

Youtube profile pic for The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

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[00:00 - 01:00]Ted confesses that it was his idea

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[00:27 - 01:59]Ted defends his mustache as part of November and trying something new

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[01:34 - 02:41]Danny calls Ted out for being free of any repercussions while he is living with the pain

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[01:59 - 03:22]The podcast hosts make jokes about Danny and his appearance

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[02:10 - 04:20]Ted confesses that it was his idea

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[02:41 - 03:16]Danny shares that he would prefer to not engage in survival mode and would rather avoid the situation altogether.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[03:43 - 04:11]He explains that it was meant to be the stupidest and worst vine ever

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[04:21 - 04:45]He clarifies that the death had nothing to do with him

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[04:46 - 05:00]Ted confesses that it was his idea

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[05:00 - 05:15]Danny shares that he would prefer to not engage in survival mode and would rather avoid the situation altogether.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[05:15 - 05:37]The conversation shifts to the zombie apocalypse

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[05:24 - 06:04]He explains that it was meant to be the stupidest and worst vine ever

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[06:04 - 07:31]Danny shares that they went on tour together to prove they are not the same person, but the joke has not gone away

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[07:20 - 08:22]The conversation shifts to the zombie apocalypse

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[07:31 - 08:17]Ted and Slad have tension due to a text conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[07:47 - 10:05]The conversation is about the usefulness of ramps in a zombie apocalypse.

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[08:01 - 09:08]The conversation shifts to the zombie apocalypse

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[09:09 - 10:05]The hosts joke about Ted's emotional intelligence

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[09:14 - 12:13]The podcast hosts make jokes about Danny and his appearance

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[10:08 - 11:47]They also mention the collapse of bridges and the need for ramps to get over them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[10:08 - 13:52]The conversation shifts to the zombie apocalypse

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[11:32 - 12:34]The first person agrees and mentions that there would be no rivers in the desert.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[12:13 - 14:53]The other person argues that in a zombie apocalypse, they would not be near a bridge and would instead go to the desert for safety.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[12:59 - 13:41]Danny shares that he would prefer to not engage in survival mode and would rather avoid the situation altogether.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[13:26 - 14:53]The speaker discusses their thoughts on a potential zombie apocalypse and the possibility of finding personal growth in such a situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[14:13 - 18:09]The conversation then shifts to the speaker's recent travels, including a ghost hunting trip in Colorado.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[14:37 - 15:05]The first person agrees and mentions that there would be no rivers in the desert.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[15:05 - 16:03]They refer to the desert as "rado" and joke about not knowing anyone from there.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[16:40 - 19:36]They then talk about the difficulty of figuring out the flow and structure of the video, as it was a new style for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[19:37 - 21:27]The speaker discusses their thoughts on a potential zombie apocalypse and the possibility of finding personal growth in such a situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[19:43 - 20:11]The speaker talks about the long editing process for their ghost hunting video and their decision to not include any sponsors in the video.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[20:23 - 21:09]The speaker mentions the constant pressure to raise the bar and potential for a part two of the ghost hunting series.

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[21:27 - 22:59]The conversation then turns to the intro of the video and the importance of grabbing the audience's attention and explaining the concept concisely.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[22:59 - 24:44]The speaker discusses a funny moment in the video where they accidentally put their nose in a wet spot on the floor, not realizing it may have been urine.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[23:06 - 25:53]The conversation then shifts to the speaker's recent travels, including a ghost hunting trip in Colorado.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[23:16 - 24:25]The speaker and his friends discuss ghost hunting and speculate about the possibility of encountering pests or urine during investigations.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[23:35 - 25:23]The speaker mentions Zach Bagan's and his dedication to finding ghosts, joking that he has probably encountered some unpleasant substances during his investigations.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[24:25 - 25:32]The speaker and his friends joke about the possibility of encountering "ghost droppings" during investigations and discuss the control a ghost might have over someone's wallet.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[25:11 - 27:00]They then talk about the difficulty of figuring out the flow and structure of the video, as it was a new style for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[25:32 - 27:26]The speaker and his friends discuss ghost hunting and speculate about the possibility of encountering pests or urine during investigations.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[25:54 - 27:00]The speaker mentions a video they watched about ghost hunting and rates it highly, while also mentioning wanting to visit the Titanic to see if it is real.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[27:06 - 28:45]The speaker is surprised to learn that one of his friends, Ted, is a Titanic denier and they debate the reality of the ship's existence.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[28:45 - 30:45]They mention the movie "The Sixth Sense" and how it is actually a sad movie, with one of the hosts sharing a personal story about watching it with his sister.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[30:26 - 31:03]The speaker mentions a video they watched about ghost hunting and rates it highly, while also mentioning wanting to visit the Titanic to see if it is real.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[31:03 - 32:55]The speaker is surprised to learn that one of his friends, Ted, is a Titanic denier and they debate the reality of the ship's existence.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[31:11 - 31:56]The conversation shifts back to the Titanic, with the speaker expressing confusion about Ted's disbelief in its existence.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[31:17 - 33:45]The speaker is surprised to learn that one of his friends, Ted, is a Titanic denier and they debate the reality of the ship's existence.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[33:05 - 33:31]The speaker mentions doing research on the Titanic and jokes about a Twitter user with a vulgar username having a verified checkmark.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[33:32 - 35:14]The topic of boats going through icebergs is brought up, with the speaker mentioning seeing videos of modern boats doing so.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[33:55 - 35:27]The speaker talks about how they like to chew on ice, and how someone else mentioning it is "fucked up"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[34:01 - 34:40]The conversation shifts back to the Titanic, with the speaker expressing confusion about Ted's disbelief in its existence.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[34:31 - 36:18]They also mention the concept of getting used to things, and how people can adapt to almost anything

