

Youtube profile pic for COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[00:23 - 01:09]The podcast guests are in Australia.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[01:09 - 02:41]They are filming a dinner scene.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[01:39 - 03:01]They discuss drinking VB longs, a traditional Australian drink.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[02:19 - 02:32]They mention being corrupted by the Australian drinking culture.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[03:01 - 03:44]They discuss the production and storytelling for the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[03:12 - 03:32]They mention being corrupted by the Australian drinking culture.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[03:55 - 05:14]They talk about their discord and a misunderstanding about a comment.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[05:14 - 07:24]They discuss going out to dinner and the expensive bill.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[06:40 - 07:37]They mention a game called ojison used to settle bills.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[07:37 - 08:32]They discuss the American breeding controversy.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[07:57 - 08:20]The podcast guests are in Australia.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[07:57 - 08:20]There is a rivalry between the cities of Sydney and Melbourne, with Sydney being the most populous and Melbourne being the richest during the gold rush period.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[08:20 - 09:40]The food in Australia is amazing, and the narrator and their friends also visit a strip club in a converted cathedral, which was reminiscent of Las Vegas.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[08:26 - 09:50]The narrator visits both cities and is initially impressed with Sydney, but ultimately prefers Melbourne due to its food.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[09:50 - 10:49]Australia has a culture of drinking and partying, with the narrator taking days off to recover from the drinking.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[11:08 - 11:25]The holiday season in Australia includes a five-day holiday for Easter, with employees receiving double overtime for working on holidays.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[11:25 - 12:39]The food in Australia is amazing, and the narrator and their friends also visit a strip club in a converted cathedral, which was reminiscent of Las Vegas.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[12:40 - 13:14]Australia has a culture of drinking and partying, with the narrator taking days off to recover from the drinking.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[13:14 - 14:38]The narrator and their friends attend a protest and nearly get arrested.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[14:38 - 16:47]The food in Australia is amazing, and the narrator and their friends also visit a strip club in a converted cathedral, which was reminiscent of Las Vegas.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[14:56 - 15:30]They mention that many homeless people may have mental disabilities or substance abuse issues.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[15:01 - 15:49]The narrator feels at home in Melbourne due to the presence of homeless people, but notes that they have housing.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[15:01 - 15:49]The speaker suggests buying a homeless person a meal instead of giving them money, as they may spend it on alcohol.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[15:24 - 17:26]Australia has a culture of drinking and partying, with the narrator taking days off to recover from the drinking.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[15:49 - 17:52]They talk about visiting a strip club and then a casino, where they had a lucky streak and won money.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[16:27 - 17:52]The food in Australia is amazing, and the narrator and their friends also visit a strip club in a converted cathedral, which was reminiscent of Las Vegas.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[17:53 - 18:08]The speaker reveals that they are leaving in the morning and suggests going to their flat.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[18:09 - 19:52]They talk about visiting a strip club and then a casino, where they had a lucky streak and won money.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[18:18 - 22:37]The speaker shares a story about taking another person to a casino and them taking out a line of credit.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[22:22 - 23:14]They mention going shopping in Chinatown and struggling to find clothes that fit them.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[23:14 - 23:55]They briefly discuss the largest shopping mall in the Southern Hemisphere and their experience there.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[23:55 - 24:29]The speaker states that they like Australia more than England.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[24:29 - 24:37]The speaker reveals that they are leaving in the morning and suggests going to their flat.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[24:37 - 37:10]The speakers discuss their work and jobs they had in the past

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[37:10 - 38:42]Discussion about gambling in the community

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[37:57 - 40:23]Comparison of offensive words in Australia and America

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[39:52 - 41:34]Discussion about essays in Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[40:02 - 41:19]Comparison of small town culture in Australia and America

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[40:11 - 40:44]Comparison of offensive words in Australia and America

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[41:34 - 45:42]Reaction to seeing guns sold in Walmart

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[45:42 - 47:42]Discussion about gun laws in Australia and America

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[46:50 - 47:31]Discussion about gambling in the community

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[47:42 - 49:34]Discussion about the AIDS chocolate snack in Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[48:15 - 50:26]Discussion about brand rebranding in America for political correctness

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[48:26 - 51:25]Collecting a limited edition AIDS cheese box in Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[48:32 - 50:19]Comparison of offensive words in Australia and America

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[48:57 - 51:51]The conversation shifts to discussing the name of a fast-food chain

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[50:13 - 50:26]They mention a possible name change for the word to make it more attention-grabbing

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[50:26 - 50:32]They talk about a marketing ploy used by a chicken restaurant

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[50:45 - 52:05]Comparison of Burger King and KFC in Australia and America

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[51:04 - 51:25]They mention a possible name change for the word to make it more attention-grabbing

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[51:25 - 51:39]The conversation shifts to discussing the name of a fast-food chain

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[51:51 - 52:54]They talk about a marketing ploy used by a chicken restaurant

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[52:38 - 54:02]The conversation ends with the speaker asking about the host's most unhinged opinion, which will be discussed in a later portion.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[53:11 - 55:18]The speaker reveals their dislike for political people

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[55:33 - 56:47]The conversation ends with the speaker asking about the host's most unhinged opinion, which will be discussed in a later portion.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[56:27 - 59:04]The speaker expresses their initial hesitation and concerns about the speaker's seriousness

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[56:58 - 58:06]The speaker reveals their dislike for political people

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[58:06 - 59:29]They discuss how the speaker's personality surprised them and how they meshed well with the group

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[58:11 - 58:20]They talk about how they didn't connect the dots as a kid regarding a certain phrase

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[59:30 - 1.00:07]The conversation ends with the speaker asking about the host's most unhinged opinion, which will be discussed in a later portion.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[1.00:14 - 1.02:01]The conversation turns to the danger of animals like crocodiles and kangaroos and how they are perceived differently in different countries.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[1.02:01 - 1.02:46]The speakers are discussing which animal they would prefer to vibe with.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[1.02:46 - 1.04:14]They discuss the controversy surrounding the treatment of individuals with special needs, particularly in schools.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[1.03:43 - 1.04:58]One speaker shares their opinion that people with disabilities should be integrated into society rather than segregated.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[1.03:48 - 1.04:21]They discuss the importance of not caring too much about controversial issues.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[1.04:38 - 1.06:49]They discuss the controversy surrounding the treatment of individuals with special needs, particularly in schools.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[1.06:49 - 1.09:50]The conversation shifts to the topic of racism and how it manifests in different cultures and sports teams.

A youtube thumbnail wor COLD ONES ft. HasanAbi, LazarBeam & Boy Boy | Fear&

[1.09:50 - 1.10:26]They discuss the importance of not caring too much about controversial issues.