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Trash Taste Is Changing In 2024... | Trash Taste #184

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[00:12 - 00:22]Introduction to the final episode of 2023

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[00:23 - 00:29]Congratulating the viewers for surviving another year

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[00:40 - 00:47]Discussion about having a party and using the company card for drinks

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[00:48 - 00:53]Conversation about choosing between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages

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[01:19 - 01:25]Mention of Japan's non-alcoholic options and converting to non-alcoholic beer

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[03:58 - 04:07]Discussion about the feeling and texture of beer and the desire for a cold one after a hard day of work

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[04:38 - 04:43]Mention of the consequences of drinking beer, including calories and carbs

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[05:05 - 05:11]Argument about sacrificing either alcohol or caffeine

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[05:46 - 05:52]Mention of the speaker's coffee machine and its importance as a centerpiece in their house

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[06:30 - 06:36]Joking about Italy's engineering skills and their ability to make great espresso machines and food

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[00:00 - 06:50]Comprehensive summary of the discussion about alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, including personal preferences and sacrifices

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[09:52 - 09:59] The speaker discusses their experience with non-alcoholic beer and wine at a fancy restaurant.

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[10:21 - 10:27]They express disappointment in the non-alcoholic wine pairing menu and compare it to the taste of non-alcoholic beer.

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[10:59 - 11:05]They mention the prevalence of alcohol consumption in Japan and their personal struggles with drinking.

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[11:52 - 12:01]They mention their infrequent drinking habits and how they may be influenced by those around them.

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[11:52 - 12:01]They reflect on the context of their drinking, including special occasions and visits from family members.

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[11:52 - 12:01]They reflect on the context of their drinking, including special occasions and visits from family members.

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[12:02 - 12:09]The speaker acknowledges that occasional self-destruction is acceptable, as long as it does not harm others.

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[12:36 - 12:42]The speaker reflects on the idea of fusion cuisine and how it can sometimes ruin traditional dishes.

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[13:05 - 13:11]The speaker mentions that they will be traveling to Australia soon and will likely not have a sober day.

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[06:51 - 13:42]In summary, the speaker discusses their thoughts on non-alcoholic beverages, fusion cuisine, and their personal experiences with drinking and self-control.

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[13:57 - 14:05] The speaker discusses their struggle with balancing their social life and drinking in Japan.

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[14:10 - 14:17]They mention that Japan's social life revolves around drinking.

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[14:17 - 14:24]They sometimes choose to drink tea instead of alcohol.

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[14:38 - 14:44]The speaker compares Japanese culture's acceptance of not drinking to the judgement in Australia and the UK.

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[15:18 - 15:24]They mention the confusion between "going out" and "going out out" in the UK.

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[16:45 - 16:55]The speaker talks about the welcoming and sense of community they feel at Japanese bars.

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[16:55 - 17:04]The speaker notes that bars often have a friendly and social atmosphere, as it is also good for business.

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[18:07 - 18:14]They mention that this sense of community is lacking in other places in Japan, such as stores.

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[19:26 - 19:33]They mention a specific incident with an elderly Japanese woman at a bar.

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[19:26 - 19:33]The speaker sarcastically mentions that they "got a girl" at the bar.

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[20:01 - 20:06]The speaker recalls a time when they saw a foreigner struggling to understand the card system at the bar.

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[13:42 - 20:06]In summary, the speaker discusses the importance of bars for creating a sense of community and social interaction in Japan, as well as their struggles with balancing drinking and their social life in the country.

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[20:06 - 26:53]Narrator introduces themselves and recalls a situation where they had to translate for a friend. -As a result, the friend becomes more friendly and the narrator becomes interested in receiving free chicken. -The narrator discusses their preference for Japanese convenience stores and smoothies. -They also compare Japanese comedy to other countries and express their love for Japan. -They discuss the use of a company car and how the narrator accidentally used the company card for personal orders. -They talk about their lack of excitement for the upcoming year due to COVID and other societal issues. -However, they mention GTA 6 as a reason for excitement. -They also mention the writer and actor strikes. -Overall, the narrator reflects on their love for Japan and their disappointment in societal issues.