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[35:15 - 35:57]They discuss a game they sometimes play while driving, where they assign points for hitting people with their car

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[35:15 - 36:25]The speaker shares a potentially controversial statement about closing his eyes while driving on the highway.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[35:21 - 36:50]The speaker is surprised to learn that one of his friends, Ted, is a Titanic denier and they debate the reality of the ship's existence.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[35:57 - 38:12]The conversation ends with the speaker expressing frustration about not being able to move an inch while driving due to the seat belt.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[38:13 - 39:54]The speaker and another person talk about their personal hells, including dry hands, loud and irritating sounds, and constantly being unable to fall asleep

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[39:13 - 40:19]They then return to discussing personal hells, including living in the desert with dry hands and being unable to reach a nearby lotion bottle

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[39:19 - 45:11]The speaker and another person talk about their personal hells, including dry hands, loud and irritating sounds, and constantly being unable to fall asleep

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[44:47 - 47:12]The speaker shares a hypothetical scenario involving fighting a gorilla and having the power to make anything they think become real

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[46:56 - 48:02]The conversation ends with the speaker expressing frustration about not being able to move an inch while driving due to the seat belt.

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[48:03 - 51:24]Danny's car has a large hole in the floor and no seatbelt

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[49:05 - 51:14]The speakers discuss a man named Danny and his unsafe car

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[50:54 - 53:58]The conversation shifts to YouTube sponsorships and the importance of making videos that the speaker is passionate about

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[52:44 - 55:38]The speaker shares their dream video idea, which is not disclosed to avoid it being stolen.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[52:58 - 54:12]The speakers talk about viral TikTok videos and Danny's sound going viral

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[54:12 - 56:41]The conversation shifts to YouTube sponsorships and the importance of making videos that the speaker is passionate about

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[55:56 - 58:29]They discuss disguising oneself and how people on the internet sleuth for any changes in appearance

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[58:29 - 1.02:56]The conversation shifts to YouTube sponsorships and the importance of making videos that the speaker is passionate about

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.01:35 - 1.02:18]They discuss a Halloween short film that was demonetized but received positive feedback from their core audience

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.01:57 - 1.02:56]They joke about doing outrageous stunts for their YouTube channel, such as sending an "ugly" subscriber to meet them, or harvesting subscribers' organs.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.02:57 - 1.05:16]The group jokes about buying out a whole plane and filming a confused flat-earth believer's reaction.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.04:49 - 1.05:55]They also discuss the idea of sending someone to the bottom of the ocean to prove the Titanic actually sank.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.05:55 - 1.09:19]The conversation turns to DMT and its effects on birds, specifically bald eagles.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.09:20 - 1.11:20]The group jokes about buying out a whole plane and filming a confused flat-earth believer's reaction.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.09:34 - 1.11:27]One member of the group gets disconnected from the conversation and the others joke about him dying doing what he loved.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.11:28 - 1.13:33]They joke about doing outrageous stunts for their YouTube channel, such as sending an "ugly" subscriber to meet them, or harvesting subscribers' organs.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.13:33 - 1.16:12]The conversation turns to DMT and its effects on birds, specifically bald eagles.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.15:48 - 1.18:10]The speaker expresses a desire to see something funny.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.16:21 - 1.16:46]The speaker apologizes for not having a one-on-one conversation with Danny.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.16:33 - 1.18:18]The speaker asks Danny about his location, mentioning LA and Texas.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.18:18 - 1.18:28]There is confusion about the question and the speaker clarifies it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.18:29 - 1.19:56]The speaker asks Danny if he would rather have unlimited bacon or video games.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.19:03 - 1.20:47]There is confusion about the question and the speaker clarifies it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.20:52 - 1.23:19]The speaker asks Danny if he would rather have unlimited bacon or video games.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.21:15 - 1.23:58]There is confusion about the question and the speaker clarifies it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.21:36 - 1.23:52]The speaker asks Danny if he would rather have unlimited bacon or video games.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.23:59 - 1.26:09]The speaker asks Danny where he would place himself in a hypothetical sandwich.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.25:09 - 1.25:34]Danny chooses to be the concept of a man cutting grass with a scythe.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.26:10 - 1.28:29]The speaker asks Danny where he would place himself in a hypothetical sandwich.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.26:22 - 1.26:35]There is confusion about the question and the speaker clarifies it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.27:05 - 1.28:23]The conversation ends with the speaker and Danny discussing potential future interactions and exchanging contact information.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.27:33 - 1.28:03]The speaker expresses interest in learning about the Titanic and mentions Newsmax.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.28:29 - 1.29:03]The conversation ends with the speaker and Danny discussing potential future interactions and exchanging contact information.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Danny Gonzalez Exclusive - Chuckle Sandwich EP 66

[1.29:03 - 1.29:09]The speaker apologizes for not having a one-on-one conversation with Danny.