

Youtube profile pic for The Dream Episode | Trash Taste #88

The Dream Episode | Trash Taste #88

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[00:00 - 00:08]The speaker greets someone and asks about talking to real human beings.

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[00:24 - 00:31]They introduce themselves as the host of Trash Taste and are joined by two other hosts.

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[00:52 - 01:01]The speaker has been in isolation for three weeks due to testing positive for Covid-19.

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[04:44 - 04:49]They mention watching anime during isolation and getting sick despite staying indoors.

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[05:04 - 05:10]They were vaccinated and believe they had the Omicron variant.

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[06:29 - 06:36]The speaker's symptoms included a high fever and fatigue.

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[06:53 - 07:00]The speaker got a fever and went to get tested, and their symptoms were not too severe.

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[06:53 - 07:00]The speaker normally gets a fever of 39 degrees but had a fever of 40 degrees during this illness.

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[07:06 - 07:16]They were worried about when to go to the hospital and mention a boiling point for shoes.

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[00:00 - 07:16]The speaker introduces themselves as the host of Trash Taste and talks about their experience of getting Covid-19 and being in isolation for three weeks. They mention watching anime during isolation and not going out much, but still getting sick. They were vaccinated and believe they had the Omicron variant. Their symptoms included a high fever and fatigue, and they were worried about when to go to the hospital.

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[09:27 - 09:34]The speaker discusses a time when they had a high fever and considered going to the hospital.

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[10:00 - 10:08]They googled how high a fever needs to be to go to the hospital and found it should be around 41 degrees.

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[10:00 - 10:08]The speaker questions the effectiveness of hospitals and what they can actually do for someone with a fever.

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[11:03 - 11:08]The speaker shares their personal habit of ignoring early signs of illness and trying to push through it.

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[11:46 - 11:52]They mention how going to the hospital is seen as a placebo, where people believe they will get better just because they are in a hospital setting.

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[12:01 - 12:07]The speaker clarifies that this is all anecdotal and not based on scientific proof.

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[12:20 - 12:26]The speaker talks about their fear of hospitals and how they would do anything not to go there.

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[12:32 - 12:47]They mention a difference in mentality towards illness between England and America, with the latter being more willing to see a doctor.

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[12:32 - 12:47]They discuss the idea of mind over matter and how mentality can possibly impact one's likelihood of getting sick.

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[12:32 - 12:47]They mention the possibility of mentality playing a role in fighting off illness, but acknowledge that it is not always the case.

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[12:48 - 12:57]The speaker clarifies that they are not saying those who die from cancer didn't try hard enough.

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[13:30 - 13:35]They share their personal aversion to taking painkillers and how it signifies admitting defeat.

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[13:45 - 13:50]The speaker concludes by saying they will continue working despite feeling ill.

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[13:45 - 13:50]The speaker reflects on the pandemic and acknowledges that they will not actually go out, but will continue working.

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[07:16 - 13:50]Overall, the speaker discusses their fear and aversion to hospitals, their personal habits when it comes to illness, and the potential impact of mentality on fighting off illness.

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[13:50 - 13:56] Woke up feeling feverish at 38 degrees

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[17:07 - 17:13]Got tested for COVID

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[18:01 - 18:15]Worried about losing sense of taste

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[18:01 - 18:15]Did not lose sense of taste

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[18:15 - 18:22]Appetite remained the same

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[19:15 - 19:22]Tried to work but felt too tired

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[19:15 - 19:22]People don't understand their own bodies

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[19:22 - 19:34]Worried about unknown territory of COVID

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[19:34 - 19:41]Took medicine and retested fever

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[19:34 - 19:41]We have our own ways of dealing with sickness

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[19:41 - 19:47]People used to rely on willpower to get better

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[19:47 - 19:55]Ate McDonald's when sick and felt better

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[20:07 - 20:13]Food poisoning doesn't count as being sick

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[20:19 - 20:25]Once regretted eating Indian curry while sick

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[20:25 - 20:41]Food poisoning is not a natural cause of sickness

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[13:50 - 20:41]Person gets fever, tests positive for COVID, worries about unknown territory and losing sense of taste. Appetite remains the same and they have their own ways of dealing with sickness. Food poisoning doesn't count as being sick and people don't understand their own bodies.

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[22:20 - 22:26]The speakers discuss the nature of food poisoning and how it differs from other illnesses.

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[26:47 - 26:52]They debate whether food poisoning can be considered an illness or not.

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[27:11 - 27:19]One speaker argues that food poisoning is different because it is caused by a specific incident, while the other argues that it is still an illness.