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[26:53 - 27:02]In the next four years, there will be a writer's strike causing a lack of new TV content

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[27:09 - 27:17]The speaker is feeling pessimistic about the future and doesn't see any exciting new tech fads on the horizon

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[27:17 - 27:23]Past tech fads include NFTs, Bitcoin, and AI

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[27:59 - 28:06]The speaker predicts that AR (augmented reality) may be the next big thing

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[29:08 - 29:13]The discussion turns to the topic of sex toys and virtual reality porn

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[33:35 - 33:42]The speaker is skeptical of these technologies and believes they are capitalizing on people's loneliness

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[34:21 - 34:27]They also discuss a popular Korean Manwa about a man who can make anyone orgasm with just a touch

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[26:53 - 34:33]Overall, the speaker is critical of society's obsession with constantly finding new and more efficient ways to pleasure oneself.

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[34:55 - 35:02] Narrator discusses how every generation feels like the world is getting worse

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[36:34 - 36:53]Older generation repeats this sentiment about younger generation

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[36:34 - 36:53]Discussion about how every generation thinks the next one will be worse

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[37:34 - 37:40]Discussion about how previous generations had it easier financially

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[37:49 - 37:58]Narrator believes this time it may be true

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[37:49 - 37:58]Narrator talks about how the act of existing has never been harder

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[39:17 - 39:24]Narrator mentions previous pandemics and how this one is the first global pandemic in modern times

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[40:56 - 41:01]Narrator recalls how houses used to be cheaper and easier to obtain

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[41:18 - 41:29]Mention of videos of people living in vans and caravans as a potential solution to financial struggles

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[34:33 - 41:35]The narrator discusses how each generation believes the world is getting worse, and this time it may be true. They mention the difficulty of existing in modern times, compared to previous generations, and how this is the first global pandemic in modern times. The narrator also reflects on how previous generations had it easier financially, and recalls how houses used to be cheaper and easier to obtain. They mention videos of people living in vans and caravans as a potential solution to financial struggles.

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[41:35 - 41:41]$31,000 mentioned as a small amount

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[46:42 - 46:49]Personal experience on a US tour

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[47:04 - 47:20]Question posed about the possibility of packing up and traveling

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[47:04 - 47:20]Interest in the concept of traveling and living on the road

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[47:04 - 47:20]Preference for a stationary lifestyle

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[47:21 - 47:26]Discussion about the price of cars

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[47:21 - 47:26]Discussion on the urge to drop everything and live on the road

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[47:21 - 47:26]Different levels of comfort and luxury in van life

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[47:21 - 47:26]Examples of extreme and luxurious van setups

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[47:21 - 47:26]Mention of people living out of their cars in New York

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[47:26 - 47:33]Desire for a change in the future

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[47:26 - 47:33]Contentment with current life but knowing change may be needed in the future

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[47:26 - 47:33]Joy found in simple tasks like making a fire and cooking a meal

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[47:35 - 47:41]Example of people who have done this for two years

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[47:41 - 47:48]New York residents' pride in their water and its effect on food

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[47:55 - 48:01]Realization of how unique this is to America

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[41:35 - 48:32]Overall discussion and interest in the concept of van life and the desire for change in life.

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[48:32 - 48:37] The speaker discusses how people can become overly attached to certain beliefs, using the example of bread being the best in the world.

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[50:41 - 50:49]They then shift to discussing the idea of van life and how it can be seen as charming at first but can also lead to loneliness and a lack of meaningful connections.

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[50:41 - 50:49]The speaker mentions their own desire for a comedy van and the potential struggles of maintaining friendships while living on the road.

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[52:14 - 52:22]They bring up the topic of generational differences and whether each generation becomes more sexually open than the previous one.

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[53:40 - 53:53]The speaker poses the question of whether people are born with certain kinks or if they are introduced to them through life experiences.

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[55:03 - 55:13]They discuss the idea of stimuli and how it can shape a person's preferences and desires.

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[48:32 - 55:13]The speaker discusses various topics such as attachment to beliefs, van life, generational differences, and the formation of kinks through life experiences and stimuli.

