

Youtube profile pic for Roasting our Trash Taste in FOOD | Trash Taste #182

Roasting our Trash Taste in FOOD | Trash Taste #182

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[00:00 - 00:05]Wasabi is like sniffing markers as a kid

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[00:53 - 01:05]Trash Taste episode discussing favorite foods

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[01:05 - 01:11]Different criteria for choosing favorite foods

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[01:17 - 01:26]Three by three list of favorite foods

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[01:37 - 01:44]Some foods have nostalgic attachment, some are versatile, some are "secret bangers"

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[03:29 - 03:36]Food is a common topic on Trash Taste

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[03:51 - 03:57]Three by three episode with Trash Box Coon

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[04:53 - 04:59]List is ordered top left to bottom right

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[05:00 - 05:05]Garnt's list: Pat Crapal, McDonald's breakfast, Easter egg chocolate, lasagna, chicken wings, salmon nigiri, American BBQ, instant ramen

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[07:06 - 07:12]Grapau may not be the best Thai food, but has personal significance

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[07:06 - 07:12]Grapau is not a controversial choice, but a personal one

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[07:31 - 07:41]Grapau is a common dish in Thai cuisine

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[07:31 - 07:41]Other cuisines may also have their own versions of a "signature dish"

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[07:31 - 07:41]Grapau is a comfort food for Garnt

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[00:00 - 07:41]Trash Taste episode discussing favorite foods with a three by three list; Garnt's list includes Pat Crapal, McDonald's breakfast, Easter egg chocolate, lasagna, chicken wings, salmon nigiri, American BBQ, and instant ramen; Grapau is a personal favorite for Garnt.

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[07:41 - 07:50]The speaker discusses how certain dishes are used to test the quality of a restaurant, using Grapau as an example.

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[07:50 - 08:12]Grapau is the speaker's comfort food and they see it as a baseline taste test for all Thai food.

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[09:03 - 09:12]They explain how adding fish sauce and fresh chilies to Grapau elevates the dish.

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[09:39 - 09:54]The speaker and their friend argue over which country, Thailand or Vietnam, has the best cuisine.

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[10:40 - 11:12]They mention how Thai food is full of flavor due to the use of spices and chilies.

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[12:31 - 12:36]The speaker's favorite breakfast item is the Sausage Egg McMuffin.

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[12:41 - 12:48]The speaker discusses their love for McDonald's breakfast menu, specifically the Sausage Egg McMuffin and hash browns.

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[13:18 - 13:25]They explain that McDonald's breakfast is the only time they eat at the fast food chain.

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[13:39 - 13:55]They mention that McDonald's breakfast can make them feel sick, but they still enjoy it.

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[14:14 - 14:19]The speaker admits they do not like the hash browns at McDonald's.

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[07:41 - 14:39]The speaker discusses their love for Grapau as a baseline test for Thai food, and their argument with a friend about Thai vs Vietnamese cuisine. They also talk about their love for McDonald's breakfast, specifically the Sausage Egg McMuffin, and their dislike for the hash browns.

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[14:40 - 14:48]The speaker only eats their specific McDonald's breakfast combo when they are hungover

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[14:49 - 14:55]They know people who order multiple hash browns from McDonald's for breakfast

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[14:49 - 14:55]They know people who order multiple hash browns from McDonald's for breakfast

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[14:58 - 15:07]The speaker prefers McDonald's hash browns over other places, especially when they are eating a full English breakfast

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[15:08 - 15:14]They enjoy the greasiness and thinness of the McDonald's hash brown

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[16:05 - 16:11]The speaker does not like hash browns that are too crunchy and prefers to eat them with ketchup

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[16:55 - 17:02]They think McDonald's breakfast is the best menu and would be happy if it was the only menu available

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[17:52 - 17:57]The speaker has realized that their love for McDonald's may just be nostalgia from childhood

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[20:04 - 20:15]The speaker has not enjoyed McDonald's as much in recent years, possibly due to trying better American fast food

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[20:15 - 20:21]They still have a craving for McDonald's double cheeseburgers or a Big Mac from time to time

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[21:19 - 21:28]Despite this, they still love the edgeless pizza from Pizza Hut and its unique smell

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[14:40 - 21:40]Overall, the speaker loves McDonald's breakfast and would be happy if it was the only menu available, but has not enjoyed other McDonald's items as much in recent years. They have also realized that their love for McDonald's may just be nostalgia.

