[56:58 - 58:01]The speaker talks about the possibility of visiting other places in Australia, such as Sydney Opera House

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[57:16 - 58:01]The speaker considers the possibility of trying kangaroo meat but also wants to be mindful and respectful of the current situation in Australia.

A youtube thumbnail wor Destigmatizing Our Mental Illnesses - SmoshCast #52

[57:22 - 57:54]They mention the unique abilities of kangaroos, such as balancing on their tails.

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[57:40 - 1.01:10]The speaker discusses their upcoming trip to Australia, specifically for a convention called Supernova

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[58:01 - 1.02:50]The speaker talks about the possibility of visiting other places in Australia, such as Sydney Opera House

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[1.02:50 - 1.03:01]The group wraps up their discussion and reminds viewers to rate the podcast and watch the video version on YouTube.

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[1.03:01 - 1.05:32]Another speaker talks about canceling having to untie shoes to take them off

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[1.03:20 - 1.04:33]One of the speakers mentions canceling Uber Eats' practice of charging a $3 delivery fee for orders under $15

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[1.04:15 - 1.05:20]Another speaker talks about canceling having to untie shoes to take them off

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[1.05:21 - 1.07:43]The speaker discusses their excitement for the trip and asks for recommendations from viewers

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[1.05:32 - 1.06:39]A third speaker mentions canceling thrift stores that do not wash their clothing enough

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[1.06:51 - 1.07:36]The speaker discusses their excitement for the trip and asks for recommendations from viewers