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[59:00 - 59:08]Discussion about fetishes and their origins

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[1.01:30 - 1.01:42]Debate about whether this person could develop fetishes

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[1.01:30 - 1.01:42]Influence of the internet and easy access to explicit content

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[1.01:30 - 1.01:42]Increase in taboos and breaking them as a factor in developing fetishes

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[1.01:30 - 1.01:42]Privilege and cost associated with some fetishes, such as latex suits and furry costumes

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[1.01:30 - 1.01:42]Speculation on the future impact of the internet on society

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[1.02:01 - 1.02:10]Hypothetical scenario of a person born and raised with little to no stimuli

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[55:13 - 1.02:17]The discussion covers topics such as the origins and development of fetishes, the influence of the internet, and the privilege and cost associated with certain fetishes. The speakers also speculate on the future impact of the internet on society.

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[1.05:32 - 1.05:38] A discussion about a man in Japan who wanted to marry a dog and another man who married a DS

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[1.06:18 - 1.06:24]Bringing up the concept of asexuality and questioning the legitimacy of marrying an inanimate object

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[1.07:00 - 1.07:07]Expressing open-mindedness towards unconventional relationships but also acknowledging the potential issues and concerns

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[1.07:35 - 1.07:41]Discussing the idea of being happy and questioning if it's truly fulfilling to marry a DS or if there are other ways to find happiness

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[1.07:53 - 1.08:01]Mentioning the addition of a "pay to win" function on Tinder and the potential exploitation of desperate individuals

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[1.02:17 - 1.09:11]Overall, the conversation highlights the strange and concerning aspects of unconventional relationships and the potential for exploitation and unhappiness in such situations.

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[1.09:20 - 1.09:27]The speaker and another person discuss the idea of spending $500 a month on Tinder to find a partner.

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[1.09:42 - 1.09:47]They both agree that this is a terrible and embarrassing idea.

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[1.10:32 - 1.10:38]The speaker shares their experience of using Tinder Premium in Japan and how it didn't help them find a partner.

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[1.11:42 - 1.11:47]They also mention the existence of fake profiles on Tinder and how it can be a waste of money.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste Is Changing In 2024... | Trash Taste #184

[1.11:54 - 1.11:59]They mention a video where a married pick up artist makes his wife watch his videos.

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[1.12:14 - 1.12:19]The conversation shifts to the topic of pick up artists and the community surrounding it.

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[1.12:14 - 1.12:19]The speaker explains that the pick up artist community is a part of the guru community and teaches men how to be aggressive towards women.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste Is Changing In 2024... | Trash Taste #184

[1.15:30 - 1.15:52]The speaker shares their personal experience of feeling lonely and using the techniques from a book called "The Game" to learn how to socialize.

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste Is Changing In 2024... | Trash Taste #184

[1.15:30 - 1.15:52]The speaker empathizes with lonely men and explains how the book helped them learn how to socialize.

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[1.15:52 - 1.15:59]They clarify that the book didn't make them aggressive towards women, but rather gave them "training wheels" to overcome their loneliness.

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[1.16:54 - 1.17:01]The conversation ends with the question of whether the speaker would have spent $500 a month on Tinder if it existed during their lonely period.

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[1.09:11 - 1.17:07]The speakers discuss the idea of spending $500 a month on Tinder to find a partner and agree that it is a terrible and embarrassing idea. They also mention the existence of fake profiles and how it can be a waste of money. The conversation shifts to the topic of pick up artists and the speaker shares their personal experience of using techniques from a book to overcome loneliness and learn how to socialize. They clarify that the book didn't make them aggressive towards women, but rather gave them "training wheels." The conversation ends with the question of whether the speaker would have spent $500 a month on Tinder if it existed during their lonely period, to which they respond with a definitive "no."