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[22:56 - 23:04]Person discussing pizza and their nostalgia for Pizza Hut

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[23:44 - 23:52]They talk about the unique smell of Pizza Hut and how it is missing from other mainstream pizza joints

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[24:29 - 24:38]They mention that they never had Pizza Hut as a child and their parents made homemade pizza

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[26:18 - 26:27]They discuss the possibility of the Edge not living up to their memories

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[26:27 - 26:35]They recall going to Pizza Hut for all-you-can-eat pizza days as a treat

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[26:27 - 26:35]They express disappointment in the quality of Pizza Hut in recent years

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[26:59 - 27:07]They dream of the Pizza Hut Edge being brought back and would fly to America to try it

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[27:17 - 27:22]They mention the Pizza Hut Edge pizza and how it was their favorite as a child

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[27:30 - 27:36]They list some popular pizza chains in the UK and discuss their preferences

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[28:15 - 28:20]They mention the chocolate egg form as a way to have just the right amount of chocolate

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[21:40 - 28:33]Person discusses their nostalgia for Pizza Hut and the unique smell of their pizza, as well as their disappointment in the quality of Pizza Hut in recent years. They dream of the Pizza Hut Edge being brought back and express their love for chocolate eggs as a way to have just the right amount of chocolate.

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[28:34 - 28:40]Person discussing good memories of Easter time

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[28:40 - 28:46]Mention of tick-tock with sculpting chocolate guy and sculpting a bird

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[32:11 - 32:24]Discussion on sculpting something that always ends up looking like a cock

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[32:24 - 32:29]Excitement over finding a Reddit post of someone sculpting a snake out of chocolate

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[32:53 - 33:07]Explanation of why chocolate in egg form is better than in bar form

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[33:07 - 33:13]Discussion on preferences for chocolate - dairy milk, dark, or white

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[33:25 - 33:33]Comparison of dark and white chocolate as different moods

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[33:33 - 33:39]Confusion and realization of what was being talked about

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[34:01 - 34:09]Preference for milk chocolate anytime

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[34:09 - 34:14]Discussion on Toblerone and its thickness

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[34:15 - 34:20]Mention of tick-tock guy again

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[34:20 - 34:25]Mention of Toblerone in egg form being even better

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[28:34 - 35:13]Final agreement on chocolate in egg form being the best way to present it

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[35:13 - 35:31] The speaker is discussing their opinion on pasta, specifically lasagna.

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[35:43 - 35:53]They mention that as they've gotten older, lasagna has gone down in their rankings of pasta.

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[36:15 - 36:21]The speaker also mentions their preference for traditional pasta over lasagna.

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[36:27 - 36:32]The conversation then shifts to discussing chicken wings and the speaker's love for them, particularly bone-in wings.

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[39:23 - 39:28]They discuss the differences between Japanese and American wings and their preference for Korean fried chicken.

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[42:00 - 42:15]The speaker then mentions their love for sushi, particularly salmon sushi.

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[42:16 - 42:26]They express a preference for conveyor belt sushi over high-end sushi places.

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[42:45 - 42:54]The conversation ends with a mention of the speaker's dislike for wasabi.

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[35:13 - 42:54]Overall, the speaker discusses their changing tastes in food as they've gotten older and their love for certain dishes like chicken wings and sushi.

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[44:01 - 44:15] The speaker discusses their dislike for horseradish and preference for real wasabi when eating sushi.

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[44:32 - 44:47]They compare the sensation of eating wasabi to a "gas attack" and express a desire to like it due to its pairing with sushi.

