

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

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[00:00 - 00:09]Wake up and discuss podcast on a rainy day

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[02:42 - 02:52]Chet Hanks addresses Tom Hanks' Coronavirus news in a video

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[03:10 - 03:17]Tom Hanks and other celebrities have been diagnosed with Coronavirus

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[05:04 - 05:22]A man who met with Donald Trump and Pence was found to be positive for Coronavirus

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[05:22 - 05:41]Coronavirus is spreading exponentially and has reached pandemic levels

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[06:34 - 06:47]The podcast is now partnered with Studio 71 for ad deals

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[06:57 - 07:02]The podcast can now be found on various streaming services

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[07:22 - 07:40]The podcast is asking for listeners to leave a five-star rating on Apple Podcasts

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[07:57 - 08:39]NBA cancels season and other big events are being cancelled due to Coronavirus

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[07:57 - 08:39]Coronavirus updates have been rapidly changing over the past 48 hours

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[00:00 - 08:39]Coronavirus has reached pandemic levels and is spreading rapidly, leading to the cancellation of major events and the diagnosis of celebrities, including Tom Hanks. The podcast is now partnered with Studio 71 and can be found on multiple streaming services. The NBA has also cancelled its season and updates on the virus are constantly changing.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[08:39 - 08:59]Companies are losing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with events like E3 and South by Southwest being cancelled or postponed.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[09:00 - 09:15]Movie releases and events like film and TV production may also be affected.

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[09:00 - 09:15]Concerns about the virus spreading in movie theaters have led some to stop going to the movies.

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[09:40 - 09:56]There is debate over whether the fear of COVID-19 is warranted, with comparisons being made to past pandemics like H1N1.

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[10:10 - 10:22]The fact that COVID-19 has no end date, vaccine, or cure makes it more serious than past pandemics.

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[10:10 - 10:22]The virus can be spread by people who are asymptomatic, making it difficult to contain.

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[12:06 - 12:17]The Olympics may be cancelled, causing concern for those playing a game called Plague Inc.

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[12:42 - 12:47]Some states, like Ohio and Maryland, have cancelled school.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[12:56 - 13:07]People are panic-buying supplies like toilet paper and water, despite the virus not affecting the water supply.

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[13:41 - 13:48]Masks may not be effective in countries where they are not a cultural norm, but washing hands and avoiding large gatherings are important preventative measures.

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[13:41 - 13:48]There is uncertainty about how quickly the virus will continue to spread.

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[13:41 - 13:48]COVID-19 has since turned into a global pandemic, with cases and deaths increasing rapidly.

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[15:41 - 15:59]The first news notifications about a new illness in China were received on January 19th.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[08:39 - 16:19]The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread concern and disruption, with events being cancelled, schools being closed, and panic-buying of supplies. The virus has spread quickly and has no known end date, vaccine, or cure.

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[16:19 - 16:37] Person is looking at pictures of Macklemore and discussing favorite songs

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[17:23 - 17:34]They mention a mysterious virus outbreak in China with 139 reported cases over two days

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[17:23 - 17:34]The three main affected countries are China, South Korea, and Italy

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[17:23 - 17:34]The person had to cancel a trip to Japan due to concerns about the virus

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[18:06 - 18:21]They talk about a mutual friend's wedding and how the bride is related to someone from their old church

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[19:23 - 19:34]They mention a nickname for someone from their old church who was a pedophile

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[21:20 - 21:26]The person's father doesn't seem worried about the virus, but they are concerned due to his age and location

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[22:14 - 22:22]They mention fake news and the importance of fact-checking information

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[23:05 - 23:14]The person's father wants to take them shooting when they visit South Carolina

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[23:36 - 23:42]The person jokingly posted "gay" on their father's Facebook page and deleted it

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[16:19 - 24:04]Person discusses current events and concerns about the virus, mentions cancelled trip and father's nonchalant attitude, and jokes about a Facebook post.