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[1.17:18 - 1.17:24]The speaker discusses the hypothetical scenario of being rich but lonely

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[1.17:24 - 1.17:33]They mention that they would like to think they would be a better man in that scenario, but have been in dark places in their life

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste Is Changing In 2024... | Trash Taste #184

[1.17:33 - 1.17:40]The speaker cannot confidently say they would be above certain behaviors and actions

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[1.17:40 - 1.17:50]They mention that human connection is important and can be depressing when lacking

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[1.18:07 - 1.18:13]The speaker talks about men who get angry or jaded when approaching women

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[1.18:51 - 1.19:12]They discuss the "numpa culture" in Japan, where men approach women aggressively and how it doesn't work

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[1.19:52 - 1.19:57]They acknowledge the importance of recognizing when someone is not interested and removing oneself from the situation

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[1.20:03 - 1.20:08]The speaker argues that people are not entitled to someone else's time, friendship, or emotions

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[1.20:55 - 1.21:15]The speaker mentions that some people have not had good role models to teach them boundaries and acceptable behavior

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[1.21:53 - 1.22:08]They bring up instances of harassment in sales and interactions, where the goal is to overwhelm someone until they give in

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[1.22:24 - 1.22:36]The speakers discuss the prevalence of people selling courses and the potential for scams

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste Is Changing In 2024... | Trash Taste #184

[1.23:26 - 1.23:31]They mention the high cost of textbooks in universities and share a personal experience with getting in trouble for not having the official book for an exam

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste Is Changing In 2024... | Trash Taste #184

[1.17:09 - 1.24:03]The speaker discusses various topics related to human connection, entitlement, and boundaries, including the hypothetical scenario of being rich but lonely, the prevalence of aggressive approaches in the "numpa culture" in Japan, and the importance of recognizing and respecting when someone is not interested. They also mention the prevalence of people selling courses and the high cost of textbooks in universities.

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[1.24:03 - 1.24:11] University was important for learning engineering and understanding thermal capacity of materials

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[1.24:11 - 1.24:17]A book was released each year with updated properties

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[1.24:41 - 1.24:50]Expensive textbooks were required

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[1.25:47 - 1.25:53]Learned video editing through university courses

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[1.28:35 - 1.28:41]University was a valuable time for learning social skills and independence

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[1.28:35 - 1.28:41]University is the last chance to have shared experiences and make friends easily

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[1.28:53 - 1.28:59]High school was important for finding hobbies and learning responsibility

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[1.29:22 - 1.29:33]Teachers may not prioritize teaching social skills

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[1.30:12 - 1.30:20]University can be seen as adult training wheels before entering the real world

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[1.30:26 - 1.30:31]Bills and other adult responsibilities become more apparent after leaving university

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[1.30:37 - 1.30:45]Dislike for living with housemates was learned in university

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[1.24:03 - 1.30:51]University is a valuable time for self-discovery and preparation for adulthood

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[1.30:51 - 1.30:56]Speaker discusses having a housemate named Sydney and how they didn't count her initially

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[1.31:03 - 1.31:09]They mention the difference in having a housemate that is also a romantic partner

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[1.31:10 - 1.31:15]Speaker shares their experience with having housemates in university and learning about different living habits and etiquette

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[1.32:31 - 1.32:41]They mention a specific incident where a housemate used their pizza tray to cook a chicken and didn't clean it, causing frustration

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[1.37:04 - 1.37:14]Speaker discusses their own experience as a housemate and their preference for privacy and socializing on their own terms

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[1.37:32 - 1.37:41]They mention watching Lord of the Rings with their housemates and their own preferences for being social

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[1.30:51 - 1.37:53]The speaker discusses their experience with having housemates, including a romantic partner, in university and their frustration with different living habits and etiquette. They also mention their own preference for privacy and socializing on their own terms.

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[1.37:53 - 1.37:58] Watched Lord of the Rings in a hotel room with friends

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[1.38:52 - 1.39:02]Cleaned the most as a housemate

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[1.42:09 - 1.42:23]Had a bad experience with flatmates in London

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[1.43:03 - 1.43:12]Content creator houses often fail due to egos and personalities

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[1.43:54 - 1.44:13]Ended the year with a "doomer" podcast discussing fetishes and overstimulation

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[1.45:13 - 1.45:22]Attended a wedding in January and visited Australia and Wales for a tour

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[1.45:22 - 1.45:30]Enjoyed visiting a castle in Cardiff and discussing potential for a show there