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[46:06 - 46:12]They mention their love for salmon sushi and a specific dish called "salmon rice mozzarella" at a restaurant.

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[46:36 - 46:41]The topic shifts to American barbecue and the speaker's preference for ribs over brisket.

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[47:45 - 47:52]They explain that brisket is overrated and often requires a lot of sauce to balance out its intense flavor.

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[49:51 - 49:57]The speaker defends American barbecues as being the best and mentions a favorite restaurant in Tokyo.

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[42:54 - 50:08]Overall, the speaker enjoys both sushi and American barbecue, but has specific preferences for certain dishes and flavor profiles.

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[50:08 - 50:14] The speaker discusses wanting to have beer with American barbecue.

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[50:39 - 50:47]They mention being surprised at the high price of ribs in Japan.

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[51:24 - 51:35]The speaker talks about their love for smoked meat and how it is a staple in American cuisine.

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[51:55 - 52:01]They mention that instant ramen, specifically shin ramen, is a staple food for them and is found all over the world.

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[54:25 - 54:34]They briefly discuss the popularity of spaghetti and wonder why it is preferred over other types of pasta.

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[54:35 - 54:48]The speaker expresses their dislike for spaghetti and mentions other types of pasta that they prefer.

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[56:10 - 56:20]The speaker mentions that bolognese is an easy and flavorful dish that is popular with children.

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[57:00 - 57:06]They also mention that Game of Subs has released a new product, Game of Tea.

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[57:06 - 57:12]The speaker and their guest try the tea and express their enjoyment of it.

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[57:22 - 57:27]The speaker reveals they are drinking the black tea flavor.

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[50:08 - 57:27]The speaker discusses their love for American barbecue and smoked meat, as well as their staple food, instant ramen. They also express their dislike for spaghetti and preference for other types of pasta. They also briefly mention the popularity of bolognese among children and the release of a new product from Game of Subs, Game of Tea. The speaker and their guest try the tea and enjoy it, with the speaker revealing they are drinking the black tea flavor.

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[57:40 - 57:47] Tasted different types of game of tea (black, ginger turmeric, sleepy thyme, yurba mate)

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[57:47 - 57:53]Each box comes with 15 tea bags, for $15 USD each

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[57:59 - 58:07]Game of Subs launching Wifu Cup Season 5.5 Royal Tea, offering free box with purchase of cups

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[58:14 - 58:21]10% off any orders on Game of Subs website with code "trashtaste"

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[58:21 - 58:27]Sponsorship by Game of Subs

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[59:07 - 59:21]Joey reveals his three by three: strawberry shortcake, scammon kangaroo sausages, nutto, watermelon, spaghetti bolognese, miso soup, sukiyaki, chicken paprika

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[59:28 - 59:36]Joey's reasoning for choosing strawberry shortcake: perfect level of sweetness, light and fluffy flavor, not too sweet

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[1.03:09 - 1.03:17]Japan's cultural differences in selling cake by the slice rather than whole cakes

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[1.03:37 - 1.03:48]Discussion on cakes and their symbolic meaning in celebrations

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[1.03:55 - 1.04:02]One of the hosts finds it depressing to see candles on a single slice of cake

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[57:27 - 1.04:09]The hosts taste different types of game of tea, discuss a sponsorship, and Joey reveals his three by three, highlighting his love for strawberry shortcake. They also discuss the cultural differences in selling cake in Japan and the symbolic meaning of cakes in celebrations.