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[24:04 - 24:12] Someone posted a comment on Facebook saying "yo dad you gay as hell"

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[24:12 - 24:18]The person's dad never acknowledged or saw the comment

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[24:12 - 24:18]The person believes their dad may have seen it but chose not to respond

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[24:12 - 24:18]The person thinks this may have been the final straw and they will never hear from their dad again

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[25:21 - 25:36]The person thinks that a photo of Drake sucking cock with cum on his face may be real and they are worried about getting sued for having it

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[25:37 - 25:48]There is also footage of Drake flirting with a 16-year-old on stage and possibly touching her inappropriately

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[25:54 - 26:12]The person jokes about being a big-time rush and wanting to take underage child stars out to dinner

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[27:42 - 27:50]They discuss a song about their dad sucking their grandpa's penis

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[30:29 - 30:35]The person receives a phone call from their sister but does not answer

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[32:11 - 32:16]They mention a handyman experience where they got drunk and talked about deep topics like God and politics

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[24:04 - 32:16]A person talks about their dad possibly seeing a comment on Facebook about him being gay, a potential real photo of Drake sucking cock, and a conversation with a handyman about deep topics while getting drunk.

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[32:16 - 32:23] Two people are discussing a conversation they had about God and potentially partaking in Christianity.

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[32:37 - 32:46]They mention trading phone numbers and one of them sending a picture of Drake to someone named Ray.

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[33:45 - 33:51]They discuss sending texts to random numbers and potentially getting in trouble for it.

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[37:34 - 37:47]One person mentions a helicopter circling their house and getting paranoid.

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[38:21 - 38:27]They briefly discuss attempting to do news voices and a news program they were a part of in high school.

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[40:11 - 40:32]The audio and framing of the news program is criticized.

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[40:57 - 41:14]One person talks about being a producer for the news program in their senior year.

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[32:16 - 41:14]The last bullet point should be a summary of the entire conversation, including discussions about God, trading phone numbers, sending texts to random numbers, paranoia about helicopters, attempting news voices, and high school news program experiences.

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[41:22 - 41:31]Speaker discusses a school project called SCSBA where they could win awards

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[41:31 - 41:38]Teacher in charge didn't care, but the speaker's teacher was great

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[41:56 - 42:02]Speaker would often skip class to work on the project with a partner

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[42:02 - 42:14]They would use a teleprompter and sometimes mess with the speed to be funny

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[43:03 - 43:09]One morning, the speaker accidentally messed with the teleprompter while a student was reading the news

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[45:55 - 46:04]Speaker and friend prank text someone about a fake leaked photo of Drake

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[46:32 - 46:44]They discuss potential sexual details about the fake photo

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[49:22 - 49:30]The speaker's coworker has listened to four episodes of their podcast, one of which was about female anatomy

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[41:14 - 49:48]Speaker discusses a school project, their teacher, and using a teleprompter. They also mention a prank text and a coworker listening to their podcast.

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[49:49 - 49:56]Woman not in touch with her own body, friends make disrespectful comments

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[49:57 - 50:11]Wonder if woman listens to podcast, she has only listened to a few episodes

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[50:29 - 50:34]Friends discuss their various YouTube channels and the success of each

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[51:20 - 51:27]They mention cringe-worthy moments from their past content

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[52:43 - 52:55]They talk about the importance of doing what they want and having fun

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[53:09 - 53:33]Friends discuss how they have changed and matured over the years

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[54:52 - 55:06]One friend mentions a past acquaintance who overdosed on poppers

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[55:24 - 55:30]They discuss the use of poppers in the gay community and their effects

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[55:24 - 55:30]They joke about doing a poppers challenge

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[56:31 - 56:49]They come across a video of Drake performing sexual acts on another man

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[56:31 - 56:49]They discuss the discomfort of the video and joke about it

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[49:49 - 57:41]Friends discuss a woman who is not in touch with her body, their YouTube channels and growth over time, the use of poppers, and react to a video of Drake performing sexual acts.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 184: Drake's Fakes

[57:42 - 57:48]The speaker talks about watching gay porn and being turned off by it.

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[57:54 - 58:05]They discuss looking up Rick and Morty on porn websites.

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[1.03:22 - 1.03:34]The speaker accidentally sends a picture of Drake sucking shlong to their mom.

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[1.04:47 - 1.04:53]The speaker ends the podcast to call their mom and make things right.

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[1.05:09 - 1.05:28]The group contemplates creating an 18+ Patreon tier.

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[1.05:35 - 1.05:41]The speaker's mom responds to the picture, and they apologize and discuss the possibility of creating a ball tier on their Patreon.

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[57:42 - 1.06:33]The last bullet point summarizes the events of the audio clip and the speaker's actions.