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[1.45:30 - 1.45:37]Met a Welsh man who was proud of his country's history of being conquered but never leaving

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[1.46:32 - 1.46:42]Best memories of the year include experiencing each other's home countries and traveling to new places

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[1.37:53 - 1.46:42]The speaker discusses watching Lord of the Rings with friends, being a responsible housemate, and having a negative experience with flatmates in London. They also touch on the challenges of living in a content creator house and end the year with a "doomer" podcast. They reflect on their best memories of the year, which include attending a wedding, visiting each other's home countries, and traveling to new places. They recall meeting a proud Welsh man and discussing the idea of doing a show in a castle. Overall, the speaker had a fun year filled with travel and new experiences with friends.

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[1.48:28 - 1.48:37] Year of continuation and recovery from COVID

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[1.49:04 - 1.49:09]Japan's kanji of the year is "tax"

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[1.50:44 - 1.50:50]Taylor Swift named Person of the Year

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[1.52:14 - 1.52:24]Recap of her beef with Kanye West

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[1.53:49 - 1.53:56]People's fascination with drama and apologies in the entertainment industry

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[1.54:50 - 1.54:58]Possibility of a book on handling drama and apologies

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[1.46:42 - 1.54:58]Year of continuation and recovery from COVID in Japan, with "tax" named as the kanji of the year. Taylor Swift is named Person of the Year and there is discussion about her beef with Kanye West and the fascination with drama and apologies in the entertainment industry.

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[1.54:58 - 1.55:06]Discussion of making an apology video and importance of PR for YouTubers

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[1.55:14 - 1.55:22]Importance of admitting when wrong and striving to be less wrong

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[1.55:14 - 1.55:22]Difficulty of handling PR in difficult situations

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[1.55:55 - 1.56:17]Goals for the upcoming year, including raising money for charity and playing more Genshin

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[1.56:32 - 1.56:37]Plans for future projects, but not wanting to share details publicly

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[1.57:13 - 1.57:20]Desire to spend more time with friends and family and prioritize personal life

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[1.59:42 - 1.59:55]Desire to continue improving Trash Taste podcast and making it engaging for audience

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[2.00:42 - 2.00:49]Plans for more collaborative videos outside of the podcast setting

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[2.01:54 - 2.02:21]Necessity of touring for growth and improvement as entertainers

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[2.01:54 - 2.02:21]Benefits of meeting fans in person and learning from live performances

A youtube thumbnail wor Trash Taste Is Changing In 2024... | Trash Taste #184

[1.54:58 - 2.02:44]Overall desire to constantly improve and grow as entertainers and individuals.

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[2.02:44 - 2.02:50]The hosts discuss their desire to challenge themselves creatively and provide content that their audience will enjoy.

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[2.03:04 - 2.03:27]They mention the possibility of a tour and one-off shows in different cities.

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[2.03:04 - 2.03:27]The hosts reveal that whenever they travel for events, there will likely be a Trash Taste special filmed.

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[2.03:27 - 2.03:38]They talk about their commitment to creating more specials in 2024 and possibly 2023.

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[2.06:00 - 2.06:17]The hosts mention their plans to release exclusive content for their Patreon supporters, including weekly videos and higher budget projects.

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[2.06:17 - 2.06:32]They clarify that not all videos will be high budget, but they want to maintain a mix of high quality and more casual content.

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[2.07:43 - 2.07:52]The hosts address the future of Trash Taste After Dark streams and clarify that they will still happen but will be less frequent.

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[2.07:43 - 2.07:52]They mention that the Trash Taste channel will continue to show all episodes and live audience viewings are available on Twitch.

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[2.09:24 - 2.09:41]The hosts thank their Patreon supporters and encourage others to join to support the show and gain access to exclusive content.

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[2.02:44 - 2.10:08]The hosts discuss their plans for future specials, including a tour, one-off shows, and Patreon exclusive content. They also mention their commitment to creating more high budget videos and maintaining a mix of high quality and casual content. They clarify the future of Trash Taste After Dark streams and thank their Patreon supporters. The episode ends with thanking the audience and wishing them a Happy New Year.