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[1.04:09 - 1.04:15]People bring the speaker a cake for their birthday and they don't like cake

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[1.04:32 - 1.04:41]The speaker's grandma used to make them a dish called "spag bowl" which they have fond memories of

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[1.05:08 - 1.05:14]The speaker and others debate about the best type of pasta dish, with the speaker ultimately choosing chicken geno verza pesto as the best

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[1.05:30 - 1.05:38]The speaker's grandma makes bolognese, which the speaker loves

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[1.06:46 - 1.06:51]They discuss different types of pasta that bolognese works well with, including fettuccine and bowtie pasta

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[1.07:58 - 1.08:03]The speaker's friend recommends trying kangaroo sausage, which the speaker is skeptical of

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[1.08:41 - 1.08:48]The speaker is very passionate about sausages, and recommends trying kangaroo sausage for its flavor and snap

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[1.09:54 - 1.10:05]The speaker and others debate about the best type of sausage, with the speaker preferring thick sausage for the skin and flavor

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[1.10:20 - 1.10:31]The speaker prefers kangaroo meat over beef, but pork is still their favorite

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[1.04:09 - 1.10:38]The speaker discusses different types of food, including cake, pasta, and sausage, and shares personal memories and opinions about them. They particularly enjoy kangaroo sausage and believe it is worth trying for its unique flavor and texture.

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[1.10:38 - 1.10:52]The speaker puts kangaroo sausage on the same level as pork sausage, but more tender than beef sausage.

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[1.11:09 - 1.11:15]The speaker defends natto as a superfood, but the other person disagrees.

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[1.11:55 - 1.12:01]The speaker argues that texture is not important in food, while the other person believes it is.

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[1.12:51 - 1.12:56]They debate the importance of texture in food and give examples of soggy fried chicken and watermelon.

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[1.16:01 - 1.16:06]They compare watermelon to "Attack on Titan" and bananas to "My Hero Academia."

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[1.16:30 - 1.16:36]The speaker believes watermelon is the best fruit, while the other person prefers bananas.

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[1.17:28 - 1.17:53]The speaker defends watermelon as a versatile and nutritious fruit, while the other person argues that bananas are more flavorful.

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[1.17:53 - 1.18:00]The only drawback the speaker sees in watermelon is the seeds.

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[1.10:38 - 1.18:00]The two speakers debate the merits of various foods, including kangaroo sausage, natto, and watermelon. The speaker defends watermelon as the best fruit while the other person prefers bananas. They also discuss the importance of texture in food and give examples.

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[1.18:00 - 1.18:10]There are two different parts of a food, the sweet center and the crust

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[1.18:32 - 1.18:46]The speaker prefers the sweet center, but the crust can be removed or put in the freezer for a refreshing treat

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[1.18:57 - 1.19:02]Watermelon is a top-tier food for the speaker, followed by banana and then miso soup

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[1.19:57 - 1.20:08]Miso soup is versatile, easy to make, and great for hangovers

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[1.20:15 - 1.20:28]The speaker has fond memories of eating sukiaki with family once a year, but prefers Chinese hot pot for its stronger flavors

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[1.22:29 - 1.22:34]Chicken paprika is the speaker's favorite Hungarian food, but their grandmother's cooking is unbeatable

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[1.25:57 - 1.26:04]The speaker's list of top foods includes beer as a food substitute

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[1.18:00 - 1.26:23]Two parts of food (sweet center and crust), speaker's food preferences (watermelon, banana, miso soup, sukiaki, Chinese hot pot, chicken paprika, beer), grandmother's cooking is unbeatable.

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[1.26:23 - 1.26:31]The speaker discusses a food item called beans and toast, which he does not like.

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[1.26:31 - 1.26:38]He then talks about a snack called McCoy's chips, which he loves for their texture and flavor.

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[1.26:38 - 1.26:44]The speaker also mentions that crisps (chips) in the UK are smaller in size compared to America.

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[1.28:39 - 1.28:51]He shares his love for Indian food, specifically mutton and keema curry, but decides not to include it in his list.

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[1.29:51 - 1.29:58]The speaker then talks about beer being his favorite alcohol and considers it as food.

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[1.30:30 - 1.30:37]He mentions an alcoholic beverage called Rain Labels, which he enjoys because it has no calories or carbs.

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[1.33:28 - 1.33:41]The last item on his list is a food called shogayaki, a grilled ginger pork dish that he likes but is not his favorite.