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[27:41 - 27:52]The discussion touches on the likelihood of getting food poisoning in different environments, such as Southeast Asia.

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[27:41 - 27:52]They also mention the varying levels of food safety and standards in different places.

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[20:41 - 28:12]Ultimately, they agree to disagree on whether food poisoning should be considered an illness or not.

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[35:25 - 35:30]It's a discussion about food poisoning and how it differs from other illnesses

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[35:30 - 35:40]The speaker has a different perception of food poisoning, seeing it as a consequence of someone else's actions rather than an illness

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[35:30 - 35:40]They discuss the risk of getting sick from food in different countries, with varying food standards and resistance to stomach issues

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[35:30 - 35:40]The speaker has gotten sick from eating poorly stored sausage and expired Flaming Hot Cheetos

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[35:30 - 35:40]They debate what constitutes as food poisoning and whether it is different from getting sick from a convention or other activities

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[35:30 - 35:40]The speaker believes that food poisoning is in its own category, closer to self-poisoning, and that it is a consequence of someone else's actions

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[35:30 - 35:40]They question why someone would get sick from food they cooked themselves, but not from a restaurant they ate at

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[35:40 - 35:45]The speaker acknowledges that their perspective may not be common and may sound insane

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[35:40 - 35:45]The debate ends with the speaker conceding that all illnesses are in the same category at the end of the day

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[28:12 - 35:45]A discussion about food poisoning and how the speaker sees it as a consequence of someone else's actions rather than an illness. They debate the definition of food poisoning and its difference from getting sick from other activities. The speaker ultimately acknowledges that all illnesses fall into the same category.

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[35:55 - 36:03]The speaker discusses their thoughts on treating illnesses differently and how it is not a hard scientific definition.

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[36:17 - 36:28]They mention their mentality towards thinking about illnesses and how they do not see the benefit in labeling food poisoning as a tip.

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[38:52 - 38:59]The speaker talks about their own experience with illness and how they rarely get ill.

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[39:40 - 39:49]They discuss their fear of getting ill and their experiences at the hospital as a child.

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[40:46 - 40:51]The speaker talks about the smell of hospitals and dentists and how they do not like it.

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[43:42 - 43:51]They mention their infrequent visits to the dentist as a British person and how they only started going more regularly when visiting Asia.

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[43:51 - 43:59]The speaker mentions that dentists in Asia are cheaper than in the UK.

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[35:45 - 43:59]Overall, the speaker discusses their thoughts and experiences with illnesses, hospitals, and dentists.

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[44:08 - 44:21]The speaker and their conversation partner discuss their dental hygiene habits and the importance of going to the dentist regularly.

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[44:21 - 44:27]They also talk about their negative experiences with the dentist, such as the loud drills and uncomfortable procedures.

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[47:05 - 47:15]The speaker shares their experience with wearing a mouth guard and how it helped with their teeth grinding.

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[49:59 - 50:09]The conversation then shifts to their dislike for hospitals and ambulance rides, and a strange encounter with a man holding onto his thumb.

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[50:59 - 51:05]They discuss the importance of staying calm in emergency situations and how it can affect the outcome.

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[44:01 - 51:28]In summary, the conversation covers dental hygiene, negative experiences with the dentist, wearing a mouth guard, dislike for hospitals, and the importance of staying calm in emergency situations.

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[51:28 - 51:38]The speaker discusses their experience with hemophilia and how they cope with it.

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[51:45 - 51:59]They wonder if their reaction to stress and fear is similar to others.

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[52:21 - 52:31]The speaker talks about their lack of physical reaction to jump scares.

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[53:26 - 53:32]They mention calling an ambulance for a friend and feeling surprisingly calm.

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[54:56 - 55:03]The speaker's girlfriend has strange fever dreams.

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[57:59 - 58:04]The speaker and their friends discuss dreams and lucid dreaming.

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[58:34 - 58:42]The speaker shares a nightmare they had as a child about flying and falling.

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[51:28 - 59:27]Overall, the speaker discusses their experiences with fear, stress, and dreams.

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[59:43 - 1.00:06] Narrator describes a childhood memory of falling off a spiral staircase and developing a fear of heights.

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[1.00:53 - 1.01:13]Recalls a recurring dream where they are living out a normal day, but notice glitches in reality and become paranoid.

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[1.02:42 - 1.02:47]Discusses the concept of lucid dreaming and how they sometimes realize they are in a dream but are unable to control it.

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[1.03:44 - 1.03:55]Shares a recent dream where they are falsely accused of theft and end up in prison, eventually realizing it is a dream.

