

Youtube profile pic for That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[00:02 - 00:58]A man gets angry and pulls out two box-cutters from his bag

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[00:25 - 01:47]The speaker is a part of Smosh and has been for a long time

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[00:33 - 01:19]They joke about not knowing the meaning of the word "detrimental"

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[01:48 - 02:06]Ryan started directing for Smosh in 2010 or 2011

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[02:06 - 03:00]They talk about their lack of discipline in filming and how they used to have hungover crew members

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[03:01 - 03:12]They talk about how they met Ryan in Sacramento through a film group

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[03:13 - 03:57]They talk about their lack of discipline in filming and how they used to have hungover crew members

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[03:58 - 04:49]They talk about how they met Ryan in Sacramento through a film group

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[04:37 - 05:06]They talk about their lack of discipline in filming and how they used to have hungover crew members

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[05:06 - 06:17]They talk about how they met Ryan in Sacramento through a film group

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[05:14 - 06:05]Ryan is usually calm and rarely gets angry on set.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[05:20 - 07:22]They talk about how they met Ryan in Sacramento through a film group

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[06:48 - 08:03]They talk about their lack of discipline in filming and how they used to have hungover crew members

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[07:34 - 10:23]The speaker gets angry at a makeup artist who filmed herself drinking the night before a shoot

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[09:09 - 09:56]A man gets angry and pulls out two box-cutters from his bag

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[09:24 - 09:50]The speaker compares shoots to going to war and emphasizes the importance of being prepared and well-rested.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[09:51 - 09:56]The speaker jokes about throwing their gun at someone and how it could potentially scare them.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[09:56 - 11:02]When the speaker gets mad, they either take a step back or use an F bomb in a sentence.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[10:52 - 10:57]The incident is referred to as the "fruit cup story" and the speaker was not present for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[11:03 - 11:22]The speaker mentions that the girl survived and it was just a flesh wound.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[11:23 - 11:36]The speaker's colleague, who was present, explains the details of the incident.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[11:36 - 13:14]The speaker jokes about throwing their gun at someone and how it could potentially scare them.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[11:43 - 11:48]The homeless man asked for food, but was refused and became confrontational.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[11:48 - 12:11]The speaker joked about punching the man, but the situation escalated when the man pulled out box cutters.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[12:19 - 13:02]They mention a specific incident on set involving a homeless man trying to steal food.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[13:14 - 14:00]The speaker joked about punching the man, but the situation escalated when the man pulled out box cutters.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[13:20 - 13:32]They mention a specific incident on set involving a homeless man trying to steal food.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[14:01 - 14:27]The speaker recalls seeing the incident through a window and Shane, their colleague, talking about it later.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[14:06 - 15:01]The speaker joked about punching the man, but the situation escalated when the man pulled out box cutters.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[15:02 - 15:10]The speaker expresses regret for their actions, as they later found out the church they were filming at provided food for the homeless.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[15:10 - 15:36]They mention a specific incident on set involving a homeless man trying to steal food.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[15:18 - 15:30]The speaker's colleague, who was present, explains the details of the incident.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[15:36 - 15:57]The speaker shares another incident they witnessed involving a girl getting stabbed at a party.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[15:42 - 16:04]The speaker was at the party because of a friend's girlfriend who was known for getting into trouble.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[16:30 - 16:42]The speaker mentions that the girl survived and it was just a flesh wound.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[16:42 - 17:01]The speaker recalls seeing the incident through a window and Shane, their colleague, talking about it later.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[17:15 - 17:39]The speaker reflects on their first impression of the person they are speaking to and how they initially didn't understand the popularity of their work.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[17:39 - 18:29]The speaker discusses their own career path in film and how they wondered if their skills were valuable before discovering YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[18:29 - 20:12]The speaker reflects on their first impression of the person they are speaking to and how they initially didn't understand the popularity of their work.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[20:12 - 21:00]They mention their first interaction with the person they are speaking to, where they directed them in a scene and they were nervous because they had no acting experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[20:19 - 20:24]The speaker reflects on their first impression of the person they are speaking to and how they initially didn't understand the popularity of their work.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[20:36 - 22:40]They mention their first interaction with the person they are speaking to, where they directed them in a scene and they were nervous because they had no acting experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[21:47 - 21:58]They recall meeting the people they are speaking to and how they quickly became friends and collaborators.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[21:47 - 23:16]The speaker mentions being mean, but also clarifies that 90% of what they say is true

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[22:04 - 22:34]The speaker discusses the lack of serious actors in Sacramento and how they often referred to them as "sactors."