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[1.26:23 - 1.33:48]Overall, the speaker discusses his favorite and least favorite food items, including a snack, main dish, and alcoholic beverage.

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[1.33:48 - 1.34:01]Picture with beans on toast and mention of favorite sugar aki's

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[1.34:01 - 1.34:15]Discussion of Matzia's recipe change and recommendation to try their food

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[1.35:10 - 1.35:16]Mention of trying out gyoza and ramen at Panda

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[1.35:26 - 1.35:32]Mention of cabbage as a side dish and dislike for it

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[1.36:34 - 1.36:42]Comparison of different styles of American hot dogs

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[1.38:02 - 1.38:10]Discussion of Danish hot dogs and preference for all types of sausages

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[1.38:02 - 1.38:10]Preference for Danish hot dogs and mention of trying all styles of American hot dogs

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[1.40:00 - 1.40:09]Mention of American hot dogs and preference for other street food options

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[1.40:47 - 1.40:56]Mention of Genovese pasta as favorite type of pasta

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[1.40:47 - 1.40:56]Comparison of Genovese pasta to spaghetti bolognese

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[1.33:48 - 1.41:17]The speaker discusses various types of food, including beans on toast, Matzia's recipe change, gyoza and ramen at Panda, cabbage as a side dish, Danish hot dogs, American hot dogs, and Genovese pasta. The speaker expresses their preference for all types of sausages and recommends trying Danish hot dogs and Matzia's food. They also mention their dislike for cabbage and compare Genovese pasta to spaghetti bolognese.

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[1.41:17 - 1.41:34] The speaker discusses their preference for Genovese as a pasta sauce and its strong flavor.

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[1.42:13 - 1.42:18]The speaker also talks about other dishes they tried at the source, including lasagna with a Genovese base.

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[1.42:18 - 1.42:24]The speaker talks about the unique flavor of Genovese and how it originated from using basil as the main ingredient.

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[1.42:18 - 1.42:24]They mention trying Genovese at a source in Italy and how it was worth the trip.

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[1.42:18 - 1.42:24]They express their frustration with how Italian restaurants in Japan do not do Genovese justice.

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[1.42:24 - 1.42:31]They mention that other pasta sauces do not compare to Genovese.

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[1.44:27 - 1.44:40]The speaker also talks about their love for beans on toast and how to make it properly.

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[1.44:27 - 1.44:40]The speaker defends their choice of beans on toast as a god tier meal and mentions American's aversion to trying it.

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[1.45:09 - 1.45:20]They mention using better bread, toasting it, adding cheese and an egg, and putting it in the oven.

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[1.47:25 - 1.47:32]The speaker also expresses their love for packed sandwiches and mentions their dislike for the Japanese version.

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[1.47:52 - 1.48:06]They also mention the nostalgia factor of Tesco's meal deal, although they admit that Greggs may deserve a spot more.

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[1.48:17 - 1.48:23]They mention their love for fried chicken, both bone-in and boneless.

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[1.41:17 - 1.48:23]The speaker concludes by saying that they appreciate all fried chicken and consider it god tier.

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[1.48:23 - 1.48:30]Um, the speakers discuss distractions and their love for wings and fried chicken.

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[1.48:31 - 1.48:38]They also mention Korean fried chicken and Nashville hot chicken.

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[1.49:57 - 1.50:06]The speakers mention ordering boneless fried chicken while on tour and the importance of dips in elevating the flavors.

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[1.51:00 - 1.51:09]They also discuss their love for Caesar salads and the perfect balance of dressing and toppings.

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[1.53:07 - 1.53:17]The speakers express their love for savory foods and salt.

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[1.53:29 - 1.53:42]They share their personal food three by three lists and encourage viewers to share theirs as well.

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[1.54:19 - 1.54:26]The video ends with a call to support the show and to follow them on social media.

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[1.48:23 - 1.54:28]Overall, the speakers discuss their favorite foods, including wings, fried chicken, Caesar salads, and the importance of dips and savory flavors.