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[1.06:51 - 1.06:59]Mentions being able to perceive the passage of time in their dreams and how it affects their waking life.

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[1.07:36 - 1.07:49]Concludes by asking if anyone has had a similar experience of having a VR-like experience in their dreams.

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[59:28 - 1.07:49]Narrator reflects on various dreams they have had and how strange and unpredictable the dream world can be.

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[1.07:49 - 1.07:55]Speaker discusses lucid dreams and getting "actively pissed off" when waking up from a good dream

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[1.07:55 - 1.08:00]They mention having fun and exciting lucid dreams that are ruined by waking up

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[1.08:06 - 1.08:14]Episode 24 is mentioned and the speaker being the protagonist in their dream

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[1.08:14 - 1.08:20]They mention the disappointment of not being able to go back to a good dream after waking up

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[1.10:01 - 1.10:12]They mention having high concept dreams and sometimes coming up with film ideas

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[1.10:32 - 1.10:40]The speaker talks about the concept of dreaming in different languages and their experiences with it

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[1.11:08 - 1.11:19]The conversation turns to the idea of thinking in different languages and the speaker's thoughts on it

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[1.12:08 - 1.12:13]They mention the episode being sponsored by Express VPN and the importance of online privacy

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[1.13:30 - 1.13:42]The speaker talks about their ability to be aware they are in a dream about 80% of the time

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[1.14:04 - 1.14:27]They mention having superpowers in dreams and the possibility of dying in a dream

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[1.15:07 - 1.15:13]The speaker discusses their reset mechanics in a dream and how dying can trigger them to be aware they are dreaming

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[1.15:37 - 1.15:50]Being in danger in a dream is another way for the speaker to realize they are dreaming

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[1.07:49 - 1.15:50]The speaker discusses their experiences with lucid dreaming, including disappointment at waking up from good dreams, having high concept dreams, and the ability to be aware they are dreaming. They also mention the episode being sponsored by Express VPN and the importance of online privacy. The speaker talks about their reset mechanics in a dream and how dying can trigger them to be aware they are dreaming, as well as the idea of thinking in different languages.

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[1.15:50 - 1.15:56] The person rarely dreams and even more rarely gets nightmares

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[1.16:22 - 1.16:31]They have a strange sense of detachment in their nightmares

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[1.16:22 - 1.16:31]They don't wake up scared from their nightmares

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[1.16:58 - 1.17:03]They have had dreams where their entire life is ruined

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[1.19:17 - 1.19:24]They sometimes get transported into their own story and world

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[1.19:25 - 1.19:33]They feel emotions towards their dreams, but also a sense of control

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[1.19:25 - 1.19:33]They often have high-concept, story-like dreams

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[1.20:44 - 1.20:54]They often remember their dreams in great detail

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[1.22:05 - 1.22:11]Their dreams often involve depth and world-building

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[1.22:24 - 1.22:36]They have a dream where they are the second coming of Christ but can't prove it to the world

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[1.23:29 - 1.23:57]They are fascinated by the idea of a modern-day Messiah

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[1.15:50 - 1.24:17]Overall, the person has a unique and complex experience with dreaming.

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[1.30:01 - 1.30:07] The speakers mention copyrighting something and discussing sleep paralysis.

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[1.31:59 - 1.32:04]One speaker talks about how their dreams are fuzzy and not in high definition.

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[1.32:04 - 1.32:10]One speaker has experienced sleep paralysis and seen sleep paralysis demons.

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[1.32:04 - 1.32:10]They discuss the chemical process behind sleep paralysis and how it affects the body.

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[1.32:04 - 1.32:10]One speaker shares their personal experience with sleep paralysis, including being unable to move or speak.

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[1.32:04 - 1.32:10]Another speaker shares their experience of seeing a ghostly figure during sleep paralysis.

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[1.32:04 - 1.32:10]They question whether sleep paralysis demons are real and discuss the vividness of their dreams.

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[1.32:04 - 1.32:10]They compare the way they see things in dreams to the way they remember things in real life.

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[1.32:19 - 1.32:27]The speakers discuss the possibility of upgrading the brain to see things more clearly in dreams.

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[1.24:17 - 1.32:45]The speakers discuss copyrighting and share personal experiences with sleep paralysis, including seeing sleep paralysis demons and ghostly figures. They also discuss the chemical process behind sleep paralysis and the vividness of their dreams. They question the reality of sleep paralysis demons and compare the way they see things in dreams to the way they remember things in real life. They also discuss the possibility of upgrading the brain to see things more clearly in dreams.