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[22:04 - 24:56]They mention working with someone who sells their panties on the side and joke about actors being a rare breed

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[22:41 - 23:16]They mention a few actors by name and how they were good at comedy.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[23:17 - 23:53]The speaker talks about the perception of actors in Sacramento and how they often came from a theater background.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[23:53 - 24:16]The speaker recalls a specific actor who they liked but later found out had a lot of "furry porn" on their Tumblr page.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[23:53 - 25:02]The speaker misses actors but also enjoys when they nail their lines on the first go

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[24:00 - 24:46]They mention easing off of someone and seeing them on flights frequently

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[24:28 - 24:41]The speaker describes the person they see on flights as one of the nicest people, but with an open side

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[25:03 - 25:15]They mention being aware of the camera always being on them and feeling like they have come a long way in understanding hierarchy and decision-making on set

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[25:15 - 26:07]They mention having specific ticks and a workaround with the person they work with, who is described as the biggest stoner who doesn't smoke weed

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[25:55 - 27:22]The speaker misses actors but also enjoys when they nail their lines on the first go

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[26:07 - 28:54]They mention being aware of the camera always being on them and feeling like they have come a long way in understanding hierarchy and decision-making on set

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[26:27 - 28:26]The speaker talks about developing a signal to communicate on set and mentions working on deliveries in their head

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[27:28 - 27:44]The speaker talks about the flexibility in trying multiple ways to deliver a line and the importance of having options in post-production.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[28:27 - 29:04]The speaker talks about developing a signal to communicate on set and mentions working on deliveries in their head

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[29:04 - 30:33]The speaker describes a past experience with power tripping and trying to cover "thirst trap boys" on Vine

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[30:16 - 32:39]The speaker discusses the ego trip of being a director and the importance of collaboration on set

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[30:22 - 31:11]They mention being aware of the camera always being on them and feeling like they have come a long way in understanding hierarchy and decision-making on set

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[31:22 - 33:51]They mention checking themselves to make sure they are collaborating and not just trying to be the one to make the final decision

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[31:27 - 32:22]They mention that their favorite person to work with shifts and that they have pros and cons

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[33:51 - 35:03]The speaker talks about the rise of social media platforms and the decline of traditional websites.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[33:56 - 35:38]They reminisce about Smosh's early days and mention being a fan of BTS (behind the scenes) videos.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[35:04 - 35:30]They mention the challenges of linking outside of platforms due to algorithms and the importance of security at conventions.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[35:39 - 36:15]The speaker talks about the rise of social media platforms and the decline of traditional websites.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[36:15 - 37:56]They reminisce about Smosh's early days and mention being a fan of BTS (behind the scenes) videos.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[37:11 - 38:05]The speaker talks about their role as director and their character Stevie, and how fans often don't realize they are the same person.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[38:05 - 41:00]The speaker brings up the Christina Grimmie incident and the increased security measures at VidCon.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[41:02 - 42:23]The speaker mentions the great crew of people behind Smosh and how many have played a role in the brand's success.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[41:20 - 43:47]The speaker talks about their role as director and their character Stevie, and how fans often don't realize they are the same person.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[42:57 - 44:34]They describe their process for getting into character as Stevie.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[44:34 - 45:45]The speaker mentions the great crew of people behind Smosh and how many have played a role in the brand's success.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[44:42 - 45:32]Discussion about the liver as an underappreciated organ

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[45:10 - 47:09]Discussion about the early years of Smosh production and the workload involved

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[47:10 - 48:28]Discussion about family and children

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[47:32 - 50:02]Memories of working with Ian and Anthony

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[50:02 - 52:53]Appreciation for the current living situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[53:27 - 54:37]Discussion about meals and food preparation

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[53:49 - 54:01]Appreciation for the current living situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[54:38 - 56:46]Details about living arrangements and roommates

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[54:56 - 55:51]Appreciation for the current living situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[55:35 - 56:41]Use of new words and learning from each other

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[56:17 - 57:10]Memories of working with Ian and Anthony

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[56:53 - 57:27]They discuss their admiration for the main character, a psychopath queen

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[56:53 - 59:09]Appreciation for the current living situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[57:27 - 58:50]They have a routine of watching shows together and FaceTiming family

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[58:51 - 59:21]The guest leaves to use the bathroom and the hosts wrap up the episode.

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[59:21 - 1.00:51]The conversation turns to talking about their love for each other and the podcast

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[59:52 - 1.01:15]They discuss the upcoming movie "Avengers Endgame" and the trailer for "Joker"

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[1.02:20 - 1.04:41]They make dark jokes about the situation

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[1.03:27 - 1.04:33]They discuss their admiration for the main character, a psychopath queen

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[1.04:41 - 1.06:14]They make dark jokes about the situation

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[1.05:04 - 1.05:42]The news story is about a zoo's first artificially inseminated Jaguar giving birth and the mother eating the cub

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[1.05:42 - 1.07:00]They make dark jokes about the situation

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[1.06:14 - 1.08:03]The speaker pees frequently and they joke about it

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[1.06:33 - 1.07:16]The news story is about a zoo's first artificially inseminated Jaguar giving birth and the mother eating the cub

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[1.07:37 - 1.09:26]The conversation turns to talking about their love for each other and the podcast

A youtube thumbnail wor That Time Our Director Was (Almost) Attacked - SmoshCast #8

[1.08:24 - 1.09:14]The speaker pees frequently and they joke about it