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[1.33:10 - 1.33:19] Dream conversation about remembering dreams and dreaming in familiar places

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[1.37:01 - 1.37:12]Dreams can have cutscenes and feel like watching a movie or playing a game

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[1.37:18 - 1.37:33]One person dreams in first person, while the other dreams in third person

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[1.38:38 - 1.38:48]Dreams can be influenced by what is on your mind before sleeping

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[1.40:05 - 1.40:13]Nightmares can be emotionally exhausting and leave you feeling like you haven't slept at all

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[1.32:45 - 1.40:46]Two people discuss their experiences with dreaming, including dreaming in first and third person, dreams that feel like movies or games, and the emotional impact of nightmares.

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[1.40:53 - 1.40:59] The speaker talks about re-entering their nightmares and struggles with entering fun dreams.

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[1.40:59 - 1.41:23]The episode is sponsored by Manscaped, an all-in-one skin and hair care kit for men.

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[1.41:23 - 1.41:34]The speaker talks about the products included in the Manscaped ultra premium collection.

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[1.43:13 - 1.43:43]The speaker's partner has started sleep talking and they find it concerning.

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[1.47:41 - 1.47:47]The speaker shares their experiences with micro dreams and falling asleep while on a train.

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[1.47:41 - 1.47:47]The speaker sometimes jerks themselves awake while falling asleep due to imagining funny things.

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[1.40:46 - 1.49:26]In summary, the speaker talks about their struggles with entering fun dreams, the sponsored episode by Manscaped, their partner's sleep talking, and their experiences with micro dreams and falling asleep.

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[1.49:32 - 1.49:38] The speaker discusses experiencing an "emotional drug" in their dreams, where they imagine a ball flying towards them and jerk awake.

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[1.49:45 - 1.49:55]They mention not having a "big fast" and describe a micro-dream state where they are not fully asleep or awake.

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[1.50:36 - 1.50:41]The speaker shares a story of sleepwalking as a child, where they walked into their parents' room and tried to urinate in a laundry basket.

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[1.51:19 - 1.51:29]They also share a similar story about their younger brother sleepwalking and almost urinating on their video games.

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[1.54:13 - 1.54:24]The common theme throughout the conversation is weird experiences and behaviors during sleep.

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[1.55:59 - 1.56:05]The speaker discusses their own and their family's history with sleepwalking and sleep talking.

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[1.56:21 - 1.56:29]The speaker talks about how they often have dreams where they need to use the bathroom, but the feeling persists even after they wake up.

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[1.56:50 - 1.56:58]They mention not being able to replicate physical sensations in their dreams and distinguish between dream and reality.

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[1.57:03 - 1.57:11]The speaker jokes about being five levels deep in their dreams, referencing the movie Inception.

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[1.49:26 - 1.57:20]Overall, the conversation revolves around strange occurrences and sensations during sleep and dreaming.

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[1.59:22 - 1.59:33]Person describes being in a dream where they can't stop urinating

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[2.00:19 - 2.00:26]Person wakes up and realizes they need to use the bathroom in real life

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[2.00:55 - 2.01:03]Person reflects on past dreams where they wet themselves

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[2.01:11 - 2.01:21]Person discusses methods of lucid dreaming

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[2.01:27 - 2.01:34]Person talks about being able to control their dreams and knowing when they are in a nightmare

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[2.01:27 - 2.01:34]Person can't control their dreams but can manipulate them to be more enjoyable

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[2.01:46 - 2.01:56]Person shares a specific nightmare where they were being chased but couldn't wake up

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[2.02:44 - 2.02:49]Podcast hosts make a joke about dreamologists

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[2.02:55 - 2.03:09]Person wonders if their dreams say something about their mental state

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[2.02:55 - 2.03:09]Conversation shifts to discussing dreams in general

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[2.02:55 - 2.03:09]Person shares their own experience with dreams

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[2.02:55 - 2.03:09]Person mentions never having had a deep conversation about dreams before

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[2.02:55 - 2.03:09]Person invites listeners to share their own experiences with dreams

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[2.03:19 - 2.03:40]Podcast hosts encourage listeners to support them on Patreon

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[2.03:19 - 2.03:40]Podcast hosts mention their social media and Spotify

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[2.03:48 - 2.03:54]Podcast hosts joke about the episode being a fever dream

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[1.57:20 - 2.04:19]Person shares their experience of being in a dream where they couldn't stop urinating and waking up to realize they needed to use the bathroom in real life. They discuss their ability to control their dreams and share a specific nightmare they had. Conversation shifts to discussing dreams in general and the hosts encourage listeners to share their own experiences. They also mention their social media and Patreon.